College Student right to defend himself
If a student has been harrassed, cited, written up, given community service and thrown out of a dorm, caused by the same RA's word alone, how does he go about defending himself when the college never allowed his information into the investigation and only took the word of the RA? Everyone he has tried to contact within the department heads stated we've made our decision, but never spoke to the student about his side of story? What type of law would he use and how? Civil right? Everyone is presumed innocent unless proven guilty but can't be proven guilty if a full investigation has not been completed? And then charge him all monies towards dorm fee's because his wa thrown out? Something is fishy here...
Re: College Student right to defend himself
My suggested course would be to use civil rights legislation. This is not simple, nor is it cut and dry. There is substantial work that goes into the complaint and the demands for relief.
You should contact an attorney and be prepared to spend a lot of money to vindicate your rights.
Good Luck,