I was renting a condo for over 8 year where I was never told or does it say anywhere in my lease that I was required to have renters insurance. A few months ago there was a kitchen fire and I was displaced along with being told to vacate the property. I did as was told to. Now that everything is said and done I get a phone call yesterday from a neighbor that lived under my rental unit stating that I owe him 500.00 towards his deductable. There is no documentation stating that I was at fault or legal papers saying I owe anyone anything. What do I do? This man is very intimidating and works for the Secret Service and can be very mean... I\'ve asked around to co-workers and my boss and they said \"tell him too KISS OFF\" , until there are legal papers accusing you of fault \nThank you\nDebbie
Yep, Debbie, your friends have got it right on this one(in my opinion), i.e., tell Mr. Secret Service to take a hike, or, yes, "KISS OFF", if you like that one better.