Catastrophic situation
I received an awward of SS Disability benefits in 1995. As a single disabled mother of two, I fought hard to be able to work again one day despite a serious degenerativew disc disease, which I am still affected by. Eventually, over a period of years, I was able to return to work, even though I must take a small amount of daily narcotic painkillers to do so. I did inform SS that I was working. I recently received a letter from SS stating that I was never entitled to the beenfits paid to me and they want a repayment in excess of $30,000. I barely make enough to scrape by now and wonder how they can possibly demand a repayment of funds I was entitled to. If there are periods of time when they sholdn't have paid me (after 9 month grace period, I would be happy to figure out a repayment plan of those time periods.
Re: Catastrophic situation
Something major is wrong with your explanation of never entitled to benefits. Talk first to SS to explain and then speak with a SSDI lawyer before you agree to any repayment schedule.
You are entitled to earn money on an attempt to return to work but the earnings must be reported.