No, the school staff cannot instruct you on how to conduct yourself on a public street. On the other hand, you may ask permission to observe your child and other children on the school yard on school property with an appropriate visitors pass. I recommend you discuss this issue with someone at the school superintendent's office.
No, the school staff cannot instruct you on how to conduct yourself on a public street. On the other hand, you may ask permission to observe your child and other children on the school yard on school property with an appropriate visitors pass. I recommend you discuss this issue with someone at the school superintendent's office.
No, the school staff cannot instruct you on how to conduct yourself on a public street. On the other hand, you may ask permission to observe your child and other children on the school yard on school property with an appropriate visitors pass. I recommend you discuss this issue with someone at the school superintendent's office.
No, the school staff cannot instruct you on how to conduct yourself on a public street. On the other hand, you may ask permission to observe your child and other children on the school yard on school property with an appropriate visitors pass. I recommend you discuss this issue with someone at the school superintendent's office.