Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administrative Complaint against Respondent be DISMISSED. DONE and ENTERED this 23rd day of November, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of November, 1981.
The Issue Whether Respondent’s nursing home license should be disciplined, and whether Respondent’s nursing home license should be changed from a Standard license to a Conditional license.
Findings Of Fact Bayside Manor is a licensed nursing home located in Pensacola, Florida. On June 14, 2003, Resident No. 4 climbed out of her bed without assistance to go to the bathroom. She fell to the floor and sustained a bruise to her forehead and lacerations to her cheek and chin. Her Foley catheter was pulled out with the bulb still inflated. The fall occurred shortly after Resident No. 4 had finished eating. No staff was in her room when she climbed out of her bed. She was found on her side on the floor by staff. According to the June 14 Bayside’s Nurses' notes, Resident No. 4 stated, "Oh, I was going to the bathroom." In the hour prior to her fall, Resident No. 4 was seen at least three times by nursing assistants, which was more than appropriate monitoring for Resident No. 4. On June 20, 2002, AHCA conducted a survey of Bayside Manor’s facility. In its survey, AHCA found one alleged deficiency relating to Resident No. 4. The surveyor believed that Resident No. 4 should have been reassessed for falls by the facility and, based upon that reassessment, offered additional assistive devices and/or increased supervision. The surveyor also believed that the certified nursing assistant had left Resident No. 4 alone with the side rails to her bed down. The deficiency was cited under Tag F-324. Tag F-324 requires a facility to ensure that “[e]ach resident receives adequate supervision and assistance devices to prevent accidents.” The deficiency was classified as a Class II deficiency. On October 9, 2001, and January 14, 2002, Bayside Manor assessed Resident No. 4 as having a high risk for falls, scoring 9 on a scale where scores of 10 or higher constitute a high risk. In addition to the June 14, 2002, fall noted above, Resident No. 4 had recent falls on November 30, 2001, April 19, 2002, and May 12, 2002. Resident No. 4's diagnoses included end-stage congestive heart failure and cognitive impairment. She had periods of confusion, refused to call for assistance, and had poor safety awareness. Resident No. 4 had been referred to hospice for palliative care. Because hospice care is given when a resident is close to death, care focuses on comfort of the resident rather than aggressive care. Additionally, the resident frequently asked to be toileted even though she had a catheter inserted. She frequently attempted to toilet herself without staff assistance, which in the past had led to her falls. Often her desire to urinate did not coincide with her actual need to urinate. She was capable of feeding herself and did not require assistance with feeding. Bayside Manor addressed Resident No. 4’s high risk of falls by providing medication which eliminated bladder spasms that might increase her desire to urinate and medication to alleviate her anxiety over her desire to urinate. She was placed on the facility’s falling stars program which alerts staff to her high risk for falls and requires that staff check on her every hour. The usual standard for supervision in a nursing home is to check on residents every two hours. The facility also provided Resident No. 4 with a variety of devices to reduce her risk of falling or any injuries sustained from a fall. These devices included a lap buddy, a criss-cross belt, a roll belt while in bed, a low bed, and a body alarm. Some of the devices were discontinued because they were inappropriate for Resident No. 4. In December 2001, the roll belt was discontinued after Resident No. 4, while attempting to get out of bed, became entangled in the roll belt and strangled herself with it. On May 6, 2002, the low bed and fall mat were discontinued for Resident No. 4. The doctor ordered Resident No. 4 be placed in a bed with full side rails. The doctor discontinued the low bed because it could not be raised to a position that would help alleviate fluid build-up in Resident No. 4’s lungs caused by Resident No. 4’s congestive heart failure. Discontinuance of the low bed was also requested by hospice staff and the resident’s daughter to afford the resident more comfort in a raised bed. The fact that placement in a regular raised bed potentially could result in an increase in the seriousness of injury from a fall from that bed was obvious to any reasonable person. The May 5, 2002, nurses’ notes indicate that there was a discussion with Resident No. 4’s daughter about returning the resident to a high bed for comfort. On balance, the placement of Resident No. 4 in a regular raised bed was medically warranted, as well as reasonable. The placement in a regular bed with side rails was not noted directly in the care plan but was contained in the doctor’s orders and was well known by all the facility’s staff. There was no evidence that directly mentioned the regular bed in the formal care plan was required or that the failure to do so had any consequence to Resident No. 4’s care. Even a lack of documentation clearly would not constitute a Class II deficiency. Moreover, the bed with side rails was not ordered to protect or prevent falls by Resident No. 4. The facility does not consider a bed with side rails of any sort to be a device which assists in the prevention of falls. Indeed rails often cause falls or increase the injury from a fall. In this case, the rails were ordered so that the resident could more easily position herself in the bed to maintain a comfortable position. Again, the decision to place Resident No. 4 in a regular raised bed with side rails was reasonable. The focus is on comfort as opposed to aggressive care for hospice residents. The evidence did not demonstrate that Bayside Manor failed to adequately supervise or provide assistive devices to Resident No. 4. There was no evidence that reassessment would have shown Resident No. 4 to be at any higher risk for falls, since she was already rated as a high risk for falls. Nor did the evidence show that reassessment would have changed any of the care given to Resident No. 4 or changed the type bed in which she was most comfortable.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order restoring the Respondent’s licensure status to Standard and dismissing the Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of June, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DIANE CLEAVINGER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of June, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Joanna Daniels, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Donna H. Stinson, Esquire R. Davis Thomas, Jr., Esquire Broad & Cassel 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 400 Post Office Box 11300 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Lealand McCharen, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Valda Clark Christian, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308
The Issue The issue is whether BayCare Long Term Acute Care Hospital, Inc.'s Certificate of Need Application No. 9753 and University Community Hospital's Certificate of Need Application No. 9754, both submitted to the Agency for Health Care Administration, should be approved.
Findings Of Fact LTCHs defined An LTCH is a medical facility which provides extended medical and rehabilitation care to patients with multiple, chronic, or clinically complex acute medical conditions. These conditions include, but are not limited to, ventilator dependency, tracheotomy care, total parenteral nutrition, long- term intravenous anti-biotic treatment, complex wound care, dialysis at bedside, and multiple systems failure. LTCHs provide an interdisciplinary team approach to the complex medical needs of the patient. LTCHs provide a continuum of care between short-term acute care hospitals and nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), or comprehensive medical rehabilitation facilities. Patients who have been treated in an intensive acute care unit at a short-term acute care hospital and who continue to require intensive care once stabilized, are excellent candidates for care at an LTCH. Included in the interdisciplinary approach is the desired involvement of the patient's family. A substantial number of the patients suitable for treatment in an LTCH are in excess of 65 years of age, and are eligible for Medicare. Licensure and Medicare requirements dictate that an LTCH have an average length of stay (ALOS) of 25 days. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reimburses for care received through the prospective payment system (PPS). Through this system, CMS reimburses the services of LTCHs separately from short-term acute care providers and other post acute care providers. The reimbursement rate for an LTCH under PPS exceeds that of other providers. The reimbursement rate for an LTCH is about twice that of a rehabilitation facility. The increased reimbursement rate indicates the increased cost due to the more intensive care required in an LTCH. The Agency The Agency is a state agency created pursuant to Section 20.42. It is the chief health policy and planning entity for the State of Florida. The Agency administers the Health Facility and Services Development Act found at Sections 408.031-408.045. Pursuant to Section 408.034, the Agency is designated as the single state Agency to issue, revoke, or deny certificates of need. The Agency has established 11 health service planning districts. The applications in this case are for facilities in District 5, which comprises Pinellas and Pasco counties. UCH UCH is a not-for-profit organization that owns and operates a 431-bed tertiary level general acute care hospital and a 120-bed acute care general hospital. Both are located in Hillsborough County. UCH also has management responsibilities and affiliations to operate Helen Ellis Hospital, a 300-bed hospital located in Tarpon Springs, and manages the 300-bed Suncoast Hospital. Both of these facilities are in Pinellas County. UCH also has an affiliation to manage the open heart surgery program at East Pasco Medical Center, a general acute care hospital located in Pasco County. As a not-for-profit organization, the mission of UCH is to provide quality health care services to meet the needs of the communities where it operates regardless of their patients' ability to pay. Baycare BayCare is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BayCare Healthsystems, Inc. (BayCare Systems). BayCare Systems is a not-for-profit entity comprising three members that operate Catholic Health East, Morton Plant Mease Healthcare, and South Florida Baptist. The facilities owned by these organizations are operated pursuant to a Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) entered into by each of the participants. BayCare Systems hospitals include Morton Plant Hospital, a 687-bed tertiary level facility located in Clearwater, Pinellas County; St. Joseph's Hospital, an 887-bed tertiary level general acute care hospital located in Tampa, Hillsborough County; St. Anthony's Hospital, a 407-bed general acute care hospital located in St. Petersburg, Pinellas County; and Morton Plant North Bay, a 120-bed hospital located in New Port Richey, Pasco County. Morton Plant Mease Health Care is a partnership between Morton Plant Hospital and Mease Hospital. Although Morton Plant Mease Healthcare is a part of the BayCare System, the hospitals that are owned by the Trustees of Mease Hospital, Mease Hospital Dunedin, and Mease Hospital Countryside, are not directly members of the BayCare System and are not signatories to the JOA. HealthSouth HealthSouth is a national company with the largest market share in inpatient rehabilitation. It is also a large provider of ambulatory services. HealthSouth has about 1,380 facilities across the nation. HealthSouth operates nine LTCHs. The facility that is the Intervenor in this case is a CMR located in Largo, Pinellas County. Kindred Kindred, through its parent company, operates LTCH facilities throughout Florida and is the predominant provider of LTCH services in the state. In the Tampa Bay area, Kindred operates three LTCHs. Two are located in Tampa and one is located in St. Petersburg, Pinellas County. The currently operating LTCH in District 5 that may be affected by the CON applications at issue is Kindred-St. Petersburg. Kindred-St. Petersburg is a licensed 82-bed LTCH with 52 private beds, 22 semi-private beds, and an 8-bed intensive care unit. It operates the array of services normally offered by an LTCH. It is important to note that Kindred-St. Petersburg is located in the far south of heavily populated District 5. The Applications UCH proposes a new freestanding LTCH which will consist of 50 private rooms and which will be located in Connerton, a new town being developed in Pasco County. UCH's proposal will cost approximately $16,982,715. By agreement of the parties, this cost is deemed reasonable. BayCare proposes a "hospital within a hospital" LTCH that will be located within Mease Hospital-Dunedin. The LTCH will be located in an area of the hospital currently used for obstetrics and women's services. The services currently provided in this area will be relocated to Mease Hospital- Countryside. BayCare proposes the establishment of 48 beds in private and semi-private rooms. Review criteria which was stipulated as satisfied by all parties Section 408.035(1)-(9) sets forth the standards for granting certificates of need. The parties stipulated to satisfying the requirements of subsections (3) through (9) as follows. With regard to subsection (3), 'The ability of the applicant to provide quality of care and the applicant's record of providing quality of care,' all parties stipulated that this statutory criterion is not in dispute and that both applicants may be deemed to have satisfied such criteria. With regard to subsection (4), 'The availability of resources, including health personnel, management personnel, and funds for capital and operating expenditures, for project accomplishment and operation,' it was stipulated that both applicants have all resources necessary in terms of both capital and staff to accomplish the proposed projects, and therefore, both applicants satisfy this requirement. With regard to subsection (5), 'The extent to which the proposed services will enhance access to health care for residents of the service district,' it was stipulated that both proposals will increase access. Currently there are geographic, financial and programmatic barriers to access in District 5. The only extant LTCH is located in the southernmost part of District 5. With regard to subsection (6), 'The immediate and long-term financial feasibility of the proposal,' the parties stipulated that UCH satisfied the criterion. With regard to BayCare, it was stipulated that its proposal satisfied the criterion so long as BayCare can achieve its utilization projections and obtain Medicare certification as an LTCH and thus demonstrate short-term and long-term feasibility. This issue will be addressed below. With regard to subsection (7), 'The extent to which the proposal will foster competition that promotes quality and cost- effectiveness,' the parties stipulated that approval of both applications will foster competition that will promote quality and cost effectiveness. The only currently available LTCH in District 5, unlike BayCare and UCH, is a for-profit establishment. With regard to subsection (8), 'The costs and methods of the proposed construction, including the costs and methods of energy provision and the availability of alternative, less costly, or more effective methods of construction,' the parties stipulated that the costs and methods of construction for both proposals are reasonable. With regard to subsection (9), 'the applicant's past and proposed provision of health care services to Medicaid patients and the medically indigent,' it was stipulated that both UCH and BayCare have a demonstrated history and a commitment to providing services to Medicaid, Medicaid HMO, self-pay, and underinsured payments. Technically, of course, BayCare has no history at all. However, its sponsors do, and it is they that will shape the mission for BayCare. BayCare's Medicare certification as an LTCH The evidence of record demonstrates that BayCare can comply with Medicare reimbursement regulations and therefore can achieve its utilization projections and obtain Medicare certification as an LTCH. Thus short-term and long-term feasibility is proven. Because BayCare will be situated as a hospital within a hospital, in Mease Hospital Dunedin, and because there is a relationship between that hospital and BayCare Systems, Medicare reimbursement regulations limit to 25 percent the number of patients that may be acquired from Mease Hospital Dunedin or from an organization that controls directly or indirectly the Mease Hospital Dunedin. Because of this limitation, it is, therefore, theoretically possible that the regulator of Medicare payments, CMS, would not allow payment where more than 25 percent of admissions were from the entire BayCare System. Should that occur it would present a serious but not insurmountable problem to BayCare. BayCare projects that 21 percent of its admissions will come from Mease Hospital Dunedin and the rest will come from other sources. BayCare is structured as an independent entity with an independent board of directors and has its own chief executive officer. The medical director and the medical staff will be employed by the independent board of directors. Upon the greater weight of the evidence, under this structure, BayCare is a separate corporate entity that neither controls, nor is controlled by, BayCare Systems or any of its entities or affiliates. One must bear in mind that because of the shifting paradigms of federal medical regulation, predictability in this regard is less than perfect. However, the evidence indicates that CMS will apply the 25 percent rule only in the case of patients transferring to BayCare from Mease Hospital Dunedin. Most of the Medicare-certified LTCHs in the United States operate as hospitals within hospitals. It is apparent, therefore, that adjusting to the CMS limitations is something that is typically accomplished. BayCare will lease space in Mease Hospital Dunedin which will be vacated by it current program. BayCare will contract with Mease Hospital Dunedin for services such as laboratory analysis and radiology. This arrangement will result in lower costs, both in the short term and in the long term, than would be experienced in a free-standing facility, and contributes to the likelihood that BayCare is feasible in the short term and long term. Criteria related to need The contested subsections of Section 408.035 not heretofore addressed, are (1) and (2). These subsections are illuminated by Florida Administrative Code Rule 59C- 1.008(2)(e)2., which provides standards when, as in this case, there is no fixed-need pool. Florida Administrative Code Rule 59C-1.008(2)(e)2., provides as follows: 2. If no agency policy exists, the applicant will be responsible for demonstrating need through a needs assessment methodology which must include, at a minimum, consideration of the following topics, except where they are inconsistent with the applicable statutory or rule criteria: Population demographics and dynamics; Availability, utilization and quality of like services in the district, sub district or both; Medical treatment trends; and Market conditions. Population Demographics and Dynamics The applicants presented an analysis of the population demographics and dynamics in support of their applications in District 5. The evidence demonstrated that the population of District 5 was 1,335,021 in 2004. It is anticipated that it will grow to 1,406,990 by 2009. The projected growth rate is 5.4 percent. The elderly population in the district, which is defined as persons over the age of 65, is expected to grow from 314,623 in 2004, to 340,676, in 2009, which represents an 8.3 percent increase. BayCare BayCare's service area is defined generally by the geographic locations of Morton Plant Hospital, Morton Plant North Bay Hospital, St. Anthony's Hospital, Mease Hospital Dunedin, and Mease Hospital Countryside. These hospitals are geographically distributed throughout Pinellas County and southwest Pasco County and are expected to provide a base for referrals to BayCare. There is only one extant LTCH in Pinellas County, Kindred, and it is located in the very southernmost part of this densely populated county. Persons who become patients in an LTCH are almost always moved to the LTCH by ambulance, so their movement over a long distance through heavy traffic generates little or no problem for the patient. Accordingly, if patient transportation were the only consideration, movement from the north end of the county to Kindred in the far south, would present no problem. However, family involvement is a substantial factor in an interdisciplinary approach to addressing the needs of LTCH patients. The requirement of frequent movement of family members from northern Pinellas to Kindred through congested traffic will often result in the denial of LTCH services to patients residing in northern Pinellas County or, in the alternative, deny family involvement in the interdisciplinary treatment of LTCH patients. Approximately 70 letters requesting the establishment of an LTCH in northern Pinellas County were provided in BayCare's application. These letters were written by medical personnel, case managers and social workers, business persons, and government officials. The thread common to these letters was, with regard to LTCH services, that the population in northern Pinellas County is underserved. UCH Pasco County has experienced a rapid population growth. It is anticipated that the population will swell to 426,273, in 2009, which represents a 10.1 percent increase over the population in 2004. The elderly population accounts for 28 percent of the population. This is about 50 percent higher than Florida as a whole. Rapid population growth in Pasco County, and expected future growth, has resulted in numerous new housing developments including Developments of Regional Impact (DRI). Among the approved DRI's is the planned community of Connerton, which has been designated a "new town" in Pasco County's Comprehensive Plan. Connerton is a planned community of 8,600 residential units. The plan includes space for a hospital and UCH has negotiated for the purchase of a parcel for that purpose within Connerton. The rate of growth, and the elderly population percentages, will support the proposed UCH LTCH and this is so even if BayCare establishes an LTCH in northern Pinellas County. Availability, utilization, and quality of like services in the district, sub-district, or both The Agency has not established sub-districts for LTCHs. As previously noted, Kindred is the only LTCH extant in District 5. It is a for-profit facility. Kindred was well utilized when it had its pediatric unit and added 22 additional beds. Subsequently, in October 2002, some changes in Medicare reimbursement rules resulted in a reduction of the reimbursement rate. This affected Kindred's income because over 70 percent of its patients are Medicare recipients. Kindred now uses admission criteria that have resulted in a decline in patient admissions. From 1998, the year after Kindred was established, until 2002, annual utilization was in excess of 90 percent. Thereafter, utilization has declined, the 22-bed addition has been shut down, and Kindred projects an occupancy of 55 percent in 2005. Kindred must make a profit. Therefore, it denies access to a significant number of patients in District 5. It denies the admission of patients who have too few "Medicare- reimbursable days" or "Medicaid-reimbursable days" remaining. The record indicates that Kindred only incurs charity care or Medicaid patient days when a patient admitted to Kindred with seemingly adequate funding unexpectedly exhausts his or her funding prior to discharge. Because of the constraints of PPS, Kindred has established admission criteria that excludes certain patients with conditions whose prognosis is so uncertain that it cannot adequately predict how long they will require treatment. Kindred's availability to potential patients is thus constrained. HealthSouth, a licensed CMR, is not a substitute for an LTCH. Although it is clear that there is some overlap between a CMR and an LTCH, HealthSouth, for instance, does not provide inpatient dialysis, will not accept ventilator patients, and does not treat complex wound patients. The nurse staffing level at HealthSouth is inadequate to provide for the type of patient that is eligible for treatment in an LTCH. The fact that LTCHs are reimbursed by Medicare at approximately twice the rate that a CMR is reimbursed, demonstrates the higher acuity level of LTCH services when compared to a CMR. HealthSouth is a facility which consistently operates at high occupancy levels and even if it were capable of providing the services typical of an LTCH, it would not have sufficient capacity to provide for the need. A CMR is a facility to which persons who make progress in an LTCH might repair so that they can return to the activities of daily living. SNFs are not substitutes for LTCHs although there could be some limited overlap. SNFs are generally not appropriate for patients otherwise eligible for the type of care provided by an LTCH. They do not provide the range of services typically provided by an LTCH and do not maintain the registered nurse staffing levels required for delivering the types of services needed for patients appropriate for an LTCH. LTCHs are a stage in the continuum of care. Short- term acute care hospitals take in very sick or injured patients and treat them. Thereafter, the survivors are discharged to home, or to a CMR, or to a SNF, or, if the patients are still acutely ill but stable, and if an LTCH is available, to an LTCH. As noted above, currently in northern Pinellas County and in Pasco County, there is no reasonable access to an LTCH. An intensive care unit (ICU) is, ideally, a treatment phase that is short. If treatment has been provided in an ICU and the patient remains acutely ill but stable, and is required to remain in the ICU because there is no alternative, greater than necessary costs are incurred. Staff in an ICU are not trained or disposed to provide the extensive therapy and nursing required by patients suitable for an LTCH and are not trained to provide support and training to members of the patient's family in preparation for the patient's return home. The majority of patients suitable for an LTCH have some potential for recovery. This potential is not realized in an ICU, which is often counterproductive for patients who are stabilized but who require specialized long-term acute care. Patients who remain in an ICU beyond five to seven days have an increased morbidity/mortality rate. Maintaining patients suitable for an LTCH in an ICU also results in over-utilization of ICU services and can cause congestion when ICU beds are fully occupied. UCH in Pasco County, and to a lesser extent BayCare in northern Pinellas County, will bring to the northern part of District 5 services which heretofore have not been available in the district, or, at least, have not been readily available. Persons in Pasco County and northern Pinellas County, who would benefit from a stay in an LTCH, have often had to settle for some less appropriate care situation. Medical Treatment Trends LTCHs are relatively new cogs in the continuum of care and the evidence indicates that they will play an important role in that continuum in the future. The evidence of record demonstrates that the current trend in medical treatment is to find appropriate post acute placements in an LTCH setting for those patients in need of long-term acute care beyond the stay normally experienced in a short-term acute care hospital. Market conditions The federal government's development of the distinctive PPS for LTCHs has created a market condition which is favorable for the development of LTCH facilities. Although the Agency has not formally adopted by rule a need methodology specifically for LTCHs, by final order it has recently relied upon the "geometric mean length of stay + 7" (GMLOS +7) need methodology. The GMLOS +7 is a statistical calculation used by CMS in administering the PPS reimbursement system in determining an appropriate reimbursement for a particular "diagnostic related group" (DRG). Other need methodologies have been found to be unsatisfactory because they do not accurately reflect the need for LTCH services in areas where LTCH services are not available, or where the market for LTCH services is not competitive. GMLOS +7 is the best analysis the Agency has at this point. Because the population for whom an LTCH might be appropriate is unique, and because it overlaps with other populations, finding an algebraic need expression is difficult. An acuity measure would be the best marker of patient appropriateness, but insufficient data are available to calculate that. BayCare's proposal will provide beneficial competition for LTCH services in District 5 for the first time and will promote geographic, financial, and programmatic access to LTCH services. BayCare, in conducting its need calculations used a data pool from Morton Plant Hospital, Mease Dunedin Hospital, Mease Countryside Hospital, Morton Plant North Bay Hospital, and St. Anthony's Hospital for the 12 months ending September 2003. The hospitals included in the establishment of the pool are hospitals that would be important referral sources for BayCare. BayCare then identified 160 specific DRGs historically served by existing Florida LTCHs, or which could have been served by Florida LTCHs, and lengths of stay greater than the GMLOS for acute care patients, and compared them to the data pool. This resulted in a pool of 871 potential patients. The calculation did not factor in the certain growth in the population of the geographic area, and therefore the growth of potential LTCH patients. BayCare then applied assumptions based on the proximity of the referring hospitals to the proposed LTCH to project how many of the patients eligible for LTCH services would actually be referred and admitted to the proposed LTCH. That exercise resulted in a projected potential volume of 20,265 LTCH patient days originating just from the three District 5 BayCare hospitals and the two Mease hospitals. BayCare assumes, and the assumption is found to be reasonable, that 25 percent of their LTCH volume will originate from facilities other than BayCare or Mease hospitals. Adding this factor resulted in a total of 27,020 patient days for a total net need of 82 beds at 90 percent occupancy. BayCare's GMLOS +7 bed need methodology reasonably projects a bed need of 82 beds based on BayCare's analysis of the demand arising from the three District 5 BayCare hospitals and the two Mease hospitals. UCH provided both a GMLOS +7 and a use rate analysis. The use rate analysis is suspect in a noncompetitive environment and, obviously, in an environment where LTCHs do not exist. UCH's GMLOS +7 analyses resulted in the identification of a need for 159 additional LTCH beds in District 5. This was broken down into a need of 60 beds in Pasco County and 99 additional beds in Pinellas County. There is no not-for-profit LTCH provider in District The addition of BayCare and UCH LTCHs to the district will meet a need in the case of Medicaid, indigent, and underinsured patients. Both BayCare and UCH have agreed in their applications to address the needs of patients who depend on Medicaid, or who are indigent, or who have private insurance that is inadequate to cover the cost of their treatment. The statistical analyses provided by both applicants support the proposed projects of both applicants. Testimony from doctors who treat patients of the type who might benefit from an LTCH testified that those types of facilities would be utilized. Numerous letters from physicians, nurses, and case managers support the need for these facilities. Adverse impacts HealthSouth and Kindred failed to persuade that BayCare's proposal will adversely impact them. HealthSouth provides little of the type of care normally provided at an LTCH. Moreover, HealthSouth is currently operating near capacity. Kindred is geographically remote from BayCare's proposed facility, and, more importantly, remote in terms of travel time, which is a major consideration for the families of patients. Kindred did not demonstrate that it was currently receiving a large number of patients from the geographic vicinity of the proposed BayCare facility, although it did receive some patients from BayCare Systems facilities and would likely lose some admissions if BayCare's application is approved. The evidence did not establish that Kindred would suffer a material adverse impact should BayCare establish an LTCH in Mease Dunedin Hospital. HealthSouth and Kindred conceded that UCH's program would not adversely impact them. The Agency's Position The Agency denied the applications of BayCare and UCH in the SAARs. At the time of the hearing the Agency continued to maintain that granting the proposals was inappropriate. The Agency's basic concern with these proposals, and in fact, the establishments of LTCHs throughout the state, according to the Agency's representative Jeffrey N. Gregg, is the oversupply of beds. The Agency believes it will be a long time before it can see any measure of clinical efficiency and whether the LTCH route is the appropriate way to go. The Agency has approved a number of LTCHs in recent years and is studying them in order to get a better understanding of what the future might hold. The Agency noted that the establishment of an LTCH by ongoing providers, BayCare Systems and UCH, where there are extant built-in referring facilities, were more likely to be successful than an out-of-state provider having no prior relationships with short-term acute care hospitals in the geographic vicinity of the LTCH. The Agency noted that both a referring hospital and an LTCH could benefit financially by decompressing its intensive care unit, and thus maximizing their efficiency. The Agency did not explain how, if these LTCHs are established, a subsequent failure would negatively affect the delivery of health services in District 5. The Agency, when it issued its SAAR, did not have the additional information which became available during the hearing process.
Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that UCH Certificate of Need Application No. 9754 and BayCare Certificate of Need Application No. 9753 satisfy the applicable criteria and both applications should be approved. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of November, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S HARRY L. HOOPER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of November, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert A. Weiss, Esquire Parker, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs, LLP The Perkins House, Suite 200 118 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 J. Robert Griffin, Esquire J. Robert Griffin, P.A. 1342 Timberlane Road, Suite 102-A Tallahassee, Florida 32312-1762 Patricia A. Renovitch, Esquire Oertel, Hoffman, Fernandez, Cole, & Bryant P.A. Post Office Box 1110 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1110 Geoffrey D. Smith, Esquire Blank, Meenan & Smith, P.A. 204 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Timothy Elliott, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Building Three, Mail Station 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Alan Levine, Secretary Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building, Suite 3116 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Christa Calamas, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building, Suite 3431 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Richard Shoop, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building, Mail Station 3 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308
The Issue The issues for determination are: (1) whether the noncompliance as alleged during the August 30, 2001, survey and identified as Tags F324 and F242, were Class II deficiencies; (2) whether the "Conditional" licensure status, effective August 30, 2001, to September 30, 2001, based upon noncompliance is appropriate; and (3) whether a fine in the amount of $5,000 is appropriate for the cited noncompliance
Findings Of Fact Charlotte is a nursing home located at 5405 Babcock Street, Northeast, Fort Myers, Florida, with 180 residents and is duly licensed under Chapter 400, Part II, Florida Statutes. AHCA is the state agency responsible for evaluating nursing homes in Florida pursuant to Section 400.23(7), Florida Statutes. As such, in the instant case it is required to evaluate nursing homes in Florida in accordance with Section 400.23(8), Florida Statutes (2000). AHCA evaluates all Florida nursing homes at least every 15 months and assigns a rating of standard or conditional to each licensee. In addition to its regulatory duties under Florida law, AHCA is the state "survey agency," which, on behalf of the federal government, monitors nursing homes that receive Medicaid or Medicare funds. On August 27 through 30, 2001, AHCA conducted an annual survey of Charlotte's facility and alleged that there were deficiencies. These deficiencies were organized and described in a survey report by "Tags," numbered Tag F242 and Tag F324. The results of the survey were noted on an AHCA form entitled "Statement of Deficiencies and Plan of Correction." The parties refer to this form as the HCFA 2567-L or the "2567." The 2567 is the document used to charge nursing homes with deficiencies that violate applicable law. The 2567 identified each alleged deficiency by reference to a Tag number. Each Tag on the 2567 includes a narrative description of the allegations against Charlotte and cites a provision of the relevant rule or rules in the Florida Administrative Code violated by the alleged deficiency. To protect the privacy of nursing home residents, the 2567 and this Recommended Order refer to each resident by a number (i.e., Resident 24) rather than by the name of the resident. AHCA must assign a class rating of I, II or III to any deficiency that it identifies during a survey. The ratings reflect the severity of the identified deficiency, with Class I being the most severe and Class III being the least severe deficiency. There are two Tags, F242 and F324 at issue in the instant case, and, as a result of the August 2001 survey, AHCA assigned each Tag a Class II deficiency rating and issued Charlotte a "Conditional" license effective August 30, 2001. Tag F242 Tag F242 generally alleged that Charlotte failed to meet certain quality of life requirements for the residents, based on record review, group interviews, and staff interviews, and that Charlotte failed to adequately ensure that the residents have a right to choose activities that allow them to interact with members of the community outside the facility. On or about August 24, 2001, AHCA's surveyors conducted group interviews. During these interviews, 10 of 16 residents in attendance disclosed that they had previously been permitted to participate in various activities and interact with members of the community outside the facility. They were permitted to go shopping at malls, go to the movies, and go to restaurants. Amtrans transportation vans were used to transport the residents to and from their destinations. The cost of transportation was paid by Charlotte. An average of 17 to 20 residents participated in those weekly trips to dine out with other community members at the Olive Garden and other restaurants. During those trips, Charlotte would send one activity staff member for every four to six residents. The record contains no evidence that staff nurses accompanied those select few residents on their weekly outings. The outings were enjoyed by those participants; however, not every resident desired or was able to participate in this particular activity. Since 1985, outside-the-facility activities had been the facility's written policy. However, in August 2000, one year prior to the survey, Matthew Logue became Administrator of the facility and directed his newly appointed Activities Director, Debbie Francis, to discontinue facility sponsored activities outside the facility and in its stead to institute alternative activities which are all on-site functions. Those residents who requested continuation of the opportunity to go shopping at the mall or dine out with members of the community were denied their request and given the option to have food from a restaurant brought to the facility and served in-house. The alternative provided by the facility to those residents desiring to "interact with members of the community outside the facility" was for each resident to contact the social worker, activity staff member, friends or family who would agree to take them off the facility's premises. Otherwise, the facility would assist each resident to contact Dial-A-Ride, a transportation service, for their transportation. The facility's alternative resulted in a discontinuation of all its involvement in "scheduling group activities" beyond facility premises and a discontinuation of any "facility staff members" accompanying residents on any outing beyond the facility's premises. As described by its Activities Director, Charlotte's current activities policy is designed to provide for residents' "interaction with the community members outside the facility," by having facility chosen and facility scheduled activities such as: Hospice, yard sales, barbershop groups for men and beautician's day for women, musical entertainment, antique car shows, and Brownie and Girl Guides visits. These, and other similar activities, are conducted by "community residents" who are brought onto the facility premises. According to the Activities Director, Charlotte's outside activities with transportation provided by Amtrans buses were discontinued in October of 2000 because "two to three residents had been hurt while on the out trip, or on out-trips."1 Mr. Logue's stated reason for discontinuing outside activities was, "I no longer wanted to take every member of the activities department and send them with the resident group on an outing, thereby leaving the facility understaffed with activities department employees." The evidence of record does not support Mr. Logue's assumption that "every member of the facility's activities department accompanied the residents on any weekly group outings," as argued by Charlotte in its Proposed Recommended Order. Charlotte's Administrator further disclosed that financial savings for the facility was among the factors he considered when he instructed discontinuation of trips outside the facility. "The facility does not sponsor field trips and use facility money to take people outside and too many staff members were required to facilitate the outings." During a group meeting conducted by the Survey team, residents voiced their feelings and opinions about Charlotte's no longer sponsoring the field trips on a regular basis in terms of: "feels like you're in jail," "you look forward to going out," and being "hemmed in." AHCA's survey team determined, based upon the harm noted in the Federal noncompliance, that the noncompliance should be a State deficiency because the collective harm compromised resident's ability to reach or maintain their highest level of psychosocial well being, i.e. how the residents feel about themselves and their social relationships with members of the community. Charlotte's change in its activities policy in October of 2000 failed to afford each resident "self- determination and participation" and does not afford the residents the "right to choose activities and schedules" nor to "interact with members of the community outside the facility." AHCA has proved the allegations contained in Tag F242, that Charlotte failed to meet certain quality of life requirements for the residents' self-determination and participation. By the testimonies of witnesses for AHCA and Charlotte and the documentary evidence admitted, AHCA has proven by clear and convincing evidence that Charlotte denied residents the right to choose activities and schedules consistent with their interests and has failed to permit residents to interact with members of the community outside the facility. Tag F324 As to the Federal compliance requirements, AHCA alleged that Charlotte was not in compliance with certain of those requirements regarding Tag F324, for failing to ensure that each resident receives adequate supervision and assistance devices to prevent accidents. As to State licensure requirements of Sections 400.23(7) and (8), Florida Statutes (2000), and by operation of Florida Administrative Code, Rule 59A-4.1288, AHCA determined that Charlotte had failed to comply with State established rules, and under the Florida classification system, classified Tag F324 noncompliance as a Class II deficiency. Based upon Charlotte's patient record reviews and staff interviews, AHCA concluded that Charlotte had failed to adequately assess, develop and implement a plan of care to prevent Resident 24 from repeated falls and injuries. Resident 24 was admitted to Charlotte on April 10, 2001, at age 93, and died August 6, 2001, before AHCA's survey. He had a history of falls while living with his son before his admission. Resident 24's initial diagnoses upon admission included, among other findings, Coronary Artery Disease and generalized weakness, senile dementia, and contusion of the right hip. On April 11, 2001, Charlotte staff had Resident 24 evaluated by its occupational therapist. The evaluation included a basic standing assessment and a lower body assessment. Resident 24, at that time, was in a wheelchair due to his pre-admission right hip contusion injury. On April 12, 2001, two days after his admission, Resident 24 was found by staff on the floor, the result of an unobserved fall, and thus, no details of the fall are available. On April 23, 2001, Resident 24 was transferred to the "secured unit" of the facility. The Survey Team's review of Resident 24's Minimum Data Set, completed April 23, 2001, revealed that Resident 24 required limited assistance to transfer and to ambulate and its review of Resident 24's Resident Assessment Protocols (RAPs), completed on April 23, 2001, revealed that Resident 24 was "triggered" for falls. Charlotte's RAP stated that his risk for falls was primarily due to: (1) a history of falls within the past 30 days prior to his admission; (2) his unsteady gait; (3) his highly impaired vision; and (4) his senile dementia. On April 26, 2001, Charlotte developed a care plan for Resident 24 with the stated goal that the "[r]esident will have no falls with significant injury thru [sic] July 25, 2001," and identified those approaches Charlotte would take to ensure that Resident 24 would not continue falling. Resident 24's care plan included: (1) place a call light within his reach; (2) do a falls risk assessment; (3) monitor for hazards such as clutter and furniture in his path; (4) use of a "Merry Walker" for independent ambulation; (5) placing personal items within easy reach; (6) assistance with all transfers; and (7) give Resident 24 short and simple instructions. Charlotte's approach to achieving its goal was to use tab monitors at all times, to monitor him for unsafe behavior, to obtain physical and occupational therapy for strengthening, and to keep his room free from clutter. All factors considered, Charlotte's care plan was reasonable and comprehensive and contained those standard fall prevention measures normally employed for residents who have a history of falling. However, Resident 24's medical history and his repeated episodes of falling imposed upon Charlotte a requirement to document his records and to offer other assistance or assistive devices in an attempt to prevent future falls by this 93-year-old, senile resident who was known to be "triggered" for falls. Charlotte's care plan for Resident 24, considering the knowledge and experience they had with Resident 24's several falling episodes, failed to meet its stated goal. Charlotte's documentation revealed that Resident 24 did not use the call light provided to him, and he frequently refused to use the "Merry Walker" in his attempts of unaided ambulation. On June 28, 2001, his physician, Dr. Janick, ordered discontinuation of the "Merry Walker" due to his refusal to use it and the cost involved. A mobility monitor was ordered by his physician to assist in monitoring his movements. Charlotte's documentation did not indicate whether the monitor was actually placed on Resident 24 at any time or whether it had been discontinued. Notwithstanding Resident 24's refusal to cooperatively participate in his care plan activities, Charlotte conducted separate fall risk assessments after each of the three falls, which occurred on April 12, May 12, and June 17, 2001. In each of the three risk assessments conducted by Charlotte, Resident 24 scored above 17, which placed him in a Level II, high risk for falls category. After AHCA's surveyors reviewed the risk assessment form instruction requiring Charlotte to "[d]etermine risk category and initiate the appropriate care plan immediately," and considered that Resident 24's clinical record contained no notations that his initial care plan of April 23, 2001, had been revised, AHCA concluded that Charlotte was deficient. On May 13, 2001, Dr. Janick visited with Resident 24 and determined that "there was no reason for staff to change their approach to the care of Resident 24." Notwithstanding the motion monitors, on June 17, 2001, Resident 24 fell while walking unaided down a corridor. A staff member observed this incident and reported that while Resident 24 was walking (unaided by staff) he simply tripped over his own feet, fell and broke his hip. Charlotte should have provided "other assistance devices," or "one-on-one supervision," or "other (nonspecific) aids to prevent further falls," for a 93-year-old resident who had a residential history of falls and suffered with senile dementia. Charlotte did not document other assistive alternatives that could have been utilized for a person in the condition of Resident 24. AHCA has carried its burden of proof by clear and convincing evidence regarding the allegations contained in Tag F324.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that: The Agency enter a final order upholding the assignment of the Conditional licensure status for the period of August 30, 2001 through September 30, 2001, and impose an administrative fine in the amount of $2,500 for each of the two Class II deficiencies for a total administrative fine in the amount of $5,000. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of February, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. FRED L. BUCKINE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of February, 2003.
The Issue Whether Respondent failed to protect one of the residents of its facility from sexual coercion. Whether Respondent failed to report the alleged violation immediately to the administrator.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with licensing and regulating nursing homes in Florida, under state and federal statutes. Respondent is a licensed nursing facility located in Orlando, Florida. Respondent is a small not-for-profit facility, overseen by a voluntary board of directors. Resident 2 is a Hispanic male, 57 years of age, who speaks English and Spanish fluently. He was a self-admitted resident at Respondent's nursing home facility during the relevant time period. Respondent is a small, not-for-profit facility, overseen by a voluntary board of directors. Respondent receives its funds to operate through various types of sources such as United Way, City of Orlando, Orange County, and many foundations. At all times material hereto, Petitioner is the state agency charged with licensing of nursing homes in Florida and the assignment of a licensure status. The statute charges Petitioner with evaluating nursing home facilities to determine their degree of compliance with established rules as a basis for making the required licensure assignment. Additionally, Petitioner is responsible for conducting federally mandated surveys of those long-term care facilities receiving Medicare and Medicaid funds for compliance with federal statutory and rule requirements. These federal requirements are made applicable to Florida nursing home facilities. Pursuant to the statute, Petitioner must classify deficiencies according to the nature and scope of the deficiency when the criteria established under the statute are not met. The classification of any deficiencies discovered is determinative of whether the licensure status of a nursing home is "standard" or "conditional." The evaluation, or survey, of a facility includes a resident review and, depending upon the circumstances, may consist of record reviews, resident observations, and interviews with family and facility staff. Surveyors note their findings on a standard prescribed Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Form 2567, titled "Statement Deficiencies and Plan of Correction" and is commonly referred to as a "2567" form. During the survey of a facility, if violations of regulations are found, the violations are noted and referred to as "Tags." A "Tag" identifies the applicable regulatory standard that the surveyors believe has been violated, provides a summary of the violation, sets forth specific factual allegations that they believe support the violation and indicates the federal scope and severity of the noncompliance. Agency surveyors use the "State Operations' Manual," a document prepared by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, as guidance in determining whether a facility has violated 42 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), Chapter 483. In March 2003, Petitioner conducted a survey to investigate a complaint that Respondent failed to protect a resident from sexual coercion. The allegation of the deficient practice was based upon an incident involving Resident 2. Pursuant to 42 C.F.R. Section 483.13(b), a nursing facility must assure that a resident has the right to be free from verbal, sexual, and mental abuse. Failure to do so constitutes a deficiency under Florida Statutes. At hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of Jane Woodson, nursing program specialist, employed by Petitioner. Woodson testified that she does state and federal surveys in both state and federal licensure and federal institutions to identify or define any noncompliance. She visited Respondent's facility on or about March 26, 2003, and prepared a 2567 form based on her observations, interviews, and record review. It details the results of her investigation, including her interviews with the director of nursing, the administrator, the social worker, the compliance officer, a licensed practical nurse (LPN), and the assistant director of nursing. She also toured the total facility, observed its residents and also observed Resident 2. Woodson observed that Resident 2 was a well-dressed, alert male, and she spoke to him about the incident on March 15, 2003. Woodson did not have an interpreter present at any time when she interviewed Resident 2, nor did she consider it necessary to do so. At no time did she have any concern that Resident 2 was not mentally competent to understand her when she interviewed him. Woodson was not aware that Resident 2 signed his own financial responsibility forms, patient's rights statement, or that he voluntarily checked himself into the facility. She was not aware that Resident 2 made his own medical decisions in the facility. Following her investigation, Woodson conducted an exit interview with the administrator, the director of nursing, the assistant director of nursing, the social worker, and the compliance offer. Woodson included in her report a document filled out by Sharon Ebanks (Ebanks), registered nurse (RN), but she did not personally interview Ebanks. She also did not interview Marilyn Harrilal, LPN, nor did she interview the employee involved in the incident. She advised the administrator of her finding a Class II deficiency and provided a correction date of April 17, 2003. She also concluded that this was an isolated incident. Ebanks was the weekend charge nurse on March 15, 2003, and was in charge of the facility on that date. Ebanks was working on the north wing when she was called by Mr. Daniels, a LPN working on the south wing. Daniels told Ebanks about the alleged incident between Resident 2 and the staff person. Ebanks then called Resident 2; the employee, Marcia Dorsey (Dorsey); and the certified nursing assistants (CNAs), Ms. Polysaint and Ms. Mezier (first names not in the record), who had witnessed the incident, to the green room. She also asked Harrilal to act as a witness to her interviews with the individuals involved. Ebanks first spoke to Resident 2 and Dorsey, both of whom stated that nothing had happened. She then questioned the two CNAs about what they had witnessed. Ebanks concluded, after interviewing both the participants and the witnesses, that the incident was not abuse, but rather, was inappropriate behavior on the part of both Resident 2 and the employee. She based this conclusion on the fact that Dorsey is a trainable Dows Syndrome individual, who was supposed to be working when the incident occurred. Ebanks concluded that Resident 2 had not been abused or hurt in any manner and had participated voluntarily. Ebanks noted that Resident 2 makes his own medical decisions, is considered to be mentally competent, has never been adjudicated mentally incompetent and has not had a legal guardian appointed for him. Ebanks concluded that Resident 2 had not been abused. Ebanks testified that she completed a Resident Abuse Report on March 20, 2003, concerning the incident, after being asked to do so by Respondent's compliance officer. The resident abuse report was admitted into evidence as Respondent's Exhibit 1. At the time of the initial investigation of the incident, Ebanks asked Harrilal to accompany her to the green room. While there, Harrilal listened as Ebanks first questioned Resident 2 and then Dorsey. Both stated that nothing happened. Harrilal then witnessed Ebanks question the CNAs, Polysaint and Mezier. Woodson did not interview Harrilal during her investigation. Ann Campbell, RN, a nurse for more than 38 years, was functioning in the role of assistant director of nursing on March 15, 2003. She was not in the facility on that day and was not made aware of the incident on the date of its occurrence, but became aware when she returned to work. Campbell is familiar with Resident 2. He was initially admitted with a diagnosis of alcohol abuse and dementia. She observed that he was a little confused and forgetful when first admitted, but has since became more alert and responsive. Michael Annichiarico, administrator of the facility and custodian of records, including medical records and personnel files, reviewed the personnel file of the employee, Dorsey. There were no disciplinary actions or counseling prior to the incident of March 15, 2003. Annichiarico is familiar with Resident 2 and has interacted with him. Annichiarico testified that, according to the resident's medical record, Resident 2 has never been declared mentally incompetent and that he makes his own medical and financial decisions. The Progress Note of Gideon Lewis, M.D., dated October 9, 2003, with transcription, was admitted into evidence as Respondent's Exhibit 2 and indicates that Resident 2 is mentally competent and is responsible for his actions as his cognitive functions are intact. Patricia Collins, RN, testified as an expert in the areas of nursing, long-term care, nursing home rules and regulations, and survey procedures. Collins is a RN, currently working in consulting work. She reviewed documents related to the incident. She went to the facility on two different occasions and interviewed the staff. She also reviewed the documents contained in the report of Woodson's survey. Collins interviewed the two CNAs, Ebanks, Resident 2, the medical records custodian, the director of nursing, the social worker, and Harrilal. She spent approximately four to five hours in the facility. After speaking with Resident 2, Collins concluded that he was cognitively intact and very alert. He appeared to be mentally competent. Before interviewing Resident 2, Collins reviewed his resident chart and the documents used to sign himself into the facility. She also reviewed physician's orders for medication, progress notes, nurses' notes, the MDS and the care plan. Collins testified that she reviewed the resident's financial responsibility statement and patient's rights statement, both of which were signed by the resident himself. The resident had no legal guardian. Collins concluded that during the incident of March 15, 2003, there was some inappropriate behavior that needed to be addressed and that this behavior was properly addressed by staff. The inappropriate behavior was the observation of hugging and kissing between Dorsey and Resident 2 in an empty resident's room while the employee was on duty. Collins was of the opinion that the behavior was mutual and not abuse. Collins found no reason to conclude that any harm had been done to Resident 2. Collins testified that a nursing home resident has the right to associate with whomever he desires. He also has the right to have voluntary and willing sexual contact with other people. The inappropriateness in this incident was due to the fact that Resident 2 had involvement with someone with mental deficits. The incident was inappropriate on the part of the employee as well, since she was participating in it during her working time. Collins disagrees with the findings of Petitioner's surveyor. Collins testified that the investigator should have determined the abuse allegation was unfounded. According to Collins' expert testimony, the facility staff acted appropriately. The CNA who initially observed the activity called another CNA as a witness. They then went to their supervisor, who then went to the ranking nurse at the facility at that point in time, which was Ebanks. Ebanks questioned the employee, Resident 2 and the witnesses. She had the presence of mind to have a witness there as well, which was Harrilal. Ebanks made the determination, based on her nursing judgment and in her authority as nurse in charge of the facility on that day, that there was inappropriate behavior on behalf of Resident 2 and the employee. She put a care plan in place as to Resident 2, separated the employee and Resident 2, and sent the CNAs back to work. Collins testified there was no need to report the incident to the Department of Children and Family Services because there was no evidence of abuse or harm to Resident 2. Collins' testimony is found to be credible. Based on all the evidence, it is found and determined that an incident occurred at Respondent's facility on Saturday, March 15, 2003, at approximately 11:00 a.m., involving Resident 2 and a staff employee of Respondent, Dorsey. Resident 2 and the employee were seen by staff employees sitting on a bed hugging and kissing each other in a resident's room that was not being used at the time. Two CNA employees witnessed and reported the incident to the charge nurse. Ebanks was the charge nurse on duty on March 15, 2003. Ebanks was advised of the incident shortly after it occurred and interviewed both Resident 2 and the employees involved, as well as the employees who witnessed the incident. The interviews were conducted in the presence of Harrilal. She completed a Resident Abuse Report on March 20, 2003, at the request of the risk manager within four business days of the incident, and the administrator was advised of the incident on the first business day after the incident. Resident 2 was alert and oriented on the date of the incident. Although he had a low level of dementia, he was mentally competent at the time of the incident. He does not meet the definition of an "elderly person" or "vulnerable adult" under Chapter 415, Florida Statutes.
Recommendation Based on the forgoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order of dismissal of the Administrative Complaint be entered in this case. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of January, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of January, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: George F. Indest, III, Esquire The Health Law Firm Center Pointe Two 220 East Central Parkway, Suite 2030 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 Gerald L. Pickett, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Sebring Building, Suite 330K 525 Mirror Lake Drive, North St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Lealand McCharen, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Station 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Valda Clark Christian, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Findings Of Fact FMCC's application is to provide a 102-bed long-term care nursing facility in Fort Myers, Florida, while AHC's and HSI's applications are to provide 120-bed long-term nursing care facilities. When each of these applications was presented to the south Central Florida Health Systems Council, Inc. (HSA), the application of FMCC was approved and forwarded to Respondent recommending approval and the other two applications were disapproved and so forwarded. The primary reason given by HSA for disapproving HSI's application was lack of firm financing and for disapproving AHC's application was cost of construction. Trained personnel to man the proposed facilities are in short supply in Lee County. Applicants' plans to import personnel, if necessary, from other parts of the country were supported by no evidence to indicate such personnel would be amenable to move to Lee County. All applications were disapproved by Respondent and each applicant requested a hearing which resulted in this consolidated hearing. At present there are 741 existing or approved long-term care nursing home beds in Lee County, Florida. A 120-bed facility at Cape Coral became operative in February, 1979 and a 60-bed addition to Beacon-Donegan Manor nursing home has also been approved. Prior to the opening of the newest 120-bed facility at Cape Coral, the occupancy rate for the other long-term care nursing homes was greater than 90 percent. Due to its recent opening, no evidence was presented as to the occupancy rate in Lee County following the opening of the Cape Coral facility. The population of Lee County in 1978 was 184,841 with 41,984 more than 65 years old, which is less than 23 percent of the population. This is in line with the population forecasts by the University of Florida and validates the estimated 1980 population figures which were used by all parties in submitting their applications. In 1978 Respondent proposed a State Health Plan which included a determination that the long-term care nursing home bed needs were 27 per 1,000 population greater than 65 years old. This determination was unacceptable to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) whose decision is binding on Respondent. In refusing to accept this standard, HEW reaffirmed the requirement that the formula contained in the Hill-Burton Act be utilized in determining certificates of need. Following the Hill-Burton formula results in no additional long-term care nursing home beds needed in Lee County. Modification of the results produced by use of the Hill-Burton formula when extenuating and mitigating circumstances exist is authorized by the Florida Medical Facilities Plan. Accordingly, when use of Hill-Burton formula produces results contrary to obvious facts, such as a showing of no need for additional facilities when occupancy rates are high and long waiting lists for admission exists, these extenuating circumstances are considered and a finding of need is made. The parties stipulated that extenuating circumstances, notably the greater than 90 percent occupancy rate in nursing homes in 1977 and most of 1978 and the existing waiting lists created need for 100 to 120 additional beds. No evidence was presented establishing a need for more than 100-120 additional long-term care nursing home beds in Lee County. In fact, no evidence was presented showing the current occupancy rate, current waiting lists, or any other information not previously submitted to the Health Systems Agency was here presented other than the latest Census Report, which merely confirmed the accuracy of the forecasts. Even if the 27 beds per 1,000 population greater than 65 which was proposed by the South Central Florida Health Systems Agency were used to establish the number of beds needed, their limitation, that no more than 50 percent be added in the two-year planning period, would preclude approving more than one additional nursing home at this time. Absent evidence showing a need for more than one additional nursing home, the only issue remaining is which of the applicants is best qualified to provide the best service at the lowest cost for the stipulated need. HSI submitted proposed construction costs and patient charges in line with those submitted by FMCC. However, although their application states, and the Health Systems Agency apparently accepted, their allegation that an option to lease had been obtained on the property on which the proposed facility was to be erected, testimony at the hearing disclosed that only an oral agreement to lease the property had been obtained by HSI. An oral agreement affecting a long-term lease of real property comes within the Statute of Frauds and is unenforceable. This fact alone renders all cost estimates submitted by HSI suspect. Further, the financing proposed by HSI to construct the facility shows less than $200,000 equity capital available and a requirement to borrow $1,300,000. One ground noted by the Health Systems Agency for disapproving this application was the inadequacy of their financing. No evidence presented at this hearing contradicted this Health System Agency's finding. AHC operates some 50 nursing homes in 14 states with two nursing homes in the Orlando area. A certificate of need has been obtained for a third nursing home in Jacksonville. Florida Living Care, Inc., the parent corporation of FMCC, manages some 44 nursing homes and owns 25. It has certificates of need for 6 nursing homes in Florida, one of which is completed and in operation, while 3 are under construction. AHC proposes to finance 87 percent of the cost of the 120-bed project, or $2,160,000, in a 40-year loan at 8.5 percent interest. FMCC proposes to finance 80 percent of the cost of a 102-bed project, or $1,000,000, in a 25-year loan at 9.5 percent interest. Although no testimony regarding the current status of mortgage money was presented, it is recognized that interest rates are at historically high levels and that FMCC is more likely to get financing on the terms it proposed than is AHC on the terms the latter proposed. HSI proposed costs and charges result in average costs of $30.16 per patient per day. FMCC proposed costs and charges result in average costs of $30.96 per patient per day. AHC proposed costs and charges result in average costs of $34.40 per patient per day. No significant difference exists in the services proposed by each of the applicants. Savings from combined purchasing can result when numerous facilities are operated. Both AHC and FMCC are in a better position in this regard than is HSI. Additional savings in group food purchasing can result when facilities are within 200 miles of each other. The facilities FMCC's parent corporation is opening in Sebring and Port Charlotte are close enough to Fort Myers to allow group food purchasing for these facilities. AHC's construction costs are approximately 50 percent higher per bed than are the costs submitted by FMCC and HSI. This factor must result in higher charges to amortize these higher construction costs.