Divorce Settlement Problems
How can I get my xHusband to pay his share of IRS Taxes, Child support, truck and Insurance payments, etc., which was approved in the divorce settlement and signed by both clients. To date, 2 months after the Settlement and divorce he has not paid anything stated. Everytime I call my Lawyer he charges a fee that I can't afford. My Lawyer to date has charged me approx
$ 16,000 and all I'm receiving is
$ 250 per week for 3 children. My Lawyer said he has to make a ''Motion'' to try and get my xhusband to pay his share which means that to get $ 250 it will cost me a $ 350 Lawyer fee. This is ridiculous! Between my do nothing Lawyer and my xhusband I am bankrupting myself. Who can I turn to without going to my Lawyer? Please Help me.