I concur with Mr. Dane, but to answer your question, hugging and kissing are still legal. The problem is that one thing leads to another. For example, an innocent hug becomes a crime if his hand lands on her buttocks. It is just too easy to run afoul of the complex and harsh "child sex" criminal laws. I have no idea why our society is busy giving two 14 year old teenagers criminal sex crime histories for making out with each other. And of course, if two 15 year old kids are having sex, the boy is the criminal and the girl is the victim in most cases, even though it is mutual.
I concur with Mr. Dane, but to answer your question, hugging and kissing are still legal. The problem is that one thing leads to another. For example, an innocent hug becomes a crime if his hand lands on her buttocks. It is just too easy to run afoul of the complex and harsh "child sex" criminal laws. I have no idea why our society is busy giving two 14 year old teenagers criminal sex crime histories for making out with each other. And of course, if two 15 year old kids are having sex, the boy is the criminal and the girl is the victim in most cases, even though it is mutual.