I tried researching online & it looks like 3rd conviction in 10 yrs, but he said he doesn't have a reckless driving or anything. What else is included?
To properly evaluate any legal question a lawyer needs a thorough summary of the facts. What you have shared is not much. If you are not clear then the lawyer will no doubt be challenged to give an accurate answer.
It is the same as using the adage for using a computer... “JUNK IN, JUNK OUT”.
i would have to research the facts.......usually it would be a reckless in addition to his last dui.
he should hire a dui attorney asap or ask the court to appoint a public defender
When injured can the employer
order you to go to a specific wc doctor
Rather then an emergency room?
suppression of evidence
Can i compare an arrest report and a depositon hearing results that are both from the arresting officer as a means of proving the officer is lieing to help suppress evidence
i'm a us citizen who has a felony can i petition for my wife?