Education and Politics
I teach at a private Christian school. I have a principal who declared Thursday, November 6 as ''Barack Obama Day'' and told the students that they needed to ''Dress in Obama wear'' and whatnot. I, first of all, do not believe politics should be preached at a school, and second, don't believe that it's legal. Then she had the nerve to tell me that I need racial sensitivity training because I didn't vote for Obama and didn't want the ''celebration of Obama Day'' at school.
I am tired of being called a racist by my boss and I'm tired of her belief that white people are all against black people. I actually think Obama is a great person, I just disagree with his politics.
Is it even legal for her to do any of this? We are a non-profit, Private, Christian school, run by a church. What can I do to get her to stop?
Re: Education and Politics
If the parents, the principal and the church are all in favor of this event... you are pretty much on your own. I would even go so far as to say that they are within their rights to penalize you for failing to participate in school activities.
If there are enough parents, donors (important at a Church) or other people in positions of power to get together, you can try to protest to the school administration.
If you are fired and you believe that you have been discriminated against because of your race, then you would have a case. But having a mouthy boss at a Church run institution is going to be a tough sell for any other legal remedy.
Good luck.
Re: Education and Politics
If the parents, the principal and the church are all in favor of this event... you are pretty much on your own. I would even go so far as to say that they are within their rights to penalize you for failing to participate in school activities.
If there are enough parents, donors (important at a Church) or other people in positions of power to get together, you can try to protest to the school administration.
If you are fired and you believe that you have been discriminated against because of your race, then you would have a case. But having a mouthy boss at a Church run institution is going to be a tough sell for any other legal remedy.
Good luck.