I took care of an elderly woman for 12 years. I was young and thought I was in the lease but I wasn’t. Sadly she passed away. We’re dealing with the covid-19 right now and it’s hard to find someplace else to live. The leasing office told me at first that I was allowed to stay but then I could move to a 1 bedroom when 1 becomes available but then they told me that I had 5 days after the patient died to move out. However, it’s been over a month and no final decisions have been discussed. I’m still looking for a place but it’s hard in times like this. What are my rights?
Yes you can certainly be evicted. However, the courts are currently closed and set to open June 8th. It is unclear when the courts will hear any landlord/tenant issues. In addition, no evictions can occur by order go the Governor.
The landlord would most likely have to file a wrongful detainer, regain legal possession, file a warrant o restitution, and schedule the eviction with the Sheriff's office. Prior to the pandemic, this process would typically take 6 weeks to 10 weeks depending not he county. With the COVID situation, I would imagine this would be doubled if not tripled due to the back long of cases.
Contact an attorney to negotiate your exit.
Contract Termination
I am an independent contractor who wants to terminate contract with my current client. The problem is that the contract expired a year ago. They printed out the new contract, yet I have never reviewed or signed it. Therefore, I do believe we only have verbal agreement since then. We all played very casual since they were my friends. I now understand how foolish I was. I am 120% positive that they will not sign mutual termination agreement. I am their cash caw. They are very manipulative liars who conduct illegitimate business practices such as over charging or lying to customers. Knowing what they are capable of, I would like my termination notice to be perfectly legal which can protect me from any potential harm in future. I thank you all for your help in advance. Please help me to head to a right direction.
I work for a public agency. I represent members of my department as their guild representative. I have a poor to say the least working relationship with the person who is an elected official. I have been disciplined for performing my duties as a representative. This has been negotiated upon filing an unfair labor practice, which was settled to my benefitt. I recently grieved an action taken by my employer and again was subjected to comments such I am ''unfair and unethical.'' This is just the icing on the cake. It was said that I feel its ok for people to break the law, which in my profession is totaly wrong. These documents are public if some one wanted to file for freedom of information which concerns me greatly. This information was placed into my personel file but removed in order to settle the ULP, via a MOU. I would like to know if i have a case for libel as the elected person continues to make accusations which are untrue and could hurt my continued employment witht his municipalitie.
court appearance
how and when can you declare yourself as a hostile witness