i own a land and woodworking barn in New York state, Broome county. Apparently I did not pay 2017 property tax, I was not inform about it. This weekend my neighbor stoped by who find a paper at the edge of the property, The document sad that I own ( about $500) property tax and the city will take the property and i will not have any right to it. the deadline was 2/15 to response, I received this paper yesterday (04/08). I called the town they sad its under foreclose because I didnt pay the approx $500 property tax, i did pay the next year and all others.
I have been never been inform about this, never received any letter or warning, that suddenly I will be not able to have any rights to my property.
I have work what I have to do on this barn , woodworking orders. How can I stop the city to take over my property over $500 what worth over $200.000 , I have woodworking machines, forklift, materials worth over $50.000 . What can I do? I wanna pay the tax with interest, when I called the city they sad the paper is at the judge and he(or she) should sign it this days. if it happens I wont have ownership at my property, workplace. What can I do? Can I found a judge who can over-wright this decision? I have never ever heard anything like this, If my neighbor doesnt stop by, I wouldnt even known about this, working there not knowing its not even my property ?? Please anyone help what can I do?
Thanks for reading and if you have any advice, please let me know! thanks
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