i strongly encourage you to reach your lawyer. The answer is "It Depends".
Is the employer self-insured, meaning the defense attorney and adjuster have to go to the company representative for approval of any settlement money??
Does this adjuster have independent settlement authority?? Many do, but just up to $25,000; high than that, they have to go to someone 'in charge'.
Does your case involve a Serious & Willful Misconduct of the Employer claim and/or a LC132a Discrimination petition on which the employer is contributing directly to the settlement total? ( LC132a is a misdemeanor crime and you cannot insure for losses on one's own crime, so the 'owner' has to kick in whatever amount resolves the 132a Petition)...???
ALL THAT SAID, usually the sale of the company has almost no impact on the talks between your lawyer and the defense lawyer/adjuster. If the new owner is getting new workers comp insurance and the insurer on your claim is no longer getting paid by the employer, sometimes that HELPS! It can encourage the adjuster to 'just get rid' of those claims because the 'Experience Modification' (policy rate hikes for big settlements/awards) doesn't apply when the owner/insured is gone. BUT TALK TO YOUR LAWYER, YOU'RE GIVING HER/HIM THOU$ANDS AND THOU$ANDS.
only your attorney can provide you legal advise and information about your specific case. you will need to set an appointment to address your concerns with your attorney.