6 months in county jail, one year doc probation, 10 years deferred. Had a dui 11 years ago and public into 15 years ago.
Do you have a lawyer? That always helps. Depending on the Judge and county that can either be a great offer or you could possibly get something better from the Judge at a sentencing hearing. That's why it's important to consult with an attorney who knows the local judges and what you could reasonably expect.
Unable to make my cc payment
I am on SSI 60 years of age, on disability, divorced no income other than the SSI check. I own a house free and clear, if I can't make my monthly payment to CC, would they be able to obtain a judgement against me and sell my house?
A friend of mine who aquired money from his father's estate, assisted another friend whose house was close to foreclosing by lending thousands of dollars. Their was a letter drawn up and signed by both parties, however the friend was able to sell his home prior to it going into forclosure, however the friend selling the home was incarcerated during the final steps of sale. We think the purchase finalized, but where is $? Lender friend has filed for lien on property but does not know how to go about enforcing if not too late!
Felony Theft Scrap Metal
I was selling scrap metel for someone and where i sold it they called the police and the police told me that the person i was selling for needs to bring in proof that he owns the metal. When i told him he acted like it was not his problem. So i think it is stolen and i don't want anything to do with it but i was the one selling it for him. What should i do so i do not get charged with felony theft?
I closed on a house yesterday and last night I found a problem - elapsed time about 8 hours. The time frame is documented with photos and email.
The whole time the house had been for sale, the water had been off at the main valve, which resides exactly between some insulation and some sheetrock at a transition between finished and unfinished basement. The listing realtor turned on the water before coming to closing, so it had been on about 9 hours.
The valve was "welling up" with wetness at the transition from the stem to the valve proper. It wasn't a steady drip per se. I peeled back some insulation and that area of insulation was ruined along with the drywall which basically exploded when I touched it.
I DID HAVE the home inspected. My feeling, though, is that, the leak may be slow enough that it wasn't evident in say an hour. It wasn't on the seller's disclosure, either, though I'd think they'd have to have known. they painted the opposite side of the sheetrock. as bad a shape it was in, it would have had to have been showing when they painted it.
I contacted my realtor to ask if anyone would be heloning me with that (I estimate maybe $500), and he said no - all sales are final after closing.
Should I pursue this or let it go?
I know life isn't fair and all, but I feel like I did everything right to protect myself and got screwed.
Also - the sellers moved out of state and were not present at closing if that matters.