I want to make some arcade like machines and then put those in public places where kids can drop some coins in and play. but here's the problem, the games that I would like to run on those machines are not actual arcade games, those are games released for the gaming consoles from 1970s to 2000s.
I'd be doing this outside of US, a country like Georgia or something like that. so my question is, will I ever get sued by the owners if I put that into action regarding the fact that the country that I'd be doing this in, is Georgia?
The owners of the legal rights of those games would probably not take kindly to you infringing on those rights and profiting from it. Their rights are enforceable internationally. Your best bet is to reach out to the owners and ask for permission to do this.
Our daughter is 5 and hasn't seen her dad since she was one. After I started receiving child support he filed for visitation. We went to 8 supervised visit once a week for an hour per time. She cried and begged me not to leave every time so I stopped taking her. We've both agree that it's better if we just go our separate ways. If i get an attorney is it possible for him to give up his parental rights without step-parent adoption. I also want to sign off on current child support and arrears. There is an attorney here in Florida that claims he can do it, but I'd like a little more advise before I spend $1,500
Making a Will
We buried my brother 4 days ago. He had no wife & kids. He left a Will to his next door neighbor his house, car, furniture, jewelry, things in the house, checking acct. to pay future bills. He also had stocks, savings, etc. My brother mentioned many times he wanted to split his assets 3 ways....the next door neighbor, my sister in law, and me. How does this work? Is there a set time frame? Should I call his accountant or does he automatically contact the other people in the ''other'' Wills? I don't want to seem too insenitive by asking.