The following green card marriage questions are commonly used by USCIS examiners to determine whether your marriage is real, or if you just got married in order to get a green card.
Overdue Inspection
I was pulled over today while doing
the speed limite (65) in the right
hand lane. I was ticketed for an
expired inspection. Apparently that
was the only reason I was pulled
over. I feel the State Trooper could
have better spent is time by either
helping the motorist with a broken
down car, which he passed while
pulling me over, or perhaps he could
have pulled over one the crazies
doing 90 mph. I feel it was very
dangerous to then have to merge
back on to a major hwy (Rte 295)
going from 0 to 65 so as not to get
hit. The Officer wrote down that the
road condition was dry, but it was
actually wet since it had rained all
night and stopped about 1 hr before
my ticket. Can I attempt to have
the ticket dismissed since her
incorrectly annotated the road