Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida
Filed: Sep. 04, 2003
Whether the underlined portions of Respondent's proposed Rule 12D-10.0044(4)(b) are invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority: (b) If the property appraiser does not provide the information within the time required by subsection (3) and at least five calendar days before the hearing, the taxpayer shall be entitled to reschedule the hearing. If the property appraiser provides the information within the time set forth in subsection (5) but less than five calendar days before the hearing, the petitioner's submission of the information shall qualify as a written request for rescheduling as provided in subsection (9). In such circumstances, the clerk shall reschedule the hearing upon being so advised by the petitioner. Whether the underlined portion of Respondent's proposed Rule 12D-10.0044(5) is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority: (5)(a) The exchange in subsection (2) and (3) shall be delivered by regular or certified U.S. mail, personal delivery, overnight mail, FAX or email. It shall be sufficient if at least three FAX or email attempts are made to such address (sic). If more than one FAX number is provided, three (3) attempts must be made for each number to satisfy this requirement. The taxpayer and property appraiser may agree to a different timing and method of exchange. "Provided" means made available in the manner designated by the property appraiser or by the petitioner in his/her submission of information, as via email, facsimile, U.S. mail, or at the property appraiser's office for pick up. If the petitioner does not designate his/her desired manner for receiving the property appraiser's information, the information shall be provided by the property appraiser by depositing it in the U.S. mail. Whether Respondent's proposed Rule 12D-10.0044(8) is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority: (8) The information shall be in writing and may be delivered by regular or certified U.S. mail or personal delivery so that the information shall be received timely.The challenged portions of the proposed rule pertaining to evidence swap between the taxpayer and the property appraiser in the value adjustment board hearings are not invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority.