Nevada Workers compensation
Is there a time limit to settle a workers compensation case in the State of nevada
Social security disability
I am filling out forms for ssd. I am currently getting w/c payments. Ssd asks for the names of all doctors involved. I was told just to put the doctors who treated me, not doctors who evaluated me for w/c payment. I hope i make sense, what should i put on the forms?
back injury
I injured my back on 9/28/04,I was told I have 3 buldging disc L3 L4 L5...I was home with treatments and PT for 2 months,,,,, I returned towork til 010807 the whole time i was going to chiro and receiving injections,,,,, I have beeen off since uable to work it took 10 months to get a judge to say I was 50% temporialy disabled I also won the right to obtain a new treatment called DRX 9000....I have since finished that treatment with some relief,,,I wanted to know how this allworks where does this go from here? I am not a candiate for surgery I am going to have to , live like this....Am I able to work to make any money I can not live on 1/4 of my pay I am a nurse and can not go back to lifting patients or sitting all day.....i do not want to return to my former employer,,,
Compensation rate
What would be a compensation rate? I receive payments twice per month at full pay amount
repetitive job
My husband is 63 years old and
last year retired from his
job,have been complaining
about pain in his hand. He
retired on June 1, '07 had his
left hand operated on in Aug.
and the right in Nov. for carpel
tunnel, it was so severe he has
lost some of them. Is there a
case for workman com. E-mail
me, please.
time to settle
i have a comp case in the state of pa and i have been collecting max ben. for almost two att. says that they will want to settle soon as they do not want to pay max ben.anymore.?i made over 50,000 that year and still lost out on two months pay(around 12,000)more so it would put me up to aprox.62, att says he thinks 2 years ben is a fair price to settle on.1 year ben is only 36,000 so thats only 72,000 total for medical and cash.i will most likely have trouble with my injury in the future and have a doctors report to prove this thats why i won and still recive my you not think that two years of total wages should be a fair price that would be around120,000 alot more than the 72,000 he said.also how long do they have to pay if i dont job is no longer avail.and i have been released to work on light duty but my employer must find me a job as i moved to another state.this is another reason i won my case.very compl. case.
Workers Comp and vacation
I was injured at work. I am required to go the the company doctor and that is fine. What I am questioning is the company does not pay for time off for doctor visits or rehab if needed. I would have to take vacation time to go to the workers comp doctors. Is that right?
I have a hernia that was caused by my work
I am being told by the workers comp co. that handles comp for my employer that I can't receive treatment covered by worker's comp because I didn't feel immediate pain
workers compensation
i injured my back at work last week took three days off went back to work but after two days injured my back again, did that mess up my chances for comp, and should i expect a drug test if i see the doc.
workman's comp settlement
I injured my back on the job,workman's comp has paid for my medical and for my income, i will be going back to work but they want to settle with me first. What is the normal amount for settlement?
workers compensation pay
I fell up cement steps at work landing on my left side, I am 57 yrs old and am taking fosamax due to bone loss for approx 6 yrs and have type 2 diabetes. My work said if I did not feel well that I could either see my family dr. or they gave me a WC claim #. I went to see my dr on mon this accident occured on fri and my dr suggested I not return to work for 1 wk and have some xrays, which I did, and take some meds so I could sleep since my left side especially my back/hip area is hurting......I planned to return to work after 1 day and see how I my work is saying I have to see their wc doctor and get clearance to return to work. will I be paid for the time that they told me to stay home under wc, until I get the clearance.
credit for lost wages
I recently had my workers comp case reopened by my orthorpeadic doctor. I went to court and the judges awarded credit for 7.4
weeks. The question I have is can my attorney get me credit for lost wages for the time I was being
treated by my primary care doctor who refered to the orthorpeadic doctor.
Comp Nurse at Dr Appt.
I just got a call from a Comp Nurse saying she was going to be at my Dr appt. tomorrow. She said the Dr ok'd her to be in the exam room with me as long as I say it's okay. Should I feel comfortable with this??
Because I don't! I have nothing to hide.....just not sure what to expect.
How Long Can Workers Comp Payments Run?
I have been receiving workers comp for 3 yrs. I have had an atty since Jan 2007. He has been collecting 20% of each paycheck since then. He keeps telling me that he can't force the company to settle. But, how long do I have to go on paying him? It doesn't seem right that he continues to get paid for work that is not being done.
Workplace Injury
I was making a delivery to a hospital and was stabbed very deeply by an exposed needle. Was escorted to ER and test were performed.
Workman Comp
I have a question regarding work comp. I started a new job on in March. the job has me standing, walking and moving on concrete floors, and from building to building all day. Only sit down time is during the mandatory 15 minute breaks. Two weeks after I started this job I had horrible swelling in my foot, something I had never had before. I went to a podiatrist who told me I have to have surgery on the foot, as the standing, walking etc have aggravated a condition I have whick I never knew I had. The joint of my big toe is deteriorating and I will have to have surgery before the condition worsens. Delaying it would cause me to loose the entire joint. Can I file for workman comp as the job is what has cause this condition to become serious enough for surgery? I also found out that they will not hold my job! I will be unemployed and limited in what I can do from now on. Recovery will take anywhere from 8 weeks to 3 months before I can walk any length of time or wear a shoe!!
not enough money?
I was injured in Feb. 2000
I was awarded %100 disabled from
the judge. I'm unable to get retrained for a job and i understand the law to state anyone who is injured before 2004 and is retrained has to make the same amount as before injury. If i;m
unable to be retrained shouldn't i be getting paid the amount i was making at time of injury. I was making $550 a week my setlement is only $350 a week.
temporary disability payments
I was on wormans comp for one month after a herniated disk on the job.I was returned to full duty.I appealed it and am waiting answers from an ame.I was put on modified duty with another doctor.My question is now do I still recieve backpay for all the time I`m waiting for the the ame results?Mri`s and discograms confirmed injuries to my back and my doctor says it may require surgery.
where do i file for 'workers comp' ?
i am a long-haul truck driver. i live in florida, was injured in arkansas, and my employer is in michigan. where do i file at ?
2 lower back surgerys
since 1999,i have had 2 back surgery ,injections,therapies,pain medications,and i am still in a lot of pain,limited movements,i can not sit to long ,stand or walk or lift,my life is changed all around,i am getting work-comp payments,and i have appealed for ssd benefits ,so i am wondering is there a way i can get a big lump settlement based and what i have been through and will be and how much i am injured,because i cant do half of the staff and things that i did before my injury and surgeries,thank you