My friend and I both got caught shoplifting together. She got a fine her charge was downgraded to disorderly person and received no probation. I on the other hand got a year probation and was also downgraded to disorderly person. I couldn't get out of getting probation because I had two things on my record already . One was when I was 14 for shoplifting that was supposed to have been expunged and the other was a "suspect in larceny" I didn't even know was on my record. (A girl had her father file charges against me saying I stole her shirt that I accidentally forgot I had taken home with me after I got into a fight with my friend who was also there, I gave the shirt back but the police officer never said anything about it going on my record and I never heard anything about the incident again after that) so I'm wondering if I can get out of probation if I get those 2 charges removed?