Credit card lawsuit
What happens when a credit card company's attorney files a lawsuit against you?
uestion Answer
Status of the Claim No action taken yet
When Did the Incident Occur? < 1 year ago
Primary Injury Cuts and Bruises
Cause of Injury Traumatic Physical Injury (Accident)
Case Description I lacerated my ulnar nerve with a circular saw at work.Was drawing workers comp. Dr. released me for light duty. There is nothing at this job I can do under the restrictions and the way its looking I may never be able to again as the injury is permanent. For some reason my employer workers comp he did have things I could do. Two weeks now and not one single second on the clock. I've also learned through a coworker.that he shut the company down right after i cut my arm. My coworker is still working. So I'm guessing they reopened it in someone elses name. I do not believe workers comp knows any of this.
What should I do to make sure I get whats is entitled to me?