The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), Sections 5102-5110, Significantly (Though Temporarily) Expands Employee Rights, by Requiring Employers to Provide Paid Sick Leave to Employees Impacted by COVID-19, and Forbidding Them From Firing Employees for Protesting Denial of Such Leave
Purchase Agreement of a Mobile home.
son in-law purchased a mobile home through a private seller on 06/08/07. first initial payment was due in July. there is a contract between seller and buyer on terms. during July the seller and office manger of the park had been sending people to look at their home saying it was for sale which it was not, got advise from a attny. stating to put a sign in the window saying not for sale. then in Aug 07. we were in our park office and noticed a posting for selling the home. we got a copy of it. they home was to be paid off in 24 months, although i was paid in full in Aug 07. now the seller is taking them to court stating he is the landlord and wants to evicted them. and he never recieved any payments payment. we have a copy of the pay off. anyway can the seller be classifed as a landlord ? son in-law rents from the park not the seller since it was a private purchase. he has been harassed from day one thye have made false reports in order to get the park to vict them saying they were fighting pit bulls in their home, which was investigated and found to be false. should we ask the courts to remove the case since the seller in not the landlord? seller is petitioning residents to try to have them evicted . since july.
Urinating in Public
Can this put you in sex offenders list for first offense?
Writen Contracts
I'm trying to by a Mobile home in Texas. The seller wrote a written contract saying that in 30 days if I dont give him the rest of the money for the mobile home I will lose my Deposit. Now I did some research on the Mobile home just to make sure that the seller was paying his tax and if it was not stolen. I found out that the mobile home is not register to Austin texas. Now the seller will need to fill out an application indicating where he bought the home and where it was located. Also provide info about the taxes. Now if the seller decides he does not want to do that is there a way i can get my money back.