my benefits
The judge suspended my benefits because my DR didnt see me for more than 6-8 weeks, everytime I called the Dr to make an appointment they told me they couldnt see me until I had my other MRI, It took me over 2 months to get comp to aprove it, I had it done and maid my appointment the next day, they were booked up and cant get me in until Aug 11th, my hearing was on Aug 1st, the judge suspened my benefits for not seeing the DR before the 8 weeks. Can they do this?
Re: my benefits
Yes,they can suspend your benefits for "no up to date medical reports". While you are out on comp, you must treat with a DOCTOR, every 45 days or you are not entitled to benefits. If the doctor will not see you, I would find another one that will. If you had an attorney things may have been different at your hearing. i.e. Possibly the case could have been held over without notice for a week, so you could produce an up to date medical report. For more info, you can go to
Re: my benefits
Yes,they can suspend your benefits for "no up to date medical reports". While you are out on comp, you must treat with a DOCTOR, every 45 days or you are not entitled to benefits. If the doctor will not see you, I would find another one that will. If you had an attorney things may have been different at your hearing. i.e. Possibly the case could have been held over without notice for a week, so you could produce an up to date medical report. For more info, you can go to