The court hearing is up in window rock, and I live in Phoenix. I need to get my kids to school that day, and there isnt enough time for me to get there in time at 10 am, on top of the fact that I dont have a way to get there. I just found out a telephonic hearing was possible, but now there is minimal time to have to file motions and what not. What do I do?
The Clerk of Court cannot provide legal advice, but yours is more of a logistical question. They may be able to assist you without filing any paperwork. That is where I would start. Hopefully another attorney with experience with the tribal court will see your question and provide a more informed answer. In the interim, I would call the Clerk first thing Monday morning and ask. It cannot hurt and may solve your problem.
Civil Litigation
I have a civil complaint filed against me for an old auto repo years ago. The investigator wants an answer today as to whether I'm going to pay the bill in full or is he going to have to serve the warrant. Can I be arrested for a defaulted loan or is this just to get a judgement agains me? I'm not sure what to do now?
Terminating child & natural father relationship
Unmarried, had a child. My child's natural father has not ever provided child support or had visitations with her. Child is 8yrs old and I feel that it is in the best interest of the child to terminate the natural father's parental rights. What forms need to be filed and how? Two years ago a judge granted a change of last name for the child but unfortunately at the time I did not think of terminating his rights. The court appointed an attorney at lideum then, will this be the case this time? Do I need to have an attorney? For name change, I represented myself pro se. Your help is greatly appreciated in advance.
I am actually trying to get our passports & discovered both parents of a minor must request it for them. How can I get the absent father to help get a passport?
I was arrested for domestic assault and simply because that never happened those charges were dismissed but I had to plea to misdemeanor disorderly, fine and one year unsupervised probation. There were no drugs or alcohol involved but the probation officer wants further domestic assessment, supervised probation and random drug and alcohol testing. I have no history with drugs or alcohol and they also interviewed my wife and she confirmed with probation that she had I concerns regarding drug, alcohol or any abuse issues. The PO is ignoring everything in my file and ordering it anyways based on her, I guess "expert" opinion. I am not a drinker but I like an occasional cocktail and in my line of work I am constantly exposed to chemicals that can give a false positive and this process simply scares the hell out of me.
What options might I have
A friend was offering copies of a particular tv show on a selling website. He was sent an email by someone claiming to be a lawyer that has the authority to act on the behalf of the company that owns the copyright to this show. There is also some debate as to whether the show or parts of it are in public domain. The lawyer is demanding all sorts of paperwork on sales records and wants to know how much he made from selling the show. The lawyer already demonstrated she has some idea of how many and how much but she wants detailed records. She says she could sue for $150,000 each sale. From research is seems she is doing this systematically to everyone that sells or sold this show. One of the emails shows them going back and forth and ultimatly the lawyer seems to be willing to settle for a few hundred dollars when all is said and done. How should my friend proceed in responding to this "lawyer"? Should he provide the paperwork and hope for a low settlement? Or is this blackmail