who's house is it
I'm 56 years old I never left my parents house, they both died now my brothers and sister say I have to leave do I have to go? my mom left a will that says everything should be divided in equal parts does this include the house?
is there a timetable to which an indictment has to occur before charges have to be dismissed
Divorce paperwork
I am trying to prepare my divorce paperwork. Don't have all the information as to community property/assets. Is there some language I can put in to address this later. I am in Contra Costa County, California.
Modification of Visitation/Child Support
My ex-wife wants to do a Modification of Visitation and says every time they review it, they also have to review Child Support. I have no problems with this. However, she will be getting less money. I always thought the two issues (Modification of Visitation & Child Support) were different.