reverse discrimination
My best friend, age 50, was recently
let go of her job after an altercation
with a black employee. The
altercation was on the black
employee's part, not my friend, and
she has never, until now, had
anything but an exemplary record at
work. She feels she was a victim of
reverse discrimination because her
employ stated they ''didn't want any
racial trouble'' with the black
employee and they felt letting my
friend go because she was white was
much easier. My friend is crushed
and wants to know if she has
recourse. She lives in Florida. I write
for her because she is devastated. I
feel her rights have been violated
simply because this horrible woman
took a dislike to my friend. I had met
the woman on my last trip to Florida
and she was a disruption to the
entire company, but everyone is
afraid of her because she is black.
this seems rediculous.