Back Injury on new job
I started a new job as a pharmacy tech in July. We had a guy who did custodial work who quit and returned to school. So, the manager assigned all his duties to the techs. One week later, after sweeping & mopping the sales floor, I hurt my lower back emptying the mop bucket. My boss knew previously that I had rheumatoid arthritis in my spine. According to the ER doctor, I now have 2 bulging lumbar discs & 1 of those is ruptured. He wants me to have an MRI done ASAP. My boss' response is that I should have known better than to lift the 40 pound bucket by myself, and I should have ''gotten a man to do it for me.'' He told me to take several days off to heal. He also said that I would not be paid for the time off. The doctor they sent me to didn't even examine me. He said that I just had a lumbar strain & could return to work in 3 days. Now, my boss wants to use their doctor's diagnosis to force me back to work, and not pay for any further medical care. He says that I must return to work in 3 days or be fired. Can I make this company pay for the recommended MRI? And, can I make them pay me for the scheduled days I was to work but could not?