I'm a stay at home mom and my ex's business, like so many others, tanked overnight due to coronavirus and he's unable to pay me alimony and child support. I will not go to court because this is not his fault and courts are closed but can I get unemployment benefits? Thanks for any advice!
You should be able to get unemployment benefits if you are unemployed but contact EDD And follow the instructions to file an unemployment claim. For support if he is not paying you want to file a request for order to make a payment plan for arrears and ask that he pay for your attorney fees because it is him not following the order that brought this case to the courts.
If no one files a request to modify the support, then the orders still stay in place. He owes you the support and past-due support is charged at 10 percent per annum.
As for unemployment benefits, I believe you may not qualify due to traditional rules (employed for 6 months). The rules are constantly changing due to Covid19. I agree with counsel, I would give it a shot to file for unemployment and see what they say.
Honestly, I do not know.
However, if you apply now, you will find out.
I owned a condo that was foreclosed on last week and a 3rd-party speculator bought it for a few dollars over the bank's bid. The condo HOA has a 2nd for about $18K. The bank's atty. said the HOA 2nd would actually survive the foreclosure sale and the buyer said he knew he had the lien.
The condo filed a LEVY against my bank the next day and now my accounts are frozen. The condo HOA atty is a total jerk and first told me today the condo owes him money - - and then said the condo could file the LEVY and continue to try to collect - - lien or not.
Isn't this double dipping?.......................there is about $5,000 in my bank savings account and I need some money to live on.
What do you recommend?
Fred O. Scott
Security Deposit Receipts
Last year we moved out from a rental house. The housing agency showed us the bill but they never showed us the receipts for the charges. How can we get the house agency to show us the
receipts? We kept calling them for almost a year now and all they do is promise but no action. What can we do?