Hiring employee with a felony
I have a person looking for work and was honest enough to admit to a felony assult charge on a officer ten years ago. The contract I have with my clients requires me to perform a background check on everyone I hire and send the information of those working in their facilities. It also states those with a felony are not to work at any of there locations. My question is, is a felony charge scrubbed after 7 years?
Re: Hiring employee with a felony
You can apply to have your record cleared no earlier than ten years after you have completed your sentence. I am an attorney who has handled many cases similar to yours in various courts throughout New Jersey in the past. Please contact me to discuss your case in more detail. I never charge for simply talking to a person about their case. Thank you.
Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-
Re: Hiring employee with a felony
You can apply to have your record cleared no earlier than ten years after you have completed your sentence. I am an attorney who has handled many cases similar to yours in various courts throughout New Jersey in the past. Please contact me to discuss your case in more detail. I never charge for simply talking to a person about their case. Thank you.
Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-
Re: Hiring employee with a felony
You can apply to have your record cleared no earlier than ten years after you have completed your sentence. I am an attorney who has handled many cases similar to yours in various courts throughout New Jersey in the past. Please contact me to discuss your case in more detail. I never charge for simply talking to a person about their case. Thank you.
Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-