Kids worry more when they're kept in the dark.
real estate appraisal collections
can r.e. appraiser, sue homeowner for sfr appraisal performed for mortgage application? loan was made based on appraisal. however, broker goes bankrupt and does not pay appraiser. example, is this similar to paying pool contractor for subcontractor work, and he doesn't pay subcontractor who then files for a mechanic lein on the subject property.
if I file bankruptcy, do i still have to pay my friend back?
i have both credit card debts and
friend's loan, if I file bankruptcy, do I
still have to pay my friend's back? If
he files a claim against me before i
even file the bankruptcy but I did not
receive the court summon due to no
physical address, will I have problem
for not showing up on the assigned
court date?
wage ganishments
We won 2 judgements for breach of contract and we have the abstracts also. I need to know what I need to do to serve these, to whom I need to serve them and if I HAVE to have a lawyer to sign the application for writ and the writ itself. Please let me know what all needs to be done and if I can do this myself! Thank