Asked in OH
May 21, 2022
, 0 answers
Visitors: 1
I just moved to Ohio and received a one time 401k(from ex's job) settlement of $31,000 from my divorce (a 20 year marriage) 6months ago. I haven't worked in 20 years and have no college education. I used the money to take some classes, to live off of, fix car, moving expenses etc. I receive $1500/mo (he's in arrears) in spousal and child support (1 child). My divorce has left me in severe debt and loss of home due to my ex's gambling. 180,000 for home and about another 30,000 in credit cards. I'm concerned whether I qualify for chapter 7 because I had paid cash for everything? I do have some of the receipts for schooling and such and my rent agreement. I went through such a horrible divorce that I started only using cash for things. I had a friend cash my 401k check and they held it for me so that as I needed it they gave it to me. I already paid taxes on the 401k disbursement.
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