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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-000079 Latest Update: Sep. 04, 1981

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Alexis Crlenjak is the owner of an unimproved lot approximately 90 feet by 230 feet in size which abuts Black Creek in Clay County, Florida. (Testimony of Petitioner, Exhibit 2) By application received by the St. Johns River Subdistrict of the Department of Environmental Regulation on September 9, 1980, Petitioner sought a permit to place approximately 1,000 cubic yards of clean fill dirt over an area of 90 by 130 feet to a depth of 3 feet on the southern portion of his lot. The stated purpose for the request was to enable Petitioner to obtain a county permit to install a septic tank and drainfield in the filled portion of the lot. Such a permit previously had been denied by the county for the reason that inadequate drainage for a septic tank existed in the lot's present natural condition. (Testimony of Petitioner, Exhibit 2) Subsequent to receipt of the application, DER's Subdistrict Office solicited comments or objections to the proposed project from adjacent landowners and various governmental agencies. An adjoining landowner, Frederick G. Flagge, filed an opposition to the concept of placement of a septic tank and drainfield next to his land due to the possibility of seepage and contamination. The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, expressed the view that placement of fill material in flood plain wetlands to raise the elevation for a septic tank placement is not in the public's interest and recommended denial of the application, and suggested that the applicant utilize the upland portion of his property for such purpose. The Southeast Regional Office of the National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, concluded that the work would adversely impact fishery resources by filling productive wetlands and made a similar recommendation to that of the EPA. A representative of the Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service inspected the area in November 1980, and found that the proposed project would destroy 0.27 acres of wetlands which provide nesting, feed and shelter habitat for various species of birds, maimals and reptiles. The agency therefore recommended that any fill be limited to upland areas. The Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission reviewed the application and recommended denial because the project would adversely affect fish and wildlife resources by eliminating a protective wetland habitat. (Testimony of Tyler, Exhibit 2) Petitioner's lot is bounded on the north by Black Creek, on the east by a dredged canal which terminates at a boat basin immediately south of his property. A filled driveway separates Petitioner' s land from the Flagge property to the west. Although the area surrounding the north bank of Black Creek is still in a natural condition, Petitioner's and Flagge's lots are practically the only ones on the south bank in that area which are undeveloped and still in a relatively natural state. The northern border of Petitioner's property is high and dry due to the berm along Black Creek which has been deposited over the years and has become vegetated. However, the southern half is a hardwood swamp area where blackgum is the dominant species, together with other species such as buttonbush, water ash, dahoon, willow, water locust, red maple and sweetgum. Black Creek is classified as a Class III body of water under Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code. The type of vegetation on the southern portion of Petitioner's lot is associated with periodic inundation during seasonal rainfall, and is thus deemed to constitute the landward extent of waters of the state pursuant to the vegetative indices of Chapter 17-4, Florida Administrative Code. After receiving the application an environmental specialist in Respondent's subdistrict office visited the site and thereafter prepared a Permit Application Appraisal. He identified the various species of plant life located in the area to be filled and determined that it was properly within Respondent's jurisdiction. His appraisal found that the swamp area in question benefits the water quality of Black Creek by filtering sediments and assimilating pollutants generated by upland runoff. He also found that the area is a fish and wildlife habitat, provides flood control, and serves as a primary food source for fish and wildlife. He therefore determined that the proposed project would result in the elimination of those biological resources that aid in maintaining water quality and would further degrade water quality by adding septic tank waste in close proximity to the waterway. He concluded that the project as proposed would induce flooding on the lot to the West by blocking the flow through the swamp which presently is connected by a culvert under the filled driveway to the west. His supervisor subsequently visited the site and agreed with the application appraisal. It was their combined opinion that filling of the land would eventually lead to eutrophication of the adjacent canal and adversely affect the water quality of Black Creek. At the time of their visits, the DER personnel did not observe standing water on Petitioner's property, but did so on the adjacent lot to the west. (Testimony of Rector, Tyler, Exhibit 2) As a result of the adverse application appraisal, Respondent advised Petitioner on December 9, 1980, of its intent to deny the application based on the loss of submerged land, and anticipated water quality degradation by replacing the aquatic ecosystem with a septic tank and drain ield which has a potential for leaking into the adjacent canal. The Notice of Intent to Deny further specified state water quality standards which would be adversely affected, and found that the applicant had not provided the department with affirmative reasonable assurances that the immediate and long-term impacts of the project would not result in a violation of state water quality standards. (Testimony of Tyler, Exhibit 2) At the hearing, Petitioner scaled down his request by stating that he now only wished to fill an area approximately 25 feet by 40 feet in the southwest corner of his lot to serve as the drainfield for a septic tank. However, the DER personnel who had reviewed the project testified that their recommendation of denial would not be changed in spite of the reduced proposed filling activity. They were of the opinion that the same considerations which led to the denial recommendation would still be present, except on a smaller scale. They indicated that Petitioner could still use his land, in spite of the permit denial, for recreational activities, or by erecting a "stilt" house on the lower half of the lot. However, in such an eventuality, the septic tank and drainfield would have to be placed on the upland portion of the lot. As petitioner pointed out, this cannot take place under current health regulations in view of the fact that a well is located on the north side of the adjacent lot, and the spacing distance would be insufficient for state and county permitting purposes. Although Petitioner denied that a culvert existed under the driveway separating the lots, he conceded that he had not visited the property for about a year. (Testimony of Tyler, petitioner, Exhibit 2)

Recommendation That Petitioner's application be DENIED. DONE and ENTERED this 12th day of August, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of August, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Honorable Victoria J. TSchinkel Secretary, Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Silvia Morell Alderman, Esquire Alexis Crlenjak Assistant General Counsel Route 2, Box 618 Department of Environmental Havana, Florida 32333 Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001208 Latest Update: Oct. 21, 1983

Findings Of Fact B. D. Taylor, Respondent, is the owner of a wastewater treatment facility near Panama City, Florida, which serves a community of some 125-150 mobile homes at Lane Mobile Home Estates. The facility has a 24,000 gallons per day capacity to provide secondary treatment of wastewater with percolating ponds. It was first permitted in 1971 upon construction and has been in continuous operation since that time. In 1980 Respondent employed the services of a consultant to apply for a renewal of its temporary Permit to operate a wastewater treatment facility. This application stated the temporary operating permit (TOP) was needed to give Respondent time to connect to the regional wastewater treatment facility. The schedule contained in the following paragraph was submitted by Respondent at the time needed to accomplish this objective, Following inspection of the facility, a TOP was issued December 5, 1980 (Exhibit 1), and expired January 1, 1983. TOPs are issued to facilities which do not comply with the requirements for Wastewater treatment. Exhibit 1 contained a schedule of compliance to which Respondent was directed to strictly comply to stop the discharge of pollutants from the property on which the facility is located. These conditions are: Date when preliminary engineering to tie into regional will be complete and notification to DER. July 1, 1981; Date when engineering to tie into regional system will be complete and notification to DER - June 1, 1982; Date construction application will be submitted to phase out present facility - March 1, 1982; Date construction will commence - June 1, 1982; Date construction is to be complete and so certified - October 1, 1982; and Date that wastewater effluent disposal system will be certified "in compliance" to permit - January 1, 1903. None of these conditions or schedules has been met by Respondent. The regional wastewater treatment facility was completed in 1982 and Respondent could have connected to this system in the summer of 1982. This wastewater treatment facility is a potential source of pollution. The holding ponds are bordered by a ditch which is connected to Game Farm Greek, which is classified as Class III waters. The size of Game Farm Creek is such that any discharge of pollution to this body of water would reduce its classification below Class III. On several occasions in the past there have been breaks in the berm surrounding the holding ponds which allow the wastewater in the holding ponds to flow into the ditch and into Game Farm Creek. Even without a break in the berm, wastewater from these holding ponds will enter Game Farm Creek either by percolation or overflow of the holding ponds caused by the inability of the soil to absorb the effluent. On January 28, 1983, this facility was inspected and the results of the inspection were discussed with the operators of the facility. The plant was again inspected on February 8 and February 18, 1983. These inspections disclosed solids were not settling out of the wastewater in the settling tanks; inadequate chlorination of the wastewater was being obtained in the chlorination tanks; samples taken from various points in the system, the ditch along side the holding tanks and in Game Farm Creek, disclosed excess fecal coliform counts; and that very poor treatment was being afforded the wastewater received at the plant as evidence by high levels of total Kejhdal nitrogen and ammonia, high levels of phosphates, high biochemical oxygen demand, and low levels of nitrates and nitrites. In July, 1983, in response to a complaint about odors emanating from the plant, the facility was again inspected. This inspector found the aeration tanks anaerobic, effluent had a strong septic odor, the clarifier was cloudy, the chlorine feeder was empty, no chlorine residual in contact tank, final effluent was cloudy, both ponds were covered with duckweed and small pond was discharging in the roadside ditch (Exhibit 14) Expenses to Petitioner resulting from the inspections intended to bring Respondent in compliance with the requirements for wastewater treatment facilities are $280.32 (Exhibit 9)

Florida Laws (2) 403.087403.088
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000035 Latest Update: Feb. 02, 1990

Findings Of Fact South of the intersection of Blue Angel Parkway and Gulf Beach Highway in southwest Escambia County lies the wooded, 69-acre tract, designated "Site F," onto which ECUA proposes to dispose up to three million gallons of wastewater a day. Petitioner Westerman operates a marina nearby. The individual intervenors own houses in the vicinity as, apparently, do other members of the intervening association. A state agency with wide ranging environmental responsibilities, DER permits construction of wastewater treatment facilities in conformity with its rules. Sewage disposal is one of several utility services ECUA provides residents of Escambia County. A Trip to the Beach Under orders from DER and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to cease discharging directly into Bayou Chico ("a very impacted body of water ... [with] very difficult problems" T. 101), ECUA proposes to build a pumping facility and install enough 24-inch pipe to enable it to send effluent from its wastewater treatment plant in Warrington to Site F, for "rapid rate" land application. Upgraded since DER and EPA forbade direct discharges into Bayou Chico, the Warrington plant now employs advanced treatment techniques to remove most phosphorous and nitrogen from its effluent. Nevertheless, in order to mollify regulators, ECUA has plans to ship the effluent through some seven miles of pipe to Site F. In the opinion of its executive director, ECUA is "an easy target . . . . Whether it's practical or fair is really not the question." Id. He feels, "cost is not a factor" (T. 102) that the regulatory authorities have taken into account. Sandy Soils Site F straddles a coastal ridge, vegetated dunes that separate Garcon Swamp from Big Lagoon. Elevations vary from 29 feet above mean sea level at the crest of the ridge to nine feet above mean sea level in the swale that traverses the property. Highly permeable surficial sand extends to depths ranging between 20 and 35 feet below grade. Under the surficial sand, a layer of silty sand, extending down 55 to 60 feet, overlies another layer of very clean sand, much denser than the surficial sand. At depths of 90 to 110 feet, a clay aquiclude undergirds these sandy strata. Using field and laboratory test results, experts put the average hydraulic conductivity of the surficial sands at 35 feet per day, of the silty middle sand layer at 10 to 15 feet per day, and of the clean but dense sands on top of the clay at 5 to 10 feet per day. In addition to laboratory results, two pump tests support these conclusions. Results of two other pump tests indicating hydraulic conductivity of 4.7 and 5.0 feet per day were dismissed as unreliable. Sand caving in compromised at least one of these tests. As far as the record reveals, no bench-scale or pilot-scale hydraulic testing took place. According to DER's Mr. Reinning, there was "more soil testing on this site than [he had] seen on any other permit event." T.II. 217. Although the soils on the site are "relatively uniform," (T.II. 212) no layer of sand is perfectly uniform. Mr. Jacobs, one of ECUA's consultants, testified that a boring on one of the proposed pond sites revealed a one-foot layer of sand and organics with a vertical hydraulic conductivity of one foot per day. T.I. 245. Perhaps Mr. Jacobs was referring to boring B-2, which, according to the log, reflects a two-foot interval of peat and decaying wood, at a depth of slightly more than 13 feet. ECUA's Exhibit 2. No other boring gave evidence of this layer. The nearest bore hole to B-2 was more than 200 feet away. Expert testimony that the borings did not indicate an "extensive pocket," and gave no reason to fear a "per(c)hed water table," (T.II. 214) was not controverted. Construction Plans ECUA proposes to construct 16 percolation ponds or cells on Site F. Seven pairs of cells would be terraced on a north-south axis, with an eighth, noncontiguous pair at an angle in the southwestern portion of the property. Cell bottoms, at elevations ranging between 16 and 27 feet above mean sea level, would have a surface area aggregating some 23 acres (1,027,900 square feet.) ECUA would erect a perimeter fence and install warning signs. Except for valves, "no mechanical equipment [would be) involved in the disposal site," T.123, nor are "bright lights," id. planned. Water flowing into percolation ponds does not create an aerosol. Odors are not foreseen. Encircling each infiltration basin, berms three to three and a half feet higher than the cell bottoms would contain effluent and deflect sheet flow. Except for rain falling directly into the cells, stormwater would not reach the percolation cells. Chances that effluent augmented by rainfall would overflow the berms are remote. A 100-year, 24-hour return storm would not interrupt operation of the facility. No percolation pond site lies within the 100-year flood plain. No percolation basin is to be located within 500 feet of a potable water supply well or class I or class II surface water; or closer than 100 feet to the boundary of the property. Situated within some 20 acres of wetlands, a brackish pond lies about 1,000 feet from the nearest cell planned, between Site F and Big Lagoon into which the pond opens. At the nearest point, Big Lagoon itself comes within 1200 feet of a planned percolation cell. A swale or slough bridged by Blue Angel Parkway runs southwesterly north and west of the main phalanx of percolation ponds ECUA proposes, then turns a corner and runs southeasterly, separating the two cells proposed for the southwest portion of the property from the others. The nearest percolation pond is to be built about 100 feet from wetlands associated with the swale. Loading Rates ECUA plans to direct wastewater into half the cells one week and the remainder the next, alternating like the squares on a chessboard. The exact cycle is not a condition of the construction permit, however, and computer modelers assumed loading cycles consisting of two two-day periods. As applied to the total bottom area of percolation cells, the average daily loading rate for three million gallons a day (mgd) would amount to 2.91 gallons per square foot. Because half the ponds would be resting at any given time, ponds receiving effluent would experience inflow at an average rate of 5.82 gallons per square foot. In deciding the length of the loading cycle, as "the soil gets lower in permeability you have to really stretch your time for loading out, because it takes the water much longer to get out of the loading area." T.I. 188. But, with respect to the long-term capacity of the system, "the period of loading and resting . . . really doesn't significantly affect . . . how the site is expected to perform." T.II. 222. In the absence of bench-scale or pilot-scale tests heretofore, the applicant "intend[s] to load test this site, because just for the various concerns, because it is a big site." T.I. 189. Groundwater Effects Class G-II groundwater under the site now flows generally southerly toward the brackish pond and Big Lagoon. An expert put the rate of flow under the site at .22 feet per day, but concluded that the rate increased to approximately a half foot a day between Site F and Big Lagoon. As far as is known, groundwater under the sites proposed for the infiltration ponds rises no closer to the surface than six to nine feet, even under wet conditions, although the evidence by no means conclusively established that it would never rise higher. Some groundwater emerges in the swale during wet periods, and flows in the swale as far as the brackish pond, to which other groundwater makes regular, direct contribution. At the edge of the lagoon, further out in the lagoon and possibly in the Gulf of Mexico, still other groundwater comes up as springs. At least initially, the sandy soils would accept effluent readily. Until and unless actual experience showed that the facility could handle the three mgd for which it is designed, the plan is to dispose of no more than 2.5 million gallons of effluent a day. Before equilibrium is attained, ongoing disposal of effluent would gradually raise the level of groundwater under the site, inducing, on the preexisting, sloping surface of ambient groundwater, a mound, on which 16 smaller mounds (corresponding to the loading nozzles discharging wastewater into the percolation ponds) would superimpose themselves, half swelling, like so many goose eggs, half subsiding, at any given time. Adding effluent should not materially alter the ultimate direction of flow. For the most part, even groundwater flowing in other directions off the mounds induced under the site would eventually turn south toward the lagoon. But a steeper gradient should speed up the flow. Percolating effluent would increase the volume not only of seepage into the swale but also of subterranean flow reaching both the brackish pond and the lagoon. Increased seepage upslope from the slough would flow down into the swale, along the stream bed, and into the brackish pond. Monitoring As modified at hearing, ECUA's monitoring plan contemplates eight wells and four surface water monitoring points from which water samples would be periodically taken for analysis, to determine levels of nitrogen, phosphorous and other chemical and biological constituents of concern. Once the facility began operating, no well would yield "background" samples uninfluenced by the effluent. T. I. 221. The wells are all to be located on ECUA property and, therefore, close enough to the percolation ponds to receive ground water flows radiating from the mounds adding the effluent would induce. Final Destination Effluent emerging in seepage, perhaps as much as 75 percent of the total (T. III. 47), could reach Big Lagoon, by way of the swale and the brackish pond, soon after regaining the surface of the land. Wetland vegetation would filter such flows, already diluted underground and sometimes by stormwater runoff, on their way to the lagoon. Effluent that mixed with groundwater traveling to Big Lagoon underground would not show up in the lagoon for months or years. But when it arrived, much diluted and after such attenuation of pollutants as the largely inorganic soils afforded, it would also contribute to subtle changes in the waters of Big Lagoon. Virtually all effluent would ultimately end up in Big Lagoon. T.I. 234; T.III.45. Two channels connect Big Lagoon to Pensacola Bay to the east, and a single, more constricted channel connects it to Perdido Bay to the west. Tides influence the circulation of the Class III water within Big Lagoon, variously calculated to amount to some ten or eleven billion gallons of clean salt water. Through Pensacola Bay and Perdido Bay, Big Lagoon communicates with the Gulf of Mexico. As the tide rises, water from the adjacent bays enters the long and narrow reaches of Big Lagoon, at either end. As the tide ebbs, water in the lagoon (including a significant portion of bay water introduced by the preceding tide) flows out either end. ECUA's expert's claim that tides flush the lagoon in less than nine days did not take this back-and-forth movement into account, or look specifically at the four-billion gallon basin into which the brackish pond overflows. Big Lagoon lies south of the mainland and north of Perdido Key, one of the barrier islands paralleling the coast. These islands and waters north of them, extending as far as the southern boundary of the intracoastal waterway, comprise the Gulf Islands National Seashore. By rule, the waters of Big Lagoon south of the intracoastal waterway have been designated Outstanding Florida Waters. Two to three hundred yards wide, the intracoastal lies not far offshore the mainland. Water Quality Analysis of a single ground water sample revealed nutrient levels, but neither the applicant nor DER developed any data specific to Big Lagoon about nutrient levels there. Chemical analyses done on four samples of lagoon water (at petitioner's expense) revealed no nitrate nitrogen above detection levels in any of the samples, and no ammonia nitrogen above detection levels in three of the four samples, but disclosed 0.08 parts per million in the fourth. Three of the four samples contained 0.02 parts phosphorous per million, while the fourth had phosphorous in a concentration of 0.03 parts per million. Tests with water taken from Big Lagoon showed that the addition of both nitrogen and phosphorous compounds (but not the addition of one without the other) coincided with algal growth in one of four sets of samples, each set including a control in which such growth did not occur. In other samples of lagoon water into which algae were introduced, the addition of nitrogen, either alone or in combination with phosphorous, seemed to cause blue-green algae to predominate, instead of the dominant, indigenous pennate diatoms. In these experiments, ammonia chloride was added to produce nitrogen concentrations of 17.5 grams per liter, six times greater than would be allowed in the effluent, as much as 17 times greater than the concentration petitioner's expert predicted for wastewater reaching the lagoon, and two orders of magnitude above ambient levels. The experimenter also added sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate to create phosphorous concentrations of four grams per liter, which is also two orders of magnitude above levels naturally occurring in Big Lagoon. Special permit conditions limit (on an annual average) total nitrogen in effluent sent to Site F to 75 pounds per day, and phosphorous to one milligram per liter, which would amount to 25 pounds in three million gallons, the maximum daily flow. Permit conditions also prescribe limits for acidity and alkalinity (pH must be greater than 6.0 and less than 8.5), suspended solids, and biochemical oxygen demand. Basic dis- infection is required. Assuming ECUA disposed of three mgd at Site F, up to 25 pounds of phosphorous could be added to the estuary daily, on average, or more than a ton of phosphorous quarterly, if steady state were attained. Although three times as much nitrogen might occur in the effluent, oxidation and reduction would cause some nitrogen to enter the atmosphere as a gas instead of remaining dissolved until it reached the estuary. Not only organic components of the soil but also organic matter arriving in the effluent and accumulating on pond bottoms would contribute to denitrification. Salinity in the brackish pond would decline. A DER employee, Mr. Swartz, testified that placing three mgd of effluent in the planned percolation ponds "would not result in degradation of the surface water," (T. II. 127) citing "our experience here in Florida." Id. Whatever may be said as regards the brackish pond, no evidence gave substantial reason to question the accuracy of this opinion as it relates to waters south of the intracoastal waterway.

Recommendation It is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That DER deny the application, without prejudice to the filing of another after successful bench-scale or pilot-scale hydraulic testing and after ECUA has made arrangements for a ground water monitoring well from which samples unlikely to be affected by the effluent may be drawn. DONE and ENTERED this 2nd day of February, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of February, 1990. APPENDIX Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1 through 8, 13, 14, 16 and 18 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. Most of petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 15 accurately recites testimony adduced, but Shuba testified that algal growth has been stimulated by nutrient concentrations comparable to those Dohms said would occur in water entering Big Lagoon, not in concentrations likely to exist once this wastewater-bearing contribution mixed with other water in the lagoon. Petitioner presented information about nutrient levels in lagoon water at hearing. Computer modeling suggested break out, which has been considered. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 17 and 19 accurately recite the testimony. DER's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 42 and 43 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. With respect to DER's proposed finding of fact No. 6, the rate of flow increases south of the proposed pond sites. With respect to DER's proposed findings of fact Nos. 7 and 8, seasonal high ground water elevations were not shown conclusively. With respect to DER's proposed finding of fact No. 9, the aquiclude lies 90 to 110 feet below the surface. With respect to DER's proposed finding of fact No. 14, the rule requires a five-day rest. With respect to DER's proposed findings of fact Nos. 33, 34 and 35, the current rules do require mounding analysis, and there seemed to be a consensus that ground water enhanced by effluent would seep to the surface downslope from the ponds. With respect to DER's proposed findings of fact Nos. 36 and 37 and 44, free form agency action is technically immaterial. With respect to DER's proposed findings of fact Nos. 38, 39, 40 and 41, effluent would have mixed with groundwater before reaching Big Lagoon, but increased levels of nitrogen and phosphorous could be detected, as a result. ECUA's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 36, 37 and 38 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. With respect to ECUA's proposed findings of fact Nos. 2, 13, 21 and 32, the evidence showed that it was not unlikely that effluent, after percolating through pond bottoms and mixing with groundwater, would seep to the surface down slope. With respect to ECUA's proposed finding of fact No. 7, proposed cell bottom elevations fall in this range. With respect to ECUA's proposed finding of fact No. 9, the evidence did not establish that the high water table will always be nine feet below the pond bottoms. With the induced mound, ECUA's proposed finding of fact puts it at one to two feet. With respect to ECUA's proposed finding of fact No. 14, the tidal range is too high and the calculation ignores the back and forth movement of waters at either end of the lagoon. With respect to ECUA's proposed findings of fact Nos. 18 and 19, the current standard pertains total nitrogen. With respect to ECUA's proposed finding of fact No. 22, freeboard will vary with rainfall and effluent levels. ECUA's proposed findings of fact Nos. 29, 30, 31 and 34 relate to subordinate matters. With respect to ECUA's proposed finding of fact No. 33, more than one analysis was done. With respect to ECUA's proposed finding of fact No. 35, the applicant has given reasonable assurance. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert W. Kievit, Esquire Lester M. Westerman 10451 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL 32507 James Mullins 11001 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL 32507 Susan Guttman 11315 Sea Glade Drive Pensacola, FL 32507 Cindy L. Bartin, Esquire 15 West Main Street Pensacola, FL 32501 Joseph W. Landers, Esquire 310 West College Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32302 Stephen K. Hall, Esquire Asst. General Council Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32301 =================================================================

Florida Laws (4) 120.52120.57120.60120.68
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-002193 Latest Update: Apr. 30, 1980

Findings Of Fact By letter dated August 10, 1979, Indian River County (hereafter "County") submitted to the Department of Environmental Regulation (hereafter "Department" or "DER") applications for construction permits for the Gifford Area sewer treatment plant and collection improvements thereto, a domestic wastewater treatment and disposal system located in the County. (DER Exhibits Nos. 1 & 2). After receiving the permit applications submitted by the County, the Department's Orlando District Office requested additional information to determine whether reasonable assurances were provided that the facility would not discharge, emit or cause pollution in violation of Department standards. (Testimony of William Bostwick; testimony of Chancellor; DER Exhibits Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8). The County, through its consulting engineers Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, Inc., responded to the Department's requests for additional information. (DER Exhibits Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8). The Department presented testimony of two professional engineers in its employ, Mr. William M. Bostwick and Mr. Gerald Chancellor, both of whom were accepted as expert witnesses in the field of sewage treatment technology and the processing and evaluation of permit applications for sewage treatment plants. Both witnesses testified that in their expert and professional opinion, based on their review of all plans, test results and other information submitted by the County, the applicant provided the Department with reasonable assurances that the proposed construction and operation of the sewage treatment facility and its collection system would not discharge, emit or cause pollution in violation of Department standards. (Testimony of Bostwick; testimony of Chancellor). The standards applicable to the subject construction permit applications involve (a) treatment level and (b) ambient standards of the receiving waters. The proposed system provides a minimum of ninety (90) percent treatment to incoming wastewaters. Because of the added features of surge tanks, gas chlorination, and dual blowers and motors, the ninety (90) percent minimum treatment was expected to be exceeded. (Testimony of Bostwick; testimony of Chancellor). The secondarily treated effluent from the proposed sewage treatment plant will be dispersed by spray irrigation. Because the effluent is expected to percolate to area groundwaters, the ambient groundwater standards of Section 17-3.101, Florida Administrative Code are applicable. The discharge from the facility will not cause any violation of the groundwater quality standards of the Florida Administrative Code. (Testimony of Bostwick; testimony of Chancellor; testimony of Aront). Although the design of the plant does not contemplate surfacewater discharge, if it did, it would meet the waste load allocation of Indian River County which permits discharge to surfacewaters. When the treated waste leaves the sprinkler head, it will meet secondary water treatment standards. (Testimony of Bostwick; testimony of Chancellor). In the course of evaluating a permit application for a wastewater treatment plant, the Department considers only Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and its implementing rules and regulations and does not consider local issues relating to zoning, the propriety of expenditure of public funds or the like. (Testimony of Bostwick). There is presently no state standard regulating permissible levels of viruses in effluent discharged to either surface of groundwaters. Large numbers of viruses exist in the effluent discharged from spray irrigation treatment plants which operate at a ninety (90) percent treatment level. The viruses contained in the discharge remain viable as they percolate through the soil. The greatest concern exists when humans are in physical contact with such discharge. However, the present sewage treatment facility in its existing condition is a greater threat to public health than the proposed spray irrigation system. (Testimony of Dr. Welling, Petitioner's Exhibits Nos. 1, 2 & 3). Research concerning viral standards for effluent discharge is in an experimental stage. The Department is examining this question for possible future rule drafting. Neither the federal government nor any state, with the exception of Maryland, has adopted viral standards. (Testimony of Welling) The design of Use Gifford plant contemplates a series of perimeter monitoring wells through which groundwater samples can be attained and tested for compliance with groundwater standards end the presence of viruses. (Testimony of Aront) The plant will spray irrigate effluent at the rate of one (1) inch per week. Although surface run off is not expected, any that occurs due to heavy rains, etc., will be discharged into a perimeter ditch surrounding the plant. The plant design is formulated to retain effluent on site. (Testimony of Chancellor). There are four (4) different types of soil on the site with a water permeability of moderately rapid to very rapid. These soils have a percolation rate which makes the site suited for the intended purpose provided surface drainage is obtained. On a conservative basis the site could accept up to fourteen (14) inches of water per day or ninety-eight (98) inches per week. (Testimony of Connell; testimony of Eng; DER Exhibit No. 6). The parties stipulated prior to the hearing to the following: The project complies with local zoning laws; and The applicable provisions of law are Sections 403.086, 403.087, 403.088, Florida Statutes, and Rules 17-3.091, 17-4.03, 17-4.07 and 17-4.26, Florida Administrative Code.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Department issue a construction permit to the County on condition that sample effluent from the monitoring wells on the subject facility be regularly analyzed for compliance with Department rules and the existence of infectious viruses. DONE and ENTERED this 3rd day of March, 1980, at Tallahassee, Florida 32301. SHARYN SMITH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 101 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 COPIES FURNISHED: Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 1030 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 George G. Collins, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 3686 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Segundo J. Fernandez, Esquire Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (4) 120.57403.086403.087403.088
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-000165 Latest Update: Dec. 23, 1980

Findings Of Fact On May 4, 1979, the Department received from Hudson an Application for Variance from Rules 1704.244(1)(f), 1704.244(1)(h)(1), 1704.244(1)(i)(1) and 1704.4244(4), Florida Administrative Code. The request was for a period of twenty four months and was prompted by Hudsons alleged inability to meet the standards set forth in the rules at a secondary waste water treatment facility which is operated in conjunction with a pulp and paper plant in Palatka, Florida. The wastewater is discharged from the plant into Rice Creek and from the creek into the St. Johns River. Hudson stated in its request for a variance that no technology exists, now or in the foreseeable future, which would enable Hudson to meet the rule standards. Hudson further stated that it is presently utilizing the best available technology economically feasible at its Palatka plant. After reviewing the Application for Variance, the Department requested additional information concerning Hudson's application which involved: Hudson's inability to meet applicable water quality standards within the 800 meter mixing zone set forth in Rule 1704.244(1)(f), Florida Administrative Code. Hudson's inability to meet water quality standards within 10 percent of the total length of Rice Creek as required by Rule 1704.244(1)(h)(1), Florida Administrative Code. Hudson's inability to meet a dissolved oxygen level of not less than 4 mg/1 as required by Rule 17-4.244(1)(i)(1), Florida Administrative Code. and Hudson's inability to meet a minimum dissolved oxygen level of 1.5 mg/1 at any time or place. Due to its alleged inability to meet the applicable standards, Hudson proposed that the zone of mixing be extended into the St. Johns River and that average and minimum dissolved oxygen levels be inapplicable in the extended mixing zone. Hudson clarified its request on July 11, 1979, to include in the mixing zone that portion of Rice Creek between Hudson's point of discharge and Rice Creek's confluence with the St. Johns River and 2000 feet beyond the confluence into the river. Additionally, Hudson clarified its request for average and minimum dissolved oxygen levels 0.0 mg/1, respectively, within the modified mixing zone. On August 24, 1979, the Department issued a Notice of Intent to approve the variance subject to the following conditions: That the variance be in effect for a period of not ore than 24 months. That Hudson study alternative discharge and monitoring systems with details and scope of the studies to be approved prior to the effective date of the variance. That Hudson utilize its treatment facilities to the maximum extent to minimize BOD5 loading into Rice Creek and maximize dissolved oxygen levels. Within two months of the effective date of the variance, Hudson is to provide the Department a report outlining how the company will meet this requirement. That Hudson continue to apply new technology as it becomes available and conduct ongoing studies in this area and submit the same to the Department upon completion and That Hudson continue to study, stress and utilize water reuse conservation techniques to reduce the amount of water consumed per ton of product produced. Subsequently, the Department received from Hudson a technical program for continued water quality studies at Rice Creek. Following further communications and discussions, Hudson and the Department agreed on a six month study to replace the two month requirement concerning dissolved oxygen levels in the effluent. Eventually, the Respondents agreed on a study to encompass conditions 5(b) and (c) set forth, supra. Following receipt of a letter to the Department from the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Hudson agreed to incorporate into its study the issues raised by that agency. At the formal hearing the Petitioner and Intervenor, an adjoining property owner, pressed their objections to the Department's intent to issue a variance to Hudson. Hudson demonstrated that its wastewater treatment system at its Palatka facility utilizes the most effective and technologically advanced treatment system available. Hudson has made a major commitment towards upgrading its treatment facilities as new and practicable treatment technologies become available. Hudson's Palatka plant has the highest quality of effluent of any paper mill operating in the state. Hudson is unable to meet the present standards for discharge due primarily to the classification of Rice Creek as a Class III water body. Although classified as a Class III water, Rice Creek, even in the absence of the Hudson discharge, would be unable to meet the standards of the Florida Administrative Code for such waters at all places and times. There is no practicable technology currently available which would enable Hudson to meet Class III water standards. Hudson's annual average for discharge of Biochemical Oxygen Demand ("BOD") and Total Suspended Solids ("TSS") exceeded the Best Available Technology ("BAT") standard proposed by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency by 47% and 22% respectively. Hudson's permit levels only require the standards to be exceeded by 20% and 19%, respectively. Despite Hudson's good faith efforts to meet water quality standards, it is not presently possible to meet Class III criteria for discharge into the St. Johns River. Accordingly, a variance is required from the mixing zone and dissolved oxygen provisions of Chapter 17-4 Florida Administrative Code, if Hudson is to continue in operation. In the intended mixing zone proposed by Hudson, dissolved oxygen levels of 0.0 mg/1 could be expected at certain times of the year and under certain conditions. The variance does not authorize Hudson to discharge at levels in excess of its present permits. If the Palatka plant were to close, Putnam County and a surrounding area would experience severe economic harm due to the tremendous impact the plant has on the local economy. The water quality of the St. Johns River is not significantly affected by the discharge into Rice Creek.

Florida Laws (2) 120.52403.201
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-002752 Latest Update: Mar. 24, 1993

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent Leon County School Board should be issued a dredge and fill permit to excavate and backfill in connection with the installation of sewage collection system pipes beneath the Alford Arm of Lake Lafayette in Leon County.

Findings Of Fact On April 13, 1989, the Board submitted a permit application to DER for the dredge and fill permit which forms the basis for this proceeding. The project represented in the dredge and fill application consisted of installation of two sewage collection system pipes beneath the Alford Arm of Lake Lafayette. Installation would be accomplished by excavating and backfilling two trenches, each approximately 50 feet long by four feet wide by two feet deep. The pipes to be installed in the trenches adjacent to Buck Lake Road are one 15-inch gravity main and one 14-inch force main. A total of 15 cubic yards of soil was proposed for excavation and replacement. The project area consisted of less than 100 square feet. The Alford Arm in the project's vicinity is a canal dredged in the 1920's and 1930's. Neither the Alford Arm nor Lake Lafayette constitute Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW), instead these water bodies are Class III Waters. On April 14, 1989, DER staff conducted an inspection of the project site, completed a permit application appraisal of the project, and issued permit no. 371633191 for the project. On the same day, the permit was withdrawn when it was discovered that the document had been signed by an unauthorized official. On April 20, 1989, DER again issued permit no. 371633191 to the Board for the project. The dredging, pipe installation, and backfilling were subsequently completed. Water Quality Since the dredging and filling could potentially produce short-term turbidity in the Alford Arm as a result of sediment entering the water, a specific condition of the permit required the placement of a row of staked hay bales downstream from the project site prior to construction and thereafter until re- vegetation of the site had occurred. By compliance with this turbidity control measure, reasonable assurance was provided by the Board that violations of state water quality standards would not result from the project construction. The project did not cause any violations of DER water quality criteria for turbidity or any other water quality criteria. Numerous technological advances and safeguards built into the sewer lines and lift stations make probability of any leakage very remote. Petitioner's concern with regard to potential for leakage from the collection system lines and the lift stations to cause water quality problems in the Alford Arm is not supported by any competent substantial evidence of record regarding statistical frequency and probability of such occurrences. Further, there is no such evidence of infirmities regarding design soundness or the functional history of the pipe used in the project. Public Interest DER evaluated the project in accordance with the criteria of Section 403.918(2), Florida Statutes, prior to issuance of the permit. Another review has now been completed approximately two years after completion of the project. The project has not and will not cause any adverse impacts on public health, safety, welfare, or property of others. Likewise, the project has not caused adverse impacts on significant historical or archaeological resources. Similarly, no adverse impacts on the conservation of fish or wildlife, including endangered or threatened species or their habitats has or will result from the project. Interestingly, woodstorks have been observed feeding in the very vicinity of the project as recently as May 28, 1991, more than two years after completion of the project. No adverse impacts have or will be visited upon navigation or flow of the water. No harmful erosion or shoaling has or will result from the project. The project has not and will not cause any adverse impacts on fishing, recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project. The impacts of this dredge and fill project were temporary. The dredged and filled area has re-vegetated with the same species, pickerelweed and smartweed. Wetland functions of the site that existed prior to the project were minimal and have been re-established. Cumulative And Secondary Impacts Cumulative impacts from similar projects were not evidenced at the final hearing. There are no projects proposed which are closely linked or causally related to the dredge and fill project. The only non-speculative secondary impact from the project was possible leakage of wastewater from the collection system lines and lift station. The probability of such leakage is very low. Particularly in view of the geographical area, engineering design and manufacture of the pipes and waste collection system, such probability is speculative and minimal or non-existent in the absence of competent substantial evidence regarding statistical frequency of such an event. The construction of the sewage collection system with which the project is associated is a result of growth in the geographic area. While the project has not been established to induce growth in the area, such development would not affect Lake Lafayette since the collection system currently installed has a 400 gallon per minute capability, or the ability to serve 400 residential connections. Prior to issuance of the dredge and fill permit, 800 existing residential lots were platted along Buck Lake Road within two miles east and two miles west of the project site. Since the system could be upgraded to accommodate 1600 residential units, the potential increase that could result from the project in any event is an additional 800 residential units. If these additional residences are built at the very high density of one per quarter acre, these lots would cover only approximately two-thirds of a square mile or less than one percent of the Lake Lafayette drainage basin of approximately 80 square miles. Such development would have no measurable impact on Lake Lafayette.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby recommended that a Final Order be entered approving the issuance of permit number 371633191 to the Board. RECOMMENDED this 9th day of August, 1991, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W.DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Fl 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of August, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 89-2752 The following constitutes my specific rulings, in accordance with Section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on findings of fact submitted by the parties. Petitioner's Proposed Findings. None Submitted. Respondent Board's Proposed Findings: 1.-17. Adopted in substance. Respondent Department's Proposed Findings: 1.-24. Adopted in substance. COPIES FURNISHED: Terri Saltiel 7769 Deep Wood Trail Tallahassee, FL 32311 Richard A. Lotspeich, Esq. John T. LaVia, III, Esq. P.O. Box 271 Tallahassee, FL 32302 Michael Donaldson, Esq. Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Carol Browner, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, Esq. General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Florida Laws (3) 120.52120.57120.68
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001516 Latest Update: Oct. 25, 1983

Findings Of Fact On October 15, 1982, Hal Thomas Reid Associates applied for a septic tank permit to serve a 16-room motel. On February 2, 1983, this application was amended to a 5,800 gallon septic tank to serve a 32-unit condominium and office. The lot on which this drain field is to be located is 70 feet by 100 feet. When the application was filed, the lot was inspected by the Citrus County Health Department. The elevation of the land averaged 2.5 to 2.9 feet above mean sea level. The 10-year flood plane in this area is 4.9 feet. Occasional high tides inundate this area; however, the water drains off rapidly and no one testified that water ever remained standing as long as seven consecutive days. Usually the water drains off in less than 24 hours. On March 1, 1983, an extremely high tide flooded this area and roads in the vicinity to a depth of approximately one foot. This water remained on the site less than 24 hours. The site is not located adjacent to state waters, is not an area designated as wetlands, and is without the dredge and fill permitting jurisdiction of the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (Exhibits 20 and 21). By adding five feet of fill to the site, the bottom of the gravel below the drain pipes will be above the 10-year flood plane. The drain field capacity is adequate to handle the flow from 33 bathrooms of residential units. In approving this permit, the Citrus County Health Department used the 150 gallons per day discharge for residential units rather than the 100 gallons per day discharge from a motel unit. The water table at this location is two feet above mean sea level. This is determined by the elevation reached at high tides for 14 consecutive days. As a condition to Citrus County withdrawing as an intervenor in these proceedings, Applicant agrees: To revegetate and restore any alleged wetlands affected by the permit to a like or similar condition; To install three shallow draft monitor wells around the drain field towards the wetlands area adjacent to the site and towards Woods 'n Waters subdivision, establish an existing level of bacteria count prior to the activation of the septic tank, and to monitor said wells through the Citrus County Health Department on a quarterly basis; and In the event any monitor wells shall test at an unsatisfactory level, Applicant will forthwith correct this condition to the satis- faction of the Citrus County Health Department. This application meets all of the code requirements of Chapter 10D-6, Florida Administrative Code.

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002407 Latest Update: Apr. 08, 1982

Findings Of Fact The applicant, Island Village Condominiums, prepared and submitted to the Department of Environmental Regulation a completed application for construction of its extended aeration sewage treatment plant. The relative distance and direction from the proposed treatment plant to major bodies of surrounding surface water are depicted in an aerial photograph which accompanied the application. The elevation of the surrounding waters in all directions is 39 feet. When the treatment plant is operated in compliance with its design features, the effluent from the plant will exceed the Department's standards for effluent discharge. The zone of discharge will be confined to the owners' property. Surface waters will not be involved in discharge. There will be no adverse impact upon ground waters. The treatment plant would not create a hazzard to the deep water wells of Point O' Woods Utilities, Inc. The treatment plant, as designed, meets or exceeds the engineering standards established by the Department. The likelihood of geologic subsurface failure is remote. Ground water levels are included on the schematic plan which accompanied the application to the Department. The tops of the holding ponds are above the 100-year flood level. The treatment plant will produce no noticeable odor. No exterior lights are to be used with the plant. The noise from the plant's operation would not travel more than 200 feet. The holding ponds would be more than 120 feet from the nearest surface water. The estimate of the cost is accurate at $98,000. Martin I. Gunn, Inc., is the developer of the property, which is also owned by the corporation, Island Village Condominiums, also known as Island Village of Inverness. The treatment plant will become the property of the home owners association and will be operated by the association from maintenance fees paid by the home owners. Martin I. Gunn/Island Village is not a public utility.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Hearing Officer recommends that the permit for the construction and operation of an extended aeration sewage treatment plant be issued to Island Village Condominiums subject to the general and specific conditions stated in the Department's original notice. DONE and ORDERED this 19th day of February, 1982, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of February, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas V. Infantino, Esquire Post Office Drawer. B Winter Park, Florida 32790 Donald F. Perrin, Esquire New Bank of Inverness Building Highway 41, South Post Office Box 1533 Inverness, Florida 32650 William W. Deane, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Victoria J. Tschinkel, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (5) 120.57367.021367.022403.086403.0876
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tavares, Florida May 18, 2004 Number: 04-001758 Latest Update: May 24, 2005

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Department of Health (Department or DOH) should fine the Petitioner, Jeffery Benefield, $500 and require him to move the drainfield of his onsite sewage disposal system so that no part of it is within ten feet of the potable water line of his neighbors, the Intervenors, Robert and Wanda Schweigel.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner's home at 10920 Lake Minneola Shores Road (Lake County Road 561-A) was built in 1977. It included an onsite septic tank and drainfield sewage disposal system. On March 31, 2003, the Petitioner personally applied for a permit to repair his existing sewage disposal system by replacing the drainfield. His application did not identify any potable water lines. Department personnel evaluated the site and calculated system specifications, and the Department issued a construction permit on April 3, 2003, based on the estimated size of the existing system. To replace the existing drainfield and meet specifications, 375 square feet of drainfield was required. However, the Petitioner wanted to add 125 square feet to what was required by the specifications, which is acceptable so long as required setbacks are maintained. The Petitioner's drainfield was replaced by a licensed contractor on April 29, 2003. Some work may have been done the following day to complete the job, but it appears that the contractor called for the final inspection on April 29, 2003. On inspection, it was clear that the new drain line closest and (like the other three) parallel to the property line was less than ten feet from a water line, riser, and spigot on the neighboring property, which was owned by Robert and Wanda Schweigel. Specifically, the closest of the new drain lines was estimated to be just five feet from the Schweigels' water line, riser, and spigot. (The next closest was just under ten feet from the Schweigels' water line, riser, and spigot.) As a result, the Department disapproved the installation. The Petitioner disputed the disapproval, initially contending that the Schweigels' water line, riser, and spigot did not convey potable water. It was decided that the new drainfield should be covered while pending a decision as to whether the water line was potable. By the end of July 2003, the Department decided that the Schweigels' water line was indeed potable. In that approximate time frame, the Petitioner's contractor offered to pay to have the Schweigels' water line "sleeved" to a distance at least ten feet from the nearest portion of the Petitioner's drainfield.2 He believed that solution would be much simpler and less costly than moving the Petitioner's drainfield to a distance at least ten feet from any part of the Schweigels' potable water line. This alternative was presented to the Schweigels in that approximate timeframe, but they refused (and continue to refuse.) In August 2003, the Petitioner took the position that, regardless whether the Schweigels' water line was potable, the Petitioner's new drainfield was in the same location as the existing drainfield, and the part of the water line closest to the new drainfield (i.e., the part including the riser and spigot) was not there until after the middle of April 2003 and was recently installed either just before or while the Petitioner's new drainfield was being installed. The evidence was not clear as to the configuration and precise location of the drain lines in the Petitioner's original drainfield. However, it appears to have had three drain lines emanating from the septic tank, starting in the direction of the Schweigels' property and then curving away in the direction of Lake Minneola, which is behind the Petitioner's and the Schweigels' properties, before terminating. The replacement drainfield had pipe emanating from the septic tank and running towards the Schweigels' property line before making a 90-degree turn towards the lake before connecting to the middle of a header pipe. Connecting to the header pipe are four equally-spaced drain lines, one on either end of the header pipe and two in between, that are perpendicular to the header pipe and parallel to each other and to the Schweigels' property line (and potable water line) and run towards the lake. As indicated, it was not clear from the evidence precisely where all of the old drain lines were located, or how close they got to the Schweigels' property (and potable water line.) However, it does not appear that they got as close as two of the four new drain lines in the replacement system. See Petitioner's Exhibits 13 and 21. There was conflicting evidence as to when the Schweigels' potable water line was installed. It is clear from the evidence that there are now three "T's" off the water line from the potable water source near the street. One "T- off" leads to near the front corner of the house, one leads to the middle of the side of the house, and one leads to near the rear corner of the house. The line then extends past the last "T" to the location of the water riser and spigot. The Petitioner's evidence proved that the water line riser and spigot now within ten feet of the Petitioner's drainfield were not there either in May 1999 or on April 14, 2003. But the Schweigels maintained, and the evidence as a whole was persuasive, that the potable water lines currently in place were installed in 1996 or 1997, but were cut and moved to enable the Schweigels to install footers for construction of a concrete privacy wall in approximately 1999. After installation of the footers, the water line had to be moved several inches closer to the Schweigels' house when replaced, and the "T's" were reconnected to the line. In approximately April 2003, the water line riser and spigot were damaged (the evidence was not clear how) and had to be replaced. The evidence was that the Schweigels got a permit to build their privacy wall but did not get a permit for the plumbing work that was necessary in conjunction with the installation of the footers for the wall. Although it appears from the evidence that a plumbing permit was required, the Schweigels did not think a separate plumbing permit was necessary. It is not found that the Petitioner participated in this proceeding for an "improper purpose"--i.e., "primarily to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or for frivolous purpose or to needlessly increase the cost of litigation, licensing, or securing the approval of an activity."

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final order that the Petitioner pay a $500 fine and either: (1) pay the reasonable cost of having the Schweigels' potable water line "sealed with a water proof sealant within a sleeve of similar material pipe to a distance of at least 10 feet from the nearest portion of the system," so long as no portion of the Schweigels' potable water line "within 5 feet of the drainfield shall be located at an elevation lower than the drainfield absorption surface"; or (2) move or relocate his drainfield to meet the setback requirements of the current Rule 64E-6.005(2)(b). DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of February, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of February, 2005.

Florida Laws (8) 120.536120.54120.569120.57120.595381.0065381.006757.105
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-001676 Latest Update: Jun. 01, 1979

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is a special tax district created by special act of the Florida Legislature. Chapter 71-822, Laws of Florida. The district covers approximately seventy-two square miles in northern Palm Beach County and southern Martin County, Florida. Petitioner's purpose is to provide water, sewer, drainage and solid waste services within the district. In conformity with its powers, the Petitioner operates an advanced waste water treatment plant on property which it owns in northern Palm Beach County. Petitioner has secured appropriate permits from DER in order to construct and operate the treatment plant. The treatment plant is among the most advanced in southeastern Florida. It has a four million gallon daily capacity, which could be increased to an eight million gallon capacity. In treating waste water the plant utilizes filtration, disinfection, retention in a holding pond, and discharge into a remote off-site area. The present discharge system is to pump effluent from the retaining pond through a canal or drainage system to a recharge or discharge lake which is located approximately three miles north and west of the treatment plant. This is known as the western discharge system, and was installed at a cost of approximately one million dollars. Due to the large amounts of pumping activity, it is an expensive system to utilize. Through its instant application, the Petitioner is seeking a permit allowing it to discharge effluent on-site. Effluent would flow into percolation ponds that have already been constructed. Effluent would settle in the ponds, and eventually would percolate through the soil. This system would he less expensive to operate than the western discharge system. Petitioner is interested in experimenting with the amount of waste water treatment that can be obtained through action of vegetation in the percolation ponds upon the effluent. Such a natural system, if it operated effectively, could save the Petitioner additional money in treating waste water by reducing the need for chemical treatment. Petitioner's waste water treatment presently results in a discharge of effluent which within some parameters meets even drinking water standards. The Petitioner's system very effectively treats bio-chemical oxygen demand ("bod"), suspended solids, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the effluent. Reports have been submitted by the Petitioner to DER which indicate that the system does not meet DER's standards for advanced waste water treatment. Samples upon which these reports were based were taken at a point in the system before the effluent was subjected to the action of the retention pond and the subsequent bumping into the western discharge system. Samples taken beyond the retention pond indicate that DER's standards are met for "bed", suspended solids, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus. The Intervenor owns property adjacent to the Petitioner's waste water treatment plant. The Intervenor operates a well field and drinking water treatment plant on the property, and provides drinking water to residents of the Town of Jupiter and surrounding communities from the well field. The Intervenor acquired its treatment plant, and surrounding well fields from a private utility company. The Petitioner was aware of the well field when it purchased the property upon which it presently operates its waste water treatment plant. While the Petitioner's plant adequately treats waste water in terms of "bod", suspended solids, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus it does not treat the waste water for heavy metals, pesticides, or viruses. These are common elements found in waste water effluent in the south Florida area. The Petitioner's proposal is to discharge its effluent into on-site ponds. The effluent would then percolate into the ground. The retention ponds are located at a distance from 1200 to 1600 feet from the nearest of the Intervenor's wells. Water which percolates from these ponds would flow directly toward the wells, and would eventually find its way into the wells. The flow from the retention ponds to the wells would be increased due to the draw-down effect that the wells have on the surrounding water table. As water is drawn from the wells, the adjoining water table becomes depressed in the area of the wells, and water from the surrounding area flows more rapidly into the area of the wells. Heavy metals will not be filtered out as a result of retention or percolation. Heavy metals in the effluent would eventually find their way into the Intervenor's well fields. Estimates as to the amount of time that it would take for water from the percolation ponds to reach the wells varied from four months to six years. The longer estimate appears the more reasonable; however, the evidence is conclusive that eventually waters from the percolation ponds would reach the wells, and that heavy metals in the water would not be filtered out. The Petitioner proposes to obviate any problems with heavy metals reaching the well fields by operating testing wells between the percolation ponds and the well fields. If any heavy metals were detected in the ground water, Petitioner would again use the western discharge system rather than the percolation ponds. While this would prevent increased contamination of the wells, contamination that had already reached the test wells would reach the Intervenor's wells. It was suggested that the percolation ponds could be drawn down in order to reverse the flow of ground water back into the percolation ponds, thence to be pumped through the western discharge system. In order to accomplish this, however, the percolation ponds would have to be more than forty feet deep, which they are not. The effect of heavy metals intruding into the Intervenor's water supply could be to increase the cost of treatment, or to render the wells unfit for use. Uncontaminated drinking water supplies are rare in the northern Palm Beach County area, and the expense of finding a new water supply is difficult to calculate.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.60
# 10

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