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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 02, 2001 Number: 01-002579 Latest Update: May 20, 2002

The Issue The issue presented is whether Respondent is guilty of the allegations contained in the Notice of Specific Charges filed against her, and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken against her, if any.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent Susan L. Duerson was employed by Petitioner Miami-Dade County School Board as a School Clerk II, a position classified as an educational support employee pursuant to Article XXI, Section 3, of the Contract between the Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the United Teachers of Dade (the collective bargaining agreement). Respondent was initially employed by the School Board on November 15, 1996, as a part-time "skilled clerical" employee and assigned to Homestead Middle School. On November 10, 1997, Dr. Antonio T. Fernandez, the principal of Neva King Cooper Educational Center (hereinafter "NKC"), hired Respondent on a full-time basis as a School Clerk II. NKC is a special education center which serves profoundly mentally handicapped students. Because of their condition, many of the students at NKC are medically-fragile and require specialized attention. As a School Clerk II, Respondent was required, among other things, to maintain a wide variety of documents, forms, reports, evaluations, and business correspondence. As part of her duties, she was also responsible for maintaining attendance records; scheduling meetings, conferences and appointments between parents and instructional staff; and arranging bus transportation for the students at her school site. Approximately two months after being hired at NKC, Respondent suffered a stroke while hospitalized for kidney stones. From January 12, 1998, through June 19, 1998, Respondent was on medical leave due to a variety of health problems. Although Respondent was not eligible for an extended leave of absence due to her brief employment at NKC prior to her stroke, Dr. Fernandez, along with district administrators, approved Respondent's request for an extended leave of absence. On April 14, 1998, Respondent's treating physician notified Petitioner's Office of Professional Standards that Respondent was capable of performing most of her duties, but that as a result of her stroke, Respondent could not climb, could not grasp, and did not have finger dexterity of her right hand. Respondent also had difficulty remembering the daily tasks and duties that she was required to perform. On June 20, 1998, Respondent returned from her leave of absence and began working at NKC. Because of her physical limitations resulting from her stroke, Respondent sought accommodations from Petitioner in order to fulfill the essential requirements of her job. These requests were presented to Petitioner's District Consultative Committee. The Committee made recommendations in an attempt to provide Respondent with reasonable accommodations. On October 28, 1998, Petitioner approved several accommodations to assist Respondent in fulfilling her responsibilities, including providing a "Wanchik's writer," a "slip-on typing aid," a "day-timer," and a hand-held tape recorder. The tape recorder was provided to Respondent so that she could accurately copy messages for their intended recipients and track her assignments as Respondent frequently was unable to remember them. Respondent was given written instructions for assignments that were not routine in nature, was given the assistance of another employee in removing and replacing files for Respondent's use, and was allowed to leave work early three times a week so that she could attend physical therapy. Respondent's work performance, upon returning from her leave of absence and despite the accommodations provided to her, was unsatisfactory. Assignments were not completed in a timely fashion and were not accurately documented. For example, notices to parents were sent late and with the wrong student's information on them. On December 14, 1998, almost six months after returning from her leave of absence, Respondent was formally observed by her principal. Her work was found to be deficient in the areas of knowledge, quality of work, efficiency, dependability, judgment, attendance, and punctuality. During the December 14 observation, it was noted that Respondent failed to timely schedule conferences, failed to complete assigned tasks, and was unable to correctly process and prepare records required by her work site. Respondent's work was also found to be deficient with respect to her attendance data collection duties. Schools are required by law to maintain accurate attendance records. When they fail to do so, a school can loose funding. Due to Respondent's inability to maintain accurate attendance records, NKC lost funding for some of its programs. Respondent was also found to have problems correctly scheduling transportation for some of the students at NKC. At times, students would not be picked up as the necessary transportation was not requested by Respondent although she was required to do so. Respondent also had difficulty maintaining accurate records for students in the Exceptional Student Education program, particularly with regard to scheduling meetings with parents, staff members, and psychologists. Due to her unsatisfactory rating on December 14, 1998, Respondent was issued an interim evaluation which rated her as unsatisfactory for the 1998-99 school year. On January 11, 1999, a conference-for-the-record was held with Respondent to address her non-compliance with site directives, her unsatisfactory interim evaluation, her prescription for improvement of those deficiencies noted in the interim evaluation, and her future employment status with Petitioner. She was informed that her failure to correct those deficiencies would result in disciplinary action. On April 22, 1999, another conference-for-the-record was held with Respondent to address her non-compliance with site directives and to review her performance to date, together with the status of her prescription and her future employment. She was advised of her continuing failure to complete her duties in a satisfactory and timely manner. Respondent was issued a new prescription for improvement of her performance, which was based upon her supervisor's observations of her performance since Respondent's prior formal observation on December 4, 1998. She was advised that the prescriptive activities assigned to her must be completed by the agreed-upon deadlines and that her failure to remedy her deficiencies would lead to disciplinary action, including dismissal. By the time of the April 22 conference, Respondent had been working at NKC for ten months, exclusive of the period of time that she had been on a leave of absence. Nonetheless, she was still exhibiting the same or similar deficiencies that had been noted in her first evaluation. After student records could not be located at the school due to Respondent having taken them home, she was issued a written directive on May 10, 1999, ordering her not to remove permanent student records from the school site. Respondent had previously been directed not to take student records to her home but had disregarded that directive. Accordingly, the May 10 directive advised Respondent that failure to comply with the directive again would be considered an act of insubordination and might lead to further disciplinary action. On May 11, 1999, Respondent was reminded of the accommodations that had been provided her in order that she could perform the duties of her position in an effective manner. Although Respondent was allowed to leave early to attend physical therapy sessions and was provided the assistance of office personnel in removing and replacing files, her supervisor noted that Respondent--of her own volition--had not taken advantage of many of the accommodations provided by her work site. Respondent admitted that she had not taken the adaptive devices that had been purchased as part of her accommodations to her physical therapist, who was to have these devices adjusted so that they fit her properly. Since Respondent's performance had not improved, and since Respondent repeatedly made the same mistakes, her principal urged her to take advantage of the accommodations provided her. After Respondent's excessive absenteeism began to have a detrimental effect on her work, on May 21, 1999, Respondent was issued a written directive advising her of her failure to maintain appropriate attendance and requiring Respondent to notify her work site of her employment intentions, i.e., whether Respondent was going to return to work or take another leave of absence. As of that date, she had accumulated over forty absences. On May 25, 1999, Respondent met with the principal and requested a second leave of absence. She and her doctor believed that she needed to take a leave of absence until May 10, 2000, due to the alleged stress brought on by her duties. Respondent was still on prescription for improvement of her performance at the time she took a second medical leave of absence effective from May 10, 1999, through May 9, 2000. On May 9, 2000, a conference-for-the-record was held with Respondent at the Office of Professional Standards to address her medical fitness to return to duty, to review her employment history, and to address her future employment status with Petitioner. Due to her prior medical history, including her having fallen at her work site on two occasions, she was required to show that she was medically fit to return to her regular duties. At the May 9 conference, Respondent's medical fitness was addressed. Respondent's doctor had cleared her to return to work and advised that Respondent's only limitation was that she could only type with one hand on a left-handed keyboard. The Office of Professional Standards cleared Respondent to return to work. At the conference, Respondent was advised that her prescriptive status would be removed so that she could start anew but that her performance would continue to be monitored throughout the school year. She was directed to maintain regular attendance and was told that all intended absences must be communicated to her principal or his secretary. She was also advised that all absences for illness must be documented by her treating physician. She was informed that her non-compliance with the directives issued at this conference would lead to disciplinary action. On June 8, 2000, approximately a month after she returned from her second leave of absence, a meeting was held with Respondent to address numerous errors she committed while performing her daily tasks. She was advised that she had lost certain records and had failed to properly notify parents of conferences involving students in the exceptional student education program. She was reminded that her failure to properly notice these conferences could expose the school district to liability. In order to assist Respondent to improve her performance and to insure that errors would not continue to occur, she was directed to meet with the assistant principal on a daily basis. On June 20, 2000, Respondent was provided with additional accommodations to assist her in performing her duties. She was advised that a left-handed keyboard would be purchased for her, that she would continue to be provided the assistance of another employee to remove and replace files for her, that she was to continue tape-recording her assignments as a reminder to herself of the tasks that she must complete, and that she would continue to receive written instructions with regard to non-routine assignments. On July 14, 2000, another tape recorder was purchased for Respondent since the one previously issued to her had been lost. She was also issued a new day-timer calendar to keep track of her daily assignments. Over a year after her previous evaluation, on July 27, 2000, Respondent was formally evaluated and was again found to be unsatisfactory in the categories of quality of work, efficiency, and dependability. She was issued a new prescription to assist her in improving her performance. She was required to keep a log of her files since she continued to lose documents and had, by this point, lost a complete file. As a result of her unsatisfactory evaluation, on July 27, 2000, a conference-for-the-record was held with Respondent to address her performance, her interim evaluation, and her future employment with Petitioner. She was advised of her continued inability to perform her daily duties and that her failure to improve would lead to disciplinary action. On September 20, 2000, a conference-for-the-record was held to address Respondent's performance, to review the prescriptive activities assigned to her during the conference held on July 27, and to address her future employment. By the time of that conference, more than four months after Respondent had returned from her second leave of absence, her work performance had not improved. During the September 20 conference, Respondent was advised of her continuing failure to correctly input student attendance information and to provide adequate and timely notice of parent conferences. She was also reminded of the importance of using her school-issued tape recorder in order for her to minimize mistakes and to accurately process information. In order to assist her in improving her performance and in completing her prescriptive activities, the deadline for completing the prescription was extended to October 27, 2000. On October 23, 2000, Respondent was given written notice of her repeated failure to properly send parental notices of conferences and "staffings." She was directed to rectify these deficiencies and to continue to meet with the assistant principal for further assistance. She was advised that if she needed additional assistance, it would be provided to her. On November 16, 2000, another conference-for-the- record was held with Respondent to address her performance and to review the status of the prescription that had been issued at the conference-for-the-record held on July 27. She was advised of her continued deficiencies, which included incorrectly inputting attendance dates, improperly responding to administrative requests, improperly dating time-sensitive material, and failing to give adequate parental notice for school "staffings." She was also issued an addendum to the July 27 prescription. Respondent was further advised that she had failed to complete the prescriptive activities that had been previously issued but that in another effort to assist her, the deadline for completing those activities would be extended to January 12, 2001. Respondent was further advised that her failure to overcome her performance deficiencies would lead to disciplinary action. Respondent acknowledged the support and assistance that the office staff had given her and thanked the principal for all of his support. On December 1, 2000, Respondent, after failing to provide timely notice of a conference with a parent and failing to provide notice of a meeting with another parent, was again reminded by the assistant principal that part of her duties was to provide adequate and timely notice of staff conferences with parents. On December 12, 2000, Respondent was notified in writing that she had failed to complete the prescriptive activities that had been assigned to her on July 27 and amended on November 16. Among other things, Respondent had failed to keep a log of her files and had failed to notify staff and parents of scheduled meetings. Respondent had still failed to make use of her tape recorder. On January 16, 2001, a conference-for-the-record was held with Respondent to address her performance and to review the status of her prescriptive activities and her future employment status. She was advised that her performance had not improved and that her repeated failure to complete her prescriptive activities despite three extensions of time was considered insubordination. Respondent was also advised that her failure to improve her overall performance mandated a recommendation for disciplinary action, which could include dismissal. On March 8, 2001, a conference-for-the-record was held with Respondent at the Office of Professional Standards to address her performance, her non-compliance with site directives, and her professional responsibilities. She was advised that although she had been on prescription for a significant portion of the year, she had failed to correct her deficiencies and improve her performance. As a result of her continuing unsatisfactory performance, she was advised that a recommendation for disciplinary action, including dismissal, would be submitted to the School Board. On March 22, 2001, Respondent's principal recommended that due to her inability to complete her prescriptive activities or to correct her performance deficiencies in spite of continuous support and assistance at the work site, her employment by Petitioner should be terminated. After she continued to accrue excessive and unauthorized absences, on May 9, 2001, Respondent was again reminded of prior directives that she report to work on a regular basis; that if she was to be absent, she needed to communicate that fact to school administrators; and that Respondent provide documentation for any absence alleged to be related to illness. She was also advised that her excessive absenteeism and her repeated failure to comply with administrative directives regarding her absences would lead to disciplinary action, including dismissal. On June 20, 2001, the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, took action to suspend Respondent and initiate dismissal proceedings against Respondent for just cause.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered sustaining Respondent's suspension, denying any claim for back pay, and dismissing Respondent from her employment by the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of April, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of April, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Luis M. Garcia, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132 Susan L. Duerson 15601 Southwest 137th Avenue, No. 306 Miami, Florida 33177 Honorable Charlie Crist Commissioner of Education Department of Education The Capitol, Plaza Level 08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 James A. Robinson, General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, Suite 1701 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Merrett R. Stierheim, Superintendent Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Room 912 Miami, Florida 33132-1308

Florida Laws (3) 1.01120.569120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Mar. 13, 1995 Number: 95-002599 Latest Update: Nov. 06, 1995

The Issue The issue for consideration in this matter is whether Respondent should be dismissed from employment with the Polk County School Board because of the matters alleged in the letter of intent prepared by the Superintendent of Schools.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the Petitioner, Polk County School Board, (Board), was the county agency responsible for providing public primary, secondary and adult education in Polk County, Florida, and operated Haines City High School, (HCHS), in Haines City. Respondent had been employed at HCHS for eight years, and in the last two years prior to the incidents herein taught in the school's Diversified Cooperative Training Program, (DCT) under a continuing contract of employment. DCT students are allowed to leave campus before the end of the school day to work at jobs in the local area. However, Respondent allowed some students to leave school during the morning hours for the purpose of getting breakfast and, coincidentally, to bring items back to school for her to eat. There is also allegation that Respondent would solicit students to run personal errands for her during school hours but would not give them a pass to allow them to lawfully leave the campus. Allegedly, she advised them that they were on their own and she would deny responsibility or knowledge if they were caught. Taken together, the evidence establishes that Respondent did allow students to leave class on personal business and did not give them passes to be off campus. It also appears that she solicited them to pick up items for her while they were away, but not that she solicited students to leave class to run errands off campus for her. Even so, her actions are in violation of the Board policy regarding student absence from campus, a policy about which Respondent had been briefed. In addition, some time during the Autumn of 1994, Respondent overheard a student on the school's football team, Bradford Parton, discussing with his girlfriend the fact he was having cramps. Respondent advised him he should take potassium and on at least one occasion, during a class session, gave Parton a pill which, she said, would give him energy and take away his cramps. She believed the pill was the functional equivalent of one banana. Respondent was aware that it was a violation of Board policy for anyone other than the school nurse to administer any form of pill or medication to a student. When the Principal learned that Respondent had given Parton the pill, he directed an investigation into the matter. On November 17, 1994, after he had heard that Respondent was making comments in class to the effect that the students were getting her in trouble with the administration, the Principal gave her verbal instructions not to discuss these matters with the students and to limit her conversations with them to matters related to class work. His comment to her included, "Just teach the class. Just don't bring yourself down to their level." The following day, on November 18, 1994, after receiving word that Respondent had again spoken to Parton after he had warned her not to do so, the Principal reduced his prior comments to writing and again instructed her not to discuss the matter with any students, warning her that he considered her doing so a matter of insubordination which, if repeated, would result in severe disciplinary action. There is some indication Respondent, in early December, 1994, advised several students after the warning she was going to have them removed from her class She subsequently advised the school's guidance counselor that several of the students involved should be removed from her class because they appeared to be "unhappy" in it. The students denied being unhappy in class and urgently resisted being removed because they needed the credit to graduate. Respondent's comments to the students constituted insubordination, and her action in urging removal of the students was considered by the administration to be an attempt at retaliation against them because of their allegations made against her. There is also indication that while the investigation into the allegations against her was under way, Respondent spoke with Ms. Denmark, another teacher, who was in the room when Respondent gave the pill to Mr. Parton, in an effort to get her to change her statement. School Board officials consider Respondent's blatant violation of school rules and policies by allowing students to leave campus without a pass and by improperly administering a pill to a student combine to severely impair her effectiveness as a teacher. Under the circumstances established here, this appears to be the case. Prior to the initiation of this action, Respondent had received a verbal warning regarding drinking in front of students at a conference and regarding making untoward comments about Blacks. Her personnel record, commencing with the teacher evaluation of her performance in the 1988-1989 school year, reflects positive comments and no substantial criticism. However, in July, 1994, the Superintendent advised Respondent of his intention to suspend her without pay for five days for making improper comments of a sexual nature toward students and for allowing students to grade papers, to average grades and to have access to her grade book. Respondent requested hearing on this proposed action. That hearing was held consolidated with the instant hearing and no final action has been taken by the Board.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that Respondent, Mary L. Canova's, suspension without pay pending hearing be sustained and that she be dismissed from employment as a teacher with the Polk County School Board because of misconduct in office and gross insubordination as described herein. RECOMMENDED this 3rd day of November, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of November, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 95-2599 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONER: 1. - 4. Accepted and incorporated herein. - 9. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted in so far as Respondent allowed students to leave campus and periodically suggested those who did run errands for her. - 13. Accepted and incorporated herein. 14. Accepted and incorporated herein. FOR THE RESPONDENT: & 2. Accepted and incorporated herein with the understanding that the term, "no further details regarding the allegations were provided" refers to the charging letter, and that Respondent was provided with specific allegations of misconduct prior to hearing. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 8. Accepted and incorporated herein. First sentence accepted and incorporated herein. Second sentence rejected. See Partain's December 2, 1994 letter to Chapman. Accepted and incorporated herein. COPIES FURNISHED: Donald H. Wilson, Jr., Esquire Lane, Tron, Clarke, Bertrand, Vreeland & Jacobsen, P.A. Post Office Box 1578 150 East Davidson Street Bartow, Florida 33831 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman and Sakellarides, P.A. 24650 U. S. Highway 19 North Suite 308 Palm Harbor, Florida 34684 John A. Stewart Superintendent Polk County Schools Post Office Box 391 1915 South Floral Avenue Bartow, Florida 33830

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Sep. 27, 2000 Number: 00-004020PL Latest Update: May 10, 2001

The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent violated the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession, specifically Rules 6B-1.006(3)(a) and 6B-1.006(3)(e), Florida Administrative Code, and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken against him pursuant to Section 231.2615(1)(i), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact The evidence presented at final hearing established the facts that follow. Chavero holds a Florida Educator's Certificate that is currently valid. Chavero was employed as a public school teacher in the Dade County School District at all times pertinent to this proceeding. In the 1999-2000 school year, Chavero taught English and math at Braddock. All of his students were enrolled in an Alternative Education Program known as the STARS Program. The STARS Program is offered as a last resort to students who, because of bad behavior, poor grades, or other problems, need extra assistance and attention to remain in school. If a student in the STARS Program fails to perform satisfactorily, he or she may be expelled. Chavero believed that student misconduct and a general lack of discipline at Braddock (and other schools) were preventing pupils from learning and teachers from teaching. Consistent with his pedagogic philosophy, Chavero aspired to teach his students not only the content of a course but also such social skills as proper behavior, dress, and manners. Braddock's Principal, Dr. Donald Hoecherl, disagreed with Chavero's view that behavior and social skills should be taught in the classroom. Principal Hoecherl told Chavero not to teach his students how to conduct themselves in socially acceptable ways. Apparently, the principal's admonition reflected the administration's sensitivity to the perceived "low self-esteem" of students in the STARS Program. Chavero was expected to be flexible and to refrain from confronting students or "coming on too strong" with them. This type of teaching was completely out of character for Chavero. Predictably, he was not able to abandon the authoritarian style that suited his personality and beliefs. As a result, Chavero developed a reputation as a strict disciplinarian — but "nothing out of the ordinary," in the words of V. D., a former student who testified against him at hearing. Transcript ("T-") 49. Indeed, according to this same student, Chavero's classroom rules were "pretty much the same" as other teachers'. T-49. Students began to complain, however, that Chavero was making too frequent use of a form of punishment called an “exclusion.” An exclusion is a temporary in-school suspension that the teacher may impose when a student is disrupting the class. Upon being excluded, the misbehaving student must leave the classroom and spend the remainder of the period in detention at another location. Assistant Principal Jane Garraux investigated the student complaints and concluded that Chavero’s use of the exclusion was excessive. She also determined that most of Chavero’s students (as many as 70 percent) were failing his classes. By comparison, other teachers in the STARS Program were giving passing grades to between 80 and 95 percent of their students. Following her investigation, the assistant principal initiated an evaluation of Chavero in November 1999 that led to the identification of performance deficiencies in the area of classroom control. He was placed on a 90-day performance probation and, as a result, needed to correct the identified deficiencies within that period or face termination of employment. See Section 231.29(3)(d), Florida Statutes. While on performance probation, Chavero was observed and evaluated several times. In the opinion of his assessors, Chavero’s performance continued to be unsatisfactory. In February 2000, he resigned. 2/ The Commissioner sought to prove that, in the months leading to his resignation, Chavero: (a) refused, on occasion, to answer students’ questions about lessons and assignments; (b) used the exclusion tool excessively, in relation to other teachers in the STARS Program; (c) demanded more from his students in terms of academic performance and classroom decorum than his colleagues were requiring; and (d) became angry and raised his voice in class at times. This is not a proceeding to terminate Chavero’s employment, however, and poor performance does not constitute a basis for discipline under Section 231.2615, Florida Statutes — not, at least, without more than has been shown here. 3/ Therefore, even if all the general deficiencies in Chavero’s performance that the Commissioner attempted to prove at hearing were found to have existed, none amounts to a violation either of Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) or of Rule 6B- 1.006(3)(e), Florida Administrative Code. There were, however, two specific occasions on which Chavero allegedly lost his temper and threatened the physical safety of a student or students. Together, these particular instances are the heart of the Commissioner’s case against Chavero and therefore require closer scrutiny. The First Period Incident On January 27, 2000, Chavero gave his first period class a mid-term examination. Near the end of the period, Chavero allowed the students who had completed the test to talk quietly, provided they would not bother the few who were still working. V. D. and J. A., who were sitting together in the back of the room, began conversing with one another. The class soon began to get loud, and Chavero told the students to be quiet. He held up V. D. and J. A. as an example of how he would like the class to behave, saying: "Why can't you guys whisper like J. A. and V. D." The class momentarily calmed down but quickly became noisy again. Chavero began to get angry. He told the students to lower their voices. V. D. continued to talk, and Chavero yelled at her to be quiet. Instead of obeying, V. D. denied that she had been talking loudly, which caused Chavero to yell at her some more. V. D. asked Chavero not to scream at her; he did not stop. At some point during this exchange, V. D. said to Chavero: “What the f*** is your problem?” Enraged, Chavero slammed his fist on a desk and moved quickly toward V. D. Some students, including V. D. and J. A., recall that as Chavero approached V. D., he raised his open hand, palm facing forward, as if to strike her. A number of other students, however, in written statements prepared on January 27, 2000, made no mention of the teacher’s raised hand. For his part, Chavero adamantly denied having raised his hand against V. D. V. D.’s immediate reaction suggests that she was not intimidated or frightened by Chavero’s rapid approach, regardless where his hand was. V. D. testified that she “lost [her] temper,” “got up and . . . exchanged a few words” with Chavero. T-55. More important, it is undisputed that Chavero did not touch V. D. Rather, he returned to his desk at the front of the class to write a “referral” — that is, a written account of V. D.’s misconduct that would be provided to the assistant principal for further handling. V. D. gathered her belongings and left the room. The Commissioner failed to prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that Chavero intended either to hit V. D. or to cause her unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement; that V. D. suffered any physical or emotional injury or felt embarrassed or degraded; or that V. D. was in danger of likely being harmed in Chavero’s classroom on January 27, 2000. As a result, it cannot be said without hesitancy that the conditions in Chavero's classroom that day were harmful to learning or to a student's mental or physical health or safety. The Third Period Incident R. G. was a student in Chavero’s third period math class. R. G.’s academic performance was extremely poor, and he frequently was excluded for bad behavior. He was defiant and aggressive, openly challenged Chavero’s authority, and, on at least one occasion, threw staples at the teacher. One day — the precise date of this event is not clear, but it apparently occured after January 27, 2000 — R. G. was in Chavero’s class, sitting in the back, not doing his assignment. Because R. G. was refusing to do his schoolwork, Chavero wrote a referral to send him to the assistant principal. R. G. testified that before Chavero wrote the referral, he had insulted R. G. by saying that his (R. G.’s) mother was raising an animal. However, another of Chavero’s former students named F. V., who witnessed this particular incident and testified at hearing on the Commissioner’s behalf, did not hear Chavero make this remark to R. G. Indeed, F. V. testified that he had never heard Chavero make rude or disrespectful comments to his students, nor had he observed Chavero become angry with the class. Chavero denied having insulted R. G., and the evidence supports his denial. After Chavero had filled out the referral, R. G. rose from his seat and approached Chavero’s desk. R. G. reached out to snatch the referral from Chavero’s hand in a manner that, according to F. V., was apparently intended “just to . . . annoy” Chavero. T-93. Specifically, as R. G. grabbed for the referral, he made a feint toward Chavero’s grade book. As F. V. explained, it was well known that Chavero “didn’t like it when people touched [his] grade book.” T-93. In the process, R. G. may have hit Chavero’s hand, although he denied having done so. Reacting to R. G.’s provocative act, Chavero slapped R. G.’s hand away. R. G. was neither injured nor embarrassed by this. Rather, he became angry and began yelling and cursing at Chavero, insulting him. Both R. G. and F. V. recalled that Chavero then said to R. G., “Oh, hit me if you’re a man,” or words to that effect. Chavero, however, testified that his exact statement to R. G. was: “[I]f you try to be physical you’ll get in trouble.” T-124. Chavero was the most credible witness of the three. After Chavero warned R. G. not to become physical, R. G. left the classroom. The Commissioner failed to prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that Chavero intended either to harm R. G. or to cause him unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement; that R. G. suffered any physical or emotional injury or felt embarrassed or degraded; or that R. G. was in danger of likely being hurt in Chavero’s classroom on the day of the third period incident. To the contrary, it appears that R. G.’s aggressive and provocative behavior may have threatened Chavero’s physical safety. Consequently, it cannot be said without hesitancy that the conditions in Chavero's classroom that day were harmful to learning or to a student's mental or physical health or safety.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint against Respondent Armando M. Chavero. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of February, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of February, 2001.

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Mar. 14, 2000 Number: 00-001142 Latest Update: Oct. 16, 2000

The Issue Whether Respondent's employment should be terminated for the reasons set forth in the Notice of Specific Charges.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made: The School Board is responsible for the operation, control, and supervision of all public schools (grades K through 12) in Miami-Dade County, Florida, including Carol City Senior High School (Carol City). At all times material to the instant case, Mary Henry has been the principal of Carol City and James Meehan has been an assistant principal at the school. At all times material to the instant case, Respondent was a language arts teacher at Carol City holding an annual contract. Respondent began teaching at Carol City in September of 1997. She remained at the school until February of 2000. In accordance with the School Board's Teacher Assessment and Development System (TADS), which it developed in concert with the United Teachers of Dade, the collective bargaining representative of the School Board's teachers, school principals and their designees have the authority to formally observe and evaluate teachers at their school and to prescribe required remedial activities designed to improve the teacher's performance. The categories of classroom performance that are assessed are "preparation and planning," "knowledge of subject matter," "classroom management," "techniques of instruction," "teacher-student relationships," and "assessment techniques." Under TADS, a teacher is also rated in a seventh area, that of professional responsibility, which encompasses matters that go beyond the teacher's performance in the classroom. TADS was modified following the 1997 session of the Florida Legislature to provide for a 90-day "performance probation period" for annual contract and professional service contract teachers determined to be performing unsatisfactorily. The modification was set forth in a Memorandum of Understanding between the School Board and the United Teachers of Dade, which provided, in pertinent part, as follows: Upon identification of any deficiency, either through the observation/assessment process OR a Category VII infraction, the PRINCIPAL MUST, within 10 days conduct a conference-for-the-record which address: results of the observation/assessment, or Category VII infraction, stipulations of the Performance Probation (90 calendar days, excluding school holidays and vacations), which begins upon the employee's receipt of the written plan of assistance (prescription), the plan of assistance and professional development opportunities to help correct documented deficiencies within a specified period of time, future required observations/assessments, and possible employment actions. A minimum of two observations/assessments must be conducted subsequent to the completion of the initial prescriptive timelines and during the Performance Probation. The annual evaluation decision will be based upon the result of the last observation/assessment . . . . Within 14 calendar days after the close of the Performance Probation, the evaluator (principal) must assess whether the performance deficiencies have been corrected and forward a recommendation to the Superintendent.- Within 14 calendar days after receiving the evaluator's recommendation, the Superintendent must notify the employee in writing whether the performance deficiencies have been satisfactorily corrected and whether the Superintendent will recommend that the School Board continue or terminate his or her employment contract. If the employee wishes to contest the Superintendent's recommendation, the employee must, within 15 calendar days after receipt of the Superintendent's recommendation, submit a written request for a hearing. . . . On October 21, 1999, Respondent was formally observed in her classroom by James Meehan, an assistant principal at Carol City and a certified TADS observer. Mr. Meehan rated Respondent deficient in "preparation and planning" (Category I.B.2.); "knowledge of subject matter" (Category II.A.2.); "classroom management" (Categories III. B.2. and 4. and III.C.1. and 4.); and "techniques of instruction" (Categories IV.H.1. and 2.). These unsatisfactory ratings were justified. Following Mr. Meehan's October 21, 1999, observation, he completed a "record of observed deficiencies/prescription for performance improvement" (First Report). The First Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category I.B.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by November 22, 1999, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The lesson plan prepared by the instructor was not followed. The stated objective in the lesson plan was: "Student will demonstrate test taking skills and ability to visualize descriptive language; FCAT worksheet (reading comprehension)." The activities used to accomplish these objectives were stated as follows: "Test on literature; pictures of a descriptive passage with language being discussed included; reading comprehension worksheets." The actual lesson consisted of: (1) quiz on run-on sentences; (2) the introduction of the elements of a short story by the instructor; (3) the reading of an essay which the instructor mistakenly identified as a short story; and (4) students' written responses to "Questions for Study and Discussion," after the reading of the essay. There was no demonstration by students of their ability to visualize descriptive language, no FCAT reading comprehension worksheet, and no literature test." PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will prepare a set of detailed lesson plans, on the form designated by the assessor, and submit a copy to Ms. Ann Howard, Language Arts Chairman, on each Friday, for review and discussion prior to implementation. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Howard were listed in the First Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category I.B.2. The First Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category II.A.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by November 22, 1999, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The instructor attempted to teach the elements of a short story by applying them to a work by Maya Angelou which is described in the handout given to students, as a "self-contained section from her first autobiography," and later on as an "essay" in the "Questions for Study and Discussion." The instructor continuously referred to this literary work as a short story; however, it is a work of non-fiction. The instructor erroneously applied the elements of a short story such as exposition complication, conflict, climax, and denouement to this non- fiction literature. This work was an example of a descriptive essay, not a short story. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will prepare a set of detailed lesson plans, on the form designated by the assessor, and submit a copy to Ms. Ann Howard, Language Arts Chairperson, on each Friday, for review and discussion, prior to implementation. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Howard were listed in the First Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category II.A.2. The First Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.B.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by November 22, 1999, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The teacher did not utilize non-verbal techniques to redirect off-task learners. Off-task behavior was frequent and persistent throughout the class period. Of the 30 students present, 20 were off-task for significant period[s] of time. Students in A1, B1, C2, C4, D1, D2, G1, and G4 slept some 20 minutes or more. The students in F1 and F2 continuously passed notes to one another while the student in E4 read a sports catalog for at least 30 minutes. At one point, the students in A4 and G3 walked to the front of the room in back of the instructor, exchanged notes, and returned to their seats. The student in B5 combed the hair of the student in B4 and afterwards massaged his hands. The student in A1, when not sleeping, played with her hair. Other students stared into space or otherwise wasted time. The instructor never attempted to use non-verbal techniques such as eye contact, silence, clapping, or proximity to redirect these off-task behaviors. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will interview one English instructor, designated by the assessor, to record how he/she has successfully used non-verbal techniques to deal with off-task student behavior. The instructor will type a summary of the interview and develop a plan, incorporating some of the suggestions, to reduce the frequency of off-task behavior in her classes. The instructor will submit the material to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion prior to implementation. Mr. Meehan and Julia Fehr, a language arts teacher at Carol City, were listed in the First Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.B.2. The First Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.B.4., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by November 22, 1999, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The teacher did not use techniques to maintain the attention of learners who have been redirected. Often times during the period, 50 to 70 percent of the students were off-task. Students were engaged in activities not associated with the lesson. They daydreamed, drew pictures, wrote notes, slept, or were distracted in other ways. The instructor made an attempt to verbally redirect some students who were off-task; however, they were not revisited and the off-task behavior continued when the instructor directed her attention elsewhere. The student in E4 was told to put his catalog away. He then put his head down on his desk instead. He was not revisited. The students in A1 and F1 were told to do their work and move their desks closer to the front of the room. When they did so, they continued their off-task behavior, F1 by throwing papers across the room into the garbage pail and gyrating to imaginary music, A1 by continuously getting up from her desk and fiddling with her hair. Neither student was revisited. Verbal and non- verbal techniques to maintain the attention of redirected learners were not employed by this instructor. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will interview one English instructor, chosen by the assessor, to record how he/she has successfully use[d] verbal and non- verbal techniques to maintain the attention of redirected learners. The instructor will type a summary of this interview and develop a plan, incorporating some of the suggestions presented, to reduce the frequency of recurring off-task behavior in her classes. The instructor will submit the material to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion prior to implementation. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Howard were listed in the First Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.B.4. The First Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.C.1., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by November 22, 1999, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably resigned to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Students exhibited persistent inappropriate behavior during the lesson such that it was obvious that expectations about behavior had not been established or were not clear to learners. Of the 30 students present, 14 arrived late. None of these students was asked for an explanation. The only reaction from the instructor was, "Do you see how aggravating this is?" When students had to sharpen pencils, they left their seats and walked across the room. Four students were observed leaving their seats to sharpen pencils while the instructor was lecturing or reading to the class. When disposing of garbage, several students threw their papers across the room. The student in F1 and another student in row G played basketball with balled up paper and the trash can. When responding to questions, students would blurt out answers. There was no systematic method established for asking or answering questions. At the end of the period, before the bell, 11 students left their seats and began walking around the room. One student left his seat and walked across desks to get to the side of the room. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will interview one English instructor, chosen by the assessor, for suggestions on how to deal with inappropriate student behavior during class. She will type a summary of each interview. The material will be submitted to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. Mr. Meehan and Pamela Salkey, a language arts teacher at Carol City, were listed in the First Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.C.1. The First Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.C.4., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by November 22, 1999, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Learners who acted inappropriately or otherwise interfered with the work of others were not identified and dealt with quickly or appropriately by this instructor. During the quiz, students in A3, A4, and F1 continuously looked at other students' papers, while students in A5 and B4 conversed. These behaviors continued without the instructor identifying or responding to the students involved. At another point during the lesson, the student in B5 yelled, "I don't give a fuck," loud enough to be heard across the room. There was no response from the instructor. The magnitude and frequency of talking that occurred during the lesson made it extremely difficult for students to hear what the teacher was saying and for students to complete their assignments. During the last 35 minutes of the class when students were assigned to respond to 4 questions dealing with the reading selection, only 8 of 30 students completed the assignment, 12 handed in no paper at all, while 7 did 1 or 2 of the questions. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will design an assertive discipline plan that includes suitable rules and appropriate consequences for students who misbehave in class. The plan will also include a reward system to promote and maintain appropriate student behavior in class. The instructor will submit the plan to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion prior to implementation. Mr. Meehan, Ms. Howard, and Ms. Theodora Woltch, a language arts teacher at Carol City, were listed in the First Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.C.4. The First Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category IV.H.1., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by November 22, 1999, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Areas of confusion were not identified before learners asked questions. During the quiz on run-on sentences, students were confused as to what to do. Many students were puzzled as to why they could not use coordinating conjunctions or another method of connecting run-on sentences, rather than being restricted to writing two separate sentences as instructed by the teacher. Confusion was exacerbated by an explanation on the reverse side of the test which stated, "In fact, it is often better to join them than to put them into separate sentences." When students asked if they could use another method, the instructor said they could not, but would not be incorrect if they did. Students remained puzzled as to what was acceptable. These potential areas of confusion with the run-on sentence should have been anticipated by the instructor, but were not. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will construct detailed lesson plans each week and discuss potential areas of confusion with her department chairperson on the Friday prior to implementation. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Howard were listed in the First Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category IV.H.1. The First Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category IV.H.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by November 22, 1999, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help Respondent improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION When students were assigned to write the answers to "Questions for Study and Discussion," several students asked if they could work in groups. The instructor responded that they could work in pairs. She then changed her mind and said they had to work individually. Afterwards, she again said they could work in pairs. Students were puzzled as to what to do. Students were further confused by what question they were assigned. Initially, the instructor assigned question 1, then 2 through 5, and later on told a student, "Do number 2 and I'll be happy." Again, many students were confused. When the instructor assigned students to grade each other's quiz papers, students did not understand what was correct, what was minus 5, and what was minus 10. The student in F3 stated that he was confused and the student in E3 claimed, "I don't understand." The instructor made no attempt to clarify these misunderstandings. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will interview one English instructor chosen by the assessor, regarding how he/she approaches the organization [of] his/her lessons on a daily, weekly, and long term basis. The instructor will type a summary of this interview and present it to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Howard were listed in the First Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category IV.H.2. On October 28, 1999, Ms. Henry held a conference- for-the-record with Respondent to discuss the contents of the First Report, a copy of which was provided to Respondent. Also present were Mr. Meehan and United Teachers of Dade representatives. An explanation of the deficiencies found by Mr. Meehan was given. In addition, Respondent was advised of the commencement (that day, October 28, 1999) of the 90-day "performance probation period" and warned that "failure to demonstrate remediation of [her] deficiencies may result in termination of [her] employment contract" and that failure to complete "prescription plan activities" by the November 22, 1999, deadline would "result in an unacceptable rating on the Professional Responsibilities Component of TADS." On November 17, 1999, Ms. Henry held another conference-for-the-record with Respondent. Also present were United Teachers of Dade representatives. The purpose of the conference was to discuss Ms. Henry's findings concerning an incident that had occurred in Respondent's classroom during her fifth period class on October 5, 1999. Ms. Henry had determined, based upon statements from students, that Respondent, during this fifth period class, had "inappropriately disciplined a student by grabbing her by the arm to remove her from the classroom." 1/ At the conference, Ms. Henry advised Respondent of the determination she had made and admonished Respondent accordingly. Among other things, she told Respondent that she should seek the assistance of an administrator or security monitor if she had a disruptive student in her classroom. The following day, November 18, 1999, Respondent received a letter of reprimand from Ms. Henry, which read as follows: On October 5, 1999, you inappropriately disciplined a student while instructing your language arts class. You violated Rule 6Gx12-5D-1.07- Corporal Punishment and 6Gx13-5D-1.08- Maintenance of Appropriate Student Behavior. It is your responsibility as a classroom teacher to maintain control and discipline of students. However, it is imperative that you follow school and Miami-Dade County School Board rules in doing so. Rules governing student discipline are outlined in the Code of Student Conduct, Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.07 and the Faculty Handbook- Item 9 - Classroom Management, Item 16- Corporal Punishment Policy, and Item 85- Supervision of Students. You are immediately directed to refrain from using any physical means to manage student behavior. Your are also immediately directed to implement the appropriate procedures for dealing with inappropriate student behavior as stipulated in the above documents. The infraction, Case Number E-02750, was substantiated by students' statements. You are hereby officially reprimanded for violating your professional contractual responsibilities in that you grabbed the student's arm to remove her from class. You are directed to refrain from using inappropriate procedures in the performance of your assigned duties. You are hereby directed to implement approved procedures in the performance of your assigned duties. Any recurrences of the above infraction will result in further disciplinary action. The reprimand was signed and dated (November 18, 1999) by Respondent. Respondent failed to complete the "prescription plan activities" set forth in the First Report by the November 22, 1999, deadline. On December 8, 1999, Respondent was formally observed in her classroom by Ms. Henry, who, like Mr. Meehan, is a certified TADS observer. Ms. Henry rated Respondent deficient in "knowledge of subject matter" (Categories II.B.2. and 3.); "classroom management" (Categories III.A.3., B.2. and 4., and C.1.,3., and 4.); "techniques of instruction" (Categories IV.A.2. and 3. and F.1. and 3.); and "assessment techniques" (Categories VI.A.2., 3., and 4. and B.2. and 3.). These unsatisfactory ratings were justified. Following Ms. Henry's December 8, 1999, observation, she completed a "record of observed deficiencies/prescription for performance improvement" (Second Report), a copy of which was provided to Respondent. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category II.B.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 5, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The sequence of information presented was not logical. The teacher's lesson for the entire two hour block involved a test on vocabulary words, a bell shaped curve drawn on the chalkboard with the words "exposition," "climax" and "resatution (resolution)" around it, and an FCAT assignment for students to answer questions from pages 48, 49, and 50. Before one activity was completed, the teacher moved on to the next and then back again. This vacillation between activities was continuous throughout the lesson. At no point did the teacher attempt to establish a connection between elements of the lesson. There was no meaningful framework established by the teacher in which students could relate one component of the lesson with another. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will observe Ms Hayes' class during period 4 and summarize the instructional activities, techniques and strategies used by the teacher. The teacher must submit her observation in typed form to Ms. Henry, the principal. Elois Hayes, a language arts instructor at Carol City, and Ms. Henry were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to help to improve her performance in Category II.B.2. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category II.B.3, and directed Respondent to engage in and complete, "weekly on Fridays," from December 17, 1999, through January 19, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The teacher failed to select or incorporate important dimensions and applications of the subject to make the lesson meaningful to learners. Without preparation or warning the teacher began to call loudly four words to students to write down. After much student confusion about the vocabulary words, the teacher then drew a bell shaped curve on the board and asked students to read a story and write down the exposition, climax, and resolution. Shortly after assigning this activity, the teacher wrote another assignment on the board and instructed students to answer questions from the assigned pages. The classroom activities required only copying answers and writing responses to questions on paper. At no time did the teacher provide examples or explanations nor did she attempt to engage the students in any meaningful or relevant activities. The lesson presented by the teacher demonstrates limited knowledge by the teacher in selecting activities that required higher order thinking skills such as reasoning, synthesis, comparison, or evaluation. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher must plan and present lessons on different cognitive levels beginning with information that is knowledge based and extends to the highest level which is evaluation. All lessons should be introduced, presented on two or more cognitive levels and summarized by the teacher. The teacher must prepare appropriate lesson plans which must be submitted and discussed with Ms. Henry, the principal. Ms. Henry was listed in the Second Report as a "recommended resource" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category II.B.3. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category II.B.4., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete, "weekly on Fridays," from December 17, 1999, through January 19, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Subject matter was not presented at more than one cognitive level. The entire lesson was presented on the knowledge level. The instructional activities were limited to copying from the chalkboard. To entice students to copy or write assignment, the teacher instructed the class that each student would get three A's for the assignments. There were no other techniques used to encourage higher order thinking skills. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher must meet with her department chairperson and media specialist to review lesson plan objectives, activities and supplemental materials that incorporate higher levels of reasoning in her lesson plans. The teacher must submit and discuss her lesson plans with Ms. Henry on a weekly basis. Ms. Henry, Ms. Howard, and Elaine VanNostrand, a media specialist at Carol City, were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category II.B.4. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.A.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 6, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION There were constant unnecessary delays and disorderly behavior by both the teacher and students. The teacher began class by calling out vocabulary words during which time she stopped several times to threaten students about their behavior and about not taking the vocabulary test. She repeatedly told students, "Go to the office and get your class changed, if you don't want to be in here." Students talked loudly, moved freely around the classroom and yelled out answers to the vocabulary test. Approximately 9 to 12 students refused to do anything. Confusion resulted from the lack of clear directives being provided by the teacher. Time was wasted when the teacher argued with students, repeatedly yelled out the same vocabulary words to students, and passed out literature books to individual students who asked in confusion, "What words? What page? What are we doing? What story are we supposed to read? I don't know what you are talking about." So much time was wasted that the entire class became chaotic and neither teaching nor learning occurred. Approximately 65 to 75 minutes of instructional time was lost to unnecessary delays. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will invite her department chairperson to observe her class. During that time the visitor is to record the time the instructor spends on various activities while in class. Using the data, the instructor will then analyze her instruction on the basis of how much time she spends on instructional versus noninstructional activities. Once that information is known, the instructor will develop strategies to reduce her percentage of noninstructional time while in class. The instructor will type a summary of the results of this exercise. She will submit the material to Ms. Henry for review and discussion. Ms. Howard and Ms. Henry were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.A.2. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.A.3., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 5, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Instructional activities did not continue until the end of the allocated time period. The lesson attempted by the teacher ended at 1:40 p.m. while the students continued to do whatever they chose to do until 2:30 p.m., which was the time the class was scheduled to end. There was drumming and dancing, students playing church, students walking and socializing individually and in groups, hair combing, 4 to 5 students sleeping at various times and students who just took a break from misbehaving. Their teacher made no attempt to regain control of the classroom or to continue with the instructional activities. Instruction stopped 40 minutes before the scheduled end of the class. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher must develop a seating chart for each class and use the seating chart to help maintain classroom management. The teacher must also make parental contacts and keep a log of all contacts made or attempted. The seating chart and parent contact log must be submitted to Ms. Henry for review and discussion. "Seating Chart," "Parental Contact Log," Student Service Staff," and Ms. Henry were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.A.3. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.B.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 8, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The teacher did not use non-verbal techniques to redirect off-task learners. Twenty-three students were present during the lesson. Of that number, 19 students in the classroom exhibited constant off-task behavior that lasted throughout the class period. Students were constantly observed walking around the classroom, drumming on desks, combing their hair, playing with the television, yelling, singing and dancing. The entire class was in a state of frenzy. The teacher did not use non-verbal techniques such as proximity, clapping or facial expressions, to redirect students to the lesson. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will prepare a seating chart for each class. Using the charts, the teacher will record the number of times she identifies and responds to off-task behavior. The teacher will also analyze her instruction and lesson plans to devise a strategy to significantly reduce the frequency of off-task behavior observed in her classroom. The teacher will submit her seating charts and strategy to Ms. Henry for review and discussion prior to implementation. "Textbook resource materials," Ms. Henry, and Ms. Howard were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.B.2. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.B.4., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 4, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The teacher did not use techniques to maintain the attention of learners who have been redirected. Constant and persistent off-task behavior was noted in this teacher's classroom. Students were observed talking, walking around the room, sleeping, singing, drumming on desks, dancing and playing with the television. Although the teacher yelled our commands and threats for behavior to cease, the behavior reappeared quickly once the teacher's attention was redirected to someone or something else. At 1:40 p.m. the teacher seemed defeated. She sat at her desk and attempted to address the assignments with students who were standing around her desk amidst total confusion. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will prepare a seating chart for each class. Using the charts, the teacher will record instances when students misbehave or otherwise interfere with the work of other students and the consequences imposed as a result of the behavior. The teacher will submit the seating charts with the recorded instances of misbehavior to Ms. Henry for review and discussion. "Textbook resource materials," Ms. Henry, and Ms. Howard were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.B.4. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.C.1., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 13, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Students exhibited persistent inappropriate behavior during the lesson such that it was obvious that expectations about behavior were not established or clear to the students. Throughout the class period, 80% of the class were talking, walking around the room, yelling at other students or the teacher, singing, drumming on desks, dancing, combing hair, or turning on the television. The noise level was so high that the teacher had to yell to make a point. At one time the teacher walked over to the observer and said, "I guess you are happy. This is what happens when you bribe students in order to fire me." The teacher also advised students by stating, "Find a spot on the wall and talk to it and don't ask me anything." Other than yelling out commands to sit down, be quiet or threats to get out of the class, recurrent inappropriate behaviors were allowed to occur without consequences. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will design an assertive discipline plan that includes suitable rules and appropriate consequences for students who misbehave in class. The plan will also include a suitable reward system to promote and maintain appropriate student behavior in class. The assertive discipline plan will be submitted to Ms. Henry for review and discussion prior to implementation. Ms. Henry and Ms. Howard were listed as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.C.1. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.C.3., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 10, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Learners who acted inappropriately or otherwise interfered with the work of others were not identified and dealt with quickly by this teacher. Students were observed in various acts of off- task behaviors. The behaviors would sometimes persist until students became tired of that misbehavior and moved to another inappropriate behavior. The teacher appeared angry and overwhelmed with students' misbehavior. Off-task behavior was not dealt with quickly. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will prepare a seating chart for each class. Using the charts, the teacher will record instances when students misbehave and the resulting consequences imposed by the teacher. The teacher will analyze her instruction to determine which techniques are most effective in dealing with inappropriate behavior. The charts and the resulting analysis will be submitted to Ms. Henry for review and discussion. "Textbook resource materials," Ms. Henry, and Ms. Howard were listed as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.C.3. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.C.4., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 7, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Learners who acted inappropriately or otherwise interfered with the work of others were not dealt with appropriately or with suitable consequences by this teacher. Students were observed throughout the class period engaging in inappropriate behaviors. In certain instances, the teacher responded in anger yelling out a command to sit down or stop talking. As soon as the teacher's attention was diverted to another off-task behavior or question, the behavior challenged earlier would return. No consequences were ever imposed by the teacher when she addressed any particular behavior. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES Using outside resources, the teacher will identify and describe, at least two additional behavior management techniques which have been shown to be effective in the classroom. Using the information obtained, the teacher will devise a written plan to significantly reduce the frequency of inappropriate behavior in [her] classes. The teacher will submit this information to Ms. Henry for review and discussion prior to implementation. "Textbook resource materials," Ms. Henry, and Ms. Howard were listed as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.C.4. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category IV.A.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by December 17, 1999, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The instructional methods employed by this teacher were not appropriate for the needs and abilities of the learners in the classroom. The teacher began the class by saying, "You are going to have a vocabulary test." Students were confused as to what vocabulary test they were to take, while some students stated that, "You never assigned us any words to study." After much confusion, the teacher yelled out four vocabulary words for students to write down. While students were copying vocabulary words from each other, the teacher hurriedly drew a bell curve on the chalkboard, wrote three words around the bell curve and asked students to find a sentence in the story that related to each of these words. Again, students informed the teacher that the class had not read the story. The teacher continued with this assignment by asking students to get a literature book. The teacher then began to vacillate between the vocabulary words and the bell curve relating to the story. Later, in the class period, the teacher wrote another assignment on the chalkboard which required students to answer question from the FCAT booklet. Students became frustrated, inattentive and disengaged with the lesson. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The lesson plans will reflect at least (3) different methods of delivering each lesson. The teacher will review the plans and methods with Mrs. Howard and Ms. Henry prior to their delivery. Ms. Henry and Ms. Howard were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category IV.A.2. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category IV.A.3., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 3, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The only materials used by the teacher were the chalkboard, textbook and FCAT workbooks. Supplemental materials such as handouts, computer assisted instruction, textbook glossary of words or dictionary and/or sticky notes were not employed to bring variety to the lesson and stimulate students' interest. The off-task behaviors manifested by students were the consequences of the teacher's failure to use a variety of materials. The instructor's limited use of basic curriculum materials was not appropriate for the needs and abilities of the learners in this class. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will meet with her department chairperson and the director of the Media Center in order to obtain assistance in finding supplementary materials that may assist her in her endeavors to instruct her English classes. The instructor will list the materials available and develop a plan to utilize some of these materials in her classes. The instructor will submit a copy of the list and the plan to Ms. Henry. The instructor will discuss the plan with Ms. Henry prior to implementation. Brenda Harrell, a media specialist at Carol City, Ms. Henry, and Ms. Howard were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category IV.A.3. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category IV.F.1., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by December 17, 1999, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The teacher did not establish the necessary background for the lesson. She began the lesson by calling out vocabulary words. A majority of the students informed the teacher that they had not been assigned any vocabulary words for study. The next assignment required students to use a short story to respond in writing to the three words (exposition, climax and resolution) written around the bell shaped curve on the chalkboard. The teacher insisted the students had read the story. Students likewise indicated that they had not read the story because of an incident relating to the teacher's stolen purse on the day they should have read the story. Next, the teacher placed another assignment on the chalkboard from the FCAT booklet. It was apparent from the students' responses that there was no background or prerequisites for the lesson nor did the teacher facilitate students' understanding of the lesson. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher must prepare lesson plans that require more than student centered activities involving reading, writing, and copying answers from a textbook. The teacher must prepare lesson plans that are teacher/student centered and provide for the various levels of cognitive learning. She must also include activities that will motivate students to participate in the lesson. The lesson plans must be submitted to Ms. Henry prior to their implementation. "Lesson Plans," Ms. Henry, and Ms. Howard were listed as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category IV.F.1 The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category IV.F.3., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by December 17, 1999, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The teacher presented three different lesson components which were not appropriately sequenced during the class period. She began the lesson with four vocabulary words which [were] not related to any lesson. It appeared that the sole purpose of this exercise was to give the students a test. The next assignment was for students to find a sentence in the story that related to words written around a bell curve. Several students asked, "What story?" Other students informed the teacher that they never got to read the story because of her stolen purse. The teacher ignored the students' comments and proceeded with the assignment amidst confusion. In the last assignment, students were instructed to answer questions on certain pages from the FCAT booklet. Because of the lack of appropriate sequencing in the lesson components, students were unable to understand the lesson presented. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will include in her lesson plans the sequence in which the components of the lesson will be presented. The teacher will also include in her lesson plans at least three (3) different methods of delivering each lesson. The lesson plans will be submitted to Ms. Henry for review and discussion prior to implementation. "Lesson Plans" and Ms. Henry were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category IV.F.3. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category VI.A.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 3, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The teacher did not solicit responses or demonstrations from students. Students were asked only to write their responses to vocabulary words, to write sentences [with] words listed on the bell shape[d] curve and to write answers to question[s] from the FCAT booklet. At no time did the instructor ask students for a verbal response nor did she ask them if they understood the lesson. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will solicit informal responses from individual students as well as assessing students in a group. The teacher must also assess student demonstrations of the instructional objectives. This assessment must be properly labeled and dated in the gradebook. A weekly review will be made by Ms. Henry. The "Handbook for Educators on Authentic Assessment Techniques" and Ms. Henry were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category VI.A.2. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category VI.A.3., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 3, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Multiple levels of learning were not monitored. The teacher did not appear to monitor any level of learning. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will include at least two (2) class activities each week that require[] multiple levels of assessment of students' performance. The teacher will present the completed evaluations to Ms. Henry each Friday. "Students' Assessment Papers" and Ms. Henry were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category VI.A.3. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category VI.A.4., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 3, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION A review of the teachers' gradebook and students' folders revealed only two to five teacher graded assignments. There was no documented nor observed activities in which students evaluated their own or each others' performance. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will include at least one (1) class activity each week that requires students to assess their own classwork or the classwork of another student. The teacher will present the completed evaluations to Ms. Henry each Friday. "Students' Assessment Papers," Ms. Henry, and Ms. Howard were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category VI.A.4. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category VI.B.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by January 3, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The teacher did not use a variety of assessment techniques to assess students' performance. A review of the gradebook revealed that only two to four grades had been recorded since the beginning of the school year. A review of students' folders revealed only two to three papers filed with dates [of] September, 1999. During the observation period, students were only required by the teacher to provide written responses to assignments. Most students did not complete the assignments. Of the 23 students present only 3 submitted papers for the FCAT assignment while 6 did so for the reading assignment and 17 for the vocabulary quiz. The teacher made no attempt to assess students' progress other than collecting papers at the end of the class. There was no evidence in the gradebook or student folders of unit tests, projects, homework, etc. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will present to Ms. Henry on a weekly basis her gradebook and sampling of students' folders showing classwork and the teacher's assessment of that classwork. The teacher must also properly label grades in the gradebook according to the assignment and date. "Lesson Plans" and Ms. Henry were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category VI.B.2. The Second Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category VI.B.3., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete "weekly on Friday," from January 3, 2000, through January 19, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION There were no summative assessments reflected in students' folders nor in the teacher's gradebook for the period of August 31 through December 8, 1999. There were only two to four grades recorded for her five classes during the above period. There were no unit test[s] with a variety of test items. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will prepare a unit test which will include the following: 20 multiple choice question[s] 10 matching items 5 fill in the blank items 2 essay questions Submit to principal for review prior to testing of students. The "Handbook for Educators on Authentic Assessment Techniques" and Ms. Henry were listed in the Second Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category VI.B.3. Respondent failed to timely complete the "prescription plan activities" set forth in the Second Report. On January 19, 2000, Ms. Henry presented Respondent with a memorandum advising Respondent that she was being "granted 24 hours to complete" these activities and that "[f]ailure to comply w[ould] result in disciplinary action." On January 25, 2000, Respondent was again formally observed in her classroom by Mr. Meehan. Mr. Meehan rated Respondent deficient in "preparation and planning" (Categories I.A.1. and 2. and B.1. and 2.); "classroom management" (Categories III.A.3., B.2. and 4., and C.1. and 4.); "techniques of instruction" (Categories IV.B.1.,2., and 3.); and "assessment techniques" (Categories VI.A.1., 2., and 4 and B.2. and 3.). These unsatisfactory ratings were justified. Following Mr. Meehan's January 25, 2000, observation, he completed a "record of observed deficiencies/prescription for performance improvement" (Third Report). The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category I.A.1., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The instructor did not have written lesson plans for the lesson presented. She did not have a stated objective, a homework assignment, activities or a means of monitoring student progress. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will develop weekly lesson plans containing objectives, activities, homework, and a means of monitoring student progress. She will submit the plans to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion on each Friday prior to their implementation. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Howard were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category I.A.1. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category I.A.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The objectives of the lesson were not based on nor did they go beyond the Competency Based Curriculum or the Sunshine State Standards. Since there was no written lesson plan and learning outcomes were not communicated to students, it was difficult to decipher what the instructor was attempting to accomplish. When preparing to distribute a handout to students at the beginning of the period, she stated, "These are the wrong ones." She distributed them anyway. Since there weren't enough copies, she said, "You'll just have to share. Students worked on these handouts for approximately one hour. She then sent two students to leave the room to get workbooks. Without explanation, she assigned page forty-one. Students worked on this assignment for approximately thirty minutes. Neither of these assignments was reviewed nor evaluated. Students were given free time for the remainder of the period. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will prepare detailed lesson plans with objectives based on the Competency Curriculum and the Sunshine State Standards. She will review these plans with Ms. Howard, Language Arts Chairperson, on the Friday prior to their implementation. Ms. Howard was listed in the Third Report as a "recommended resource" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category I.A.2. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category I.B.1., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The lesson presented by the instructor did not fill the allotted time with prepared content and instructional activities related to objectives. The first hour of the period was consumed on a vocabulary puzzle. The next thirty minutes were spent on a spontaneous assignment given from page forty-one of a workbook. Neither assignment was reviewed. The remainder of the period was given as free time. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES When preparing her weekly lesson plans, the instructor will divide the time allotted for each period into thirty minute intervals. She will them state the specific activities that will take place within each of these intervals. She will discuss these timelines with Ms. Ann Howard on the Friday prior to their implementation. Ms. Howard was listed in the Third Report as a "recommended resource" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category I.B.1. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category I.B.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION In the absence of a lesson plan, the instructor distributed puzzles and gave an assignment from a workbook. The remaining portion of the class was assigned as free time. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will interview Ms. Ann Howard, regarding how to best utilize the time allotted in block scheduling to plan her classes. She will type a summary of this interview and submit it to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. Ms. Howard was listed in the Third Report as a "recommended resource" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category I.B.2. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.A.3., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Instructional activities did not continue until the end of the class period. The instructor stated that she wanted to close the period by allowing students to watch thirty minutes of television but could not because Mr. Meehan was in the room. She assigned free time instead. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will interview Ms. Theodora Woltch regarding how to utilize the final thirty minutes of a two hour block to enhance student learning. The instructor will type a summary of this interview and submit it to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. Ms. Woltch was listed in the Third Report as a "recommended resource" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.A.3. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.B.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The instructor did not use non-verbal techniques to correct off-task behavior that was evident throughout the class period. Many of the twenty-eight students in attendance were off-task for significant periods of time. During the portion of the class when students were given classwork, three students in rows B and C read Spider Man comics, while the two students in the front of row A worked on unrelated assignments. Two students in the last seats of the middle rows of the classroom slept in each other's arms. A student in front of them drew on the arms of the student next to him. Another student in the middle of row B slept and one in the front of row C played the drums on his desk. During the entire two hour block, students left their seats to walk around the room, talk, and play. The off-task behavior was so extensive that the instructor accused the observer of collaborating with students to cause distractions. A student named Torrey stated, "Mr. Meehan, Ms. Abril thinks we're down." The student in front of row A told the instructor, "They don't do that." The instructor never attempted to return students to task by the use of non-verbal techniques such as eye contact, clapping, silence or proximity. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will observe Ms. Julie Fehr's class to see how she uses non- verbal techniques to deal with off-task behavior in her classes. She will then discuss with Ms. Fehr the techniques observed. The instructor will type a summary of her discussion and submit it to Mr. Meehan for review. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Fehr were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.B.2. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.B.4., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The instructor did not use techniques to maintain the attention of learners who were redirected. At times during the period more than thirty-three percent of the students were off-task. Students were engaged in activities not associated with the lesson. They talked, sang, slept, and worked on unrelated assignments. The instructor attempted to verbally redirect some students, but their off-task behavior was not revisited and therefore resumed when the instructor turned her attention elsewhere. One young man in row B was corrected for using a Game Boy. He began to read a comic instead. His off-task behavior was not revisited and continued uninterrupted. He proceeded to share his comics with those around him. A young man named Torrey was told to get back to his seat after walking to the side of the room to see his reflection in a mirror. When he returned to his seat, he began to sing. His off-task behavior was never revisited. Verbal and non-verbal techniques to maintain the attention of redirected learners were not evident in this instructor's classroom. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will observe Ms. Theodora Woltch's class to observe how she deals with off-task student behavior. The instructor will prepare a typed summary of this observation and develop a plan to incorporate some of the strategies she learned to reduce the frequency of off-task behavior in her classes. The instructor will submit the material to Mr. Meehan for review prior to implementation. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Woltch were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.B.4. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.C.1., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The inappropriate behavior manifested by students throughout the class period indicated that expectations about behavior were not made clear to learners. When seeking clarification about the puzzle assignments, students repeatedly blurted out questions without raising their hands. No standardized procedures were established for students to turn in their assignments. Some walked to the front of the room while others passed their papers to students in front of them or beside them. Students left their seats at will to walk around the room or open the classroom doors. With five minutes remaining in the period all of the students, except one, left their seats to go to the door. Some pushed the door open while others tried to close it. These inappropriate behaviors indicated that expectations about behavior had not been communicated previously. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will establish a set o[f] rules regarding appropriate student behavior and classroom procedures. She will type these rules and discuss them with Mr. Meehan before posting them around her classroom. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Howard were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.C.1. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category III.C.4., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Students who acted inappropriately or otherwise interfered with the work of others were not dealt with appropriately or with suitable consequences by this instructor. Of the twenty-eight students present in the classroom more than 50 percent walked in late, thereby disturbing students attempting to do the puzzle assignment. Nothing was said by the instructor. Neither the students in rows B and C who began singing, "I'm a Soul Man," nor the students in row A who began singing an unidentified song, were given consequences as a result of their misbehavior. The instructor made no attempt to subdue or control the constant buzz created by students talking and yelling to each other across the room. Most of the students present contributed to this noise which lasted the entire two hour period. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The teacher will design an assertive discipline plan that includes suitable rules and appropriate consequences for students who misbehave in class. The plan will also include a suitable reward system to promote and maintain appropriate student behavior in class. In addition, the teacher will prepare a seating chart for each class. Using the charts, the teacher will record instances when students misbehave or otherwise interfere with the work of other students and the consequences imposed as a result of the behavior. The teacher will analyze her instruction to determine which techniques are most effective in dealing with inappropriate behavior. The teacher will submit this information to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. The "Assertive Discipline Handbook" and Mr. Meehan were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category III.C.4. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category IV.B.1., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Feedback was not provided to students about weaknesses in their performance. The assignments for the class period were a puzzle and page forty-one of the "Buckle Down" workbook. These assignments were neither reviewed nor corrected during the class period. Since the instructor failed to monitor the performance of students as a group or individually, she was not able to provide feedback regarding inadequacies in their work. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will interview Ms. Ann Howard regarding practical methods that can be utilized during class to monitor the performance of students and provide feedback regarding their inadequacies. She will type a summary of the interview and present it to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Howard were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category IV.B.1. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category IV.B.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Feedback was not provided to students about strengths in their performance. The instructor failed to monitor the performance of the students on any of the assignments during this class period. She was therefore unable to acknowledge good work and adequate performance. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will interview Ms. Ann Howard regarding practical methods that can be utilized during class to monitor the performance of students and provide feedback about their good work. The instructor will type a summary of this interview and submit it to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Howard were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category IV.B.2. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category IV.B.3., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION No suggestions for improving student performance were made by the instructor during the class period. The instructor neither orally reviewed the answers to the assignments nor individually corrected student work. Consequently, she could not make suggestions for improving student performance and an opportunity for enhancing student learning was lost. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will interview Ms. Ann Howard about how learning is enhanced when suggestions for improvement are specific to the learner and the learning task, and when they are communicated in a way that encourages continued effort. She will type a summary of this interview and submit it to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Howard were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category IV.B.3. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category VI.A.1., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION During this two hour class period there was no formal or informal examination of pupil work by the instructor. She made no attempt to periodically assess student progress by moving about the room making appropriate observations and asking pertinent questions. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will interview Ms. Theodora Woltch regarding making informal assessments of student work by moving about the room and asking probing questions. She will type a summary of this interview and submit it to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Woltch were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category VI.A.1. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category VI.A.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The instructor did not solicit responses or demonstrations from pupils relative to instructional objectives. She did not ask questions that reflected lesson content nor did she require students to demonstrate what they learned. There were no informal assessment techniques used by the instructor during this class period. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will interview Ms. Theodora Woltch regarding various ways to informally assess student work by having them demonstrate what they have learned during the class period. The instructor will type a summary of this interview and submit it to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Woltch were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category VI.A.2. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category VI.A.4., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The instructor did not have students evaluate their own and/or each other's performance. She did not request that learner's work together on checking each other's work or that pupils check their own responses against answers in the book or on the chalkboard. There was no assessment of student learning and progress made during this lesson. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will discuss with Ms. Ann Howard, Language Arts Chairperson, the advantages of having students grade their own work or each other's assignments during a class period. The instructor will type a summary of this interview and submit it to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Howard were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category VI.A.4. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category VI.B.2., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION An examination of student folders revealed no evidence that more than one kind of assessment was made during the second quarter. Formative assessments such as a library classwork assignment and one quiz were found in some folders but there was no indication that any summative assessment was made during the second nine week grading period. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will read an article from an educational textbook or journal regarding formative and summative assessments. She will type a summary of this article and submit it to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Harrell were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category VI.B.2. The Third Report contained the following accurate "summary/description" of Respondent's deficiency in Category VI.B.3., and directed Respondent to engage in and complete by February 16, 2000, the following "prescription plan activities" that were reasonably designed to help her improve her performance in this category: DEFICIENCY SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Student folders did not indicate that adequate and sufficient summative assessments were made by the instructor during the second nine week grading period. There was no evidence of a summative assessment that included essay questions or performance tasks which are required of students to pass the FCAT examination. PRESCRIPTION PLAN ACTIVITIES The instructor will interview Ms. Julie Fehr regarding types of essay questions and performance tasks that should be included in ninth grade English assessments. She will type a summary of this interview and submit it to Mr. Meehan for review and discussion. Mr. Meehan and Ms. Fehr were listed in the Third Report as "recommended resources" Respondent could draw upon to improve her performance in Category VI.B.3. On January 27, 2000, Ms. Henry held a conference- for-the-record with Respondent to discuss Respondent's failure to complete the "prescription plan activities" set forth in the First and Second Reports. Also present were Craig Speziale, an assistant principal at Carol City, and United Teachers of Dade representatives. At the conference, Ms. Henry reviewed the First and Second Reports with Respondent and admonished her for not completing the "prescription plan activities" set forth in these reports, which, she informed Respondent, she considered to constitute insubordination for which Respondent would receive an unsatisfactory rating in the seventh TADS category, professional responsibility. Ms. Henry subsequently completed a "record of observed deficiencies/prescription for performance improvement" (Fourth Report), in which she rated Respondent deficient in Category VII.B. based upon her "fail[ure] to comply with prescriptive activities and timeliness as outlined in the [First and Second Reports]" and directed her to complete all of these "prescriptive activities" no later than February 16, 2000. A copy of the Fourth Report was provided to Respondent on January 31, 2000. On that same day, January 31, 2000, Mr. Meehan directed Respondent to report for a "post-observation conference" to discuss the Third Report. Respondent refused to go. Respondent was formally observed in her classroom for a final time on February 18, 2000. This observation was conducted by Ms. Henry. Ms. Henry justifiably found Respondent to be deficient in "preparation and planning," "knowledge of subject matter," "classroom management," "techniques of instruction," and "assessment techniques." Because Respondent's 90-day "performance probation period" had expired without Respondent having corrected her performance deficiencies, and Ms. Henry therefore intended to recommend Respondent's termination, the report that Ms. Henry completed following the observation (Final Report) did not contain any additional "prescription plan activities" for Respondent to complete. The "prescription plan activities" described in the First, Second, and Third Reports were not completed by Respondent. On February 19, 2000, the day following Ms. Henry's formal observation of Respondent, Respondent was absent from school. Respondent telephoned the school to notify the administration of her absence, stating that she had injured her ankle and foot on February 17, 2000, and that she did not intend to return to work until after she had been seen by a doctor. Respondent never returned to work. (She did go to Carol City, however, on February 25, 2000, to pick up her pay check. During this visit, Respondent was asked to sign the Final Report, as well as a written recommendation for her termination that Ms. Henry had prepared and sent to the regional and district offices on or about February 22, 2000. Respondent refused to sign these documents.) By letter dated February 24, 2000, the Superintendent of Schools advised Petitioner that, pursuant to Section 231.29, Florida Statutes, he was recommending that the School Board, at its March 15, 2000, meeting "terminate her employment contract as a teacher, effective at the close of the workday, March 15, 2000 . . . because [she had] failed to satisfactorily correct identified performance deficiencies during [her] 90-Calendar Day Performance Probation and [because of her] gross insubordination." In his letter, the Superintendent further informed Respondent that she could contest his recommendation by requesting, within 15 days of her receipt of the notice, a hearing on the matter. Respondent requested such a hearing. Respondent was suspended without pay pending the outcome of the hearing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board issue a final order terminating Respondent's employment on the ground set forth in Count I of the Notice of Specific Charges ("Unsatisfactory Performance"). DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of September, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of September, 2000.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.68447.203447.209 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida May 24, 2012 Number: 12-001924TTS Latest Update: May 22, 2013

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent is guilty of incompetency, misconduct in office, or insubordination and, if so, whether Petitioner may suspend her without pay for 13 days.

Findings Of Fact Respondent has been employed by Petitioner for 26 years, but not for the period of 1997-2007. For the most part, Respondent has served as a classroom reading teacher, but she has also served as a district-level behavior specialist over ten years ago. Starting in the 2006-07 school year and through the 2011-12 school year, Respondent has been assigned as a tenth grade reading teacher at Blanche Ely High School. Respondent has never received any discipline on her educator's certificate. Until the 2011-12 school year, Respondent had never received any adverse employment action from Petitioner. All of her evaluations during her tenure at Blanche Ely bore satisfactory marks. For the first two years after Respondent returned to teaching in Petitioner's schools, she was on annual contract, but she regained a professional service contract starting the 2008-09 school year. Ms. Baugh's first year as assistant principal at Blanche Ely was the 2011-12 school year. Ms. Baugh previously served as assistant principal at Deerfield Beach High School and, before that, served for seven years as a classroom reading and English teacher. Among Ms. Baugh's responsibilities at Blanche Ely during the 2011-12 school year was to supervise the reading and English departments. Ms. Baugh was thus Respondent's direct administrator. Ms. Baugh's first observation of Respondent's class took place on September 28, 2011. Ms. Baugh remained in the classroom for 30 minutes. Ms. Baugh observed deficiencies in three areas. First, as to instructional planning, Respondent had failed to write the learning objectives on the board, so the students lacked a clear understanding of what they were supposed to learn from the lesson. By failing to introduce the students to the material properly, Respondent allowed students to become confused as to their tasks in reading an interview in a textbook. Lastly, Respondent broke the class into pairs to write an interview, without first providing an example of how to write an interview or giving the students a chance to practice the task, and some students did not understand their respective roles in the small groups. Second, as to lesson presentation, only a few students engaged in an assigned activity because Respondent had failed to provide pre-reading assignments or to explain the purpose of the reading assignment. In reviewing an activity in which students were to determine their areas of weakness, Respondent asked three students to share their three most common mistakes, but failed to determine whether the students actually knew their areas of weakness. Lastly, Respondent failed to write on the board the vocabulary, learning objectives, and specific tasks for the lesson. Third, as to subject-matter knowledge, Respondent consistently misidentified the FCAT 2.0 Reading Category Four as "Informational Text and Technology." It is "Information Text/Research Process." Respondent did not resist Ms. Baugh's comments during the post-observation conference, which took place on October 3, 2011, although Respondent incorrectly insisted that the FCAT section to which she had referred would cover technology. During the conference, Ms. Baugh informed Respondent that she would receive assistance in instructional planning, lesson presentation, and subject-matter knowledge. Ms. Baugh warned Respondent that she would be placed on a Performance Development Plan, if she failed to remediate these deficiencies. One day within two weeks of the October 3 conference, Respondent was instructing her class when a student asked a completely off-topic question about sex. Unable to regain control of the class, Respondent floundered, and other students seized the opportunity to ask inappropriate questions. In the ensuing verbal melee, answering questions posed to her, Respondent told the students that she first had had sex in college and it had been physically painful. As surprising as Respondent's lapse in judgment in answering these questions about her personal sex life, her explanations for why she did so were even more surprising. When asked during cross-examination why she would answer such obviously impertinent questions, Respondent twice, sitting silently, responded by snapping her fingers repeatedly. As though she were overwhelmed by the attorney's question, Respondent resorted to this gesture to indicate that the rapid- fire questions themselves had overwhelmed her. When finally coaxed to substitute language for gesture, Respondent lamely explained that a teacher cannot ever be viewed as inappropriate when she is honest with a child. After a conference on October 22, during which Respondent denied having made any sexual comments in class, Ms. Baugh informed Respondent, somewhat cryptically, "to no longer engage in nonacademic discourse and off-topic discussion by desisting students' negative behaviors." Doubtlessly, though, Respondent understood that she was not to do this again. Ms. Baugh's second observation of Respondent's class took place on November 9, 2011. As Ms. Baugh entered the class, the students were loudly demanding to know what they were supposed to be doing in class. In response to one student, Respondent replied that they should write the words on the overhead projector. The lesson was devoted to acquiring vocabulary through morphemes. While students were working on the lesson, a loud dialog took place between a student sitting near Ms. Baugh and another student sitting across the classroom. Their comments included profanity and disparaging remarks, including one statement referring to the boy on the other side of the classroom as "fat boy." Other students were leaving the classroom, some with and some without passes. Still other students were laughing and talking. Few students were doing the assigned work, but Respondent never intervened. When later asked why she had not intervened, Respondent told Ms. Baugh she did not want the behaviors to worsen and the situation to escalate. After working on the morphemes assignment, the students turned their divided attention to another assignment. Respondent neither explained the purpose of the new activity, nor did she introduce the new activity to the students. Instead, Respondent told the students merely to turn to a certain page and begin to work. Ms. Baugh observed deficiencies in instructional planning, lesson presentation, and behavior management. As to the last, Ms. Baugh told Respondent to stop negative behaviors and impose consequences for misbehavior. By this time, Respondent was receiving assistance from Ms. Powell, another reading teacher, and a retired principal. Later, Ms. Baugh assigned a second reading coach to try to help Respondent. Ms. Powell actually had started helping Respondent in 2009, at least in group sessions given for the benefit of all of the reading teachers. Clearly, though, by the 2011-12 school year, Ms. Powell was providing much more in-depth, individual assistance to Respondent. For instance, following an observation on October 28, Ms. Powell provided Respondent with a detailed Teacher Support Narrative. As to one observation, Ms. Powell noted how Respondent's board was cluttered, bore incorrect lesson objectives, and reflected the use of obsolete student-grouping criteria. Ms. Powell told Respondent to visit the classrooms of three other teachers to see how a board should be organized. But, by their next meeting, Respondent had not done so. Increasingly, though, Respondent was losing control of her classroom. Nearby teachers would enter Respondent's classroom to try to help restore order. Respondent later explained that she did not summon security because she had done so on a couple of occasions early in the school year, but security had never responded. On at least two or three occasions, when a student swore openly in class, Respondent's "strategy" was to repeat the word, in asking what he had said, such as "did you say 'fuck?' or "did you say 'bitch?'" Predictably, the effect of the teacher's repeating the swear word did not de-escalate the situation. On December 12, 2011, one student repeatedly directed a profanity toward Respondent in class and then seized Respondent's personal computer to access a grade program to change his grade. When the other students became disruptive too, another teacher had to enter the classroom to restore order. Because Respondent had not contacted security, the other teacher did so. Eventually, Respondent issued a referral only for the profanity, not the seizing of the computer, although this act compromised confidential information of other students. By letter dated January 17, 2012, Ms. Baugh issued Respondent a written reprimand for failing to manage the behavior of her students and allowing an unsafe learning environment to ensue. Ms. Powell witnessed the aftermath of a more serious incident that took place on December 15 in Respondent's classroom. At the start of class, a boy struck a girl in the head with a bottle. Although Respondent wrote a referral on the boy, she allowed both students to remain in the class for the duration of the period. As Ms. Powell entered the classroom, the period had evidently just ended, and the boy had just left the classroom, but she saw the girl, crying, on her cellphone talking to someone. She was asking the person with whom she had called to come to school to pick her up because a boy was bothering her, and her teacher was not doing anything about it. Instead of comforting the child, Respondent was busily walking around the classroom picking up papers. In response to questions from Ms. Powell, Respondent confirmed what had happened. When Ms. Powell asked if Respondent had called security, she said she had not because she was straightening up the room. Respondent then told the girl to proceed to her next class, but Ms. Powell told her not to leave the safety of the classroom until they knew the location of the boy. The girl left the classroom anyway, and Ms. Powell trailed her to make sure that the boy did not approach her. Just at that moment, the security guard arrived, so Ms. Powell could return to the classroom and admonish Respondent for, among other things, cleaning up the room before addressing the needs of the student who had been struck by the bottle. Later, in a conference, Respondent told Ms. Baugh that she had not called security because the fight had taken place just outside her classroom. Respondent added that she also knew that the boy did not bother girls, only other boys. Unmoved by Respondent's so-called explanations, by letter also dated January 17, 2012, Ms. Baugh issued a written reprimand for Respondent's failure to make a reasonable effort to protect a student from conditions harmful to her health or safety. Ms. Baugh's third observation of Respondent's class took place on January 5. The observation generally noted the same deficiencies as had been noted in the preceding two observations. This time, students laid their heads on their tables, and Respondent did not make them pay attention. The classroom was noisy, as students laughed and talked without being redirected. Two students even had headphones over their ears. When later asked about these matters, Respondent told Ms. Baugh that she did not address these behaviors because she did not want to delay instructional momentum. As was the case with the second observation, Ms. Baugh noted deficiencies in instructional planning, lesson presentation, and behavior management. In February 2012, Respondent experienced serious problems in assigning correct grades and less serious problems in proctoring exams and handling secure exam materials. Eventually, Respondent managed to combine her deficiencies in teaching and classroom management by improperly assigning low academic grades based on misbehavior. By letter dated March 21, 2012, which was later superseded by a letter dated March 22, 2012, Ms. Baugh advised Respondent that she was recommending a three-day suspension for the above-discussed performance deficiencies, which covered a period starting with the beginning of the school year and ending on the date of a predisciplinary meeting that had taken place on March 2. This is the proposed action that is the subject of DOAH Case No. 12-1924TTS. Two more classroom-trashings occurred in the two days following the March 21 three-day suspension letter. First, on March 22, Ms. Powell found Respondent trying to use an overhead in a fully lighted room. Because the image was washed out, Ms. Powell suggested that they turn out the lights, but provide some light by opening the blinds shading the top of the windows. Ms. Powell and Respondent adjusted the lighting accordingly. Ms. Powell left the classroom to help another teacher. Returning to Respondent's classroom 30 minutes later, Ms. Powell could hear a loud commotion as she approached the classroom in the hall. She heard falling desks and chairs and loud shouting. As Ms. Powell entered the classroom, it was pitch black. Ms. Powell turned on the lights and saw that the students had trashed the classroom, again flipping desks and chairs and strewing the floor with papers and books. Ms. Powell asked what was going on, and Respondent explained, with no sense of urgency, that the students kept turning off the lights. When Ms. Powell asked Respondent to identify the misbehaving students, Respondent mentioned the name of one student. The student declared that he was innocent, but Respondent said, "oh, yes, it was you." When Ms. Powell began to call this student's parents, Respondent interrupted and said she was not sure that he was the perpetrator. Second, on the afternoon of Friday, March 23, Ms. Powell noticed students running from the computer lab toward the vending machine area. Ms. Powell approached Respondent, who had just escorted her class (or most of it) from the computer lab back to her regular classroom. Respondent denied that there had been any trouble. Unconvinced, Ms. Powell walked over to the computer lab and found overturned desks, flipped chairs, the phone off the hook and on the floor, and papers and books strewn along the floor. Respondent entered the room and denied that her students had done this trashing of the lab. This denial, which Respondent repeated at hearing, is specifically not credited. Additionally, after receiving the March 21 three-day suspension letter, Respondent continued to grade student work arbitrarily. On one occasion, also on March 22, Ms. Powell noticed that two students with the identical answers had received very different grades for their homework--one getting a 100% and one getting a 50%. When Ms. Powell asked Respondent about the discrepant grading, Respondent replied that she had concluded that the student with the 50% had cheated. Respondent reasoned that the first student to have handed in her assignment had obviously done her own work, but the other student must have copied. When Ms. Powell pointed out the fallacy of this thinking and asked if Respondent had bothered to speak to either of the students, Respondent admitted that she had not. On another occasion, within the same week, Respondent reduced a student's grade on an assignment because of classroom misbehavior--again, improperly using an academic assessment to deal with misbehavior. The student demanded to know whether Respondent had reduced her grade because she is black. Resorting to her earlier strategy of repeating profanity, Respondent sarcastically repeated the question by saying that she had reduced her grade because she was black. Outraged, the student then became loud and aggressive with Respondent. This statement of Respondent, who is white, was insensitive, at the least. As noted by the reference in Petitioner Exhibit 44, this statement came shortly after the racially charged killing of Trayvon Martin. This exhibit states that Respondent tried to justify her reducing the student's grade because the student had taken a piece of yellow paper from Respondent's desk, without permission, and had written on it: "RIP Trayvon Martin." This is a good example of Respondent's missing a crucial teachable moment, instead insensibly clinging to her "technique" of repeating the student's utterance--for what purpose is never clear. The evidentiary record reveals some evidence of insubordination, considerable evidence of incompetency, and overwhelming evidence of misconduct in office. In some cases allowing and in other cases creating conditions in her classroom the precluded learning and endangered the safety of the students entrusted to her, Respondent's deficiencies in classroom management--exacerbated by her incompetency in the form of inefficiency and incapacity--are so serious as to impair her effectiveness in the school system. Considering the acts and omissions covered by the two written reprimands solely for the purpose of applying the progressive discipline policy of Petitioner, the evidentiary record amply supports a 13-day suspension, without pay, for the misconduct in office and incompetence proved in these cases.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the Broward County School Board enter a final order suspending Respondent, without pay, for 13 days. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of February, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of February, 2013. COPIES FURNISHED: Melissa C. Mihok, Esquire Kelly and McKee, P.A. 1718 East 7th Avenue, Suite 301 Post Office Box 75638 Tampa, Florida 33675-0638 Eugene K. Pettis, Esquire Brian Engel, Esquire Haliczer, Pettis, and Schwamm, P. A. One Financial Plaza, 7th Floor 100 Southeast 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33394 Robert W. Runcie, Superintendent Broward County School Board 600 Southeast Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-3125 Dr. Tony Bennett Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Matthew Carson, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (3) 1012.33120.569120.68
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004471 Latest Update: Jul. 02, 1987

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: At all times material to this proceeding, Respondent was employed as a classroom teacher by Petitioner under a continuing contract. Respondent has been a classroom teacher for nineteen (19) years, and has been employed by Petitioner for the last eighteen (18) years. Petitioner taught primarily at elementary school level but, at various times, she has also taught at the high school level. Respondent was awarded a continuing contract of employment by Petitioner in 1973. Respondent has never been, other than this proceeding, the subject of any formal disciplinary proceeding during the time she has been employed by the Petitioner. On September 25, 1957, Respondent brought three (3) students to Helen Ramsey, Assistant Principal, Port St. Joe High School, for discipline due to their alleged misbehavior in the Respondent's classroom. The more credible evidence shows that Respondent insisted that Ramsey discipline the students in her presence. The reason for Respondent's insistence was that students previously sent by Respondent for discipline had bragged to other students that no punishment had been administered and this created further disciplinary problems in her classroom. Ramsey requested that Respondent leave and let her "handle the situation." Due to Respondent's insistence, Ramsey discussed the matter with Respondent alone in Ramsey's office. After this discussion, Ramsey agreed to question the students. Two (2) students admitted misbehaving in the classroom and were paddled. The third student denied misbehaving in the classroom and Ramsey refused to proceed any further until she had questioned the student without Respondent being present. After further discussion, and with Ramsey refusing to proceed any further, Respondent left. There is insufficient evidence to show that Ramsey ever gave Respondent a direct order to leave her office or the reception area but only requested that Respondent leave and allow Ramsey "to handle the situation" which Respondent did, after a lengthy and heated discussion with Ramsey. Ramsey had not experienced a problem, such as this, with Respondent before and, although Ramsey saw no apparent reason for Respondent's "unusual" attitude, Ramsey did not question Respondent at any time concerning her attitude. The entire incident between Ramsey and Respondent lasted about thirty (30) minutes, including the five (5) to ten (10) minutes Respondent spent with Ramsey without the students in the beginning and the ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes Respondent was in Ramsey's office while Ramsey discussed the matter with students and paddled two (2) of them. On September 25, 1986, Edwin Williams, (Williams) Principal, Port St. Joe High School, was away from school, and therefore Ramsey reported the incident to Superintendent Walter Wilder (Wilder). When Williams returned on September 26, 1987, Ramsey reported the incident to him. On September 26, 1987, when Williams, became aware of the incident, he sent an aide, Ellie Padgett (Padgett) to Respondent's room to ask Respondent to report to Williams' office and for Padgett to stay with Respondent's class. Upon receiving the message from Padgett, despondent advised Padgett that she would go to Williams' office the next period which was her free period. While Padgett was in Respondent's room, Juanita Powell (Powell), Williams' Secretary, paged Respondent on the intercom and there was credible evidence that Respondent informed Powell that she would come to Williams' office shortly. After Padgett returned to Williams' office, Powell went to Respondent's room to inform Respondent that Williams wanted to see her. Respondent told Powell that she had planned on giving treats to her students at the end of the period and would come when she finished. After Powell returned to Williams' office, Williams went to Respondent's room and told her he wanted to see her in his office. There was credible evidence that Williams was angry with Respondent and expressed his anger when he demanded that she come to his office right away. Respondent went to Williams' office in about five (5) minutes after he demanded that she come. This gave Williams time to return to his office and "cool-off." No one advised Respondent what Williams wanted to speak to her about or that the matter needed immediate attention. Upon arrival at William's office, Williams confronted Respondent with the report of the incident regarding the students given to him by Ramsey. A heated discussion ensued and Williams told Respondent to leave his office and the school, and then Williams proceeded to Wilder's office. After Williams left, Respondent went to her classroom to gather up her personal things. While gathering up her personal things, Respondent was advised by Mr. Osborne, a school employee, to report back to Williams' office. Respondent reported to William's office and shortly thereafter Williams and Wilder arrived. Wilder advised Respondent that they were dealing with "what was potentially a serious disciplinary problem." At this juncture, Wilder directed Respondent to respond to a series of questions concerning the Ramsey incident which Respondent declined to answer, but addressed her remarks to Williams concerning what Respondent felt was Williams' unfair treatment of her during this incident. Respondent continued to discuss the matter with Williams even after he again directed her to leave the school premises. However, Respondent did leave the school in about ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes. Respondent was not offered an opportunity to have another teacher present to witness the conversation during this meeting with Williams and Wilder. Respondent did comply, although belatedly, with: (a) the request from Ramsey to leave her office; (b) Williams' request to leave his office and the school premises and, (c) Williams' request to report to his office. There was credible evidence that Respondent's failure to notify the school secretary of her absence from duty on September 12, 1983, was due to Respondent's belief that her husband, Clarence Monette, had advised the secretary of her absence. There was credible evidence to show that Respondent was dividing her time between Highland Elementary School and Port St. Joe High School on May 22, 1986, and that Respondent's reason for not reporting to Highlands on May 22, 1986, was due to her staying at the high school to attend an art festival with the children. There was credible evidence that on September 23, 1986, Respondent was absent but made arrangements to have her lesson plan delivered to the school secretary and for a substitute teacher; however, Respondent failed to notify school authorities that she had engaged a substitute teacher which resulted in the school engaging a substitute teacher also. Respondent has had an annual formal evaluation for each of the eighteen (18) years she has taught in the Gulf County School district and, during that entire time, no school administrator has ever indicated that she was guilty of insubordination or that she had willfully neglected her duties. There was insufficient evidence to show that Respondent intended to violate school policies or to disobey an order of her superiors. There was insufficient evidence to show that Respondent's material acts and omissions were willful.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner, School Board of Gulf County, enter a Final Order dismissing all charges filed against the Respondent, Audrey Monette and that Respondent be restored to her position as a continuing contract employee of the Gulf County School Board, and that she receive back pay for the entire period she has been in a non-pay status because of these charges. Respectfully submitted and entered this 2nd day of July 1987, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of July 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 86-4471 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties in this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. Adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. First and second sentence adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 12 and 13 except for that part of second sentence regarding Respondent ignoring Williams' orders which is rejected as not supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. The balance of paragraph 3 adopted in substance in Findings of Fact 14 and 16 except for that part of the fifth sentence concerning Respondent calling Williams an "Uncle Tom" and that part of sixth sentence concerning Respondent charging Williams with believing Ramsey in preference to her which I reject as immaterial and irrelevant. Reject that portion of paragraph 4 concerning Respondent's refusal to leave Williams' office as not supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. The balance of paragraph 4 is adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 17. 5-6. Covered in background material. 7-8. Rejected as immaterial and irrelevant. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent 1-2. Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. Adopted in Finding of Fact 4. Adopted in Findings of Fact 5, 6 and 7. Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. Not stated as a finding of fact but as recitation of testimony. However, it is covered in Finding of Fact 6. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 7. Not stated as a finding of fact but as a recitation of testimony. However, it is covered in Finding of Fact 6. 10-11. Adopted in Finding of Fact 8. Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. Adopted in Finding of Fact 10. 14-15. Adopted in Finding of Fact 11. 16-17. Adopted in Finding of Fact 12. 18-19. Adopted in Finding of Fact 13. 20-22. Adopted in Finding of Fact 14. Adopted in Findings of Fact 14 and 15. Adopted in Findings of Fact 14 and 19. Adopted in Finding of Fact 15. Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. 27. Adopted in Findings of Fact 16 and 17. Adopted in Finding of Fact 18. Not stated as a finding of fact but a recitation of testimony but covered in Finding of Fact 17. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 17. 31-32. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 20. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 21. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 22. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 23. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 24. Adopted in substance in Finding of Fact 25. COPIES FURNISHED: Cecil G. Costin, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 98 Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 Philip J. Padovano Post Office Box 873 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 B. Walter Wilder, Superintendent Gulf County School Board Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lake Wales, Florida Dec. 23, 2009 Number: 09-006987PL Latest Update: Jun. 24, 2010

The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent violated Subsections 1012.795(1)(d), 1012.795(1)(g), and 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes (2007),1 and Florida Administrative Code Rules 6B-1.006(3)(a), 6B-1.006(3)(d), 6B-1.006(3)(e), 6B-1.006(3)(f), 6B-1.006(4)(b), 6B-1.006(5)(a), 6B-1.006(5)(d), and 6B-1.006(5)(f), and, if so, what discipline should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency responsible for certifying and regulating public school teachers in Florida. Ms. Mackroy is licensed to teach in the fields of emotionally handicapped and sociology pursuant to Florida Educator’s Certificate No. 385206, which is valid through June 30, 2011. At all times pertinent to the Administrative Complaint, Ms. Mackroy was employed as the lead teacher at the Exceptional Student Education Countywide McLaughlin Center (McLaughlin Center) in the Polk County School District. On September 6, 2007, Officer Tiffany Holden, a school resource officer employed with the Lake Wales Police Department, was dispatched to McLaughlin Center to investigate a report of a disruptive student, A.H. When Officer Holden arrived at McLaughlin Center, she observed A.H. sitting quietly in a chair with his arms inside his shirt, looking as if he was napping. Officer Holden also observed that the front office area was in disarray, with papers and a doughnut box on the floor and several chairs that had been overturned. Ms. Mackroy told Officer Holden that A.H. had been disruptive and was responsible for overturning the chairs and throwing the papers and doughnut box on the floor. Ms. Mackroy told Officer Holden to arrest A.H. because the school staff could do nothing with him. Based on Ms. Mackroy’s statement that A.H. was responsible for the trashing of the front office, Officer Holden handcuffed and arrested A.H., who began to cry. A.H. was transported to the police station. He told Officer Holden that he did not throw the items on the floor and did not overturn the chairs. A.H. stated that, while he was seated outside the office door, he had observed Ms. Mackroy throw the papers on the floor and overturn the chairs. Because of the conflicting evidence, Officer Holden did not charge A.H. with disorderly conduct, but took A.H. home and spoke to his mother. On October 25, 2007, during an unrelated, subsequent investigation, Officer Rodney Fowler interviewed Terry Benton (Ms. Benton), who at that time was a teacher at McLaughlin Center. Ms. Benton had witnessed the incident involving A.H. and advised Officer Fowler that A.H. had not put the front office in disarray, but Ms. Mackroy had knocked over the chairs and put the papers and other items on the floor. She knew that Ms. Mackroy had falsely accused A.H., but she was intimidated by Ms. Mackroy and was afraid that Ms. Mackroy would lie in order to get her fired. Ms. Benton was told by Ms. Mackroy that she had contacts with the police department and would know if Ms. Benton said anything against her. The information received from Ms. Benton concerning A.H. was relayed to Officer Holden, who filed a complaint affidavit with the State Attorney’s Office charging Ms. Mackroy with filing a false police report. Officer Fowler had been dispatched to McLaughlin Center on October 25, 2007, to investigate allegations that Ms. Mackroy had hit D.C., a student, on the head. During the investigation, he learned that, approximately two or three weeks before the investigation, D.C. had gotten upset during class. Ms. Mackroy came into the classroom and took D.C. out of the classroom and told him to go to the end of the hallway. D.C. got to the end of the hallway and got on the floor, lying on his stomach. While D.C. was lying on the floor, Ms. Mackroy bent down and hit him on his head with her hand. D.C. was not trying to harm Ms. Mackroy at the time of the incident; he was crying and asking her to stop hitting him. As a result of Officer Fowler’s investigation, he charged Ms. Mackroy with simple battery. The Polk County School District began an investigation into the incidents involving Ms. Mackroy and the two students, A.H. and D.C. At the conclusion of the investigation, it was recommended that Ms. Mackroy be terminated from her position with the Polk County School District. Ms. Mackroy resigned in lieu of termination on December 19, 2007.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that Ms. Mackroy violated Subsections 1012.795(1)(d), 1012.795(1)(g), and 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes; finding that Ms. Mackroy violated Florida Administrative Code Rules 6B-1.006(3)(a), 6B-1.006(3)(d), 6B-1.006(3)(e), 6B-1.006(3)(f), 6B-1.006(4)(b), 6B-1.006(5)(a), and 6B-1.006(5)(d); and permanently revoking Ms. Mackroy’s educator certificate. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of March, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUSAN B. HARRELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of March, 2010.

Florida Laws (4) 1012.011012.795120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0066B-11.0076B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Nov. 08, 2017 Number: 17-006163TTS Latest Update: Jan. 14, 2019

The Issue The issue in this case is whether there is just cause for Palm Beach County School Board to suspend Deborah Stark for 10 days without pay based upon the allegations made in its Administrative Complaint filed on November 8, 2017.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the Palm Beach County Public School System. Art. IX, Fla. Const.; § 1001.32, Fla. Stat. Specifically, the School Board has the authority to discipline employees. § 1012.22(1)(f), Fla. Stat. Stark was hired by the School Board in 2005. She is employed pursuant to a professional services contract with Petitioner. At all relevant times to this case, Stark was a teacher at Diamond View. She taught second grade. One of Stark's teaching responsibilities was to provide student information to the School Based Team ("SBT") such as conference/staffing notes,1 to assist the SBT in determining how best to support students who were having challenges or difficulties with reading. During Stark's last several school years with the School Board, Stark engaged in a pattern of misconduct. On June 1, 2015, Stark received, by hand delivery, her first written reprimand. She was disciplined for falsifying three memos by inappropriately using the School Board's letterhead and creating misleading and false documents under co-workers' names without permission. One problem area Respondent had was that she failed to keep her classroom organized and neat. Because of the disorganized book area and unkempt cluttered classroom, Respondent's classroom failed to be an environment conducive to learning and impacted the students' morale negatively. On September 30, 2015, Principal Seal, by memorandum, addressed two of Stark's work deficiencies. Seal pointed out to Stark that her classroom management did not correspond with the School Wide Positive Behavior Support Plan and that Stark's 2014-2015 Reading Running Records ("RRR")2 were not accurately and properly administered. Seal instructed Stark to sign up for a classroom management course through eLearning within a week and notify Seal of the enrollment. Seal even specifically suggested a two- day course that started on October 6, 2015, at the Pew Center. Seal also outlined Stark's RRR inaccuracies and deficiencies in the September memo, which included Stark's failure to provide an accurate report on September 25th for a student during a scheduled SBT meeting, improper use of school materials as a benchmark, and writing in the teacher materials with student's information inappropriately. As a result of Stark's RRR shortcomings, Seal directed Stark to sign up for the next RRR training available on either October 13, 14, 23, or 24, 2015, through eLearning and instructed Stark to verify the RRR training enrollment. The memo ended with the following: "Failure to comply with these directives will be considered insubordination and may result [in] disciplinary action to include up to suspension or termination of employment." On November 10, 2015, Seal specifically directed Stark to clean up her classroom and update her students' progress on the class bulletin board. Stark was provided a deadline of on or before November 24, 2015, to correct the performance deficiencies. Stark did not do so. In December 2015, Stark still had student work posted from August and her classroom was not up to date. On December 18, 2015, a pre-disciplinary meeting was held. In that meeting, Stark informed Seal that she went to training, but admitted that she did not provide the required documentation of attendance. Stark's performance with RRR had not improved. By February 2016, Respondent had failed to comply with Seal's directives of November 10, 2015. Stark's classroom was unacceptable and had not been cleaned up, updated, organized as directed. The closet was cluttered from the floor to the ceiling with boxes, papers, and books. Additionally, Stark's student work bulletin board still was not changed and up to date. On February 12, 2016, Seal met with Stark to address the issues and gave Stark a verbal reprimand with written notation. The verbal reprimand with written notation memo stated that Respondent was insubordinate for fail[ing] to comply with "directives given to her in the memorandums dated September 30, 2015, and November 10, 2015." On May 24, 2016, a pre-determination meeting was held with Stark and she acknowledged that she had fallen behind in the RRR and math/reading assessments but planned to catch up by the end of the year. On June 2, 2016, Seal held another disciplinary conference with Stark. Seal provided Stark a written reprimand by memo detailing that Stark exhibited: poor judgement, lack of follow up, inappropriate supervision of students, excessive absence without pay, failure to properly and accurately administer and record Reading Running Records as well as Math and Reading assessments, during the school year 2015/2016 with fidelity and insubordination. Seal also instructed Stark in the memo: Effective immediately, you are directed to provide the appropriate level of supervision to your students, follow your academic schedule, meet deadlines with respect to inputting reading and math date into EDW, accurately complete Running Reading Records, cease from taking unpaid time and follow all School Board Policies and State Statutes. Finally, pursuant to the CTA contract, I am directing you to provide a doctor's note for any absences going forward. This requirement will be in effect until December 22, 2016. Respondent failed to follow the leave directive of the written reprimand of June 2, 2016. Stark's duty day started at 7:50 a.m. On October 14, 2016, Stark notified Diamond View at 8:26 a.m. that she would not report to work because she had a ride to an appointment. On November 29, 2016, Stark notified the school at 7:40 a.m. by stating, "I have a meeting boo," as she took the full day off. On December 16, 2016, she notified the school at 6:24 a.m. that her husband requested a shopping day and family activities for the day. On February 10, 2017, Stark notified the school at 7:38 a.m., "I am going to a friend's house today to help them." On March 2, 2017, she notified the school at 7:14 a.m. that "I am finalizing a college class today." On March 7, 2017, Stark notified the school at 6:18 a.m. that Nationals verses Boston were at the new park and she would not be in to work. On April 5, 2017, Stark notified the school at 7:34 a.m. that she had a meeting and missed half the school day. Stark's absences of September 21, September 23, October 14, November 29, and December 16, 2016, were unauthorized leave and her leave of March 2, March 7, April 5, and February 10, 2017, were days without pay. Stark's excessive absenteeism disrupted the learning environment for her students and caused Respondent to miss out on valuable School Board resources she needed to perform her job duties and correct her work performance deficiencies. By missing work, Stark was neither able to obtain the needed available professional development nor obtain support from the Literacy Staff Developer. Stark's ineptness continued throughout the 2016-2017 school year. Stark failed to provide requested student information needed to assist in creating report cards for several former students, which adversely impacted the school and the students because, among other things, the school was not able to provide the students' new teachers with accurate data for placement. Stark was offered coaching services to improve her work performance through Peer Assistance Review ("PAR"). Stark failed to show up and meet with the trainers assigned to provide her support on January 20, February 1, and March 7, 2017. Stark failed to submit the required SBT documentation for five students timely. Stark's duties included meeting with the parents of each student to communicate the students' academic concerns. Stark did not meet with the parents. Instead, Stark submitted five untimely falsified student records indicating parent meetings that did not take place. She also forged translator Torres-Vega signature like she was present at the meetings, when Torres-Vega had not participated. On or about April 24, 2017, an investigation report was completed detailing Stark's misconduct for the 2016-2017 school year. The investigative summary concluded Stark failed to comply with numerous directives given by the principal and vice principal. Stark failed to complete and submit SBT documentation for five students who could have benefited from additional supportive services. Respondent falsified student records indicating she contacted and conferenced with the parents for each student. She also falsified that a translator had participated in the parent conferences. At the same time, Stark sent last minute notification emails to the principal as to why she would not be reporting to work, failed to notify Seal in a timely manner when she would not be reporting to work, and did not prepare substitute lesson plans. Stark's unexcused absences totaled approximately 40 hours without pay within a five month period and did not adhere to the 24 hour advanced notice requirement of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Respondent's absences from work also caused her to miss valuable School Board training and support. Ultimate Findings of Fact Stark failed to fulfill the responsibilities of a teacher by not preparing and submitting the documents to the SBT so that the students could qualify for the support and services after multiple follow-ups and reminders by her supervisors. Stark's actions of falsifying the five students' records with Torres-Vega's signature and indicating that she met with the parents when she did not was ethical misconduct, failure to exercise best professional judgment, failure to provide for accurate or timely record keeping, and falsifying records. Stark misused her time and attendance when she had exhausted her paid time, but continued to use leave without pay when her work was not up to date and after she had been reprimanded and warned regarding absences by Seal. Stark's explanation of her absences failed to fall in the category for extenuating circumstances and her absences disrupted the learning environment. Stark was insubordinate and also failed to follow procedures, policies, and directives of the Diamond View principal and vice principal. Stark never cleaned up her classroom and failed to protect the learning environment. She also did not update her RRRs as instructed by Seal. On February 1, 2017, Vice Principal Diaz had also instructed Stark to always follow and adhere to an academic schedule with the students in order to provide structured learning. Instead, Stark continued to constantly allow the students to walk around the classroom, draw and eat snacks, without an academic schedule. By letter dated September 19, 2017, Respondent was notified that the School Board was recommending she receive a 10 day suspension without pay because of her misconduct. On or about October 4, 2017, the School Board took action by voting to suspend Respondent for 10 days without pay. Petitioner ultimately filed charges against Stark by Administrative Complaint dated November 8, 2018, that alleged Stark violated the following School Board policies: Failure to Fulfil the Responsibilities of a Teacher pursuant to School Board Policy 1.013(4), Responsibilities of School District Personnel and Staff; School Board Policy 2.34, Records and Reports; Collective Bargaining Agreement with CTA, Article II, Section U, Lesson Plans Failure to Protect the Learning Environment pursuant to School Board Policy 0.01(2)(3), Commitment to the Student, Principle I-(formally 0.01(2)(c); 6A- 10.081(2)(a)(1), F.A.C., Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession Misuse of Time/Attendance pursuant to School Board Policies 3.80(2)(c), Leave of Absence; Collective Bargaining Agreement with CTA, Article V, Leaves, Section B Ethical Misconduct pursuant to School Board Policy 3.02(4)(b), (4)(d), (4)(f), (4)(h), and (4)(j), Code of Ethics; School Board Policy 3.02(5)(c)(iii), Code of Ethics; 6A-10.081(1)(c) and (2)(c)(1), F.A.C., Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida Failure to Exercise Best Professional Judgment pursuant to School Board Policy 3.02(4)(a), Code of Ethics; 6A-10-081(1)(b), F.A.C., Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida Insubordination: Failure to Follow Policy, Rules, Directive, or Statute pursuant to School Board Policy 3.10(6), Conditions of Employment with the District; School Board Policy 1.013(1), Responsibilities of School District Personnel and Staff. Respondent contested the reasons for suspension.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the Findings of Fact and the Conclusions of Law reached, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Palm Beach County School Board, enter a final order: Finding Deborah Stark in violation of all six violations in the Administrative Complaint; and Upholding Deborah Stark's 10-day suspension without pay for just cause. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of July, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JUNE C. MCKINNEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of July, 2018.

Florida Laws (4) 1012.22120.569120.57120.68
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jul. 12, 2004 Number: 04-002416 Latest Update: Dec. 14, 2004

The Issue Whether Respondent violated Subsections 1012.795(1)(c), 1012.795(1)(f), and 1012.795(1)(i), Florida Statutes (2003),2 and Florida Administrative Code Rules 6B-1.006(3)(a), 6B-1.006(3)(e), 6B-1.006(3)(h), and 6B-1.006(4)(e), and, if so, what discipline should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Hayes holds Florida Educator Certificate 769153 for teaching sociology, grades six through 12. His certificate was valid through June 30, 2004. At all times relevant to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, Hayes was employed as a science teacher and, later, as a substitute teacher with the Polk County School District. During 1998, R.H. was a sixth-grade student at Fort Meade Middle-Senior High School. Hayes was her science teacher. While a student in Hayes' class, Hayes made inappropriate remarks to R.H. on a daily basis such as: "You're so pretty. You're so special. You don't know how special you are." Hayes asked R.H. if she had a boyfriend, and, when she told him that she did, he became upset and told R.H. that he was going to call her parents and tell them. He also wrote her a letter telling that she was too young and too pretty for the boyfriend. Hayes told her that she did not need a boyfriend and that the boy was a troublemaker. On a daily basis, Hayes would ask R.H. to run errands for him. He did not ask other students in R.H.'s class to run errands. Hayes would also try to keep R.H. after class. At times he would tell her that she needed to stay after class so that she could see how she was doing. R.H. maintained an "A" in his class, so there was really no need for her to stay after class. Hayes' special attention to R.H. embarrassed her, especially when other students would tease her about Hayes being her boyfriend. Hayes made her feel uncomfortable and distracted her in class. One day when Hayes asked her to stay after class, she confronted Hayes about his unwanted attentions and told him that his actions made her feel uncomfortable. He became angry with her and asked her to leave the classroom. After their confrontation, Hayes' attitude toward R.H. changed. He asked R.H. to stay after school again and told her that if she did not stay that he would give her a detention. During 1998, J.R. was a student in Hayes' sixth-grade science class at Fort Meade Middle-Senior High School. During the first six weeks of class, J.R. and Hayes had a normal teacher-student relationship. However, by the second six weeks of class, Hayes had begun to lean close to J.R. while she was at her desk. During class, he would play with her hair, take her hair scrunchies, and purposefully step on her feet. Hayes began to ask J.R. to stay after class. The first time that he asked her to stay he gave her a hall pass on the back of which he had written that he "really, really liked" her. He held her after class so that he could talk to her about non- school activities. For example, he would tell her that she was beautiful and that she was an angel. Hayes would ask her if she had any boyfriends and tell her that she did not need to mess with boys because they only wanted one thing. Because Hayes required her to stay after class, J.R. would miss her school bus. She missed her bus so many times because of Hayes that her mother threatened to discipline her if she missed the bus again. Hayes began to write letters to J.R. when she was in the sixth grade and continued to write to her for the next couple of years. At first his letters were written in third person. For example, he wrote: I saw your friend yesterday, he misses you sooooooooooo much! He's been waiting and waiting and waiting for the letters you promised him. He is sooooo crazy about and was soooooo happy that you made all A's. You make him so proud, He LOVES YOU 4-LIFE. As their relationship progressed, Hayes began to write in first person, professing his love for J.R. Hayes wrote that she could trust him, that he missed her, and that they were going to have a great future together, including beautiful children. He wrote to her that he was the best thing that had ever happened to her. His letters to J.R. contained other inappropriate remarks such as: "I'm 'crazy' about you because you drive me 'crazy' at times. I wake up at 2:30, 3:30, 4:30 AM thinking about you."; "You looked good on Friday. I hope you let your hair grow back (PLEASE, PLEASE) Those shorts you had on was [sic] toooooooo short. I can't believe they didn't make you change."; and "I can't stop staring at you, there's nothing in this world more beautiful than you!" When J.R. was in the seventh grade, Hayes promised to marry J.R., and they began a sexual relationship. Hayes would pick J.R. up and take her to his house, and sometimes they would have intimate relations at her home when her mother was not present. Their sexual relationship continued until J.R. was in the tenth grade. Unbeknownst to J.R.'s mother and without her permission, Hayes picked up J.R. in his car on May 21, 2002, and drove her to Brandon, in Hillsborough County, Florida. They had lunch, and J.R. had her nails done. On the way back to Polk County, where J.R. lived, they were stopped by a deputy sheriff. Hayes told J.R. to tell the deputy that they were just friends or he could get in trouble and go to jail. At first, Hayes told the deputy that he was dating J.R.'s mother, which was untrue. After the May 21, 2002, incident occurred, J.R.'s mother wrote Hayes and told him to refrain from contacting her daughter. However, Hayes continued to contact J.R. and continued a sexual relationship with her until September 2002. During their relationship, Hayes gave J.R. gifts, including mugs with candy, jewelry, clothes, and bath and body products. Based on the types of gifts, it is clear that the purpose of the gifts was to facilitate their romance. J.R. is embarrassed by her relationship with Hayes and feels that he took advantage of her. She was distracted by his behavior, which affected her ability to concentrate in school. Their relationship has hindered her ability to develop relationships with people her own age. During the 2000-2001 school year, A.B. was a ninth-grade student at Frostproof Middle-Senior High School, and Hayes was a substitute teacher at the school. A.B. had attended approximately five classes in which Hayes was substituting. A.B. played softball and volleyball at school. Hayes sent her e-mails two or three times about her athletic endeavors. A.B. felt that the e-mails were social and not school-related and thought it was "weird" that a teacher she did not really know was sending her e-mails. On Valentine's Day in February 2001, Hayes told A.B. that he had left a bag in a classroom for her and that he wanted her to pick it up. A.B. got the bag and it contained a pink candle with a heart on the top and a book entitled Kisses. The book contained pictures of people kissing. A.B. was embarrassed by the gift and thought that it was unusual for a teacher to give a student such a gift. Based on his gifts, she felt that he wanted to have a physical relationship with her. On the day that she received the gifts, she told her physical education teacher, Coach Bolin, that she had gotten the gifts, but that she could not tell who gave them to her. The next day she told Coach Bolin that Hayes had given the gifts to her. Coach Bolin reported the incident to the principal. After she reported the incident, Hayes did not return to substitute at Frostproof Middle-Senior High School and was removed from the list of approved substitute teachers at the school. Coach Bolin did not want to continue working with Hayes after the incident. She felt that it was completely inappropriate for Hayes to give A.B. the gifts.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that Delton B. Hayes violated Subsections 1012.795(1)(c), (f), and (i), Florida Statutes (2003), and Florida Administrative Code Rules 6B-1.006(3)(a), (e), (h), and 6B-1.006(4)(e) and permanently revoking his educator certificate. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of November, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUSAN B. HARRELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of November, 2004.

Florida Laws (4) 1012.011012.795120.569120.57
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Jul. 28, 2008 Number: 08-003686TTS Latest Update: Feb. 03, 2009

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner, may terminate Respondent's employment as an instructional employee based upon the conduct alleged in the letter from Assistant Superintendent Ron Ciranna to Respondent dated March 3, 2008.

Findings Of Fact Ms. Brown has been employed by the School Board as a teacher for 11 years. She is a member of the Polk Education Association, the collective bargaining unit for teaching personnel; is covered by the collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and the Polk Education Association; and holds a professional services contract with the School Board pursuant to Section 1012.33, Florida Statutes. During the first several years of her employment, Ms. Brown was assigned to Dundee Elementary School as an Exceptional Student Education ("ESE") teacher, working with children classified as severely emotionally disturbed, emotionally handicapped, and varying exceptionalities. When she transferred to Spook Hill, Ms. Brown initially worked in a self-contained varying exceptionalities classroom. Three years ago the principal of Spook Hill, Matthew Burkett, requested that Ms. Brown transfer to a new ESE Pre-kindergarten (Pre-K) unit that was being established at the school.2 Ms. Brown started work in the ESE Pre-K unit at the start of the 2005-2006 school year and has remained there ever since. Most of the children in Ms. Brown's class were classified as educable mentally handicapped, or EMH. Testing showed that they were developmentally delayed, with developmental ages that were typically one to two and one-half years behind their chronological ages. At any given time, there could be as few as four or as many as 12 children in Ms. Brown's class. A paraeducator was assigned to assist Ms. Brown. The ESE Pre-K classroom was a portable with a ramp leading to the front door. The front door had a gate with a pool lock. The pool lock was chest-high to an adult, out of the reach of most small children. Outside the portable was the ESE playground, which was completely fenced, with a gate and lock. The playground contained a swing set and other equipment. A child could not exit the playground without adult assistance. The school bus pick-up area was just outside the playground gate. Between January 22, 2007, and February 12, 2008, Mr. Burkett disciplined Ms. Brown 16 times, through verbal warnings, written reprimands, letters of concern, and recommendations to the superintendent for suspensions. The first documented disciplinary action was a "written confirmation of a verbal warning" from Mr. Burkett to Ms. Brown dated January 22, 2007. The letter references "many issues" that had been discussed at a January 19, 2007, conference, stating that Ms. Brown had already addressed several of the issues discussed. Mr. Burkett then wrote: I would like to target the issue of "falling asleep" during nap time as a very critical area which must be corrected. You stated that it has happened because you have to model and cuddle with the children to get them to fall asleep and that your para was present. I instructed you to sit up while cuddling the children to sleep and that you must not ever fall asleep. Please know any instance from this point on that jeopardizes the health and safety of the students will result in further disciplinary action. On February 8, 2007, Mr. Burkett issued a written reprimand to Ms. Brown. The reprimand letter stated that on February 2, 2007, at 12:45 p.m., Mr. Burkett walked through Ms. Brown's class to observe. The room was quiet and dark. All the students were lying down, and some of them were already asleep. Mr. Burkett observed that Ms. Brown was lying down with several students. She was not asleep, and she responded when spoken to by Mr. Burkett, who nonetheless felt obliged to issue a written reprimand in light of his prior warning. Ms. Brown signed the reprimand letter, acknowledging receipt, but also wrote the following: "Due to this concern I have quit sitting w/any students. I sit in my chair w/students around my desk. Any parent concerned about their child not napping will be directed to the office (Burkett or [assistant principal Sharon] Neal)." On February 9, 2007, Mr. Burkett issued a "letter of concern" to Ms. Brown regarding conferences held on February 2, 5, and 8, 2007. The letter discussed a number of concerns that had been voiced by parents or school administrators. Ms. Brown's high school student assistant had not submitted the required application to obtain volunteer status and would be barred from the classroom until her paperwork was completed. An unauthorized man had been seen in Ms. Brown's class. The man was an old classmate of Ms. Brown's and was helping her to plan a class reunion. Mr. Burkett informed Ms. Brown not to conduct personal business during the school day. A parent observed that Ms. Brown was "always on her cell phone." Ms. Brown had been repeatedly cautioned about cell phone use, and the letter of concern directed her not to have her personal cell phone on her person during the school day. Another parent observed that nap time appeared to last for two hours. Mr. Burkett instructed Ms. Brown that nap time should be only one hour long. The letter of concern also addressed the issue of parents dropping off students to Ms. Brown's class prior to the 7:15 a.m. start of the school day. Mr. Burkett told Ms. Brown that he would intervene on her behalf to stop the children from arriving early, but Ms. Brown stated that she was voluntarily arriving early to take the children and would voluntarily continue to do so. On the same day as the letter of concern, February 9, 2007, Mr. Burkett also issued a "written documentation of a verbal warning" to Ms. Brown. This warning concerned Ms. Brown's having left the campus from 11:30 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. on February 7, 2007, without permission from the school's administration. The letter stated that Mr. Burkett was forced to send the assistant principal, Ms. Neal, to Ms. Brown's classroom to assist with the supervision of the students in Ms. Brown's absence. Ms. Brown's excuse was that she had to take her niece to work at McDonald's. Mr. Burkett's letter of concern emphasized that, whatever the emergency, Ms. Brown was required to make arrangements with the administration before leaving the campus. On March 6, 2007, Mr. Burkett issued a written reprimand to Ms. Brown "for your continued use of your personal cell phone during student contact time." On March 1, 2007, Mr. Burkett observed Alice Staton, Ms. Brown's paraeducator, sitting on the swing set holding a child. Ms. Staton yelled across the playground, "Get back in that room." Mr. Burkett saw three of the ESE Pre-K students outside the classroom, running up and down the portable's ramp. The door and gate to the portable were open. Mr. Burkett "corralled" the three students back into the classroom, where he observed three other students in Ms. Brown's chair, swinging it in circles. Mr. Burkett then noticed that Ms. Brown was speaking on her cell phone. She did not notice that Mr. Burkett had entered until he walked all the way across the room toward the students in her chair. According to the written reprimand, Ms. Brown then "placed the phone down discreetly and proceeded to use a loud tone of voice instructing the class to clean up." Ms. Brown submitted a handwritten response to the letter of reprimand. She did not deny the facts as stated by Mr. Burkett, but offered her justification for this "unexpected" incident: A parent called my cell # at the time we were having issues with a student who was screaming & crying. Alice walked this student outside to make the room quieter. She accidentally left door & gate open. I thought she told me she would be outside. I didn't hear the "playground" due to the child screaming. I turned[,] was helping students clean when my cell phone rang. It was a parent checking on her child. I may have been on the phone 2-3 seconds. Mr. Burkett had walked in. Alice had eye contact with the outside students & I had eye contact with the ones in the room. At the hearing, Mr. Burkett testified that, although Ms. Brown's use of her personal cell phone violated the directive of his February 9, 2007, letter of concern, his overriding motivation in reprimanding Ms. Brown was the lack of supervision he observed during the incident. He believed that the children running on the ramp were out of the sightline of either Ms. Brown or Ms. Staton, and he observed that Ms. Brown was so engrossed in her telephone conversation that she did not even see him enter the portable. By letter dated March 14, 2007, Superintendent McKinzie suspended Ms. Brown without pay for a period of one day effective March 22, 2007.3 The grounds for this suspension were the events of March 1, 2007, as recited in Mr. Burkett's written reprimand of March 6, 2007, as well as the following, as stated in Superintendent McKinzie's letter: Later that same day [March 1], it was reported to the principal that not only did you use your cell phone again, but you asked the para assigned to your class to "keep watch" for you. This statement was provided for [sic] in writing by another employee and notarized. This action took place immediately after you had just left a conference with Mr. Burkett in which you were given a directive not to have your cell phone in class. The principal discussed with you his concerns regarding student safety and told you that you could not provide adequate supervision while on personal cell phone calls. By letter dated April 18, 2007, Superintendent McKinzie suspended Ms. Brown without pay for one day effective April 25, 2007. The grounds for the suspension were stated as follows in Superintendent McKenzie's letter: This action is based on an incident which happened on March 19, 2007. On that date, Principal Matt Burkett was notified that you had allegedly hit a high school student on the campus of Spook Hill Elementary. Your classroom paraeducator witnessed the altercation and attested that you had engaged in an argument during student contact time. She stated that you slapped the student in the face and that she saw you follow the student in your truck off campus. Principal Burkett spoke with you regarding the alleged incident. You admitted that you did slap the student in the face and that you did get in your truck and follow her off campus. By your own admission, you stated that there had been a prior altercation off campus with this particular student. Clearly, you allowed a personal situation to escalate into a violent confrontation on the school campus. Although you did apologize for your actions, your behavior was totally unprofessional and cannot be condoned. Your lack of judgment in this situation jeopardized the safety of the students in your charge. Please remember that teachers are role models for their students and should behave accordingly. On May 8, 2007, Mr. Burkett wrote a letter of concern to Ms. Brown to inform her of continuing inadequacies that Mr. Burkett was observing in Ms. Brown's job performance. The letter notes that on March 8, 2007, a Professional Development Plan ("PDP") had been established "to address the learning environment in your classroom." A PDP is a plan to help struggling teachers in areas of inadequate performance. A team of professionals is assigned to work with the teacher to aid in professional development and address the teacher's inadequacies. In his letter of concern, Mr. Burkett noted the following specific PDP items that were "in need of positive change": Circulate and monitor with appropriate proximity during all activities. (On 3/20 on your observation I marked you for remaining at desk. On 4/15, 4/26, 4/30, and 5/7 as I walked into your room you were sitting behind your desk.) Provide structured hands-on activities during outside play. (I have taken photos of your play area, as well as the equipment for outside play activities. They indicate a need to enhance and organize the learning environment.) Constantly engage and interact with students. (Please refer to item number one.) Daily schedule will be posted. (On 4/26 Mrs. Neal and I addressed the need to post your daily schedule and be certain that times are indicated.) IEP's must be in compliance.[4] (I showed you the report in which two of your students were listed as out of compliance.) Safety issues will be jointly addressed and teacher will comply with all administrative directives. (On 5/4/07 you called for the school resource officer. . . . I entered your classroom and observed you talking on your personal cell phone. You have also been tardy to work which is an issue we have addressed in the past.) On September 5, 2007, Mr. Burkett wrote a letter to Superintendent McKinzie recommending that Ms. Brown be suspended, based on "her history of jeopardizing the safety and welfare of her students" and in light of the following specific incident: On August 31st I went into Ms. Brown's Pre-K room and she was not present. I noticed a student tipped over strapped into a high chair. I asked the para-professional where the teacher was and she stated "I do not know." She said the teacher stated she "had to get out." The para also stated she did not place the child in the high chair. According to the para the teacher had been gone for about ten minutes. I was in the room for five minutes before the teacher returned. Ms. Brown sent me an email and stated she went to the restroom and laminated some things. I am very concerned because Ms. Brown has explained on several occasions the severity of the needs her students have and the need for more time to have in small group teaching. Therefore, while I understand the need for a bathroom break, I do not understand the need to choose this critical time to laminate. Secondly, she left a child in a high chair as a "time out" which is an inappropriate use of the chair. Furthermore, she left the child for an excessively lengthy time and in fact she left the classroom while the child was still restrained. As a result of her actions the child turned over in the high chair. At the hearing, Mr. Burkett conceded that the child's IEP stated that he could be strapped into the high chair for feeding. However, neither Ms. Brown nor Ms. Staton offered affirmative testimony that the child was in fact strapped into the high chair for feeding. Because no testimony or other evidence was presented to contradict the version of events set forth in Mr. Burkett's letter to Superintendent McKinzie and adopted by Mr. Burkett at the hearing, Mr. Burkett's version is credited. By letter dated September 10, 2007, Superintendent McKinzie suspended Ms. Brown without pay for five days effective September 17, 2007, through September 21, 2007, as a "result of your continued lack of attention to the safety and welfare of the students in your charge."5 In a letter dated January 25, 2008, Mr. Burkett recommended to Superintendent McKinzie that Ms. Brown be suspended "as a continuation of the progressive discipline section 4.4-1 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement." Mr. Burkett noted that Ms. Brown received a verbal warning on February 9, 2007, for leaving campus without permission, and was suspended on April 25, 2007, for an incident that included her leaving the campus. Mr. Burkett's letter described the current incident as follows: On January 17, 2008, Ms. Brown once again left campus without permission during her contact hours which extend to 3:15 pm. At approximately 2:25 pm transportation contacted the school to ascertain the whereabouts of a Pre-K child because they had a bus at Spook Hill waiting on a student. The teacher placed the child on another bus. However, transportation needed to confirm the child was placed on a different bus before they allowed the bus to leave. As a result of Ms. Brown leaving the campus without informing the administration there was an unnecessary delay in getting vital transportation information regarding what bus the child was placed on by the teacher. Furthermore, there was tremendous stress placed on the office staff as they tried locating and contacting Ms. Brown in order to confirm the child was safely on the bus. In our conference on January 23, 2008, regarding the matter Ms. Brown acknowledged she left campus for a personal matter and that her actions were incorrect and she apologized for the incident. Unfortunately, Ms. Brown chose not to follow clearly stated written instructions from her previous disciplinary actions. By letter dated January 30, 2008, signed by Mr. Ciranna, assistant superintendent for Human Resource Services, Superintendent McKinzie suspended Ms. Brown for five days without pay effective February 6 through February 12, 2008, based on Mr. Burkett's recommendation. In a letter dated February 11, 2008, Mr. Burkett recommended to Superintendent McKinzie that Ms. Brown be suspended for failure to complete her students' progress reports as required by their IEPs. The letter stated, in relevant part: I met with Ms. Brown on January 31st, 2008, and asked if she completed progress reports for her students. She replied that she did not have time to complete them. I gave her a directive to complete her student's progress reports and I provided her coverage. On February 1st, 2008, Ms. Brown sent me a letter which stated: "Yesterday when we met you asked me about my progress reports. I spoke from memory and indicated that I was way behind because of the time it takes me to work with my one on one student. Because of the assistance you provided, I was able to review the information and found I was not as far behind as I had indicated." According to a report provided to me by Chris English (Network Specialist) not a single progress report was created by Ms. Brown prior to January 31st, 2008. To further understand the severity of this offense it should be noted that Ms. Brown is currently on a Professional Development Plan (PDP) and one of the strategies is written as follows: "All IEP's and IEP notices must be in compliance and correctly written. Teacher will provide a one week notice if coverage is needed so she can prepare the IEP." Prior to our meeting on January 31st, 2008, Ms. Brown has never requested coverage to complete progress reports as part of the student's IEP. In a written response, Ms. Brown stated that she had "asked at least twice in the past for assistance to complete IEP paperwork a week in advance and was not provided coverage." While she stated her general disagreement with Mr. Burkett's letter, Ms. Brown did not otherwise contradict any of the specific factual assertions made by Mr. Burkett. At the hearing, Mr. Burkett testified that prior to February 12, 2008, he had a discussion with the School Board's director of employee relations about terminating Ms. Brown's employment, but that Superintendent McKinzie decided to suspend Ms. Brown on this occasion. By letter dated February 12, 2008, signed by Mr. Ciranna, Superintendent McKinzie suspended Ms. Brown for one day without pay effective February 20, 2008, based on Mr. Burkett's recommendation. By letter dated February 29, 2008, Mr. Burkett recommended to Superintendent McKinzie that Ms. Brown be terminated as an employee with the School Board. This recommendation led to the suspension and termination letter of March 3, 2008, the relevant terms of which are set forth in the Preliminary Statement above. Mr. Burkett based his recommendation on "multiple issues extending over the course of the past year," as well as the following specific events occurring during February 2008: During Ms. Brown's recent suspension she acted insubordinately by coming on school campus during her suspension. I met with Ms. Brown on February 4, 2008, and I gave her a directive not to come on campus for any reason during her suspension days. Ms. Brown later called me on the phone and asked if she could come after the school day to do her lesson plans. I again stated to her that she could not be on school campus during her suspension days. On February 11, one of Ms. Brown's five suspension days, it was brought to my attention that she was on campus and delivered lunch to her paraprofessional. I have a statement from Ms. Brown in which she admits she delivered lunch. I also have a statement from the paraprofessional which states, "Yesterday, I called Ms. Brown about the Valentine's list. She called me back and asked if I wanted her to bring us lunch. I told her no and she is not supposed to be on campus. She said it was alright if she went to the office. She called me later again, and told me to come to the back of the lunch room door to get the lunch. . ." Additionally, I have a statement from my secretary in which Ms. Brown asked her "not to let Mr. Burkett know that she was here because she would get in trouble." Ms. Brown was previously suspended on March 22, 2007, in part for asking her paraprofessional to "watch out" for administration so she could insubordinately use her cell phone. Ms. Brown's actions depict an employee that has an established pattern of deliberate insubordination. Most concerning of all, in a four day span of time between February 19, 2008, and February 22, 2008, Ms. Brown continued to display a pattern of allegations [sic] of child endangerment. The following is a brief description of the incidents: On February 19, 2008, Mrs. Jenny Baker, a paraprofessional, was covering her classroom so I could serve her notice of suspension for February 20th. Mrs. Baker stated that upon Ms. Brown's return to class she asked if she could leave. Since the teacher did not respond Mrs. Baker left the portable to attend to her other duties and noticed three Pre-K students behind her and Ms. Brown was nowhere in sight. It was obvious that these students had left Ms. Brown's classroom without her supervision. Mrs. Baker waited for the other para to return from the buses to escort the kids back into the class. On February 19, 2008, I went to the classroom at approximately 2:30 (after Mrs. Baker had informed me of her concern). I noticed Ms. Brown at her computer behind her desk. The door to the portable was wide open and two students were sitting out of the teachers [sic] view behind the "cubby." These students could have readily left the classroom without Ms. Brown's knowledge. It was previously recommended by Ms. Sherwin (Educational Diagnostician) on February 5, 2008, that "in general, I think rearrangement of your classroom. . . may help. . . . I am particularly concerned with the arrangement that has the area between your door and shelving not visible to you at all times." On February 21, 2008, Mrs. Neal, the assistant principal, was walking through Ms. Brown's portable. Upon entering she noticed Ms. Brown getting up from her desk. The para was placing a band aid on another child. Ms. Brown stated that she was printing progress reports. Mrs. Neal stated the room was "a mess" and she began to straighten a piece of carpeting so the kids would not trip over it and hurt themselves. Mrs. Neal then counted the students and noticed one was missing. "Ms. Brown . . . looked puzzled." The paraprofessional and the teacher began to look for the missing child. She was found by Ms. Brown in the bathroom. The duration of time the child was missing was approximately five minutes. On February 22, 2008, at approximately 10:40 a.m. I was walking the exterminator to the classroom. As we walked up to the portable I noticed the front door wide open and two Pre-K students were on the ramp running. One tripped and fell. I rushed to the gate because I thought he was hurt, but he was already up and running down the ramp again. Clearly, these two students were not able to be observed by Ms. Brown and were not under her supervision or control. The exterminator and I entered the gated area and then Ms. Brown came out yelling for the boys to "get back in here." * * * I am entirely in favor of helping employees grow professionally as can be established by allowing Ms. Brown to create a second Professional Development Plan. However, she has established a pattern of allegations of child endangerment that results in disciplinary action. In addition, her multiple serious violations of school and district policies over the course of time have also established a pattern necessitating disciplinary action. It is for this reason that I am recommending termination pursuant to Article 4.4-1 of the collective bargaining agreement. As to the February 11, 2008, incident described in his letter, Mr. Burkett testified that Ms. Brown knew that she was not to come onto the campus while under suspension, because he had discussed the matter with her during one of her previous suspensions. Mr. Burkett testified that he was following School Board policy in prohibiting Ms. Brown from entering the campus during her suspension. Ms. Brown testified that as of February 11, 2008, she had never been told not to come on the campus while serving a suspension. Ms. Brown stated that she simply wanted to do something nice for Ms. Staton, her paraeducator, by way of bringing lunch. Ms. Brown had known Ms. Staton since the former was herself a student at Spook Hill. While Ms. Brown's good intentions may be credited, her testimony that no one had told her not to come on campus during a suspension is not credible. Her stealth in bringing lunch to Ms. Staton indicates that she knew she should not be there. Further, Mr. Burkett's letter quotes a statement from Ms. Staton in which she told Ms. Brown that she was not supposed to be on the campus. Ms. Staton testified at the hearing, and Ms. Brown had ample opportunity to question her about the events of February 11, 2008, and her statement to Mr. Burkett. However, Ms. Staton was questioned only about the February 21, 2008, incident. Mr. Burkett testified that the February 19, 2008, incidents were of greater concern to him because of the child safety issues involved. Mrs. Baker, the paraeducator who covered the class for Ms. Brown, testified that Ms. Brown was quiet when she returned from her meeting with Mr. Burkett. Ms. Brown sat at her computer. Mrs. Baker announced that she was now leaving the class, but Ms. Brown did not respond. Mrs. Baker walked out to the gate. When she started to close the gate, she looked behind her and saw three children who had followed her out of the class. Ms. Brown was still in the classroom, apparently unaware that the children had walked out. Mrs. Baker saw that Ms. Staton was outside placing another child on a school bus. On her way back into the classroom, Ms. Staton took charge of the three children who had followed Mrs. Baker out the door. Mrs. Baker returned to the main office. When Mr. Burkett asked how things had gone, she reported the incident to him. Ms. Brown testified that she did not recall the incident. Mrs. Baker's version of this incident is credited. After receiving the report from Mrs. Baker, Mr. Burkett was concerned for the children. He went to the class and saw Ms. Brown sitting at the computer behind her desk, and two students sitting out of her view though the door to the portable was wide open. Mr. Burkett testified that experts from the School Board had already come into the portable and discussed the room set-up with Ms. Brown, particularly the fact that there were obstacles to her having a clear line of vision from the desk to the door. A bookshelf that extended from the "cubbies" blocked her view of the doorway. Mr. Burkett noted that the two children could have walked out of the classroom without Ms. Brown seeing them. Ms. Brown testified that the two students in question rode the last bus from the school. Ms. Staton had already left the classroom to go on bus duty. Ms. Brown left the door open so that she could see the bus as it came around the side of the portable. The two students sat there playing as Ms. Brown worked at her desk. No one else was in the classroom. Ms. Brown could hear the children as she worked and testified that she could have heard them go out of the room because the front ramp squeaks. She also could have seen them through the windows. Ms. Brown was adamant that she knew the children in her class and she knew where these two children were, sitting there waiting on their bus. This was their daily routine, and there was nothing unusual about this day other than Mr. Burkett's entrance. Ms. Brown testified that Mr. Burkett said nothing about his concerns for the children's safety at the time. The only discussion was "something about the cubbies." Mr. Burkett came to the room the next morning and said the cubbies had to be moved. He and Ms. Brown moved the cubbies before the children arrived, making the door more visible from Ms. Brown's desk. Ms. Brown testified that the room had been arranged the same way since school started in August and that she was concerned because consistency is vitally important to students who are functioning at the level of 18 to 24 months of age. Any change to their environment can throw off their routines and cause them to have bad days. Ms. Brown did not believe that moving the cubbies was necessary. As to the events of February 21, 2008, assistant principal Sharon Neal testified that she went to observe Ms. Brown's classroom on that date. As she walked in, Ms. Neal saw Ms. Brown sitting at her computer. She asked Ms. Brown how many students were in the class, and was told that all the students were present. Ms. Neal counted the students, then recounted them. Then she told Ms. Brown and Ms. Staton that if everybody is here today, then someone is missing. Ms. Brown and Ms. Staton began to count, then began searching the room. After a minute or two of searching, they wondered if perhaps Student D. was in the bathroom.6 They opened the bathroom door and found Student D. Ms. Neal discussed with Ms. Brown and Ms. Staton what could have happened with the child going missing for a period of several minutes. Ms. Brown testified that when Ms. Neal stated that a child was missing, she responded that the child had to be somewhere in the classroom. She knew this because the front door was equipped with a buzzer that went off when the door was opened, and Ms. Brown's desk was next to the back door. She and Ms. Staton scanned the portable and quickly concluded that the child must be in the bathroom. Ms. Brown testified that Student D. was a very large child whose functional age was eight months. She wore pull-up diapers, though it was becoming difficult to find diapers to fit the child. Ms. Brown and the child's mother had been working diligently on potty training the Student D. This was the first time she had gone to the bathroom on her own. Ms. Staton confirmed their surprise at finding Student D. on the potty, because they did not believe her capable of going to the bathroom alone. Ms. Staton conceded that neither she nor Ms. Brown knew where the child was before Ms. Neal noted that a student was missing. As to the events of February 22, 2008, Mr. Burkett testified that there had been an insect problem in the portable, and therefore an exterminator had been called. As Mr. Burkett walked the exterminator down to the classroom, he noticed the door of the portable was "wide open." Two Pre-K students were running down the ramp, and one of them tripped and fell. Mr. Burkett was concerned for the student's safety, but the child popped up and started running again. Mr. Burkett estimated that another 30 seconds passed before Ms. Brown came out of portable, "yelling for the kid to get back inside." Mr. Burkett noted that this was yet another incident in which "the door was open, the kids were on the loose, and not properly supervised." Ms. Brown testified that the students were working at their regular daily schedules when the phone rang in the classroom. The school secretary was calling to tell Ms. Brown that Mr. Burkett and the exterminator were on their way to spray the classroom. The secretary told Ms. Brown that she needed to have the children out of the portable by the time Mr. Burkett and the exterminator arrived. Ms. Brown and Ms. Staton began trying to quickly move the students out of the portable. Ms. Staton secured the women's purses, then went outside to unlock the shed on the playground as instructed by the secretary. Meanwhile, Ms. Brown was lining up the children to proceed out the door. Ms. Brown turned momentarily to get diapers from the changing table. As she turned, two of the children took off and ran out the door. Ms. Brown testified that these were two boys who were prone to running away. She knew who they were because she could hear them laughing. She turned and ran to the door and called their names. When she got to the ramp, Mr. Burkett was helping one of them up from where he fell. Ms. Brown testified that it usually takes from five to ten minutes to line up the children, get the diapers and other supplies, and proceed out the door as a class even when the move is planned, and she has Ms. Staton to help with the children. In this situation, she was moving the children on short notice, and Ms. Staton was busy securing the purses and unlocking the shed. There is no real contradiction between Mr. Burkett's and Ms. Brown's versions of this incident, save for Mr. Burkett's estimate that 30 seconds passed between the time the student fell on the ramp and Ms. Brown appeared at the door of the portable. It is found that Mr. Burkett's estimate of the time is likely exaggerated due to his dismay at the situation and that Ms. Brown in all likelihood came out the door only a few seconds after the boys. Ms. Brown's version of events, while credible, calls her judgment into question. She described a somewhat frantic decampment from the portable, as if she believed Mr. Burkett would order the exterminator to begin spraying whether or not the children were out of the classroom. There is no reason to believe that Mr. Burkett would not have preferred a slow but orderly procession to the scene he encountered. Except where noted in the above findings of fact, Ms. Brown did not contest the factual allegations made against her. Ms. Brown's defense was twofold. First, the great majority of incidents cited as grounds for discipline were run of the mill occurrences in a Pre-K ESE classroom. Second, the sheer number of disciplinary actions establish a concerted effort by Mr. Burkett to build a record against Ms. Brown by seizing any opportunity to find fault with her job performance. As to her first defense, Ms. Brown testified as follows regarding the four incidents described in Mr. Burkett's letter recommending termination: Those are things that can happen at any moment at any time in an ESE Pre-K classroom. There's children that pull away from their teachers, their parents. These children are sent to our room to get some structure, and to help them to cognitively, socially, behaviorally develop, because they are delayed in all that development. Ms. Brown's point is valid as to some of the disciplinary incidents cited in the termination letter. The February 19, 2008, incident essentially involved a difference of opinion between Mr. Burkett and Ms. Brown. He believed that she should have the children in her line of vision at all times. She believed it was safe to be able to hear what the two children were doing and testified that this had been her daily practice all year. The February 21, 2008, incident was a matter of Student D. unexpectedly taking the initiative to go to the bathroom alone. The February 22, 2008, incident involving the exterminator was simply a matter of two students bolting for the door as soon as Ms. Brown's back was turned, something that could happen at any time with a group of Pre-K children. Ms. Brown is correct when she argues that the events of February 19 through February 22, 2008, standing alone, would provide slim grounds for the dismissal of a veteran ESE teacher. However, these events were not the sole factual basis for the School Board's decision to terminate Ms. Brown's employment. The termination letter makes clear that the School Board considered these events to be emblematic of a long history of Ms. Brown's "pattern of failing to properly supervise the students under your care." The termination letter references all of Ms. Brown's previous suspensions and, expressly, references Ms. Brown's insubordination in entering the campus during her suspension despite Mr. Burkett's directive that she was not to come onto campus for any reason during that time. Ms. Brown had been suspended five times between March 14, 2007 and February 12, 2008. The March 14, 2007, suspension was for insubordination regarding the use of her personal cell phone. The April 18, 2007, suspension was for a physical altercation with a high school student, followed by Ms. Brown's leaving the campus in pursuit of the student. The September 10, 2007, suspension was for the inappropriate use of a high chair for student discipline, resulting in the student's falling while strapped into the chair. The January 30, 2008, suspension was for leaving the campus for personal reasons, without permission or notice to the administration, resulting in confusion as to whether a student was on the correct bus. The February 12, 2008, suspension was for Ms. Brown's failure to complete student progress reports. The events of February 19 through February 22, 2008, must be viewed in light of Ms. Brown's disciplinary history since at least her first suspension on March 14, 2007. In that light, these relatively minor events indicated to Mr. Burkett and the School Board that Ms. Brown's performance showed no prospects of improving. A consistent theme throughout Ms. Brown's disciplinary history, in addition to her continuing insubordination, was her failure to adequately supervise the children in her care. The fact no child was seriously injured in any of these events was fortuitous, not a reason to minimize or overlook Ms. Brown's often casual approach to minding these very young ESE students. The School Board had taken every disciplinary action available to it under the Teacher Collective Bargaining Agreement, including multiple suspensions short of moving for termination. This last point addresses Ms. Brown's second argument, that the number of disciplinary events indicates a vendetta on the part of Mr. Burkett. No evidence was offered that Mr. Burkett bore any personal animus toward Ms. Brown. The evidence indicated that Ms. Brown was under additional scrutiny because of her disciplinary history. The evidence further indicated that Mr. Burkett made reasonable effort to assist Ms. Brown in improving her performance, including the establishment of a PDP and the appointment of a team of professionals to observe her class and offer advice. The number of disciplinary events indicates, if anything, forbearance on the part of Mr. Burkett and the School Board, imposing multiple suspensions rather than moving precipitously to the final step of termination. The evidence did not establish that Mr. Burkett was motivated by anything other than the desire to ensure the safety of the students at Spook Hill.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a final order terminating the employment of Deana Brown as a teacher at Spook Hill Elementary School. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of February, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of February, 2009.

USC (1) 20 U.S.C 1414 Florida Laws (4) 1012.011012.33120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0066B-4.009
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