No creditor showed up for my 341 meeting. Can they still take money from my checking account? Thanks!
If you listed your creditors on your bankruptcy papers and they received notice of your bankruptcy, then they are prohibited from attaching a levy to your bank account to collect on a debt you had prior to the filing of bankruptcy.
The bankruptcy automatic stay is terminated upon your case closing. So, as long as you finish your case with a discharge order and your creditors were notified and listed on your bankruptcy papers and they were pre-petition debts then your checking should be protected from a creditor's bank levy.
I hope this was helpful.
This is advice that may be specific to the creditor you have. Child support? Yes. Others? Probably not.
I hope you are represented by an experienced bankruptcy attorney in your case. Your attorney can give you specific advice based on the facts of your case. Bankruptcy is not as simple as it seems. If you don't do thinks perfectly, there is a lot that can go wrong.
On the date that the bankruptcy petition was filed, there came into existence an automatic stay order which precludes any creditor from undertaking collection activity. The conclusion of the 341 meeting does not serve to change in any way that automatic stay order.
When the discharge issues, the stay on collection becomes permanent as to dischargeable debts.
So long as you listed all of your creditors, they are controlled by your bankruptcy and the automatic stay that stops them from trying to collect from you or take money from your checking account. Be sure that if a creditor had a judgment against you, which would have allowed them to levy your bank account, that you properly included the attorney representing the creditor as well as the original creditor on the bankruptcy schedules you filed with the court. I suggest you talk with your attorney that represented you in your case about this. Or, if you have no attorney, you may want to seek a consult from an experienced banrkutpcy attorney to further advise you.
Selling an ''idea'' to a company
What steps do I have to take to do this properly? Will it cost me money to protect my idea?
I was recently diagnosed with moderate-severe emphysema. I have a family history of that disease and cancer. I am a smoker and have been treated for cough, bronchitis and upper respiratory infections many times. I have had numerous chest x-rays but only recently had an CT scan which showed the emphysema. I was then sent for an MRI to show the severity of the problem and was told by the MRI lab, after the test, that MRI was not the correct test to perform. My new doctor sent me for a spirometry test and I was told my lungs are that of an 80 year old (I'm 51). Can my doctor
(a nurse practitioner) be sued for not diagnosing this in its early stages?