The $2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Bill includes a $600 per week unemployment subsidy for all eligible employees for up to 4-months. Below is a summary.
Some employees will be eligible for sick pay if they miss work due to the Coronavirus. We explain below.
I filed a civil complaint along with requests to produce, interrogatories and admissions in Sarasota civil court. Opposing counsel filed for a 20-day extension the day before the defendant's answer was due. However, counsel failed to obtain leave of the court for the extension. Nor did counsel attempt to stipulate an extension of time. Since the defendant failed to obtain leave of the court for the extension I filed for a default judgment (day 35 after complaint was served) for failing to plead or otherwise defend. On day 40 the defendant filed for a motion to dismiss and 3 days later I filed an objection to his motion. On day 50 the defendant filed a motion for protective order prohibiting discovery until his motion to dismiss is heard. The default judgment will be heard the last week of this month and the motion to dismiss and motion for protective order will be heard the first week of Feb. I have written 2 letters (good faith attempts) to opposing counsel requesting his participation in discovery, but to no avail. I maintain by simply filing a motion for protective order does not act as an automatic stay, and the motion does not toll the time for response of objection to the discovery requests. See Rahman Momenah v. Ammache, 616 So 2d 121 (Fla 2d DCA 1993) and Stables v. Rivers, 559 So 2d 440 (Fla 1st DCA 1990). I have prepared a motion to compel discovery however, in looking at local procedures for the magistrate judge (that will hear the motions) it appears when using the court's fill-in the blank form to compel discovery (ex parte) the movant must swear that the opposing party has not filed a motion for protective order. However, I am not planning to use the court's form or request the motion ex parte.
My questions are as follows:
1. Is it allowable or common practice for a party to file for an enlargement of time and move forward as though it was so ordered by the court?
2. Is it normal practice for courts to stay discovery even though the motion for protective order has been filed but not heard? If the answer is yes, how can the courts do this when there is case law that supports the contrary?
3. If the magistrate judge will not hear a motion to compel ex parte because a protective order has been filed, is this because the request is ex parte?
4. If the answer to question #3 is "no", is it worthwhile to write the judge a letter memorializing my objection and citing case law in support thereof?
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
Moving Our Incorporated Business from NY to CA
We recently moved to California from
New York. We'd like to move our
incorporated business to California
and avoid the necessity of New York
tax returns. How is this
accomplished? A thorough
exploration of California's Secretary of
State website was not helpful.
Much thanks.
chlid custody
my wife is adopted. her adopted mother is trying to stop me from seeing my biological children. the question i have is do i have more power over her since i am their biological father and she is only their adoptive grandmother. i am going to court at the end of this month to try to get custody of my children because of the verbal abuse of my ''adoptive'' mother-in-law. does ''biological'' take reign over ''adoptive''