Employee questions
I work for a company who does construction on schools. Which is government funded, Recently We were to take FBI backround checks.
My check came up with some minor problems, which happened 9 years ago when I was 18, but i was not ever arrrested or convicted of these charges.. The district I was working on had me removed from the job and now I' m told i might not be able to work on anymore school jobs because of this,, But that is the line of buisness I am in School jobs.. what do I do? Take a class action against this district for making false accusations against me and making me take a 18 dollar pay cut,
The accusations had to do with a underage drinking which was filed as curuption of minors, but the charges were droped in a court, and i recieved nothing more than a fine.. Please help me figure out what to do in this situation before it hurts my family finances any further
Thanks You
--name removed--..