I am considering BK 7. Or possibly just stop paying the bills as it would save me 1000 per month. I am on a fixed income now. The homes are being rented out. I'm aware of the homestead law. If I were to homestead, I would protect the home in California. The home in Tx is about a year old, new constr...
I would like to set up a Marketing Service Agreement (MSA) to give part of my commission to a charitable organization in my area to buyers and sellers that engage the promotion. I want to advertise on the organizations website and newsletter with the offer. My company says this is an illegal referra...
Two houses in a blanket loan both in foreclosure and both filed in bankruptcy. They were in all in We were going to sell one property to a tenant and live in the other. The owner died without a will
The bankruptcy judge granted a stay of 6 months, starting 09/15/17. Can the foreclosure proceed on 12/19? Or does the foreclosure sale have to be postponed until the end of the 6 month stay period (3/15/18)?
My fiance and I are getting married next week to buy our first home together as "tenants by the entirety" I have a judgment from 2011 and I want to make sure that this exemption will protect our first asset together.
I have a foreclosure sale in early December.Aside from BK,reinstating or paying the full amount, What options for halted sale? I cannot file BK, I don't have the full amount to pay the fees, YET. This foreclosure has been ongoing since 2015 due to extenuating circumstances, but I will be able to com...
Thank you Mr. Siegel - the landlord does not have my security, she told me a long time ago. Should I just let her take me to court and then let the judge know I have the rent just didn't know who to pay? She keeps texting me the notice from the foreclosure papers telling me I need to still pay the r...
owner in foreclosure, she told me to stop paying her, to save my money just in case. Now she wants to file bankruptcy to delay the process and asked me and the other tenant to pay $1000 to pay her legal fees, not for rent. I refused and now she is threatening to evict me and harassing me via text. S...
I live in New York and a property near me has been vacant for many years, at least 6. I found the husband of the previous owners who has no contact with the EX wife and he said the bank ordered them to vacate and not return. The bank basically stonewalled me, but eventually told me they have no inte...
on it and sold it for less than was owed. Our daughter filed bankruptcy. My husband died. And the bank says that I must pay the $25000 plus interest. (Eventhough they had assured me after his death that I would not owe it). Do I have to pay it?
We were at a friends house and I was riding his dads bike. They had been encouraging me to ride all day and i had been saying no i just finally gave in to them and got on. Our friend that hit me had been drinking. He was playing horse shoes with my husband and in the middle of the game he stopped an...
House was appraised at 500k. No mortgage. 2 home equity loans total debt 275k .
A Company has recruited me as an Escrow Manager, but requires me to open a checking account to provide the Escrow Services. The Company confirms that - 1) All payments will be in my name because according to the Escrow Service Agreements signed by our clients, they are paying me as a representative ...
If there was a judgment, I could not afford to pay it back with all my expenses.
if documented proof of fraud and violations of CAL BRE regulations, ca.BPC, just to name a few are documented and verified. I lost my home and this has seriously hurt my family. WHAT CAN I DO ?
He did this without my knowlege while living together. Is there any possible way for me not to be responsible for this equity loan? We were married for 28 years; I have lived & supported myself for the last 9 years. I will divorce him, give him full title to the deed, anything so I am no longer fina...
Home in PA is a VA loan that we've had for 11 years, and is still underwater (~$60K) since the 2008 crash. We recently closed on our home here in Berthoud, CO, and have virtually no equity built up. Wife laid off last April, only on one income (mine). Our PA tenants just gave notice that they would ...
I have a contract to buy a house, but the seller repeatedly extends the closing date. It seems like he is ensuring his proceeds will not go to his bankruptcy, but in the mean time I can't take full possession of the house. I'd like to close now, but is there a reason to allow him to repeatedly chang...
I got a divorse in 2007 my exhusband did a BK in 2010. A second loan of the house put a lean in the house . The Deen is being under my name since 2008. The house was granted to me in the divorce, He did the BK in 2011 same time when lean was place in the property. I also did a BK in 2012. House in t...