Liability in an ATV accident
My husband was driving a family friend on the back of my father's ATV when he had a freak accident and the ATV hit a tree root, climbed up the tree and flipped over on top of my husband and the family friend. My husband was unhurt, but the family friend is in his mid to late 80's and he had a broken hip, cracked ribs and bruised lungs. After he was admitted into the hospital he started going into shock which they said at his age was normal. Because of that he was put on a respirator and a tube was put into his stomach. Due to previous conditions he had with his heart and kidneys he has been very touch and go. He is estranged from his family and now we hear that they want to sue. My husband was not driving fast, he was only helping our family friend move to an area that the rest of the group was in. It was truly a sorrowful accident. What will happen to us and what should we do if we are sued? It is scary to think about? The ATV was being driven on my father's land in Alabama. The family friend willingly wanted my husband to help him move the ATV with him on it. The man could die at this point due mostly to his previous conditions that were exacerbated by the serious injury.
Re: Liability in an ATV accident
Make sure you notify the insurance carriers for the ATV, The landowner and the driver. Expect a big lawsuit. I can assist if it is in Florida