Employee questions
I work for a company who does construction on schools. Which is government funded, Recently We were to take FBI backround checks.
My check came up with some minor problems, which happened 9 years ago when I was 18, but i was not ever arrrested or convicted of these charges.. The district I was working on had me removed from the job and now I' m told i might not be able to work on anymore school jobs because of this,, But that is the line of buisness I am in School jobs.. what do I do? Take a class action against this district for making false accusations against me and making me take a 18 dollar pay cut,
The accusations had to do with a underage drinking which was filed as curuption of minors, but the charges were droped in a court, and i recieved nothing more than a fine.. Please help me figure out what to do in this situation before it hurts my family finances any further
Thanks You
--name removed--..
Re: Employee questions
You asked about a background check.
Welcome to the There are various means to take care of this. The first thing to do is contact an attorney to guide you in this matter.
You can seek an expungement of the record which may actually clear your record, assuming your record is otherwise clear since then. (Though any custodial arrest MUST still be disclosed on a security clearance if it falls within the requested time period.) Also, security background checks should also only go back for 10 years, as is the case in most federal clearances.
As to the current instance, an attorney can help you in this matter. Essentially your rights have been affected with a due process.
Good luck. This may not be resolved immediately but it can be resolved in a reasonable amount of time.