Medical Malpractrice
My husband was diagnose with cancer in 2006 and have been going to the same Dr. since 2001 before we even met. He started complaning of shoulder pain in 2004 the same year we married. He went back and forth to the Dr. about his shoulder, was taken off work a couple of times but his Dr. never gave him an Xray or anything. My husband died in 2008. Before he died I ask him to get his medical reports and some of his reports were missing. Of course I am angry. Is there fgrounds for malpractice ?
Re: Medical Malpractrice
You may have a case. We would like to speak with you regarding this matter. Please contact us by email at: [email protected]
Mathew Schwartz
Re: Medical Malpractrice
You may have a case. We would like to speak with you regarding this matter. Please contact us by email at: [email protected]
Mathew Schwartz
Re: Medical Malpractrice
You may have a case. We would like to speak with you regarding this matter. Please contact us by email at: [email protected]
Mathew Schwartz