I lost memory, my sense of smell, my balance, and now my last two fingers are numb all the time. Heart issues, breathing issues, and so very scared of catching the COVID.
You must consult an attorney handling workers compensation cases ASAP!! Injuries and illnesses caused at an employee's worksite generally must be remedied in workers compensation cases, with the employer's workers comp insurance kicking in. In some situations, there might also be potential claims against third parties, such as companies contracting with the employer.
I have 3 sons and have divorced from their father for 10 years. When each child was born, their aunt, my ex sister-in-law, started a bank account for each of the boys, with the boys name & social security numbers. Over the past 10 years I have been claiming my children on taxes, including the interest earned in each of their accounts. Last year, one account was over $950 in interest earned, another over $700, and the last almost $600. She has always stated that she was saving for their college education. My oldest son is now in college and went to his aunt to see if she could help with some of his educational cost. He was told that there was not much in his account, but she did write a check for about $1,000 for him. This year, I just received their bank statements for tax purposes and found that their earned interest amount dropped dramatically, to just over $100 in account. I feel she has been hiding money in my sons names & social security numbers, and cleaned out the accounts. Is there any way to get the money that I have been claiming for my sons, and make sure that their names & social security numbers are off those accounts, because obviously that money was never really intended for their college education. How would I go about getting legal advice, if possible. I have spoken with the bank and they are not able to tell me anything. Their aunt is listed as the custodian and the only person who can retrieve the money and/or receive any bank statements. I'm crushed that she could do this to her nephews, and look forward to hearing back with some advice.
Thank you.