Whether you are filing with an attorney or proceeding pro se, these are some helpful tips to gather information that will better prepare your case for filing.
I entered United States on Feb 13.,2001 on a B1/B2 visa. I applied for a change in status to F1 in August of 2001 which was granted February 2002 . But I left school in 2002 and overstayed the visa. My mother immigrated to United States through an Immigration Petition filed on her behalf by her brother on Oct 26. 2005.We met with an attorney who said that my mother can apply for my immigration but there are no guarantees that I will be able to get it due to my status.
At that time my age was 23 and I decided to wait to apply for immigration until she gets her citizenship. She has applied for her citizenship and hopefully will be granted that by the end of this year 2010.
What should I do now. ?
What are my chances to get permenant residence if any ?
moving with child
my ex boyfriend and i do not have a custody order so we don't have a parenting plan in place for our child. we only have a child support service set because she lives with me.
i know that i should give her dad 60 days notice in order to move to a different state but how long does he have to protest it and since i have a restraining order against him, am i able to keep my new residential information private while giving notice of moving?
Judgment- Never served
I found a judgment on my credit bureau. I was never served and never avoided any service.
On line records indicate I had an attorney. I never even spoke to one. Case was filed 03/23/06. Case type, Warrant in Debt. I am shown as sole defendant. On 7/13/06 a default judgment is entered. Under question ''Is Judgment satisfied?'' It states Yes and list date as 02/02/07. Can anyone explain this civil contested hearing? Is said judgment paid? I am quite confused.