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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Blountstown, Florida Feb. 19, 2015 Number: 15-000954PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2015

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent violated section 1012.795(1)(g) and (j), Florida Statutes (2012), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(3)(a), and if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the demeanor and credibility of the witnesses and other evidence presented at hearing, and upon the entire record of this proceeding, the following facts are found: Respondent holds Florida Educator’s Certificate 739881, covering the areas of Physical Education and Exceptional Student Education, which is valid through June 30, 2015. He has held a certification in Florida since 2005. Respondent is African- American. At all times relevant to the charges in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent has been employed as an In- School Suspension (ISS) Teacher at the CARE Program in the Calhoun County School District (District). The CARE acronym is shorthand for character, achievement, respect, and education. The CARE Program is a second-chance school for students who have been suspended for more than ten days, have been suspended for drug offenses, or who are currently in a juvenile facility. The first time a student is assigned to the CARE Program, it is for a 90-day term. If the student does well, he or she returns to their regular school. The second referral is for a period of 180 days; the third for a year. The CARE Program generally has approximately 30-40 students at a time. In November 2012, the program had approximately 31-32 students. The CARE Program is located at a facility that used to house a vocational complex, next to the adult school. Also housed in this complex is the In-School Suspension (ISS) class, where students serve in-school suspensions of less than ten days. Students are referred to the ISS class for behavior such as tardiness and being disruptive in the classroom. The number of students in the ISS classroom varies, because it depends on how many students have been referred. There is a limit to how many students can be in the ISS class, because each school has a cap on the number of students it can refer at any given time. Testimony varied as to how many students were present at the time of the incident giving rise to this case. The most reasonable and credible testimony indicates that on November 14, 2012, there were approximately 15-20 students in the ISS class. There was adequate room in the ISS classroom for the number of students in the class. Some time prior to the incident giving rise to this case, part of the complex where the CARE Program and the ISS class were housed underwent construction. As a result, several staff members working in the complex had tires punctured because of construction debris in the area. The District would reimburse employees for repairs to tires that were punctured if the employee submitted the documentation related to the repair. Respondent had requested two new tires, as opposed to repair of his tires. Although the record is not clear when Respondent made his request, there was some delay in any action being taken to address it. Wilson McClellan was the superintendent of the District from 2000 to 2004, and then again from 2008 to 2012, after which he retired. Mr. McClellan, who is Caucasian, was an educator in Calhoun County for approximately 25 years. He had worked with Respondent in a summer recreation program at some point before Respondent was hired by the District. Mr. McClellan had told Respondent that if there was an opening in Calhoun County, he would give Respondent a call and let him know. On November 13, 2012, Mr. McClellan was defeated in his bid for re-election as superintendent. The next day, he visited the CARE Program and spoke with several of the staff there, presumably to touch base with people with whom he had worked. He came to the CARE Program around midday, and class was in session. While he was there, Mr. McClellan went to speak with Respondent about Respondent’s pending request for reimbursement for his tires. While repairs had been authorized, no other staff member had requested new tires. Mr. McClellan told Respondent that he would need to submit documentation for the reimbursement for action by the School Board, as opposed to the superintendent, because Mr. McClellan did not feel comfortable authorizing the expenditure when no one else had requested reimbursement for new tires instead of repair of existing ones. Mr. McClellan knocked on the door to the ISS classroom and he and Respondent went into the small office adjacent to it. When he told Respondent about the need to submit the reimbursement matter to the Board, Respondent became angry and walked back into his classroom. Respondent told McClellan, in the presence of his students, that if he had a different last name and a different color, then the results would have been different. McClellan denied Respondent’s claim and left the classroom. Mr. Thomas’s classroom had an inside door, going into a hallway, and an outside door that led to a covered pavilion area with picnic tables. Also adjacent to the area with the picnic tables is Barbara Hathaway’s office. Ms. Hathaway served as the Dean of Students for the CARE Program, a position that functions much like a principal does in a traditional school. When Mr. McClellan left the classroom, he went to the area with the picnic tables. Ms. Hathaway saw him there and came out to speak with him. While Ms. Hathaway and Mr. McClellan were speaking, Respondent came out of his classroom and asked Ms. Hathaway to get someone to cover his class because he was “pretty hot” and needed to walk. According to Ms. Hathaway, Respondent was agitated and upset. She did not understand him to mean he was overheated based on temperature, but rather that he was upset or angry, and her testimony is credited. Without waiting for coverage for his class, Respondent walked away from the classroom and the area where Mr. McClellan and Ms. Hathaway were standing and up the sidewalk. Ms. Hathaway left to ask another staff member to cover the classroom and was going to walk back outside when she heard Mr. Thomas speaking loudly. She could not hear what Mr. Thomas said, but his tone was agitated. She noticed that the ISS classroom door to the outside was open, and the students could hear the heated conversation between their instructor and the superintendent, so she opened the inside door and told a student to shut the outside door. Ms. Hathaway thought from the students’ reactions that they were enjoying the interchange between Mr. McClellan and Mr. Thomas. She used her phone to call for a resource officer because she felt the situation was agitated and that someone should be present to intervene. After Ms. Hathaway walked inside to arrange for coverage for the classroom, Mr. Thomas had walked back down the sidewalk to Mr. McClellan. He repeated to Mr. McClellan that in this county, if he had a different last name and a different color, it would probably be a different result. Mr. McClellan became impatient and said, “shut up Ed, I am just not wanting to hear any more about that.” Mr. Thomas walked closer to him, glared and said, “if you ever say shut up again to me, I will be the last black man you ever say that to.”1/ Mr. Thomas is a large, imposing figure, and according to Mr. McClellan, he spoke in a loud, angry voice and “bowed up” in a threatening gesture; however, he was never close enough to the superintendent to actually strike him. While Ms. Hathaway could not hear the actual language being used, both Ms. Barbee, who came to cover the ISS classroom, and the students in the classroom were able to hear the colorful exchange. Ms. Barbee testified that she did not remember the actual conversation, but that there was “some cussing and hollering.” Her statement written the day of the incident indicates that Mr. Thomas used the term “f**k.” Likewise, P.G., one of the students in the classroom, testified that Mr. Thomas told Mr. McClellan, “don’t tell me to shut the f**k up,” and for him to “shut the f**k up.” P.G. believed the students in the room were shocked at the interchange.2/ After this exchange, Respondent once again walked away from Mr. McClellan and up the sidewalk away from his class. On both occasions, Respondent was five to six classroom lengths away from his classroom, and unable to monitor in any way the actions of his students. Ms. Hathaway, as noted above, was not present for this heated exchange and did not hear what was said. When she returned outside, Mr. Thomas was standing on the sidewalk up the hill from the classroom. She spoke to Mr. McClellan, who told her about the conversation with Mr. Thomas. What he told her involved the reimbursement issue and not any complaint about overcrowding. About that time Warren Tanner, the school resource officer, came around the corner. When he arrived, he saw Ms. Hathaway and Mr. McClellan sitting on a bench under the pavilion, and Mr. Thomas was standing at the end of the driveway at the end of the building. Mr. Tanner asked what had happened, and Mr. McClellan told him that Mr. Thomas had threatened him. Mr. Thomas walked back down the hill to where the others were standing, and Mr. McClellan told him to go home for the rest of the day. Mr. Thomas went into his classroom briefly, then came out and asked Mr. McClellan if he was sending him home for the rest of the day, and was told, “yes.” Mr. Thomas got in his truck to leave, then got out and asked Mr. Tanner if this was going to be a complaint, and Mr. Tanner told him, not at this time. Mr. McClellan returned to his office and called David House, the school board attorney. He related the events of the morning and told Mr. House that, in light of past behavior by Mr. Thomas and the current incident, he was considering terminating Mr. Thomas. Later that afternoon, Vicki Davis, assistant superintendent for the District, called Mr. Tanner and asked him to collect statements from those who witnessed or heard the morning’s events. Mr. Tanner got statements from Mr. McClellan, Ms. Hathaway, Ms. Barbee, and several students in Mr. Thomas’s class.3/ On Thursday, November 15, 2012, Mr. McClellan wrote to Mr. Thomas advising him that he was suspended with pay, effective immediately. Respondent had been the subject of discipline previously, and there had been concerns expressed about his behavior during his employment in Calhoun County. For example, in January 2008, he received a formal reprimand for allegedly confronting a fellow teacher in front of students in a loud, belligerent, and profane manner.4/ On June 3, 2008, Respondent received a second reprimand for allegedly leaving a magazine with an unclothed woman on the cover in the Health Building bathroom where it could be viewed by students. On January 13, 2011, Neva Miller, the principal of Blountstown Middle School, wrote a lengthy letter to Superintendent McClellan detailing several alleged incidents involving Mr. Thomas that caused her to “express concerns that I have as to the effectiveness and concerning anger control abilities of Edward Thomas.” A two-page document titled “Ed Thomas Issues Calendar Year 2011” was placed in his personnel file, recounting a series of concerns regarding alleged deficiencies in his performance. On February 23, 2012, Ms. Hathaway, as Dean of the CARE Program, documented an alleged incident involving a ninth-grade student.5/ On December 11, 2012, Mr. McClellan’s successor, Superintendent Ralph Yoder, issued a Notice of Charges for Dismissal to the Calhoun County School Board, recommending Respondent be suspended without pay and dismissed from employment by the District. The Notice of Charges stated, “Mr. Thomas has a history of engaging in insubordinate, hostile and confrontational behavior toward faculty members and administrators, which began in 2007 and culminated in an incident that occurred on November 14, 2012, involving the former Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Tommy McClellan. Mr. Thomas has been repeatedly instructed by persons in authority to correct his behavior, but he has failed to do so.” The Notice goes on to describe 13 separate incidents and references several others. Only the incident involving Mr. McClellan on November 14, 2012, is alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and Petitioner presented no evidence to prove what happened with respect to the other incidents. No findings are made concerning the validity of the other allegations in the Notice of Charges. It is considered solely to show that the District took action with respect to Respondent’s employment. Likewise, it is unclear what, if any, proceedings were conducted with respect to the Notice of Charges before the school board. Respondent acknowledged that his employment was terminated as of December 11, 2012, the day the Notice was issued.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a Final Order finding that Respondent has violated section 1012.795(1)(g) and (j), as well as Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(3)(a). It is further recommended that the Commission suspend Respondent’s teaching certificate for one year; that he submit to an evaluation for anger management by the Recovery Network on terms to be set by the Education Practices Commission; and that upon re-employment as an educator, Respondent be placed on probation for a period of three years, with terms and conditions to be set by the Commission. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of June, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of June, 2015.

Florida Laws (6) 1012.7951012.7961012.798120.569120.57120.68
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida Dec. 22, 2008 Number: 08-006398TTS Latest Update: Jul. 22, 2010

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner, Monroe County School Board, has “just cause” to terminate the employment of Respondent, Maryeugene E. Dupper, as a teacher for Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact The Parties. Petitioner, Monroe County School Board (hereinafter referred to as the “School Board”), is a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the School District of Monroe County, Florida. Article IX, Florida Constitution; § 1001.32, Fla. Stat. Specifically, the School Board has the authority to discipline employees. § 1012.22(1)(f), Fla. Stat. Respondent, Maryeugene E. Dupper, has been a classroom teacher with the School Board since August 2000. She began her employment as a substitute teacher and was subsequently employed as a full-time teacher at Poinciana Elementary School (hereinafter referred to as “Poinciana”), where she worked with profoundly handicapped students. She remained at Poinciana through November 2006. Throughout her employment at Poinciana, Ms. Dupper received good performance evaluations, although they did decline over time. On November 17, 2006, Ms. Dupper transferred to Gerald Adams Elementary School (hereinafter referred to as “Gerald Adams”), where she taught a Pre-K Exceptional Student Education or ESE class for the first time. At the times pertinent to this proceeding, Ms. Dupper was employed as a teacher pursuant to a professional services contract. 2006-2007 School Year. From the beginning of her employment at Gerald Adams, Ms. Dupper evidenced difficulty implementing the curriculum in a meaningful way. In particular, Ann Herrin, Principal at Gerald Adams, whose testimony has been credited, found that Ms. Dupper was having a difficult time establishing the scope and sequence of lessons and effective classroom management techniques. Among the deficiencies Ms. Herrin found with Ms. Dupper’s performance was the lack of progress notes for her students. Ms. Dupper failed to keep any notes indicating that she had performed any formal evaluation of her students. When Ms. Herrin asked Ms. Dupper how she could tell whether her curriculum was successfully reaching each student, Ms. Dupper simply replied that “I am a teacher and I just know.” After conducting two formal observations and a number of informal observations of Ms. Dupper, Ms. Herrin, in her 2006- 2007 annual teacher evaluation concluded that Ms. Dupper “Needs Improvement” in Management of Student Conduct, Instruction Organization and Development, Knowledge of Subject Matter, and Evaluation of Instructional Needs. Ms. Herring used a Teacher Annual Assessment Plan Comprehensive Assessment Form for this evaluation. Overall, Ms. Herrin rated Ms. Dupper as “Needs Improvement” noting that “Curriculum content is lacking – making the learning environment unacceptable and unmanageable.” Subsequent to Ms. Herrin’s evaluation of Ms. Dupper, Ms. Herrin issued a Professional Development Plan for Ms. Dupper dated May 30, 2007. Ms. Dupper, who had been provided assistance throughout the school year by Gerald Adams administrative staff, was offered guidance in the Professional Development Plan intended to improve her performance as a teacher. That guidance is accurately described in paragraph 9 of the School Board’s Proposed Recommended Order. At the beginning of the 2007-2008 school year, the School Board instituted a new curriculum for use by Pre-K teachers. That curriculum, the Galileo Curriculum (hereinafter referred to as “Galileo”), is a computer-based program which includes lessons plans and benchmarks and goals for teachers to use in assessing student performance. Although Galileo includes a means for teachers to keep track of student progress, Galileo is not a student evaluation instrument intended for use in “testing” student progress. 2007-2008 School Year. During the 2007-2008 school year, Ms. Dupper was observed on October 11, November 8, and December 18, 2007, and on March 20 and 26, and May 6 and 22, 2008. Despite efforts to provide Ms. Dupper with professional assistance and making several changes in the teacher’s aide assigned to assist her, Ms. Dupper’s performance remained inadequate. Ms. Dupper was provided with assistance by teachers at Gerald Adams, including a “mentor," and by the head of the Exceptional Student Education department and an Exceptional Student Education Program Specialist. Ms. Dupper was observed on one occasion by Ms. Herrin when every student in Ms. Dupper’s “learning center” left the area while she continued to “teach.” One student stood on a table dancing, uncorrected by Ms. Dupper. On two occasions, a student left Ms. Dupper’s classroom altogether and were taken back to Ms. Dupper’s classroom before she realized they were gone. On nine different occasions during the 2007-2008 school year, Ms. Herrin requested a discipline plan from Ms. Dupper. No plan was ever provided. Ms. Dupper’s use of Galileo was minimal during the 2007-2008 school year. The system contained a checklist, by domain or skill, which was intended for use by a teacher in determining whether each student was learning the listed skills. Ms. Dupper rarely used the system, however, only logging into the Galileo system 19 times. Nine of those times were on the same day and four were on another day. Other Pre-K teachers utilized Galileo an average of 100 times more than Ms. Dupper. Ms. Herrin’s 2007-2008 annual evaluation of Ms. Dupper, dated April 4, 2008, found that her performance had declined and was “Unsatisfactory.” Ms. Herrin found Ms. Dupper “Unsatisfactory” in Management of Student conduct, Instruction, Organization and Development, Knowledge of Subject Matter, and Evaluation of Instructional Needs. Ms. Dupper’s performance in Professional Responsibilities also declined due to her failure to complete Individual Education Plans on time, incomplete and inaccurate progress notes, and her failure to follow suggestions for improvement. The 90-Day Probation Period. As a result of her continuing decline in performance, Ms. Dupper was informed on April 9, 2008, that she was being placed on a 90-day probation period pursuant to Section 1012.34, Florida Statutes. She was informed that her deficiencies included the inability to manage student conduct, lack of lesson planning, inadequate knowledge of subject matter, lack of student progress evaluation, and inadequate professional responsibility. Ms. Dupper was given suggestions for how to improve her deficiencies over the summer break, suggestions which Ms. Dupper did not follow. While on probation, Ms. Dupper was also offered an opportunity to transfer to another school, an offer which was not accepted. On June 6, 2008, at the request of Ms. Dupper’s union representative, a second annual evaluation was performed by Ms. Herrin. While Ms. Herrin found some improvement, she found that, overall, Ms. Dupper’s performance was “Unsatisfactory.” Ms. Dupper was on probation during the 2007-2008 school year a total of 62 days, excluding holidays and “professional days.” During the summer months between the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 school years, Ms. Dupper, who was not teaching, failed to follow any of Ms. Herrin’s suggestions for personal improvement opportunities. The first day of school for the 2008-2009 school year and the commencement of the 90-day probation period was August 11, 2008. Ms. Herring formally observed Ms. Dupper during the third week of September 2008, and on October 2, 2008. Assistant Principal Willis observed Ms. Dupper on October 8, 2008. Ms. Dupper’s performance and use of Galileo continued to be unsatisfactory, despite continuing efforts of the administration staff to assist her, as more particularly and accurately described in paragraphs 30 through and including 35 of Petitioner’s Proposed Recommended Order. Additionally, Ms. Dupper continued to fail to prevent her very young students from leaving the classroom without her knowledge. Excluding non-school days, Ms. Dupper was given more than 120 days from the commencement of her probation period until her probation period was considered ended in October 2008. By the middle of October 2008, Ms. Herrin concluded that Ms. Dupper had not evidenced satisfactory improvement in her teaching skills. Ms. Herrin’s conclusions concerning Ms. Dupper’s unsatisfactory performance as a teacher, which were not contradicted, are credited. The Decision to Terminate Ms. Dupper’s Employment By letter dated October 30, 2008, Ms. Herrin recommended to Randy Acevedo, Superintendent of the Monroe County School District, that Mr. Acevedo review documentation concerning Ms. Dupper’s 90-day probation period and make a recommendation pursuant to Section 1012.33, Florida Statutes, concerning her continued employment. Ms. Herrin provided Mr. Acevedo with the following information for his review: Attached please find a copy of the professional development plan and this year’s observations conducted by Assistant Principal, Grace Willis and me. The remaining documentation for the 2007 and 2008 school years have been submitted to personnel. I have also attached the follow up documentation, the review of the 90-Day plan and the observations that outline the deficiencies that still remain. This teacher’s performance remains unsatisfactory. Petitioner’s Exhibit 7. Missing from the information provided for Mr. Acevedo’s consideration was any information concerning student performance assessed annually by state or local assessment. By letter dated November 14, 2008, Mr. Acevedo informed Ms. Dupper that he was going to recommend to the School Board at its December 16, 2008, meeting that her employment as a teacher be terminated. By letter dated November 18, 2008, Ms. Dupper requested an administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, to challenge her anticipated termination of employment. The School Board accepted the Superintendent’s recommendation at its December 16, 2008, meeting, suspending Ms. Dupper without pay, pending a final determination of whether her employment should be terminated. Student Performance Assessment. The Florida legislature has specified in Section 1008.22, Florida Statutes, a “Student assessment program for public schools.” This assessment program is to be considered in evaluating student performance as part of a teacher’s evaluation. The assessment program, however, does not apply to Pre-K students. “FLICKRS” is a state assessment tool intended for use in evaluating Kindergarten students. FLICKRS allows schools to evaluate whether a Kindergarten student is actually ready for Kindergarten-level work. FLICKRS is not utilized by the School Board to evaluate the progress of Pre-K students. The School Board has not developed any means of annually assessing the performance of Pre-K students. As a consequence, the decision to terminate Ms. Dupper’s employment by the School Board was not based upon any annual assessment of her students’ performance.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order: (a) dismissing the charges of the Administrative Complaint; (b) providing that Ms. Dupper be immediately reinstated to the position from which she was terminated; and (c) awarding Ms. Dupper back salary, plus benefits, to the extent benefits accrued during her suspension, together with interest thereon at the statutory rate. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of July, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of July, 2009. COPIES FURNISHED: Scott Clinton Black, Esquire Vernis and Bowling of the Florida Keys, P.A. 81990 Overseas Highway, Third Floor Islamorada, Florida 33036 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761 Randy Acevedo, Superintendent Monroe County School Board 241 Trumbo Road Key West, Florida 33040-6684 Dr. Eric J. Smith Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (7) 1001.321008.221012.221012.331012.34120.569120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Nov. 21, 2017 Number: 17-006391PL Latest Update: Sep. 06, 2018

The Issue Whether the Respondent, an elementary school teacher, should be disciplined under sections 1012.795 and 1012.796, Florida Statutes (2016),1/ for inappropriately disciplining a student in violation of Florida Administrative Code Rules 6A-10.081(2)(a)1. and 5.2/; and, if so, the appropriate discipline.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent holds Florida Educator Certificate 1197418, covering Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Reading, and Exceptional Student Education. The certificate is valid through June 30, 2022. The Respondent began the 2016/2017 school year teaching second grade at Shingle Creek in Orlando, which is in the Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) school district. It was her fourth year of teaching there. Her teacher evaluations were satisfactory. She did not use corporal punishment, and did not yell or scream at her students. She had no disciplinary history. (She had one non-disciplinary directive for blurting out an expletive in pain when she fell in class and hurt her knee.) Shortly after the start of the 2016/2017 school year, the Respondent realized she had a student, B.K., who took things that did not belong to her. B.K. was bright and popular among the children in class, but she could not be relied on to tell the truth. From the beginning of the school year, the Respondent had to take steps to discipline B.K.’s misbehavior and try to correct it. Soon after the start of the school year, B.K. put a laptop computer in her back pack, instead of returning it to the charging cart in the classroom as all the other children did when they finished using it. At the end of the day, B.K. told the Respondent that another student put the laptop in her back pack. The other student denied it, and the Respondent was obliged to refer the matter to the school administration. An assistant principal investigated and interviewed B.K., who admitted to taking it. The Respondent also found her own personal books in B.K.’s back pack. B.K. falsely accused a classmate of putting them there. On another occasion, another teacher caught B.K. with the Respondent’s “Hello Kitty” flash drive. B.K. told the teacher that a friend had given it to her, which was false, and the teacher wrote a referral to administration. As a result of these incidents, the Respondent had a conference with B.K.’s parents. B.K.’s father reported that he had found books at home that did not belong to his daughter. B.K. admitted that she had taken them from the classroom. The Respondent was obliged to make a classroom referral. The Respondent continued to learn of other similar incidents. Once B.K. took two bags of candy the Respondent used to reward good behavior and achievement by her students. Another teacher saw B.K. distributing the candy to classroom friends outside the classroom and reported it to the Respondent, who realized it was her candy that had gone missing. After the candy incident, the Respondent again met with B.K.’s parents and decided to impose consequences in addition to the classroom referral to discipline B.K. for the theft of the candy—namely, she decided to withhold the prize she planned to give students on Thursday, October 13, for good behavior during the preceding month. (Friday, October 14, was a day off school.) She told B.K.’s parents about the consequences she planned to impose. As October 13 approached, B.K. continued to misbehave by taking things that did not belong to her, including a Post-It note dispenser and a bag of erasers. The Respondent reported to the school guidance counselor and assistant principal that B.K.’s misbehavior seemed to be escalating. During the last class period of the day on October 13, while the class was working on a science project, the Respondent called each student up to her desk individually to reward good behavior with points, prizes, candy, and to identify misbehavior to be corrected. Under the “class dojo” behavior system the Respondent was using, class participation was rewarded with points and corresponding “karate” belts. Good behavior was rewarded with candy. When it was B.K.’s turn, the Respondent explained that she was getting points and a belt for class participation but was not getting candy because of her taking things that did not belong to her, and not telling the truth. The Respondent told B.K. that she would have a “clean slate” going forward and would get points and both prizes and candy if she earned them with good behavior in the next month. Not long after the Respondent’s talk with B.K., another student said out loud that B.K. had candy that did not belong to her. The Respondent asked B.K. if she had candy, and B.K. denied it. The Respondent then asked her students to check to see if they had the candy they had just been given. One student, who sat next to B.K. and had put her candy in her desk, said hers was missing. The Respondent then asked B.K., who still denied taking the candy, to show her what was in her desk. B.K. just froze and did not comply. The Respondent repeated herself. B.K. again refused and began to get emotional. Because the desk was a “jumbled mess” of tissues, papers, food, a milk carton, pencils and other things, and because bending down low was difficult for the Respondent, the Respondent tipped the desk over enough for some of items in it to begin falling out on the floor. The missing candy was among the first several items that fell out on the floor. At this point, B.K. claimed that the student whose candy was missing had given it to her, which the other student denied. The Respondent then told B.K. that the Respondent was going to have to write B.K.’s parents a note about the incident. She also told B.K. to pick her things up off the floor and put them back in her desk. During these proceedings, B.K. became emotional and started crying. At one point, she kicked at her desk or chair. The Respondent had her sit up near the chalkboard until she calmed down. The Respondent sat down at her desk facing B.K. and told her she was very disappointed with her because of the talk they just had. Although most of the students had resumed working on their science projects, one child asked out loud if B.K. had stolen the candy. The Respondent did not directly answer the question. Instead, she said something like, “I’m not sure what you just saw and heard, but one thing we don’t do in this class is, we don’t steal, right? What don’t we do?” Some of the students who were listening repeated, “we don’t steal.” When things settled back down, the Respondent wrote a note to B.K.’s parents notifying them about the candy incident and telling them that B.K.’s behavior that day had been “in the red” (i.e., bad). B.K. went back to sitting at her desk, and the rest of the class period was uneventful. In fact, the school principal came to the Respondent’s classroom before the class period ended to deliver notices for the students to take home to their parents. Although she was not in the classroom long, she noticed nothing unusual. At home after school on October 13, B.K.’s mother asked her about the Respondent’s note. B.K. denied stealing candy. She told her parents that the Respondent gave all the other children in the class candy except her and accused her of taking a piece of candy, which she denied. B.K. then told them that the Respondent then kicked her chair, dumped her desk on the floor, made her clean it up and put her desk back in order, and made the other students line up and take turns hitting her hand hard in punishment. Her parents decided to talk to the Shingle Creek principal about it on the next school day, which was Monday. When B.K. and her parents arrived at school on Monday morning, they encountered and talked to several of B.K.’s classmates outside the school. At least two of the classmates were approached by B.K., who brought them to her parents. The evidence was unclear as to how many other classmates were involved, or how the conversations went. The language skills of the students in general were those of second-graders, and several of the children were speakers of English as a second language. B.K.’s parents speak English with a strong Haitian accent. For example, the words “hit” and “hate” sound very similar, and it is not easy to understand their spoken English. It is unclear exactly what was said, but B.K.’s parents came away from the conversations convinced that B.K. was telling the truth about what happened in class on October 13. It is also possible that the children’s memories and recollections were influenced by these conversations. B.K.’s parents then went to speak to the school’s principal. B.K. did not go to class but stayed with her parents in the principal’s office. After talking to the family, the principal telephoned OCPS’s senior manager of employee relations, who advised her to gather witness statements. The principal and several assistants began taking statements, starting with B.K. and her parents. After them, the Respondent was called to the principal’s office. Following the instructions given to all teachers by the teacher union, the Respondent declined to give a written statement without a lawyer or union representative present. She did have a conversation with her principal. The principal asked her to explain the situation with B.K. on Thursday. The Respondent told her about the candy incident, including tipping the desk to find the candy; about being very disappointed with B.K.; and about writing a note to B.K.’s parents. The Respondent recalls the principal asking if anything else happened, and she answered, no. The principal recalled the conversation a bit differently. She thought the Respondent admitted to dumping B.K.’s desk over, raising her voice, and being angry with B.K. She also remembered asking the Respondent if any of the other students hit B.K. and the Respondent answering that she did not see anyone hit her. The principal then began interviewing the Respondent’s students one by one. The interviews continued the rest of the morning and into lunch recess. Some statements were taken the next day. It is unclear to what extent the student witnesses discussed their statements among themselves during the day. The interviews were not video or audio-recorded. The interviewers thought they were asking proper, open-ended questions that did not suggest answers, but studies have shown that interviews usually are not as proper or open-ended as interviewers think they are, especially when the interviewers do not have extensive training. The training of the principal and her assistants in interview techniques was limited. Proper interview techniques help ensure that witness memories and statements are authentic, accurate, and reliable. They are especially important for child witnesses. The statements were not verbatim, or close to verbatim. Two of the statements were written with difficulty by the second- graders themselves and were not very articulate. The rest were written by the adult interviewers and signed by the second- graders so the process would go faster. These statements were written in a summary or conclusory fashion, without much detail, and were similar to one another, suggesting that they were recording the answers to questions of particular interest to the adult interviewers. The statement forms themselves had spaces designated for the “Date of Infraction” and “Location of Infraction,” and had signature blocks that said: “I swear/affirm the above and/or attached statements are true and correct. I understand that providing false information is punishable under the Student Code of Conduct.” It is doubtful that the second- graders would have understood what that meant. Fourteen (all but one) of the statements said that the Respondent told the students to hit or slap B.K.’s hand or hands. Some added that B.K. was crying; some added that the Respondent told them to hit hard, or harder. One statement said they did it because B.K. took candy, one said it was because B.K. was a thief, and one said it was because B.K. steals too much. Some of the statements were surprising because of the capabilities of the child supposedly giving it: one of the students was non-verbal and would not have been comfortable speaking to a stranger; another was autistic and unable to sequence information such as the days of the week; and another had behavioral and emotional issues that made him incapable of giving a statement. Some of the second-graders added remarkable features in their statements that were not mentioned by anyone else, or by just a few: one said the Respondent threw B.K. down to the ground; three, including one attributed to the child with behavioral and emotional issues, said that the Respondent threatened to call the police; one said that the Respondent told B.K. to put her desk by the wall; and one said the Respondent told the class to avoid B.K. During the morning on October 17, several of the Respondent’s students told her that B.K.’s parents had talked to them before school about the Respondent making them hit or slap their child on the hand, and told her that B.K. no longer was in the Respondent’s class. After the second-graders’ statements were gathered, the school principal presented them to the OCPS senior manager of employee relations, who scheduled a pre-determination meeting on October 21. His investigative report stated: 16 student statements were obtained; 15 confirmed being directed by the teacher to hit B.K. on the hand; 3 confirmed the teacher telling the students to repeat “don’t steal”; 8 confirmed the teacher yelling; 5 confirmed the teacher telling them to hit B.K. hard; 3 confirmed the teacher calling B.K. a thief; and 3 confirmed the teacher saying she was going to call the police. The investigative report also stated that the Respondent: admitted getting angry and raising her voice; admitted pouring out the contents of the student’s desk; admitted saying and having the students repeat, “what is it we don’t do in class? We don’t steal”; stated she did not recall directing the students to hit B.K.; did not know if B.K. was hit “on October 17,” but did know that B.K. lies; and did not report the incident to the school administration on October 17. Based on the investigative report, OCPS terminated the Respondent’s employment. The Respondent filed a grievance which was arbitrated under the terms of the teacher union contract. When the matter was referred to the Petitioner, another investigation was conducted. On February 17, 2017, the second- graders were interviewed again by the Petitioner’s investigator. The investigator asked the questions and wrote the answers. The second-graders were asked to confirm that the answers were written down correctly and signed their statements. Like the principal and her assistants, the Petitioner’s investigator believed she asked non-suggestive, open-ended questions. Like the principal and her assistants, the Petitioner’s investigator did not have extensive training in the proper techniques for manner of interviewing children. Like the interviews conducted by the principal and her assistants, the Petitioner’s investigator did not video or audio-record her interviews. Each student interviewed by the Petitioner’s investigator stated that the Respondent told the students to “slap” B.K.’s on the hand as hard as they could and that slapping B.K. made the student feel “sad.” One said that B.K. cried. One said the Respondent made the class stand in a circle and take turns slapping B.K. on the hand. Unlike the school principal and her assistants, the Petitioner’s investigator had the students describe how hard they were supposed to hit B.K. on a scale of 1 to 5. This question elicited several responses that they were told to hit “hard,” one that they were told to hit “as hard as we could,” and one that gave a rating of 5. In the statements gathered by the Petitioner’s investigator, several of the students mentioned that the Respondent told them to pretend B.K. was a ghost, and several said the Respondent told them not to tell anyone about what happened. Oddly, neither of these remarkable details was mentioned in any of the statements taken by the principal and her assistants. The Respondent’s grievance was arbitrated in May 2017. After a three-day hearing, the termination was upheld, despite testimony from another teacher that she overheard B.K. admit to stealing candy and to lying to get the Respondent in trouble because she was tired of getting caught stealing by the Respondent. Several of the students who gave statements testified at both the arbitration hearing and the hearing in this case. Several were deposed before testifying. The Petitioner in her Proposed Recommended Order suggested that credibility issues arising from the prior events should be ignored because they were cured by the live testimony. That is not true. Issues remain as to whether the students’ live testimony was influenced by what preceded. In addition, their testimony at the hearing was confusing and inconsistent in many respects. Two of the students testified that the students formed a circle around B.K., while three said they formed a line. One said the line was in the shape of a C or J. One specified that they hit B.K.’s hand while she was either in a corner or by a desk where the sink was located. One said B.K. was standing in front of another student’s desk. Two said B.K. was standing in the middle of the classroom. One said B.K.’s hand was held out palm down. Another said it was palm up. One said the Respondent held B.K.’s hand out. The evidence, taken as a whole, is not clear and convincing that the Respondent had her students hit or slap B.K. as punishment for taking the candy. While several children made statements that included some version of this alleged incident, they all started with B.K., who was overheard saying she was lying, and the other children’s statements are fraught with questions that make them unreliable and insufficient to prove those facts clearly and convincingly. Meanwhile, the Respondent’s version of what happened, while self-serving, is more persuasive. Her refusal to give a written statement, and her manner of answering questions, may have raised suspicions on the part of the school principal, and may have contributed to a number of misunderstandings by the principal and B.K.’s parents, but they do not prove that the Respondent was lying. The Respondent’s conduct that was proven by the evidence did not rise to the level of a disciplinable failure to make reasonable effort to protect B.K. from conditions harmful to learning and/or to her mental and/or physical health and/or safety, and did not intentionally expose B.K. to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. What the Respondent actually did was within the realm of making reasonable efforts to correct B.K.’s problem behaviors and to teach her and her classmates how to behave properly and acceptably, while at the same time trying to keep order in the classroom and continue delivering academic instruction.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding the Respondent not guilty and dismissing the Amended Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of May, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of May, 2018.

Florida Laws (4) 1012.7951012.796120.57120.68
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Oct. 04, 2018 Number: 18-005313PL Latest Update: Jun. 30, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida Apr. 07, 1997 Number: 97-001718 Latest Update: Dec. 11, 1997

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent violated Section 231.28(1)(i), Florida Statutes, and Rules 6B-1.006(3)(a) and 6(3)(e), Florida Administrative Code, and if so, what discipline should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is licensed to teach emotionally handicapped children in the elementary schools of Florida. She holds Florida teaching certificate number 696889 which is valid through June 30, 1998. At all times material to this proceeding, Respondent was employed by the Volusia County School Board as a teacher of emotionally handicapped children in a self-contained classroom at New Smyrna Middle School. Prior to November 13, 1995, Respondent had no prior disciplinary history. The 1995-96 school year was Respondent's first year as a teacher at New Smyrna Middle School. Her previous teaching experience consisted of serving as a resource teacher. In that circumstance the students went to Respondent's class for a portion of the school day for instruction in certain academic areas. In August of 1995, Respondent requested a conference with the assistant principal, Sue Wolter. One of the items that Respondent wanted to discuss was the procedure she should follow in case a student had a weapon in the classroom. Ms. Wolter instructed Respondent that she should press the buzzer in the classroom three times. When the office staff receives this signal, they know there is a severe problem in the classroom. When a teacher presses the buzzer a light turns on beside the room number. Ms. Wolter also told Respondent that she could use the school intercom and say "Code 3" to alert the office about an emergency situation without letting the class know that she was calling for help. Lastly, Ms. Wolter advised Respondent to send her teaching assistant to the office for assistance. Respondent used these methods to summon help to her classroom on numerous occasions prior to the incident at issue here. In November of 1995, Respondent's class consisted of 12 sixth-grade students. The students' chronological ages varied from 11-to-14 years of age. Respondent's class consisted of students with "varying exceptionalities." Many of the students were dually diagnosed as having psychological and emotional disorders as well as mental retardation. The students' I.Q.'s were exceptionally low. Respondent's students were impulsive, volatile, and often exhibited poor judgment. They had difficulty at times distinguishing between right and wrong. Therefore, it was essential for Respondent to exercise appropriate classroom control at all times. Respondent had a difficult time maintaining discipline in the class. Students were frequently out of their seats or leaving the classroom without permission. Due to the chaotic classroom environment, several different teaching assistants were assigned to Respondent's classroom prior to November 13, 1995. On November 13, 1995, Ms. Linda Baker was Respondent's teaching assistant. Respondent and Ms. Baker did not have a successful working relationship. Ms. Baker felt that Respondent was a poor classroom disciplinarian. Ms. Baker also resented what she perceived as Respondent's condescending attitude. Respondent, on the other hand, resented Ms. Baker's admitted refusal to follow instructions which, at times, amounted to blatant insubordination. As a result of their communication problems, Respondent often wrote notes to Ms. Baker setting forth her classroom duties instead of speaking to her directly. Lavagus Brown, Michael Binder, and Klara Mills were students in Respondent's classroom on the morning of November 13, 1995. Klara Mills was the only girl in the class. As class began that morning, Lavagus Brown told Respondent that Klara had something in her bag that the teacher should know about. Next, Michael Binder told Respondent that Klara had a knife in her bag. Ms. Baker was sitting in the back of the room. She also heard from the children that Klara had a knife. Respondent wrote a note to Ms. Baker and took it to her in the back of the classroom. Respondent asked Ms. Baker to take the note to the office and get an administrator. Respondent did not reveal the contents of the note or explain to Ms. Baker why it was necessary for an administrator to come to the classroom immediately. Ms. Baker took the note and left the classroom. She returned later without an administrator. When questioned by Respondent, Ms. Baker told Respondent that she had delivered the note to the office. Respondent still did not discuss the seriousness of the situation with Ms. Baker. Respondent asked Klara to get her things together so that they could go to the office. Klara took her backpack purse and left the room with Respondent. She did not take her bookbag with her. Ms. Baker stayed in the classroom with the remaining students. She began taking the boys down the hall to the restroom. In order to get to the main office, Respondent and Klara had to walk out of one building, down the main walkway past a second building, and into the second entrance of a third building. Respondent did not attempt to retrieve Klara's backpack purse during the walk through the campus. When Respondent and Klara arrived at the office, Jasmine Gutierrez, a teacher's aide, was waiting in the outer office to see Ms. Wolter, who was in her office with the door partially closed. Cheryl Tucker, one of two secretaries, was also in the outer office. Ms. Tucker was busy answering the phone and writing passes for students. While she was waiting for Ms. Wolter, Ms. Jasmine Gutierrez helped Ms. Tucker write passes for students so they could go to class. Respondent and Klara stood in a corner of the office where they had an argument. Klara denied that she had a knife, claiming that she only had a toy in her bookbag, which was still in the classroom. Klara wanted to go back to the classroom. Respondent wanted Klara to give an object to Respondent or someone that Klara trusted. Respondent asked Ms. Tucker if Ms. Wolter was in the office. Ms. Tucker responded in the negative. Respondent then asked Ms. Tucker to watch Klara while she looked for an administrator. Respondent did not see anyone in Ms. Wolter's office through the partially opened door. Respondent walked toward the office workroom to check her mailbox. Klara was still in the office when Respondent walked back toward the office and around a corner to go to the clinic. Respondent thought that Ms. Wolter might be in the clinic helping the nurse. Unable to locate Ms. Wolter in the clinic, Respondent returned to the office. Ms. Tucker was no longer in the outer office. Ms. Debra Gutierrez, the main secretary, was at her desk next to the office door which was slowly closing. Klara was not in the office. Learning that Klara had returned to class, Respondent left the office without telling anyone in the office that Klara possibly had a knife in her possession. Respondent caught up with Klara before she re-entered the classroom. Respondent told Klara to go to her desk and gather all of her things, including her backpack purse and bookbag, because they needed to return to the office. When Respondent entered the classroom, Ms. Baker was sitting at her place in the back of the room. Respondent immediately began to deal with a student who was in the time-out room, screaming and yelling. Respondent attempted to calm the student down. The time-out room is a small closet with a desk where students can go when they want to work undisturbed. Respondent also used the room for students who were behaving inappropriately and needed time to cool off before returning to class. At times, Respondent would put herself in the time-out room when she felt she was losing patience with the children. While Respondent was in the time-out room with the other student, Ms. Baker took Klara to the restroom. In the hallway, Ms. Baker asked Klara if she had a knife. Klara denied having a knife. As Ms. Baker and Klara entered the classroom, other students began asking Klara about her knife. Klara did not respond to their comments. When Ms. Baker and Klara came back into the classroom, Respondent was standing in the doorway of the time-out room with the door partially closed. From that vantage point, Respondent could talk to the student who was upset and watch Klara who was sitting at her desk. Ms. Baker sat at her place in the back of the room for a few minutes. Then she went to the office where she located Elaine Haskins and Lenny Carr, campus advisors, advising them that Klara possibly had a weapon in the classroom. Ms. Haskins used her walkie-talkie to advise Ms. Wolter that she and Mr. Carr were proceeding with Ms. Baker to Respondent's room because there was a problem. When Ms. Haskins, Mr. Carr, and Ms. Baker arrived at Respondent's classroom, Klara was working quietly at her desk. Ms. Haskins entered the room and told Klara to get all of her things and accompany her to the office. Mr. Carr and Ms. Baker stayed in the hall. At this time, Respondent was still in the time-out room with the other student. Ms. Haskins walked to the time-out room and knocked on the partially-open door. Ms. Haskins advised Respondent that she was taking Klara to the office. Respondent did not advise Ms. Haskins that Klara possibly had a knife. Mr. Carr escorted Ms. Haskins and Klara back to the office. On the way, Ms. Haskins radioed Ms. Wolter to tell her that they were taking Klara to the office. Ms. Haskins told Ms. Wolter that Klara possibly had a weapon in her bag. The school resource officer met the campus advisors and Klara in Ms. Wolter's office. Klara admitted to Ms. Wolter that she had a knife in her bookbag. As Klara emptied her bag on Ms. Wolter's desk, she took out a large hunting knife. The knife was approximately eight and three-quarter inches in length when the retractable blade was extended. The blade alone was four inches long. Subsequently, Ms. Haskins went back to Respondent's classroom to tell her that Klara would not be coming back to class. There is no persuasive evidence of the following admissions by Respondent: (a) to Ms. Haskins that she knew Klara had a knife and "just hadn't responded on that" and (b) to Ms. Baker that she (Respondent) was too busy to handle the situation with Klara and the knife. About one week after the incident involving Klara, Respondent and Ms. Baker had a major disagreement. Ms. Baker was removed as the teaching assistant in Respondent's classroom. Respondent knew from the beginning that she had a potentially dangerous situation in her classroom. The potential for violence created an extremely unsafe environment for all the children involved, including Klara. The Volusia County School District's Student Code of Conduct states that possession of a weapon is a major offense which requires a recommendation of expulsion. Pending a decision on expulsion, a student will be suspended and lose all extracurricular privileges. Respondent was familiar with the Student Code of Conduct. However, the Volusia County School District has no written policy explaining the proper procedure a teacher should follow in searching a student when confronted with actual knowledge or a reasonable suspicion that the student has possession of a concealed weapon.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that Petitioner enter a Final Order suspending Petitioner's teaching certificate for two weeks and imposing two years of probation. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of September, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of September, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Ron Weaver, Esquire Ron Weaver and Associates, P.A. Post Office Box 10825 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-2865 Paul Kwilecki, Esquire 433 Silver Beach Avenue, Suite 104 Daytona Beach, Florida 32176 Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Department of Education 224-E Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Michael H. Olenick, Esquire Department of Education The Capitol, Plaza Level 08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Jerry Whitmore, Program Director Professional Practices Services 352 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0066B-11.007
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Kissimmee, Florida Feb. 21, 2014 Number: 14-000874TTS Latest Update: Oct. 17, 2019

The Issue The issues in these cases are whether Petitioner, Osceola County School Board (School Board or Petitioner), has just cause to terminate Respondents Mona Sagar and Kristie Gilmore from their employment contracts.

Findings Of Fact The School Board is duly constituted and charged with the responsibility and authority to operate, control, and supervise the public schools within Osceola County, Florida. Art. IX, Fla. Const.; ch. 1012, Fla. Stat. The School Board has the authority to discipline employees. § 1012.22(1)(f), Fla. Stat. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Ms. Sagar and Ms. Gilmore were employed by the School District. Ms. Sagar has been in the education field for years. She attended “teachers college” in Trinidad and taught school there for ten years. She was hired as a paraprofessional (para) by the School District in 2011. Ms. Sagar was assigned to an autistic classroom at Discovery Intermediate School (Discovery) and later switched to an “intellectually disabled mild” (InD mild) classroom. She has not been subject to any prior disciplinary action. At the start of the 2013-2014 school year, Ms. Sagar was the para assigned to the “intellectually disabled severe” (InD severe) class. The InD severe class had a teacher and two paras,7/ and was composed of children who were mainly confined to wheelchairs or who needed special assistance to walk. Ms. Sagar completed the crisis prevention intervention (CPI) class, a class that instructs personnel on how to physically and verbally restrain, redirect, and prompt a child who is misbehaving. Ms. Gilmore became a para in exceptional student education (ESE) in 2005. She arrived at Discovery in August 2005. Ms. Gilmore worked with students with varying educational needs including: emotional behavior disorder (EBD); autism; InD mild; intellectually disabled moderate (InD moderate); intellectually disabled profound (InD profound); and regular educational students.8/ Ms. Gilmore had completed the CPI training twice before, but she was not re-certified at the start of the 2013-2014 school year. She has not been subject to any prior disciplinary action. Discovery had six self-contained ESE classrooms for the 2013-2014 school year. There were two autistic classrooms, one InD mild classroom, one InD moderate classroom, one InD severe classroom, and one EBD classroom. All six classrooms are located on the first floor of one of Discovery’s buildings, in close proximity to the office of the dean of students. Student safety is of paramount concern for School District employees. As such, every EBD classroom has a land-line telephone and a walkie-talkie for use to request assistance, to notify the appropriate office of a student’s unscheduled exit from the classroom and to provide other information. The telephone is primarily a school-based phone that has its own five-digit internal extension number.9/ In the event a walkie-talkie is not available, a teacher or para may use the telephone to communicate with other school personnel. The walkie-talkies are limited to the self-contained classrooms, guidance counselors, deans, school resource officer, administrators, principal’s secretary, academic coaches, athletic coaches, and maintenance staff. The walkie-talkies are on one channel or frequency, and when used, everyone who has a walkie- talkie can hear the conversation. Discipline referrals may be written by any adult at Discovery for any infraction in the student code of conduct. The referral form reflects the student’s name, identification number, the classroom, school, grade level, date of birth, race, sex, homeroom teacher, incident date and time, location of the incident, the problem or explanation of the problem, the action taken by the adult prior to the referral, the signature of the referring adult, and the date signed. The bottom of the referral form was for “administrative use only,” and reflects what if any action was taken. Ms. Gilmore, as the para in the EBD self- contained classroom, authored numerous discipline referrals for student J.G. During the 2013 summer, Ms. Chowdhary was notified that she would be re-assigned to Discovery’s EBD self-contained classroom for the 2013-2014 school year. Ms. Chowdhary did not want this assignment; however, Ms. Chowdhary contacted Ms. Gilmore and asked if she (Ms. Gilmore) would consent to be Ms. Chowdhary’s para in her EBD self-contained classroom. This request was based on their positive working relationship during the 2012-2013 school year in an autistic classroom. Ms. Gilmore agreed, the school administration concurred, and Ms. Gilmore was assigned to Ms. Chowdhary’s EBD self-contained classroom. At the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year there were ten male students in Ms. Chowdhary’s EBD self-contained classroom. This classroom had a walkie-talkie and telephone. Each student had an individual educational plan (IEP), a different EBD, and a medical condition. On the first day of school, each student was given a welcome packet that contained an emergency contact sheet and a health care report form. The parents are requested (but not required) to complete as much of the information as they wish, and return it to the classroom. Ms. Gilmore read the responses “thoroughly” regarding the medical conditions of students J.G. and J.C., as provided by their respective parents or guardians. In early December 2013, Ms. Gilmore was re-assigned to an InD moderate classroom as an accommodation for her pregnancy. Ms. Chowdhary requested a male para to replace Ms. Gilmore. Based on the support staff already engaged by Discovery, Ms. Sagar was transferred to work in Ms. Chowdhary’s self- contained classroom. Ms. Sagar observed and worked with Ms. Gilmore on two separate days for several hours prior to the actual transfer in mid-December. Approximately two weeks before the Christmas break, a female student, J.T., arrived in the EBD self-contained classroom. J.T. was taller and heavier than either Ms. Chowdhary or Ms. Sagar. J.T.’s language was loud and predominantly profanity-laced. J.T. did not complete her classroom assignments, and she did not follow the classroom rules regarding the use of her cellphone.10/ On January 9, 2014, Ms. Gilmore learned that Ms. Chowdhary was absent from school. Ms. Gilmore volunteered to be the substitute teacher in Ms. Chowdhary’s classroom.11/ In the early afternoon of January 9, two male students engaged in a physical altercation (Altercation No. 1) in the EBD self-contained classroom. J.T. took out her cellphone and recorded Altercation No. 1 (Petitioner’s Exhibit 6, Respondents’ Exhibit 21). That recording showed one student, J.G., standing over and taunting another student, J.C. J.G. called J.C. a “taco.” J.C. responded that J.G. should call J.C. “Taco Bell,” and added that J.G. was the dark meat in his taco. J.G. took J.C.’s remark to be a racist comment. J.C.12/ was crumpled on the floor behind a desk where J.G. grabbed J.C. by his warm-up jacket collar/shirt. J.G. pulled J.C. up by the collar/shirt and pushed J.C. into a chair at a computer cubby and small space near a wall. J.G. kept one hand on J.C. while pinning J.C. to the small space. J.G. continued to taunt J.C. and is heard to say: Next comment I’m gonna stomp on your [J.C.’s] heart, and I know you got a condition to where I stomp on it, you dead, and I don’t give a f . So you can’t keep making a racist joke. Ms. Gilmore and Ms. Sagar were both present and observed Altercation No. 1. Ms. Gilmore was sitting at the teacher’s desk in the front of the room when Altercation No. 1 started. When J.G. “dumped [J.C.] out of the chair,” [to start the altercation], [Ms. Gilmore] told J.G. to “knock it off,” and when J.G. had J.C. on the floor, she [Ms. Gilmore] “told him to quit.” Ms. Gilmore testified that she didn’t call for help because “It was over.” Her testimony is not credible because the recording shows that J.G. then pulled J.C. up to a standing position, and continued to taunt him. Further, Respondents’ Exhibit 16 is a discipline referral that Ms. Gilmore authored on January 9, the day of the altercations. Ms. Gilmore documented in this discipline referral the following “PROBLEM – EXPLAIN:” During Science class, 5th period, [J.G.] was talking about how he fights and got into an altercation with another student. Words were exchanged and [J.G.] didn’t like what the student [J.C.] said so he [J.G.] flipped him [J.C.] out of his chair, kicked him [J.C.] a couple times and threatened to kill the other student [J.C.] by stomping on his [J.C.’s] heart. Ms. Sagar was seated at a desk assisting another student, J.M., when Altercation No. 1 started. Ms. Sagar did not hear any loud shouting or threats at the beginning of Altercation No. 1, but it escalated to the point where she was “alarmed.” Ms. Sagar admitted that she got up to leave the room, then decided not to do so, telling herself: “I shouldn’t leave the class at this time.” The reason she did not leave the classroom was because the altercation “wasn’t settled like down, down, down. It still had like the talking and everybody, so I turned around and came back to my seat.” Ms. Sagar did not move to intervene or call for help. Neither Ms. Gilmore nor Ms. Sagar moved to intervene in Altercation No. 1, and neither used the walkie-talkie or the telephone to call for assistance or to alert the administration of the volatile situation. A few minutes later another altercation (Altercation No. 2) took place in the EBD self-contained classroom. J.T. also recorded Altercation No. 2 (Petitioner’s Exhibit 8) on her cellphone. J.G. was again taunting J.C. J.G. dared J.C. to “take a swing” at J.G. J.C. did not swing at J.G. J.G. proceeded to talk to the class about J.C. and other classmates. J.C. then expressed his desire to die because his life “sucks,” his father was dead, and his step-father didn’t love him. J.C. violently kicked/pushed a chair several feet away from himself, began to cry, stated that he’d be “happy if you [J.G.] kill me,” violently overturned a desk, and walked out of the EBD self- contained classroom. Again, Ms. Gilmore and Ms. Sagar were present in the EBD self-contained classroom, and observed Altercation No. 2. During Altercation No. 2, Ms. Gilmore was at the front of the class at the teacher’s desk. Ms. Gilmore confirmed that J.C. “flipped a desk and walked out of class.” Ms. Gilmore testified she “opened the door, . . . and put myself at the doorway to get the rest of the kids out of the class if I had to get them out.” Ms. Gilmore is briefly partially seen in the recording, and she is heard asking J.C. to pick up the desk before he left the classroom. J.C. did not pick up the desk. The recording shows Ms. Sagar seated at a work table with J.M. At one point Ms. Sagar rises from her seat, walks to a counter with a microwave, stays at the counter for a short time, returns to her seat, and then eats something while Altercation No. 2 is on-going. Neither Ms. Gilmore nor Ms. Sagar used the walkie- talkie or telephone to obtain assistance or alert the administration of the continuing volatile situation. J.C. went to the dean of students (Ms. Rice’s) office after he walked out of the EBD self-contained classroom. Once there, he screamed at Ms. Rice about the events that had just taken place in his classroom. Ms. Rice observed J.C. to be distraught and angry. Based on J.C.’s comments, Ms. Rice understood that a recording of the classroom events was made. Ms. Rice requested the principal to obtain the recording. Between when J.C. left the EBD self-contained classroom and when the principal arrived at the EBD self-contained classroom to retrieve the recording, yet another altercation, Altercation No. 3, occurred. J.T. started recording Altercation No. 3 (Petitioner’s Exhibit 10) on her cellphone. Student W.F. held a chair over his head and threatened to throw it at another student, D.S. The other students in the classroom can be heard urging W.F. to throw it, but W.F. did not. J.G. can be seen standing behind D.S., and heard to say he’ll “make sure it hit[s] you [D.S.].” When it became apparent that W.F. was not going to throw the chair, J.T. handed her phone to W.F., who continued to record the action, and J.T. threw the chair. J.T. testified that she did not intend to hurt D.S., but she was not “play acting.” Ms. Gilmore testified she did not remember much of Altercation No. 3. She thought she might have been writing a referral at her desk, and did not call for help because the altercation was over so quickly. Again, Ms. Gilmore and Ms. Sagar were present in the classroom, observed Altercation No. 3, and did nothing to radio or call for assistance or alert the administration of the volatile situation. There is no credible evidence that any of the altercations were pretend fights, or that they were staged for the benefit of the other students. Ms. Gilmore’s contention, that the altercations were staged, is not credible. This EBD self-contained classroom is a challenging class, one that should be closely monitored and adequately staffed to ensure learning can occur, and safety maintained. Respondents never attempted to gain control of the classroom or students. They never called for help or removed the other students from the area. Petitioner has proven by a preponderance of evidence that Petitioner has just cause to terminate the employment of Ms. Gilmore and Ms. Sagar.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Osceola County School Board, enter a final order finding that just cause exists for terminating the employment of Ms. Sagar and Ms. Gilmore. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of June, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LYNNE A. QUIMBY-PENNOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of June, 2015.

Florida Laws (9) 1012.221012.271012.331012.795120.569120.65120.68943.0585943.059
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Mar. 23, 2016 Number: 16-001654PL Latest Update: Jun. 30, 2024
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Mar. 16, 2007 Number: 07-001253PL Latest Update: Jun. 30, 2024
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Dec. 16, 2014 Number: 14-005940TTS Latest Update: Oct. 21, 2015

The Issue Whether Petitioner has just cause to terminate Respondent's employment as a classroom teacher for the conduct alleged in the Amended Notice of Specific Charges.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Petitioner has been the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the public schools in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Both West Hialeah and Aventura are public schools in Miami-Dade County, Florida. During the 2011-12 school year, Respondent was employed as a teacher assigned to West Hialeah. Respondent's teaching assignment during the 2014-2015 school year was as a teacher at Aventura. Respondent's employment is governed by the collective bargaining agreement between Petitioner and the United Teachers of Dade ("UTD Contract"), Florida Statutes, the regulations issued by the Florida State Board of Education as set forth in the Florida Administrative Code, and the School Board's policies and procedures. Respondent's Prior Discipline During the 2011-2012 school year, Respondent was investigated for hitting an exceptional student education (ESE) student at West Hialeah. The investigation concluded that there was probable cause to charge Respondent with violating School Board Policies 3210 and 3210.01. As a result, a conference-for- the-record (CFR) was held on December 15, 2011, wherein OPS District Director, Dr. Brown, issued Respondent directives to: adhere to all School Board policies, specifically 3210, Standards of Ethical Conduct; 3210.01, the Code of Ethics; and 5630, Corporal Punishment and the Use of Reasonable Force; refrain from contacting in person or by any other means any of the parties involved in the investigation; refrain from using physical means as a form of discipline; and [] conduct [herself], both in [her] employment and in the community, in a manner that reflects credit upon [herself] and the district. Respondent signed on January 3, 2012, that she was in receipt of these directives. Although the charges against Respondent relating to physical aggression against a student merited a recommendation from the School Board that Respondent be terminated, the School Board took into consideration Respondent's length of service with the School Board and the fact that she had not received any prior discipline. As such, it was recommended that Respondent be suspended for 25 workdays without pay. Respondent contested this recommendation. Following a final hearing on September 24, 2012, Administrative Law Judge Stuart M. Lerner found that Respondent used physical aggression toward an ESE student and recommended that the School Board uphold Respondent's 25-workday suspension. Ultimately, Respondent was suspended for 25 workdays without pay. The September 2011 incident was reported to the Florida Department of Education (Florida DOE), and a hearing was held on October 15, 2014, to determine whether any disciplinary measures should be taken on Respondent's educator certificate. Following that hearing, conducted by the undersigned, it was recommended to the Florida DOE that "Respondent be placed on probation for 90 days with a letter or reprimand to be placed in her certification file." The Recommended Order provided that, "[t]his penalty takes into account that Respondent's conduct, in striking the student, was inappropriate under any circumstances, but also places the conduct in perspective in relation to Respondent's otherwise incident-free teaching career." The September 17, 2014, Incident Respondent later began working as a teacher with ESE students at Aventura beginning in the 2012-2013 school year. During the 2014-2015 school year, Respondent worked as an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) teacher. M.C., who suffers from ASD, was a student in Respondent's class during the 2014-2015 school year. M.C. and his family are from Argentina and the 2014-2015 school year was the first year M.C. attended a public school in the United States. Initially, M.C. could not take instruction in class. Respondent worked with him to develop the skills to take instruction by demonstrating actions, repeating instruction and praising the student for doing things correctly. Respondent taught M.C. how to write his name, catch a ball, and hold a pencil. Respondent shared a classroom with fellow teacher, Ms. Stubbs. Ms. Stubbs had her own set of students with varying exceptionalities. Ms. Stubbs had six middle school students and Respondent had six elementary school students. Ms. Pollard acted as Respondent's paraprofessional, helping Respondent with her students. Additionally, Ms. Charles would assist Respondent with M.C. for a few hours each day. Respondent's planning period was during the time her students went to art once a week on Wednesday. Respondent voluntarily gave up her planning period to assist the art teacher, Ms. Garcia, with the students. Ms. Garcia worked as an art teacher at Aventura for six (6) years. On September 17, 2014, Ms. Garcia was teaching art to Respondent's students. After Ms. Garcia had provided instructions for the class, she began walking around the room while the students worked on their assignment. M.C. was seated at his desk coloring with crayons. M.C. began throwing crayons on the floor and Respondent, who had been standing behind M.C. with her hands on his shoulders, grabbed M.C.'s hands and wrists and pulled him down to the floor, causing M.C. to fall down to his knees. Respondent told M.C. to pick up the crayons in a loud tone that conveyed she was annoyed. Once Respondent had M.C. on the floor, she held M.C.'s wrists, forcing him to pick up the crayons off the floor. All the while, M.C., who is non-verbal, was making noises like he was not happy. Ms. Garcia tried to help, but Respondent did not allow her, insisting that M.C. had to clean up by himself. M.C. eventually returned to his seat and then began spitting on the floor. Once again, Respondent pulled M.C. to the floor by his wrists, causing him to land on his knees. Respondent again appeared annoyed as she was forcing M.C. to wipe up the spit. Ms. Garcia attempted once more to assist in the clean-up, but Respondent did not allow her, stating that M.C. had to clean up his own mess. Although Ms. Garcia has seen other ESE students being restrained, she has never seen a teacher treat a student like Respondent treated M.C. by forcefully pulling him to the floor. There was no indication that M.C. was going to hurt himself or other students. Although Ms. Pollard did not see the interaction between Respondent and M.C., because she was busy helping the students with their assignment, she did hear Respondent yell, "Pick it up!" in a tone loud enough to be heard over the noise of the classroom. At the end of the art class, M.C. pinched another student with ASD, K., in front of Respondent. Respondent responded by instructing K. to pinch M.C. back. Ms. Garcia was only three feet away from Respondent when she heard Respondent say this. K. is a very obedient student. When Respondent told him to pinch M.C. back, K. looked confused, shrugged his shoulders and reluctantly pinched M.C. back. Ms. Garcia was shocked by what she witnessed. She verbally intervened by telling Respondent that she would not tolerate Respondent's behavior in her classroom. Ms. Garcia admonished Respondent that the students should not be taught to retaliate against each other. Respondent just stood silent and stunned during the confrontation. Meanwhile, M.C., upset at K.'s retaliation, ran off and pinched another student, R., who retaliated by repeatedly hitting M.C. back. The situation Respondent created was total chaos. Two children, K. and R., who are otherwise well-behaved, were acting aggressively towards each other. Ms. Garcia then had to physically intervene by separating the fighting children because Respondent just stood by. Ms. Pollard, who had been outside Ms. Garcia's classroom with the rest of the class, began to wonder what was taking the other students so long. When Ms. Pollard peered back into the classroom, the expression on Ms. Garcia's face startled her. Ms. Pollard asked Ms. Garcia what was wrong, to which Ms. Garcia responded, "Do you believe she [Respondent] told K. to hit M.C.?!" Ms. Pollard looked over to Respondent, but Respondent remained silent. Ms. Garcia informed Principal Bello that she witnessed Respondent handle M.C. in an inappropriate manner and that Respondent instructed another student to pinch M.C. in retaliation. Respondent denied these allegations. Ms. Garcia did not have any issues with Respondent prior to Ms. Garcia reporting the incident to Principal Bello. After the incident, Respondent stopped coming into Ms. Garcia's classroom with her students. Respondent's Post-Incident Conduct On September 29, 2014, Mr. Bello issued Respondent a letter, directing her to refrain "from contacting any complainant(s) and/or witnesses, with the intent to interfere with the investigation of the above listed allegation." In November of 2014, M.C.'s mother, S.C., received a telephone call from Respondent on a Saturday night at around 8:00 p.m. Respondent proceeded to tell S.C. that she was going to lose her job and teaching license because of S.C.'s son, M.C. Respondent asked S.C. to have her ex-husband, M.C.'s father, write a letter and backdate it to the first day of school in August 2014. Respondent's call made S.C. feel "extremely horrible" and "guilty." S.C. did not want anyone losing their job because of her son. Subsequently, Respondent repeatedly took advantage of the fact that S.C. picked up M.C. in the classroom to talk to S.C. about the allegations. Respondent cried to S.C., telling her that M.C. had behaved well on the last day of school before the Thanksgiving break because M.C. must have known it would be Respondent's last day as his teacher. Respondent's words and actions towards S.C. made S.C. question why the school was investigating or targeting Respondent and she wanted to ask the school to stop their investigation. The effect that Respondent's words and actions had on S.C. is precisely what Petitioner tries to avoid by issuing standard directives that employees being investigated may not contact witnesses with the intent to interfere with the investigation.1/ Respondent was afforded her employee and due process rights, including the opportunity to file exceptions to the investigative report and request a superintendent's review. At its regularly scheduled meeting on December 10, 2014, the Petitioner took action to suspend Respondent without pay and initiated dismissal proceedings against her. Respondent claims that allegations against her are falsified, that Ms. Garcia was "coached" for reasons Respondent could not articulate, and that her co-teacher, Ms. Stubbs, is out to get her. She also believes "the principal and his agents" conspired against her. Notably, Ms. Stubbs was not the individual who reported the incident. She did not provide a statement in support of the allegations nor did she testify at the final hearing. Respondent could not identify the alleged agents of the principal. Respondent's denial of the allegations and conspiracy theory are identical to the defenses she asserted in response to her prior incident of inappropriately touching a child for which she received a 25-day suspension and probation.2/ Respondent presented no credible evidence in support of these defenses. Respondent also claims that M.C.'s father gave her verbal permission at the beginning of the school year to teach his son "life skills" and put physical limits on his son. The father did not testify, there was no corroboration, and it was denied by S.C. Even assuming this was true, it is implausible that M.C.'s father, or any parent, would envision a scenario in which his child would be pulled to the ground forcibly by his teacher, or another student would be encouraged by a teacher to physically retaliate against his child, to teach "life skills." Findings of Ultimate Fact As discussed in greater detail below, Petitioner proved Respondent engaged in misconduct in office, gross insubordination, and violated School Board rules 3210 and 3213.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, including Respondent's prior 25-day suspension for similar conduct (inappropriate physical contact with a student) and the seriousness of these violations, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a Final Order terminating Respondent's employment. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of June, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S MARY LI CREASY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of June, 2015.

Florida Laws (7) 1001.021012.33120.536120.54120.569120.57120.68
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