I go to Heald College, my financial aid has been put on hold since my first day July 18 2011, I have been fighting with the financial aid department to get my funds sent to the school. I was told I never signed paperwork, I never brought in my drivers license and social security card, which i did three times, and all three times it was lost. I have talked to the director of financial aid, along with the Vice President and President of the campus. Every other week for eleven weeks I was locked out of my computer and sent to financial aid to deal with their mess ups, I missed at least six hours of a class that only meets once a week for eleven weeks. While I do have loans to pay for my education now, I will end up having to pay for classes I was hardly in due to financial aids mistakes. I was wondering if there was any way I could get to school to pay for the parts of the classes I missed?
Yes. The school was negligent in handling the matter. They would have to refund what was paid for the disrupted classes. You could pursue this on your own in small claims court, given the small amount of money at stake.