Suspended license - Public Defender VS. Private Attorney
I was told by the DMV that they will
go ahead and issue me a restricted
license once they receive my SR-22
(2-3days). Three weeks later, I drove
to school thinking this whole time
that I was issued a restricted license,
that it was in their system, and that
I'm just waiting for it in the mail.
There was a sobriety checkpoint on
my way home and I got cited for
driving under a suspended license all
along.This whole time I thought I
was issued a restricted license weeks
I was cited with driving with a
suspended license due to a DUI,
breaking the probabtion (Got a DUI 3
months ago) and now I have to
appear at court.
I owe so much money that i dont
have enough income to hire a private
attorney. Can a public offender
reduce charges just as a private
attorney can? I don't want jail time,
Can a public defender reduce that
charge just as equal as a private
attorney can?
My question is: Will I be better off
with hiring a private attorney and be
in debt than appointing a public
defender? I dont want jail time, and I
qualify for a PD.
Re: Suspended license - Public Defender VS. Private Attorney
No one can tell you what your results will be. I generally suggest a private attorney for one main reason, they have more time to fight your case than a PD.
Ultimately the choice is yours, but yes I would suggest private counsel.
Re: Suspended license - Public Defender VS. Private Attorney
No one can tell you what your results will be. I generally suggest a private attorney for one main reason, they have more time to fight your case than a PD.
Ultimately the choice is yours, but yes I would suggest private counsel.