I took care of an elderly woman for 12 years. I was young and thought I was in the lease but I wasn’t. Sadly she passed away. We’re dealing with the covid-19 right now and it’s hard to find someplace else to live. The leasing office told me at first that I was allowed to stay but then I could move to a 1 bedroom when 1 becomes available but then they told me that I had 5 days after the patient died to move out. However, it’s been over a month and no final decisions have been discussed. I’m still looking for a place but it’s hard in times like this. What are my rights?
Yes you can certainly be evicted. However, the courts are currently closed and set to open June 8th. It is unclear when the courts will hear any landlord/tenant issues. In addition, no evictions can occur by order go the Governor.
The landlord would most likely have to file a wrongful detainer, regain legal possession, file a warrant o restitution, and schedule the eviction with the Sheriff's office. Prior to the pandemic, this process would typically take 6 weeks to 10 weeks depending not he county. With the COVID situation, I would imagine this would be doubled if not tripled due to the back long of cases.
Contact an attorney to negotiate your exit.
Child support.
I live in the state of CA, my ex is a resident of Idaho. We were married and divorced in the state of Oregon and our daughter was born there also. Right now there is no support case but she lives with me full time. In what state do i have to file for child support?