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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Dec. 20, 1996 Number: 96-005977 Latest Update: Nov. 30, 1998

The Issue Whether Petitioner, Nick Farah, Sr., is liable for the taxes assessed under Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, for the March 1, 1989 - February 28, 1994 audit period, and to what degree, if any, the audit debt may be compromised as uncollectible.

Findings Of Fact This case involves an assessment of sales taxes and charter transit system surtaxes associated with audit number 9501539, and covering the audit period of March 1, 1989, to February 28, 1994 (audit period), for Farah's Gazebo Restaurant (the restaurant) located at 3541 University Boulevard, North, Jacksonville, Florida. Sales of food and alcoholic beverages were made at the restaurant during the audit period. Sales tax was collected and remitted to the Department on the sales of alcoholic beverages during the audit period, but not on the sales of prepared food. The assessment relates to the sale of food during the audit period. The restaurant was first opened as a sandwich shop in 1974 by both Petitioners, Nick Farah, Sr., and Sue Farah, who at all times material have been husband and wife. Mrs. Farah's middle initial is "N." Mr. Farah is now 74 years old. Mrs. Farah is 63. When the restaurant was opened in 1974, Nick Farah, Sr., opened a utility account with the City of Jacksonville in his name alone. At all times material, that same account in Nick Farah, Sr.'s name has been used by the restaurant. At all times material, Nick Farah, Sr., and Sue Farah had a checking account (number 467835202-01), in the name "Nick Farah d/b/a Farah's Gazebo Cafe, Restaurant & Lounge" with American National Bank of Florida (American National checking account). During the audit period, this account was used by Petitioners as both the restaurant's checking account and their personal checking account. During the audit period, all proceeds from sales at the restaurant were deposited into the American National checking account. All of the Petitioners' personal living expenses were paid from monies deposited into the American National checking account. During the audit period, Nick Farah, Sr., ran banking and shopping errands for the restaurant at his wife's direction, and considered it appropriate to write checks on behalf of the restaurant in his wife's absence. When their restaurant was first opened, Petitioners obtained a sales tax registration certificate from the Department of Revenue. This certificate was issued in the names of both Petitioners. In 1986, Petitioners refurbished and expanded their sandwich shop to a full restaurant serving dinner along with alcoholic beverages. During the several months in which the restaurant was being expanded, the restaurant was closed for business. Petitioners have a son, Nick Farah, Jr., who has a restaurant and lounge in Gainesville, Florida. Nick Farah, Jr., helped his parents expand their restaurant and donated certain restaurant equipment for the expansion. In 1986, Nick Farah, Jr., obtained alcoholic beverage license 26-02438SRX solely in his name for the restaurant. In 1988, Petitioners' other son, John Farah, became actively involved with the operation of the restaurant, in order to allow his father, Nick Farah, Sr., to retire. John Farah's involvement with the restaurant lasted approximately six or seven months, after which he was no longer involved. In 1988, due to numerous medical problems, including high blood pressure, prostate cancer, diabetes, and weak eyes, Nick Farah, Sr., "retired." He advised the social security office in 1988 of his retirement and filed all necessary papers in order to begin to receive his social security benefits. His social security income was "direct deposited" to a Barnett Bank account set up solely for that purpose. Nick Farah, Sr., listed himself as "retired" on the couple's joint 1989-1994 federal income tax returns. These returns include Schedule C, "Profit or Loss from Business," and listed the restaurant as solely owned by Sue Farah, as proprietor. On these returns, Sue Farah stated that she was sole owner of the business known as Farah's Gazebo Restaurant. When Nick Farah, Sr., retired, Sue Farah began paying bills and making all executive decisions concerning employees, doing the ordering, deciding on the menu, and pricing. However, since 1988, the restaurant also has had a manager who has dealt with the employees and food ordering as well. Although he considers himself retired, Nick Farah, Sr., consistently has gone to the restaurant to eat, talk with friends, and play rummy. He has also performed errands and written checks for the restaurant. (See Finding of Fact 8) In testimony, he referred to the American National account as "our Gazebo account." (TR-111) Sales Tax Registration Certificate No. 26-08-093045- 08/1 was issued in the name of Nick Farah, Sr., Sue N. Farah, and Nick Farah, Jr., until June 1, 1992. On June 1, 1992, Sales Tax Registration Certificate No. 26-08-126824-08/1 was issued in the names of Nick Farah, Sr., and Sue N. Farah. This was done to separate the restaurant from Nick Farah, Jr.'s, Gainesville restaurant. The type of business organization listed on the certificate is "partnership." On each of the sales tax registration certificates, Nick Farah, Sr.'s social security number was used as the federal identification number. In 1993, the Alcoholic Beverage License was renewed in the names of Nick Farah, Sr., and Sue Farah. Petitioners' personal residence is held jointly in their names. During the audit period, Petitioners refinanced their personal residence and obtained a home equity loan through American National Bank. The proceeds from this loan were used to pay expenses related to the restaurant. (See Finding of Fact 52). On March 24, 1994, the Department issued its DR-840 Notice of Intent to Audit Books and Records to "Nick & Sue Farah d/b/a Farah Gazebo Restaurant." Notices of Intent are usually issued in the name(s) on the current Sales Tax Registration Certificate. On April 14, 1994, the Farahs both executed a Power of Attorney appointing their attorney to represent them in matters relating to the audit. Subsequent to the audit, the Department issued its "Notice of Intent to Make Sales & Use Tax Audit Changes," under Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, on November 4, 1994, in the names of "Nick & Sue Farah d/b/a Farah Gazebo Restaurant." Taxes for the audit period March 1, 1989 - February 28, 1994, were assessed in the amount of $65,093.44. Penalties were assessed up to that point in time in the amount of $20,679.43. Interest was assessed up to that point in time in the amount of $22,678.86. The total was $108,451.73. Interest would continue to run. Also on November 4, 1994, the Department issued its "Notice of Intent to Make Charter County Transit System Surtax Changes" in the names of "Nick & Sue Farah d/b/a Farah Gazebo Restaurant." Taxes were assessed in the amount of $5,424.46; penalties were assessed in the amount of $1,723.27; and interest was assessed in the amount of $1,889.92 for a total of $9,037.65. The Department revised its audit on January 17, 1995. Two revised Notices of Intent were issued, each in the names of "Nick & Sue Farah d/b/a Farah Gazebo Restaurant," with assessment in the following amounts: $62,974.40 (sales and use taxes), $19,839.95 (penalties), and $28,373.14 (interest); and $5,247.86 (charter county surtaxes), $1,653.29 (penalties), and $2,367.18 (interest). These revised notices were issued to reflect the deduction of certain non-revenue items from the gross deposits reflected on the Petitioners' bank statement. They also show accruing interest. By their attorney's letter dated February 6, 1995, Petitioners raised the issue of Nick Farah, Sr.'s liability for the assessment, arguing that his involvement with the restaurant during the audit period was insufficient to render him a "taxpayer" as contemplated by the applicable statutes and rules, and insufficient to create such a tax liability for him. The letter from Petitioners' counsel stated that Petitioner Sue Farah "considered the restaurant to be hers, and has filed her federal income tax returns accordingly. She is willing to sign the Notice of Intent and enter into a payment arrangement." Donald Ritchie, the Department's Jacksonville tax auditor who had initiated the audit, subsequently issued a "Memo to File," dated February 7, 1995, stating, Auditor contacted atty. Jeff Dollinger in response to his letter of 2-6-95 in which he states TP's claim that Sue Farah is sole proprietor of restaurant and Nick is not a "dealer" in connection with the restaurant operation. He stated in a telephone conversation that Sue Farah wished to sign NOI indicating agreement with the proposed audit changes "with the exception of penalty" and obtain a stipulated payment schedule but only if registration and audit were changed to eliminate Nick's name. On February 7 and 8, 1995, Peggy Bowen, a Departmental superior of Mr. Ritchie, directed two memoranda by electronic mail (e-mail) to another Departmental employee, Allen Adams, located in Tallahassee. These memoranda requested guidance on how to proceed with the questions raised by Petitioners' counsel. In response to these requests, a series of e-mail memoranda were exchanged within the Tallahassee office of the Department. The first, on February 8, 1995, from George Stinson, stated, in part: What advantage would we have if we assessed "Nick's Partnership"? . . . from what Peggy said, "Nick's Partnership" doesn't even exist, but "Sue's Sole Proprietorship" does. It seems to me that it would be absurd to assess an entity ("Nick's Partnership") that, by the taxpayer's own admission, doesn't exist. Just because the registration social data on the database is erroneous doesn't mean we should issue an erroneous assessment. The second February 8, 1995, electronic mail memorandum from Allen Adams to Peggy Bowen, stated, "OK, I take this as an approval to change our NOI and get an agreed case." The final electronic mail memorandum dated February 9, 1995, from George Stinson to Allen Adams provides: Allen...While mulling this all over in my brain, it occurred to me it would not be unwise for Peggy to prepare (but hold on to for the time being) an NOI under "Nick's Partnership" in case the other one somehow goes awry. If "Sue's Sole Proprietership" [sic] tries to pull a "fast one" and reneg on their agreement and stip because they claim they weren't the "registered" or "840'd" entity, we can file off the other one to make sure all bases are covered. If the TP seems to be dragging their feet and we're getting into a jeopardy situation, we could even have both NOI's (and assessments) in existence concurrently to keep us protected. Donald Ritchie testified that he did not know of the existence of a "Nick's Partnership" or where such a term came from. However, see Findings of Fact 21, 25, and 46. A memo to file was subsequently produced by Peggy Bowen, dated February 10, 1995, which stated in part: I spoke to Allen Adams on the telephone regarding the memo from George Stinson dated 2/9/95. We agreed that our procedure would be to revise the existing NOI which is in the name Nick and Sue Farah to Sue Farah, and correct the SSN, under the existing audit number. We issued the existing NOI as a sole proprietorship, as Nick & Sue Farah, and we are only clarifying the name of the sole proprietorship to Sue Farah. There were not any partnership federal tax returns filed only joint 1040. Neither Petitioner was privy to the internal e-mail memoranda of the Department. The parties have stipulated that the Department agreed to remove Nick Farah, Sr.'s name from the Notices of Intent in exchange for Sue Farah's agreement to sign the notices as "agreed" liabilities. Accordingly, the Department's Second Revised Notices of Intent were issued on February 13, 1995. The Second Revised Notices of Intent were issued in the name "Sue Farah d/b/a Farah Gazebo Restaurant." These were issued by Donald Ritchie.1 The Second Revised Notice of Intent to make Sales and Use Tax Audit Changes (also referred to as "the second NOI") states in paragraph #1, "The Department of Revenue presents you with a Notice of Intent to make Sales and Use Tax Audit Changes for the period of time which you have been found to be liable on various transactions subject to the tax under Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, during the period 03/01/89 Through 02/28/94." It further states on the bottom of the first page, "NOTE: The execution and filing of this waiver will expedite adjustment of the tax liability as indicated above. . . . If you now agree with the tax audit changes, please sign this form and return it to the audit office indicated above." Petitioner Sue Farah signed the Second Revised Notices of Intent on March 10, 1995. Also on March 10, 1995, Petitioner Sue Farah submitted a request for compromise of taxes, penalties, and interest. The Department's representative in Jacksonville agreed to waive the penalties on the assessment. Subsequently, the Department's auditor forwarded the audit file to Tallahassee for further consideration of the Request for Compromise of Taxes and Interest. Donald Ritchie testified that during the course of the audit, it was apparent to him that it was an operation that was owned and operated by a husband and wife, Nick Farah, Sr., and Sue Farah, but that a Notice of Intent is issued in the name of the taxpayer as it is listed on the sales tax registration. It is noted, however, that the audit period covered a period in which there were two sales tax registration numbers for the restaurant in the name(s) first of Nick, Sr., Sue and Nick, Jr., until June 1, 1992, and thereafter as Nick Farah, Sr. and Sue Farah, a partnership. (See Findings of Fact 20-21.) After the audit was conducted, the audit file was forwarded to Tallahassee for review. Included within the audit file was the Standard Audit Program & Report for Sales and Use Tax form. Donald Ritchie testified that he filled out the Standard Audit Program & Report for Sales and Use Tax form listing the taxpayers as "Nick & Sue Farah d/b/a Farah's Gazebo Restaurant," and indicating that the entity was a "sole proprietorship" because he understood that a business entity run by a husband and wife did not constitute a partnership but rather a sole proprietorship in the absence of the formal procedures of organizing a partnership. Donald Ritchie further testified that he forwarded the file to Tallahassee as an "unagreed audit," because after signing the second NOI the Petitioners had asked for "additional conditions," including a request by Sue Farah for compromise of the taxes, penalties, and interest, that had not been specified at the time Sue Farah signed. However, he conceded that anyone signing an NOI could request such compromise. It is also clear that Sue Farah had always retained the right to compromise the penalties. (See Findings of Fact 30, 32 and 44-45) The Department subsequently issued its Notices of Proposed Assessment (NOPA) on September 6, 1995, in the names of both husband and wife, as "Nick & Sue Farah/Farah Gazebo Restaurant." By letter dated November 3, 1995, Petitioner Sue Farah d/b/a Farah Gazebo Restaurant protested the entire proposed assessments, on the ground of "doubt as to collectability." By letter dated January 15, 1996, Petitioner Sue Farah submitted her financial information in support of her protest. Petitioners had borrowed additional monies in order to pay off general debts and debt associated with the restaurant involved in this proceeding. They then borrowed again in order to open a second restaurant on "Mandarin" in Jacksonville. This new venture was to be run by a newly created corporation, of which Sue Farah is sole stockholder. Petitioners are agreed that if the restaurant which is at issue in this cause were sold, Sue Farah would get all the proceeds. By letter dated March 15, 1996, Kathleen Marsh, CPA and Tax Law Specialist for the Department, requested certain financial information from both Petitioners in order to consider the issues raised in the letter of protest, including but not limited to, audit papers, bank statements for the years 1995 and 1996, and various information relating to the operation and financial position of the second restaurant. By letter dated April 8, 1996, Kathleen Marsh notified Petitioners that she had not yet received the information she had requested, and was going to issue the Notice of Decision. By letter dated April 17, 1996, Petitioners' CPA responded in part to the Department's request for additional financial information, but it does not amount to a certification or audit of the Farahs' financial statements. Also on April 17, 1996, the Department issued its Notice of Decision, sustaining the assessment in its entirety, determining that doubt as to collectability had not been established by the Petitioners. The Petitioners sought reconsideration of the Department's determination, raising the additional argument that Nick Farah, Sr., was not sufficiently involved in the operation of the restaurant during the audit period so as to be liable for the tax assessment. The following information had been requested by the Department but was never received from the Petitioners: a copy of an IRS audit, bank statements for all accounts for the years 1995 and 1996, information relating to ownership of stock in the new restaurant corporation, and information relating to sales tax registration for the new restaurant. The Department issued its Notice of Reconsideration on November 5, 1996, again sustaining the assessment in its entirety and determining that doubt as to collectability still had not been established. It further determined that Nick Farah, Sr., was a registered dealer under Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, and was otherwise sufficiently involved in the operation of the restaurant so as to be liable for the assessment. Petitioners timely filed their Petition for this administrative hearing under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Petitioners agreed that the amount of the tax assessed by the Department is correct. Since the offer of compromise, several properties owned either jointly by husband and wife or owned solely by Nick Farah, Sr., have been foreclosed. Otherwise, the sworn financial statements in the audit file have been adopted by the Petitioners' testimony as still accurate. None of these financial statements bear a certification by a certified public accountant. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Farah's financial situation has remained static in the ensuing two years. Sue Farah still desires to compromise the total tax bill with small monthly payments, but she could not articulate an amount she can currently pay and relied on her earlier offer.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered by the Department of Revenue that: Assesses the entire liability for the March 1, 1989 - February 28, 1994, audit period against Sue Farah for the taxes, penalties, and accruing interest; Absolves Nick Farah, Sr., of any liability for the same audit period; and Denies all compromise of the amount(s) assessed. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of June, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of June, 1998.

Florida Laws (8) 120.57120.80212.05212.06212.18212.21213.2172.011 Florida Administrative Code (2) 12-13.00312-13.006
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 25, 2012 Number: 12-002527 Latest Update: Mar. 29, 2013

The Issue Whether the Department of Revenue's (Department) assessment of tax and interest against American Business USA Corp. (Taxpayer) is valid and correct.

Findings Of Fact The Department is the agency responsible for administering the revenue laws of the state of Florida, including the imposition and collection of the state's sales and use taxes pursuant to chapter 212, Florida Statutes. The Taxpayer is an active for-profit corporation with its principal address and mailing address at 12805 Newton Place, Wellington, Florida 33414-6226. The Taxpayer is a "dealer" as that term is defined by section 212.06(2). The Taxpayer has a federal employer identification number and a certificate of registration number.1/ The Taxpayer began doing business in Florida in January 2001, but did not register with the Department as a sales tax dealer until February 19, 2004. The Taxpayer does business as "1Vende.com." The Department audited the Taxpayer for sales and use tax compliance. The audit period was April 1, 2008, through March 31, 2011. FACTS RELATED TO THE AUDIT PERIOD Mr. Gomez and Ms. Niño, who are husband and wife, each hold 50 percent of the shares in the Taxpayer. There were two principal aspects of the Taxpayer's business during the audit period. First, the Taxpayer specialized in the sale of flowers, gift baskets, and other items of tangible personal property. Second, the Taxpayer specialized in the sale of "prepaid calling arrangements," within the meaning of section 212.05(1)(l). All of the Taxpayer's sales were initiated online. The Taxpayer sold to customers throughout Latin America, in Spain, and in the United States (including Florida). All payments to the Taxpayer were made by credit card or wire transfer. The Taxpayer generated electronic invoices for all its sales. The Taxpayer marketed itself to the public on its website as a company that sells flowers. The Taxpayer did not maintain any inventory of flowers, gift baskets, or other items of tangible personal property. When the Taxpayer received an order over the Internet for items of tangible personal property, the Taxpayer relayed the order to a florist in the vicinity of the customer (the local florist). The Taxpayer utilized the Internet or telephone to relay an order. The Taxpayer did not use telegraph. The Taxpayer used a local florist to fill the order it had received for flowers, gift baskets, and other items of tangible personal property. The Taxpayer charged its customers sales tax on sales of flowers, gift baskets, and other items of tangible personal property delivered in Florida. The Taxpayer did not charge its customers sales tax on sales of flowers, gift baskets, and other items of tangible personal property delivered outside of Florida. The Taxpayer did not charge sales tax on the delivery fee it charged its customers on orders of flowers, gift baskets, and other items of tangible personal property. The Taxpayer primarily sold prepaid calling arrangements in $2.00, $5.00, $10.00, and $20.00 increments. When customers purchased prepaid calling arrangements, the Taxpayer sent them an authorization number by email. The Taxpayer did not charge its customers sales tax on the prepaid calling arrangements it sold. THE AUDIT The Taxpayer filed its federal tax returns on an accrual basis with the fiscal year ending December 31. The taxpayer's accountant recorded sales on the federal tax returns (form IRS 1120) based on the deposits recorded on the bank statements. Mr. Gomez prepared the Florida sales and use tax returns (form DR-15) for the Taxpayer and calculated the tax due by multiplying its taxable sales by the applicable tax rate. On May 9, 2011, the Department mailed the Taxpayer a Notice of Intent to Audit Books and Records, form DR-840, for audit 200105422. The Department requested Mr. Gomez provide for audit the Taxpayer's chart of accounts, general ledgers, cash receipt journals, sales journals, resale certificates, general journals, federal tax returns, state sales tax returns, shipping documents, and bank statements. Along with the DR-840, the Department mailed the Taxpayer a Pre-audit Questionnaire and Request for Information and Electronic Audit Survey. On May 23, 2011, the Taxpayer returned to the Department the completed Pre-audit Questionnaire and Request for Information and Electronic Audit Survey. On June 15, 2011, the Department's auditor and Mr. Gomez had a pre-audit interview, in which they discussed auditing techniques and records available for audit. Mr. Gomez provided for audit a download of the Taxpayer's electronic records, including its sales database, bank statements, and federal tax returns. The Taxpayer did not keep for audit books and records that would allow the Department to reconcile the sales in the electronic database to the deposits on the bank statement. The Department determined that the Taxpayer's books and records were inadequate for audit and relied upon the "best information then available" of the Taxpayers' sales tax liability, in accordance with section 212.12(5)(b). The Taxpayer did not maintain sales invoices, sales journals, or general ledgers. On August 8, 2011, the Department's auditor met with Mr. Gomez and discussed the audit findings regarding sales. On August 18, 2011, the Department's auditor met with Mr. Gomez and discussed the taxability of the prepaid calling arrangements. On October 31, 2011, the Department mailed the Taxpayer a Notice of Intent to Make Audit Changes, form DR-1215, for audit number 200105422. Prior to issuing the DR-1215, the Department compromised in full the assessed penalty. On February 16, 2012, the Department mailed the Taxpayer a Notice of Proposed Assessment for audit number 200105422. The Department assessed the Taxpayer $102,508.28 in sales tax and interest through February 16, 2012, in the amount of $18,097.52. Interest accrues at $19.62 per day until the tax is paid in full.2/ ESTOPPEL In its Amended Petition, the Taxpayer asserts that it "relied on advice and instruction from [the Department] when it failed to collect Telecommunication tax and should not be subject to any taxes or penalties as a result of their [sic] reasonable reliance." Mr. Gomez and Ms. Niño made three visits to the Department's service centers, but only one of those three visits pre-dated the audit period. The other two visits were after the audit period. In February 2001 they visited the service center in Miami, Florida, where they talked to someone named "Maria" about the taxability of their new business. Both Mr. Gomez and Ms. Niño testified that as a result of the first visit with "Maria" in 2001, the Taxpayer only charged customers sales tax on the sales of flowers, gift baskets, and other items of tangible personal property delivered in Florida. The owners testified that they relied on advice given to them by "Maria." "Maria" did not testify at the formal hearing. There was no written confirmation of the advice given by "Maria." After the audit period while the audit was ongoing (between August 8 and August 18, 2011) they visited the service center in Coral Springs, Florida, where they spoke to someone named "Paula" about the ongoing audit. The third and final visit was on August 18, 2011, when they met with Everald Thomas at the service center in West Palm Beach. Mr. Thomas was the Department's auditor in this case. The owners talked to him about the taxability of the prepaid calling arrangements. The Taxpayer timely filed its Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing. The Taxpayer continues to dispute the assessment.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final order that validates the assessment against American Business USA Corp. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of February, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of February, 2013.

Florida Laws (9) 120.569120.57120.68212.02212.05212.054212.06212.12212.18 Florida Administrative Code (3) 12A-1.03812A-1.04728-106.217
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Mar. 09, 1993 Number: 93-001365 Latest Update: Sep. 06, 1994

Findings Of Fact Stipulated Facts Respondent conducted an audit of Petitioner's business records for the period July 1, 1985, through June 30, 1990. Respondent determined a deficiency in sales tax of $174,823.96, including penalty and interest through August 22, 1990. Petitioner objected to the deficiency. Respondent reviewed the audit, and made audit changes that are the subject of this proceeding. The audit changes determined a deficiency in use tax of $76,035.60, including tax ($47,910.10), penalty ($11,977.68), and interest through March 12, 1991 ($16,147.60). Interest accrues daily in the amount of $15.75. A First Revised Notice Of Intent To Make Sales Tax Changes, for the reduced assessment of $76,035.60, was issued on March 21, 1991. A Notice Of Proposed Assessment was issued on July 2, 1991. The Notice Of Proposed Assessment became a Final Assessment on August 31, 1991. Respondent made a prima facie showing of the factual and legal basis for the use tax assessment. Section 120.575(2), Florida Statutes. 1/ The audit and assessment are procedurally correct. Tax, interest, and penalty are correctly computed. Formation Petitioner was incorporated in Florida, in January, 1983, by Mr. B. Theodore Troy, president and sole shareholder. Petitioner's principal place of business is 101 Wymore Road, Suite 224, Altamonte Springs, Florida. Petitioner conducted business as American Advertising Distributors of Central Florida. Mr. Troy and his wife operated the business until liquidating Petitioner's assets in 1992. Operation Petitioner sold direct mail advertising to Florida businesses. Petitioner operated pursuant to a franchise agreement with American Advertising Distributors, Inc., of Mesa, Arizona ("AAD"). AAD was Petitioner's franchisor until AAD filed for bankruptcy in 1990. Petitioner solicited orders from Florida businesses 2/ for advertising coupons designed and printed by AAD in Arizona. AAD mailed the advertising coupons to addressees in Florida who were potential customers for Florida businesses. Florida businesses placed orders with Petitioner on written contracts, or sales agreements, labeled "advertising orders." AAD was not a party to advertising orders. Advertising orders identified "AAD" as American Advertising Distributors of Central Florida, and were imprinted with the name and address of "AAD" in Central Florida. Advertising orders specified the total charges, color and stock of paper, number of addressees, and areas of distribution. Petitioner assisted businesses with rough layout for art work. The rough layout was forwarded to AAD. AAD prepared finished art work and sent copies back to Petitioner for approval by Florida businesses. AAD then printed, collated, and mailed advertising coupons to addressees in Florida, without charge to addressees. Florida businesses paid non-refundable deposits when placing advertising orders. The remaining balance was paid upon approval of final art work. AAD did not submit invoices to Florida businesses. AAD submitted invoices to Petitioner for the amount due from Petitioner. 3/ Petitioner paid AAD 10 days before advertising coupons were mailed. Some advertising coupons were produced by Laberge Printers, Inc., in Orlando, Florida ("Laberge"). Coupons from Laberge were designed, printed, and distributed in the same manner as coupons from AAD. Two types of advertising coupons were provided by AAD and Laberge. The majority of coupons were distributed in coop mailings, or "bonus express" envelopes, containing coupons for up to 20 businesses. Bonus express envelopes were mailed approximately eight times a year. Advertising coupons were also distributed in "solo" mailings. A solo mailing was an individualized, custom printed coupon, or flyer, mailed to individual addressees. The total charges stated in advertising orders included the cost of services provided by Petitioner, AAD, and Laberge. Services included typesetting, art work, printing, inserting envelopes, and mailing. Florida imposed a tax on services, from July 1, 1987, through December 31, 1987. Petitioner collected and remitted tax imposed on the cost of services included in the total charges stated on advertising orders. Except for the services tax, neither Petitioner, AAD, nor Laberge collected and remitted sales or use tax to Florida or to Arizona. Petitioner never utilized resale certificates for any tax other than the tax on services. Collectibility Petitioner was financially able to pay the use tax assessment during 1990 and 1991. No later than August 22, 1990, Mr. Troy knew of the sales tax deficiency of $174,823.96. By March 21, 1991, Mr. Troy knew of the reduced use tax assessment of $76,035.60. During 1990 and 1991, Petitioner made discretionary payments to Mr. Troy of $110,389. Petitioner reported federal taxable income of $58,279 in 1990 and 1991. 4/ In arriving at taxable income, Petitioner deducted payments to Mr. Troy of $59,430 for compensation to officers, management fees, and salary. 5/ From taxable income of $58,279, Petitioner paid approximately $50,959 to Mr. Troy in nondeductible shareholder loans. 6/ Discretionary payments of $110,389, 7/ made to Mr. Troy in 1990 and 1991, were more than adequate to pay the use tax assessment of $76,036.60. At the end of 1991, Petitioner reported fixed assets with a book value of $14,933, a customer list valued at $104,447.72, and retained earnings of $102,605. The book value of intangible assets was $82,943, comprised primarily of the franchise, valued at $35,000, and goodwill of $45,000. Termination Of Operations But Continued Existence AAD petitioned for bankruptcy in 1990. Petitioner subsequently determined that its franchise and goodwill were worthless. In 1992, Petitioner reported a loss of $99,726 for federal tax purposes. All of Petitioner's assets, including its customer lists, were sold or transferred for $1,330 to Florida Mail, Inc. ("Florida Mail"). Florida Mail is a Florida corporation wholly owned by Mr. Troy. Florida Mail sells direct mail advertising; and shares Petitioner's principal place of business. Since 1992, Petitioner has been a shell corporation with $579 in assets.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a Final Order upholding the assessment of tax and interest and waive all of the penalty included in the assessment. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 2nd day of June, 1994. DANIEL MANRY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of June, 1994.

Florida Laws (11) 11.02120.57212.02212.05212.0596212.06212.07212.08213.217.017.04 Florida Administrative Code (3) 12A-1.02412A-1.02712A-1.091
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 31, 2000 Number: 00-003112 Latest Update: Jul. 04, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jan. 23, 2002 Number: 02-000320 Latest Update: Oct. 07, 2005

The Issue Whether Petitioner, Eight Hundred, Inc. (Petitioner), collected and remitted the proper amount of sales tax on its retail sales activities, and either paid or accrued use tax on its purchases.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a Florida corporation. Petitioner's revenues are derived, in part, through the operation of vending machine businesses throughout the State of Florida. Petitioner placed coin-operated cigarette, food and beverage, candy, and amusement vending machines in various bingo halls located throughout the state. These locations included: Pondella Hall for Hire, Inc.; Avon Plaza Bingo; Bingo Trail; Causeway Plaza Bingo; Dunnellon Bingo; Fountains Plaza Bingo; Lamirada Plaza Bingo; Northtowne Bingo; Orlando Bingo; Pondella Bingo; Sanford Bingo; Sarasota Crossings Bingo; South Belcher Bingo; and Towne Centre Bingo. Respondent is the state agency charged with the responsibility of enforcing the Florida Revenue Act of 1949 (Chapter 212, Florida Statutes (2003)), as amended. Among other things, Respondent performs audits on taxpayers to ensure that all taxes due have been correctly paid. In 1994, an audit was conducted on Petitioner covering the audit period from August 1, 1989, through July 31, 1994. After the results of the audit were obtained on June 23, 1995, Petitioner issued a NOI wherein it proposed to assess Petitioner $48,026.75 in unpaid sales tax, $18,520.05 in delinquent penalties, and $15,836.40 in accrued interest on the unpaid tax; and $4,383.13 in unpaid discretionary sales surtax, $1,875.80 in delinquent penalties, and $1,088.58 in accrued interest on the unpaid discretionary sales surtax through the date of the notice for a total of $89,730.71. By letter dated July 18, 1995, Petitioner protested the NOI and stated that (a) Petitioner was not willful in any of the errors discovered during the audit; (b) Petitioner filed and paid the tax it believed to be accurate; and (c) Petitioner has taken steps to correct the problems identified in the audit and is now filing timely in accordance with the applicable rules pertaining to the transactions in which it was engaged. Petitioner requested that the penalties and interest be abated and requested an informal conference if the letter inquiry could not be honored. For reasons unknown, the requested conference was not provided by Respondent. On November 7, 1995, under a search warrant issued at the request of the Florida statewide prosecutor, all business and banking records of Petitioner, then known as Ponderosa-for- Hire, Inc., were seized. Respondent issued its NOPA sustaining the assessment in full, which with accrued interest, then totaled $92,126.52. On March 15, 2000, Petitioner filed a letter of protest of the audit findings. On June 11, 2001, Respondent issued its NOD rejecting Petitioner's position. On July 9, 2001, a Petition for Reconsideration was filed by Petitioner. Additional letters were sent to the Respondent subsequent to the July 9, 2001, petition. Respondent issued its NOR on November 16, 2001, denying the petition. On January 15, 2002, Petitioner filed its petition with Respondent seeking an administrative hearing with DOAH. The private accounting firm of Crawford and Jones conducted a state sales and use tax audit of Petitioner under the authority of Respondent's contract audit program. The audit began on September 8, 1994, upon issuance of Respondent's Form DR-804 (DR-804). The DR-840 included a list of records which were to be produced, including federal tax returns, state sales and use tax returns, sales journals, invoices, and purchase invoices. The authorized representatives of Respondent for the audit was David L. Schultz of the accounting firm Schultz, Chaipel and Company. Representation began upon presentation to Respondent of Form DR-843, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representation, dated January 9, 1995. Included among the records provided to Respondent's auditor were ledgers, journals, taxpayer copies of DR-15 (sales and use tax return), bank statements, tax returns, financial statements. A schedule of income earned by Petitioner, by location and category of income, was provided to Respondent by Mr. Schultz's office. This schedule of income had been created by Philip Furtney, president of Petitioner, from records he kept on his home computer. The categories of income listed on the schedules were, for each hall location: canteen, cigarette, soft drink machines, crane machines, and telephones. Beginning in fiscal year 1992, a new category titled "miscellaneous" was added; and in fiscal year 1993, the category "rent" was added. Respondent's auditor compared the data contained in these schedules, for each tax year, with other reported items, such as tax returns and financial statements, to ascertain if the figures reported were a reasonable representation of income and that reliance could be placed on the data. After determining the schedules to be reasonable, Respondent's auditor used this data to calculate the amount of sales tax due based on the income reported. The effective state sales tax rate, when sales are made through coin-operated amusement and vending machines and other devices, is found in Florida Administrative Code Rules 12A-1.044 and 12A-15.001. The effective state sales tax rate for sales involving fractions of a dollar is found in Florida Administrative Code Rules 12A-1.004 and 12A-15.002. Respondent's auditor's work papers break out the different effective tax rates for each of Petitioner's revenue activities, including the different surtax rates. Credit for taxes remitted by Petitioner was calculated from the Form DR-15 downloads. Adjustments were made to this data where the total amount reported was illogical, duplicative, or otherwise appeared incorrect. The total amount of sales tax due, as reported in the Schedule "A" sales, was determined by subtracting sales tax remitted to Respondent from the amount calculated on total retail sales made. This amount was $33,269.75 in sales tax and $3,912.95 in surtax. "Use" tax liability was calculated on two activities: First, items of tangible personal property purchased by Petitioner during the audit period for which the invoices did not affirmatively show that sales tax was paid; and secondly, on the stuffed animals contained in the crane machines which are considered concession prizes. The method for calculating the use tax on concession prizes is described in Florida Administrative Code Rule 12A-1.080. Because the operator of game concessions award tangible personal property as prizes to those who pay to play the machine, the operator is the ultimate consumer of the property (prize). The basis for determining tax liability is computed by multiplying six percent times 25 percent of the gross receipts from all such games, in this instance, the crane machines. The total amount of use tax due, as reported in the Schedule "B" purchases, was $14,757 in tax and $470.18 surtax. After the NOI was issued, the audit file was forwarded to Respondent's Tallahassee office. The preponderance of the evidence supports the conclusion that the sales activity of Petitioner included revenue received from vending and amusement machines and snack bar operations. Federal tax return for the fiscal year 1992 does not list any amount of income as being derived from rental activity. The federal returns for years 1991 and 1993 list rental income; however, no information was given to Respondent's auditor during the audit to explain what this income was and from where it was derived. Applications for Registration were filed by Petitioner when each hall location began operations. Of the 23 registration applications filed, nine of them listed the major business activity as vending-food and amusement; eight of them listed the major business activity as restaurant, snack bar or canteen service; five listed the major business activity as rental; and one gave no activity.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by Respondent, Department of Revenue, upholding its assessments in the NOR dated November 16, 2001, for sales and use tax, the applicable surtax, plus applicable penalty and interest against Petitioner. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of April, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us COPIES FURNISHED: John Mika, Esquire Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of April, 2005. Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, Plaza Level 01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Thomas F. Egan, Esquire Law Office of Thomas F. Egan, P.A. 204 Park Lake Street Orlando, Florida 32803 Bruce Hoffmann, General Counsel Department of Revenue 204 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 James Zingale, Executive Director Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

Florida Laws (15) 120.569120.57120.80212.031212.055212.07212.12212.13213.21213.67383.1372.01190.80390.90190.956
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001143 Latest Update: Oct. 13, 1977

The Issue Whether or not, on or about December 2, 1976, investigation revealed that Robert W. Pope, licensed under the Beverage Laws of the State of Florida, failed to file and pay his State Sales Tax for the licensed premises, known as Kitty's, located at 1020, 4th Street, South, St. Petersburg, Florida, in violation of 212, F.S., thereby violating 561.29, F.S.

Findings Of Fact Robert W. Pope is and at all times pertinent to this cause has been the holder of license no. 62-512, series 4-COP, held with the State of Florida, Division of Beverage to trade as Kitty's, located at 1020, 4th Street, South, St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. When the Respondent, Pope, began to operate the licensed premises he was given a registration sales tax number by the State of Florida, Department of Revenue. This number was provided in accordance with 212, F.S. That law required the remittance of the collected sales tax on a month to month basis, the period beginning with the first day of the month and ending with the last day of the month. The remittance was due on the first day of the following month and payable by the 20th day of the following month. Failure to pay by the 20th would result in a 5 percent penalty and 1 percent interest per month. The sales tax remittance due from the licensed premises for July, 1976 through November, 1976 was not made to the Department of Revenue. In December, 1976 the Department of Revenue filed a lien against the licensed premises to collect an amount due at that time of $2,200.66. As an aid to the collection of the account, the Department of Revenue levied the subject liquor license. Subsequently, in February, 1977 the Respondent made a $10,000 initial payment and three monthly installments to satisfy the lien on this licensed premises and another licensed premises which the Respondent owned. At present all taxes due and owing under 212, F.S. are current. The above facts establish that the Respondent failed to comply with the provisions of 212, F.S. pertaining to the remittance of sales tax from the Respondent to the State of Florida, Department of Revenue. This violation, thereby subjects the Respondent to the possible penalties of 561.29, F.S.

Recommendation It is recommended that the Respondent, Robert W. Pope, be required to pay a civil penalty in the amount of $750.00 or have the license no. 62-512, series 4- COP, suspended for a period of 20 days. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of July, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: William Hatch, Esquire Division of Beverage 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Robert W. Pope, Esquire 611 First Avenue, North St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

Florida Laws (1) 561.29
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Aug. 19, 2015 Number: 15-004710 Latest Update: May 02, 2016

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent's Certificate of Registration 46-8015920490-4 should be revoked for the reasons stated in an Administrative Complaint for Revocation of Certificate of Registration (Administrative Complaint) issued by the Department of Revenue (Department) on July 17, 2015.

Findings Of Fact The Department is the state agency charged with administering and enforcing the state revenue laws, including the laws related to the imposition and collection of sales and use taxes pursuant to chapter 212. Respondent is an active for-profit Florida corporation and a licensed motor vehicle dealer located at 613 Southwest Pine Island Road, Suite 14, Cape Coral, Florida. For purposes of collecting and remitting taxes, Respondent is a dealer as defined in section 212.06(2) and is required to comply with chapter 212. Annais German is the president and agent of the corporation. Respondent holds Certificate of Registration number 46- 8015920490-4. A certificate of registration is required in order to do business in the state and requires its holder to collect and remit sales tax pursuant to chapter 212. See § 212.05(1), Fla. Stat. A dealer must file with the Department sales tax returns and remit the tax collected on a monthly basis. See § 212.15(1), Fla. Stat. The Department is authorized to revoke a dealer's certificate of registration for failure to comply with state tax laws. See § 212.18(3)(e), Fla. Stat. Before revoking a certificate of registration, the Department must convene an informal conference that the dealer is required to attend. See § 213.692(1)(a), Fla. Stat. At the conference, the dealer may either present evidence to refute the Department's allegations of noncompliance or enter into a compliance agreement with the Department to resolve the dealer's failure to comply with chapter 212. Id. After a compliance agreement is executed by the dealer, the Department may revoke the certificate of registration if the dealer fails to comply with its terms and conditions. If a breach occurs, the entire amount is due and payable immediately. After Respondent failed to remit taxes that were due, the Department issued tax warrants and rendered judgment liens against Respondent in March, April, and December 2014 and April 2015. An informal conference was conducted with the taxpayer on April 7, 2015. Respondent was represented at the conference by Orlando German, who was given power of attorney by Annais German to represent the corporation. He signed an agreement, which required the entire balance to be paid by the end of the month. Two weeks later, Annais German requested that a new agreement be executed which allowed her to pay the delinquent taxes over a longer period of time. The Department agreed with her request. On April 23, 2015, Ms. German executed an Agreement reflecting that her corporation owes $7,297.52. See Pet'r Ex. 2, p. 1. The Agreement required Respondent to make a down payment of $2,500.00 on or before April 28, 2015, followed by ten monthly payments of 375.00 on the 28th of each month, and a final payment of $671.52 on April 28, 2016. Id. at p. 3. The Agreement required these payments to be made at the Fort Myers Service Center. Id. Payments required under a compliance agreement are always remitted to the local district office, rather than Tallahassee, to allow the Department to track the payment and ensure that it is being made in a timely fashion. The Agreement also required Respondent to "timely remit payment in full for all types of taxes, returns, and reports due from the Taxpayer for the duration of this agreement (and any extensions hereof) or for the next 12 months following the date of this agreement, whichever is longer." Id. at p. 1. In other words, besides making payments for past due taxes, interest, penalties, and fees, Respondent was required to timely file returns and pay current obligations as they became due during the life of the Agreement. The Agreement specifically provides that if the taxpayer fails to comply with the Agreement, revocation proceedings will be initiated without further notice. Respondent paid the $2,500.00 down payment one day late, but as of the date of the hearing in this case, no other payments for past or current obligations have been made. Returns for April and May 2015 were not timely filed. Respondent admits that in April 2015, at least three vehicles were sold, but its April return, when eventually filed, reported that no sales were made. Since filing its June and July 2015 returns, Respondent has filed no other returns. By failing to pay the monthly obligations required by the Agreement or any current obligations, Respondent has violated the Agreement.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final order revoking Respondent's Certificate of Registration 46- 8015920490-4. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of February, 2016 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S D. R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of February, 2016. COPIES FURNISHED: Stephen M. Masterson, Esquire Office of the Attorney General Revenue Litigation Bureau The Capitol, PL-01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 (eServed) Annais German World Champions Auto, Inc. 429 Northwest 38th Place Cape Coral, Florida 33993-5536 Annais German World Champions Auto, Inc. 613 Southwest Pine Island Road, Suite 14 Cape Coral, Florida 33991-1950 George C. Hamm, Acting General Counsel Department of Revenue Post Office Box 6668 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668 (eServed) Marshall C. Stranburg, Executive Director Department of Revenue Post Office Box 6668 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668 (eServed)

Florida Laws (7) 120.68212.06212.15212.18213.692775.082775.083
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Shalimar, Florida Sep. 07, 2007 Number: 07-004051 Latest Update: Apr. 14, 2008

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Respondent's certificate of registration to collect sales tax should be revoked.

Findings Of Fact In 1996, the Respondent and Lance Arnette were engaged in a dissolution of marriage action in the circuit court, Case No. 96-1185-FD. On June 20, 1997, the business known as Giff’s Sub Shop was awarded to Respondent, Linda Arnette. The circuit court transferred the business to Respondent free of any and all liabilities. Later, Respondent discovered that there was an undisclosed sales tax liability. The amount of that liability was not clear from the record. However, the Department was not a party to the Arnette’s dissolution of marriage action. On March 3, 1998, Respondent filed an application for a certificate of registration with the Department. The reason for the application was due to the change of ownership from Respondent’s ex-husband to Respondent. The application reflected an opening date for the business of June 1, 1997. Linda Arnette was reflected as the owner of the business. Respondent was the only person who signed the application. No other person was listed as having an interest in the sub shop. The certificate of registration was issued to Respondent and she became the registered dealer for the sub shop. As such, she was under a legal duty to collect and remit all taxes collected by the sub shop to the Department. She was also responsible to file tax returns for the business with the Department. Her first return would have been due on July 20, 1997. A tax warrant or lien for unpaid taxes was filed against Respondent on October 26, 2005. It is unclear what happened with the 2005 warrant. Department records reflect that the sub shop did not file returns for November 2006, December 2006, January 2007, and February 2007. A second tax warrant for unpaid taxes was filed against Respondent on April 4, 2007. The warrant covered the period from August 2003 to February 2007. The amount of tax due under the warrant was $14,658.07, plus interest and penalties. The 2003 date was well after Respondent had taken over operation of the sub shop from her ex-husband. The evidence did not show that the amount included any taxes which may have been due prior to her award of the sub shop in 1997 or prior to the August 2003 date. Moreover, the warrant did not include months for which Respondent had timely paid the tax due. Data from the Department revocation worksheet showed that Respondent owed only interest for the months of August 2003 and March through August, 2006. The fact she owed only interest in those months indicates that the taxes were paid late. The Department’s data showed the month of December 2005 with zero tax due and zero interest due. It is not clear from the evidence why the Department claimed the month of December 2005 was out of compliance. However, even without the month of December 2005, the Department’s data showed 30 months of noncompliance by Respondent either by not filing timely or not paying the tax. On March 2, 2007, the Department sent Respondent a notice of its intent to revoke her certificate of registration. An informal meeting was scheduled for April 17, 2007. The purpose of the meeting was to permit Respondent to present evidence on why her certificate of registration should not be revoked and to show that the amount of taxes due was incorrect. Respondent attended the meeting on April 17, 2007. The Department waived the penalties due on her tax liability. Interest due totaled $2,857.68. Respondent did not raise any issue regarding her ex-husband’s past tax liability or any payments she had allegedly made thereon. Indeed, Respondent’s argument regarding payment on her ex-husband’s past tax liability did not make sense and was not borne out by the evidence. Respondent did file her tax returns for November 2006, December 2006, January 2007, and February 2007. It was unclear, if Respondent brought her account books for the sub shop to the meeting. Respondent’s own books reflect that she reported tax liability for the period August 2003 through August, 2006 in the amount of $25,133.97, and through December 2006, she owed $27,620.97. Respondent’s records did not reflect the return amounts for 2007. Her records also reflect that for the period August 2003 through August 2006, she paid $13,311.68 and through December 2006, she paid $16,029.68 to the Department. Returns filed with the Department for 2007 totaled $1,379.78 though February 2007. In 2007, Respondent’s records reflect that through April 2007, she paid $1,912.08 to the Department. In short, Respondent’s own records reflect that for the period August 2003 through August 2006, she owed past due taxes in the amount of $11,822.19 and through December 2006, she owed past due taxes in the amount of $11,591.29. Her own records reflect she had repeatedly not complied with the requirements of Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, to timely remit and pay taxes. More importantly, Respondent entered into a compliance agreement with the Department at the April 17, 2007, meeting. In the agreement, Respondent admitted she owed taxes in the amount of $14,658.07, plus interest in the amount of $2,857.68, for a total of $17,515.75, to the Department. She admitted she had not complied with Sections 212.14(1), 212.14(2) and 212.15(1), Florida Statutes, regarding timely filing of returns and timely payment of taxes. These failures were repeated. Additionally, Respondent agreed to timely file all tax returns for the period April 2007 through March 2008, timely pay all tax due for the same period, as well as, comply with the payment schedule for the past due amount referenced above. Failure to abide by the terms of the compliance agreement would permit the Department to initiate revocation of the Respondent’s certificate of registration and the use of the compliance agreement to establish the facts of the earlier noncompliance with Chapter 212, Florida Statutes. Respondent made the payments required under the payment schedule in the compliance agreement, but did not make such payments timely. Her most current return was late. Respondent also paid the current taxes due each month, but did not timely pay those taxes. Thus, Respondent has accrued $2,519.96 in interest and $214.22 in penalties through July 18, 2007, in addition to the amount she agreed was due in the compliance agreement. Given this history, Respondent has clearly not complied with the requirements of Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, and her certificate of registration should be revoked.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is: RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final order revoking Respondent’s certificate of registration pursuant to Section 212.18, Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of March, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DIANE CLEAVINGER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of March, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: Warren J. Bird, Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, Plaza Level 101 Revenue Litigation Bureau Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Glen M. Swiatek, Esquire 5 Clifford Drive Shalimar, Florida 32579 Marshall Stranburg, General Counsel Department of Revenue The Carlton Building, Room 204 501 South Calhoun Street Post Office Box 6668 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668 Lisa Echeverri, Executive Director Department of Revenue The Carlton Building, Room 104 501 South Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

Florida Laws (9) 120.57120.60212.05212.06212.11212.12212.14212.15212.18
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Mar. 03, 1994 Number: 94-001200 Latest Update: Aug. 02, 1995

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Background Petitioner, Gainesville Amateur Radio Society, Inc. (GARS or petitioner), a Florida non-profit corporation, was incorporated on December 31, 1975. Its stated purpose is to promote an interest in amateur radio operation. Among other things, GARS provides preparation for Federal Communication Commission licensing examinations, supports community activities with free communication services, and encourages public awareness of ham radio activities through the publication of a monthly newsletter called the GARS-MOUTH. Respondent, Department of Revenue (DOR), is charged with the responsibility of administering and implementing the Florida Revenue Act of 1949, as amended. It has the specific task of collecting sales taxes and enforcing the state tax code and rules. By law, certain transactions are exempt from the state sales and use tax. Among these are sales or lease transactions involving "scientific organizations." In order for an organization to be entitled to an exemption, it must make application with DOR for a consumer's certificate of exemption and demonstrate that it is a qualified scientific organization within the meaning of the law. Once the application is approved, the certificate entitles the holder to make tax exempt purchases that are otherwise taxable under Chapter 212, Florida Statutes. In the case of petitioner, a certificate would enable it to save a hundred or so dollars per year. Claiming that it was entitled to a certificate of exemption as a charitable organization, GARS filed an application with DOR on December 21, 1993. After having the application preliminarily disapproved by DOR on the ground it did not expend "in excess of 50.0 percent of the . . . organization's expenditures toward referenced charitable concerns, within (its) most recent fiscal year," a requirement imposed by DOR rule, GARS then amended its application to claim entitlement on the theory that it was a scientific organization. Although DOR never formally reviewed the amended application, it takes the position that GARS still does not qualify for a certificate under this new theory. Is GARS a Scientific Organization? Under Section 212.08(7)(o)2.c., Florida Statutes, a scientific organization is defined in relevant part as an organization which holds a current exemption from the federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A DOR rule tracks this statute almost verbatim. Accordingly, as a matter of practice, in interpreting this statutory exemption, DOR simply defers to the final determination of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If the IRS grants an organization a 501(c)(3) status based on the determination that it is a scientific organization, then DOR accepts this determination at face value. DOR does not make an independent determination whether the organization is "scientific" or question the decision of the IRS. This statutory interpretation is a reasonable one and was not shown to be erroneous or impermissible. GARS received a federal income tax exemption from the IRS regional office in Atlanta, Georgia by letter dated August 12, 1993. The record shows that GARS was granted an "exempt organization" status as a "charitable organization" and as an "educational organization" under Treasury Regulation Section 1.501(c)(3). However, GARS did not receive an exempt status as a "scientific organization" nor did the IRS make that determination. Therefore, GARS does not qualify as a scientific organization within the meaning of the law. While petitioner submitted evidence to show that it engages in what it considers to be a number of scientific endeavors, these activities, while laudable, are irrelevant under Florida law in making a determination as to whether GARS qualifies for a sales tax exemption as a scientific organization. Therefore, the application must be denied.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that respondent enter a final order denying petitioner's application for a consumer certificate of exemption. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of June, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of June, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 94-1200 Petitioner: 1-2. Partially accepted in finding of fact 4. 3. Partially accepted in finding of fact 6. 4. Partially accepted in finding of fact 1. 5. Rejected as being irrelevant. 6. Rejected as being unnecessary. 7. Partially accepted in finding of fact 5. 8-9. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. 10. Partially accepted in finding of fact 5. 11. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. 12. Partially accepted in finding of fact 6. 13. Rejected as being unnecessary. 14. Partially accepted in finding of fact 6. Respondent: 1. Partially accepted in finding of fact 1. 2. Partially accepted in finding of fact 2. 3. Rejected as being unnecessary. 4. Rejected as being cumulative. 5-12. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. 13-14. Partially accepted in finding of fact 4. 15. Partially accepted in finding of fact 3. 16. Covered in preliminary statement. 17. Partially accepted in finding of fact 4. 18-19. Partially accepted in finding of fact 6. 20-21. Rejected as being unnecessary. 22. Partially accepted in finding of fact 5. 23-24. Partially accepted in finding of fact 6. Note - Where a proposed finding has been partially accepted, the remainder has been rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary for a resolution of the issues, not supported by the evidence, cumulative, subordinate, or a conclusion of law. COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. Larry Fuchs Executive Director Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0100 Linda Lettera, Esquire General Counsel Department of Revenue 204 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0100 Sidney Schmukler, Esquire 3922 N. W. 20th Lane Gainesville, Florida 32605-3565 Olivia P. Klein, Esquire Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol-Tax Section Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001145 Latest Update: Oct. 13, 1977

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to this cause, Robert W. Pope, has been the holder of license no. 62-600, series 4-COP, SRX, held with the State of Florida, Division of Beverage to trade as The Wedgewood Inn, located at 1701, 4th Street, South, St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. When the Respondent, Pope, began to operate the licensed premises he was given a registration sales tax number by the State of Florida, Department of Revenue. This number was provided in accordance with 212, F.S. That law required the remittance of the collected sales tax on a month to month basis, the period beginning with the first day of the month and ending with the last day of the month. The remittance was due on the first day of the following month and payable by the 20th day of the following month. Failure to pay by the 20th would result in a 5 percent penalty and 1 percent interest per month. The sales tax remittance due from the licensed premises for September, 1976 through December, 1976 was not made and a lien was recorded to aid collection of the tax. Payment of the amount of $4,500.00 was paid in February or March, 1977 to satisfy the Department of Revenue lien claims. At present all taxes due and owing under 212, F.S. are current. The above facts established that the Respondent failed to comply with the provisions of 212, F.S. pertaining to the remittance of sales tax from the Respondent to the State of Florida, Department of Revenue. This violation, thereby subjects the Respondent to the possible penalties of 561.29, F.S.

Recommendation It is recommended that the Respondent, Robert W. Pope, be required to pay a civil penalty in the amount of $500.00 or have the license no. 62-600, series 4- COP, SRX, suspended for a period of 20 days. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of July, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: William Hatch, Esquire Division of Beverage 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Robert W. Pope, Esquire 611 First Avenue, North St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

Florida Laws (1) 561.29
# 10

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