In California, any contingency fee agreement you enter with a medical malpractice attorney is subject to a fee cap. ...
A Connecticut medical malpractice plaintiff needs to comply with a number of procedural rules, including the duty to make a "reasonable inquiry" into the malpractice allegations. ...
Find out who is qualified to testify as an expert witness in a medical malpractice lawsuit in Virginia, and how the "standard of care" is defined for these kinds of cases. ...
If you decide to file a medical malpractice lawsuit in Alabama's courts, here's what you'll need to prove in order to establish the health care provider's liability. ...
If you're filing a medical malpractice lawsuit in Alaska, here's what you need to know in terms of establishing a health care provider's liability. ...
Before you file a medical malpractice lawsuit in Arizona, you need to understand a few procedural rules, including the "preliminary expert opinion" affidavit. ...
If you're filing a medical malpractice lawsuit in Arkansas, here's what you'll need to prove in order to get compensation for your losses. ...
California requires a medical malpractice plaintiff to jump through a number of procedural hoops when bringing a case to court, including giving prior notice to any health care provider you're planning to sue. ...
In Colorado, a medical malpractice plaintiff must comply with some unique procedural rules soon after filing a lawsuit against a health care provider. ...
If you're filing a medical malpractice lawsuit against a health care provider in Delaware, you also need to prepare and file an "affidavit of merit." ...