One thing to remember is that laws pertaining to adoption vary widely from State to State. I would never recomment an individual attempting to draft and file a Petition for Adoption themselves. It's a child. Every "T" must be crossed and every "I" dotted. Close enough is tragic in adoption law.
Private Party Vehicle Sale
I bought a truck from a private party with the agreement to pay 2800, 2300 down with weekly payment of 100 dollars for 5 weeks. I admit I did not sucessfully make these payments but was going to pay in full on the date of the 5th payment, until I walk outside and the vehicle was missing a couple of days before the date of the last payment. The original owner still held the title and had it towed. He gave me a 30 day period to pay, and left a letter to this effect taped on my door. He now says I owe the 500 dollars, impound fees and a fee for re-keying the door which totals around 1500 instead of 500 dollars. There was nothing stated about impound or re-keying fees in the paperwork left the night the car was towed. What am I responcible for to reclaim my vehicle before he re-sells it as he says he is going to do at the end of the week?
Knee injurie
If you are not legal in this country,but you had an injurie in your workplace.Will that matter affect the ability to make a claim?.
He allready had the surgery,but it did not work good at all.They are trying to make a settlement by He does not find it reasonable.
child protective services want to interview my child with out me being present, what are my rights as a parent?
Custody and Other problem
My ex-girlfriend took my children and
moved to another state with out my
consent. Is that legal? Also, What are
the chances of a father winning full