The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner properly issued a Stop-Work Order and 3rd Amended Order of Penalty Assessment against Respondent for failing to obtain workers' compensation insurance that meets the requirements of chapter 440, Florida Statutes.
Findings Of Fact The Division is a component of the Department of Financial Services. It is responsible for enforcing the workers' compensation coverage requirements pursuant to section 440.107. At all times relevant to this proceeding, USA was a corporation registered to do business in Florida. Respondent is a company engaged in the construction industry and was active during the two-year audit period from August 27, 2013, through August 26, 2015. On August 26, 2015, Julio Cabrera ("investigator" or Cabrera"), compliance investigator for the Division, conducted a random construction compliance check at the residential job site, 741 Harbor Drive in Key Biscayne ("residential home"). Cabrera observed two men on Respondent's scaffold plastering the exterior wall of the residential home. Cabrera interviewed the two men working on the scaffold. The workers told the investigator that they were employed by Respondent. They also identified Garcia as the Respondent's owner and provided Garcia's contact information to Cabrera. After interviewing the two workers, Cabrera checked the Department's Coverage and Compliance Automated System for proof of workers' compensation coverage and for exemptions associated with USA. Cabrera's search revealed Garcia had an active exemption, but Respondent did not have a workers' compensation insurance policy or an employee leasing policy for its employees. Cabrera also confirmed that Respondent did not have any type of workers' compensation coverage for its employees by examining the National Council on Compensation Insurance database. Next, Cabrera placed a telephone call to Garcia and interviewed him. Garcia informed Cabrera that the two workers were USA's employees and that Respondent did not have workers' compensation insurance coverage for the workers.1/ After interviewing Garcia, the investigator returned to the two USA employees and requested their identification. Silvano Antonio Delgado Reyes provided his identification and the other USA male employee fled from the job site. That same day Cabrera issued Respondent a Stop-Work Order on behalf of the Division for Respondent's failure to secure the required workers' compensation insurance coverage. Petitioner also served Respondent a Request of Business Records for Penalty Assessment Calculation ("Request") asking for documentation to enable the Division to determine payroll for the audit period of August 27, 2013, through August 26, 2015. USA responded to the Request for records and provided the Division with verification of its business records on several different occasions. Ultimately, Respondent provided bank statements and corresponding check images for most of the two- year audit period. Christopher Richardson ("auditor" or "Richardson"), penalty auditor for the Division, was assigned to USA's investigation. Richardson reviewed the business records produced by Respondent and determined those persons employed by USA during the audit period without workers' compensation insurance. Richardson properly recalculated the penalty amount each time new records were provided by Respondent. USA did not provide sufficient records to determine payroll for February 1, 2014, through December 31, 2014, and August 1, 2015, through 25, 2015, and Richardson properly utilized the computation formula to determine the payroll for the aforementioned audit period without adequate records. Richardson concluded his audit by properly calculating the workers' compensation amount USA owed in workers' compensation insurance for the audit period using the Class Code 5022 for masonry work. Richardson applied the approved manual rates and methodology specified in section 440.107(7)(d) and concluded USA owed a penalty amount of $52,489.24. On March 28, 2016, the Division served Respondent the 3rd Amended Order of Penalty Assessment in the amount of $52,489.24 naming those persons employed by USA during the audit period. On June 30, 2015, Respondent challenged the Stop-Work Order and penalty assessment and requested a formal hearing.
Recommendation Based on the forgoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers' Compensation, issue a final order affirming the Stop-Work Order and 3rd Amended Order of Penalty Assessment in the amount of $52,489.24. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of July, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JUNE C. MCKINNEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of July, 2016.
Findings Of Fact The findings of fact in the recommended order are supported by competent, substantial evidence. They are adopted with modification together with the following supplemental findings of fact and as such both constitute the complete set of findings of fact for purposes of this final order. Albury also engages in the private practice of law as a member of a law firm. He devotes a majority of his working hours in that practice and is prohibited from representing other school boards because of his work relationship with the Monroe County School Board (the School Board). Until 1980 or 1981, Albury utilized his private law office and his private secretary to perform his duties as school board attorney. There is no evidence that this was for the convenience of the School Board, and it was a known fact that he performed his work from his private law office. The new school board office was renovated in 1980 or 1981, but no office was set up for Albury until late 1983. At that time, one room was made available to both the school board members and to Albury as school board attorney who jointly shared the one room. Prior to late 1983, that room was used by a school board employee who retired in mid-1983. Albury spends very little time in this office since a majority of his duties are performed elsewhere. Until relatively recently, Albury's private secretary did most of his secretarial work in connection with his school board representation. She was a long time employee and very familiar with his working habits, etc. When he left his employment, his new secretary who was less familiar with his habits and school board matters did less work in this area. Consequently, Albury used any one of three school board secretaries for assistance. He does not supervise any of the three secretaries and must request permission from their supervisors before having them perform work for him.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Division enter a final order declaring Hilary U. Albury eligible for membership in the Florida Retirement System both before and after July 1, 1979. RECOMMENDED this 22nd day of May, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of May, 1984.
The Issue The issue is whether Respondent is liable for a penalty of $265,604.81 based on payroll records for the period from October 28, 2008, through October 27, 2008, pursuant to Subsection 440.107(7), Florida Statutes (2008).1
Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency responsible for enforcing the statutory requirement that employers secure the payment of workers’ compensation insurance for the benefit of their employees in accordance with Section 440.107. Respondent is a Florida corporation engaged in the construction business. On October 27, 2008, a compensation compliance investigator and other investigators for Petitioner conducted a targeted investigation of Respondent’s business based on reports from a confidential informant that Respondent was not in compliance with Chapter 440 and the Insurance Code. The compliance investigator met two relatives of the sole shareholder of the company, who identified themselves as employees. The compliance investigator also identified construction work being conducted by two workers, who, it is undisputed, were not in compliance with Chapter 440. The disputed issues of fact are comprised of two issues. The first issue is whether payments to relatives of the sole shareholder are compensation or loans. The second issue is whether cash payments to the sole shareholder are compensation or business expenses. None of the loans to family members were repaid to the employer at the time of the hearing. Loans that have not been repaid to the employer are defined as payroll by Florida Administrative Code Rule 69L-6.035, and Respondent owes that portion of the penalty assessment allocable to the first issue. Respondent provided ample evidence to demonstrate that the disputed transactions were loans rather than compensation for employment. One relative is disabled and unable to work at the level for which he is allegedly compensated. He will repay the loans out of the sale proceeds of his home upon his death. Other family members have less tragic but similarly sad stories. However, deviation from Florida Administrative Code Rule 69L- 6.035 would merely invite remand pursuant to Section 120.69. The remaining issue is whether cash payments by Respondent to its sole shareholder are properly characterized as compensation or business expenses. Florida Administrative Code Rule 69L-6.035(1)(f) defines payroll to include expense reimbursements to the extent the business records do not confirm the expense was incurred as a valid business expense. For the reasons stated hereinafter, it is less than clear and convincing that the disputed cash payments are payroll within the meaning of Florida Administrative Code Rule 69L-6.035(1)(f). The sole shareholder explained under oath at the hearing that the cash payments at issue were for business expenses, including the payment of construction materials. He does not give workers charge cards to buy construction materials. He gives them cash. They do not always bring him receipts. The witness submitted detailed tabulations of approximately $77,002.46 in such expenses during the audit period, and the trier of fact found the testimony and supporting documentation to be credible and persuasive. The sole shareholder also testified that he incurred cash office expenses during the audit period of approximately $22,500.00 and submitted documentation to support that testimony. He also purchased three trucks for the business and made cash down payments on each truck with documentation to support the cash payments. The trier of fact finds that testimony and supporting documentation to be credible and persuasive. Based on the evidence through the date of the hearing, it is less than clear and convincing that the disputed cash payments to the sole shareholder were not incurred as valid business expenses within the meaning of Florida Administrative Code Rule 69L-6.035(f). The testimony of the sole shareholder and the supporting documentary evidence also shows that the disputed amounts were not cash payments to the sole shareholder in his capacity as an employee within the meaning of Florida Administrative Code Rule 69L-6.035(1)(b).
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a final order imposing a fine consistent with the amount attributable to unpaid loans. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of November, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL MANRY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of November, 2009.
The Issue The issue is whether the Stop-Work Order and the Third Amended Order of Penalty Assessment entered by Petitioner on July 25, 2013, and August 13, 2013, respectively, should be upheld.
Findings Of Fact The Department is the state agency tasked with the responsibility of enforcing the requirement of section 440.107(3), Florida Statutes, that employers in Florida secure the payment of workers' compensation for their employees. Respondent, Mad Dog Marketing Group, Inc., is a corporation organized under chapter 607, Florida Statutes, and was registered with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations, throughout the period of July 26, 2010, to July 25, 2013. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent was engaged in the operation of a hardware store business with three locations in Florida. On July 25, 2013, based upon an anonymous referral, Tracey Gilbert, the Department's compliance investigator, commenced a workers' compensation compliance investigation of Respondent by visiting the job site, an appliance parts store at 730 West Brandon Boulevard, Brandon, Florida, and interviewing Sharon Belcher. According to Ms. Gilbert, Ms. Belcher informed her that she had 11 employees at the time of the site visit and that she did not have workers' compensation coverage for them. Ms. Belcher showed Ms. Gilbert an application for workers' compensation insurance and said she had not taken action with it since the company wanted a $10,000 premium. She also showed Ms. Gilbert some OSHA and workplace posters, but not the typical "broken arm poster" that describes workers' compensation coverage for a place of business. Ms. Belcher then gave Ms. Gilbert a list of Respondent's 11 current employees. On her laptop computer, Ms. Gilbert consulted the Department's Coverage and Compliance Automated System (CCAS) database to determine whether Respondent had secured workers' compensation coverage or an exemption from the requirements for coverage for its employees. CCAS is the database Ms. Gilbert routinely consults during the course of her investigations. She determined from CCAS that Respondent neither had workers' compensation coverage for her employees nor had received an exemption from such coverage from the Department. Ms. Belcher's recollection of her meeting with Ms. Gilbert differs from Ms. Gilbert's. Ms. Belcher recalled that she had applied for insurance with ADP on July 11, 2013, received the "broken arm poster," and believed she was covered at the time Ms. Belcher conducted her investigation. She offered an exhibit showing photographs of posters (but not the "broken arm poster") on the office bulletin board. She also offered an exhibit she testified was the UPS label from the tube containing the "broken arm poster." No photograph of the "broken arm poster" was produced as an exhibit. Ms. Gilbert did not contact ADP to verify whether Respondent had coverage on the date of her site visit to the Brandon store. Ms. Gilbert issued a Stop-Work Order to Respondent and a concurrent Request for Production of Business Records for Penalty Assessment Calculation at 11:20 a.m. on July 25, 2013. Ms. Belcher first submitted an application for workers' compensation coverage on July 11, 2013, but coverage was not bound on that date. Ms. Belcher submitted the paperwork to bind her insurance coverage on the afternoon of July 25, 2013, according to Mark Cristillo, an employee of ADP Insurance. Mr. Cristillo testified that he had made several attempts during the month of July 2013 to obtain the signed documents from Ms. Belcher, including an attempt as late as July 23, 2013, at 11:45 a.m. Ms. Belcher told Mr. Cristillo at that time that she had not reviewed the quote package. At 11:20 a.m., the time Ms. Gilbert's issued the Stop-Work Order on July 25, 2013, Ms. Belcher had not bound her insurance coverage. When she submitted the payment with the signed documents to ADP later that afternoon, the coverage was bound effective 12:01 a.m. on July 25, 2013. The records produced by Ms. Belcher were given to Chad Mason, one of the Department's penalty auditors, to calculate the penalty. He reviewed the records and determined the amount of gross payroll paid to Respondent's employees during the three- year penalty period preceding the investigation during which Respondent was not in compliance with the workers' compensation coverage requirements. Using Respondent's bi-weekly payroll chart, Respondent's Florida Department of Revenue UCT-6 reports, and the classification codes for each employee, Mr. Mason calculated a Third Amended Order of Penalty Assessment of $42,251.43, based upon what Respondent would have paid in workers' compensation premiums had it been in compliance with Florida's Workers' Compensation Law. The order was issued on October 24, 2013. Mr. Mason determined that the appropriate codes for Respondent's employees were 8010 and 8810, which are hardware store employees and general clerical employees, respectively. These codes were derived from the Scopes Manual, which lists all of the various jobs that may be performed in the context of workers' compensation. The manual is produced by NCCI, the National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc., the nation's most authoritative data collecting and disseminating organization for workers' compensation. The parties stipulated prior to hearing that all of the individuals listed on the penalty worksheet of the Amended Order of Penalty Assessment were "employees" in the state of Florida of Respondent during the periods of non-compliance listed on the penalty worksheets. However, Respondent claimed that some of the employees were out-of-state and not subject to Florida law. Ms. Belcher testified that, as of July 25, 2013, three of its employees, Fred Hasselman, Douglas Strickland, and Josh Hyers, were employees of the Tennessee store and not subject to a Florida penalty. Mr. Hyers was a Florida employee prior to July 1, according to Ms. Belcher. However, all three of the employees were listed on the Florida Department of Revenue's UCT-6 form for the time period of the non-compliance. The UCT-6 form lists those employees who are subject to Florida's Unemployment Compensation Law. Mr. Mason reasonably relied upon the UCT-6 filings for the relevant time period to calculate Respondent's gross payroll in Florida. No evidence was produced to show them listed as Tennessee employees on that state's comparable tax form or any official document from outside Florida. The logical assumption is that they are Florida employees under the law. Accepting all the employees disclosed by Respondent as Florida employees led Mr. Mason to make his calculations of the penalty assessment using the appropriate codes from the Scopes Manual for hardware store and general clerical workers, 8010 and 8810. All the named employees on the Third Amended Order of Penalty Assessment were paid by Respondent in the amounts indicated on the penalty worksheet that accompanies that assessment during the penalty period of July 26, 2010, through July 25, 2013. Even though small discrepancies came up at the hearing regarding the classifications of some of Respondent's employees, the parties had stipulated to the accuracy of the classifications of those employees so those numbers will be accepted for purposes of this decision. Based upon the testimony at the hearing and the pre-hearing stipulations of the parties, the penalty assessment in the amount of $42,251.43 is accurate. Mr. Mason correctly applied the methodology for determining the amount of coverage required, determining that the appropriate premium for the three- year period would have been $28,167.50. When multiplied by the factor used to calculate the penalty, 1.5 times the premium, the total amount due is $42,251.43. The Department has proven by clear and convincing evidence that at the time the Stop-Work Order was issued and served on Respondent on the morning of July 25, 2013, Respondent had not secured workers' compensation coverage for its employees as required by chapter 440. On two occasions, August 2 and August 21, 2013, Ms. Gilbert returned to Respondent's Brandon location after the Stop-Work Order had been issued. The first was to serve the Amended Order of Penalty Assessment and the second was to serve the Second Amended Order of Penalty Assessment. On both occasions, the business was open in violation of the Stop-Work Order. A business under a Stop-Work Order may elect to enter into a payment plan after a ten percent down payment to keep the business open while a challenge to DOAH is under way. Respondent had not entered into such a plan. Therefore, the Department seeks $1,000 penalty for each of the days Ms. Gilbert visited the Brandon store and saw it open for business. This total additional penalty of $2,000 could have been greater had the Department further investigated whether the business remained open on other days after the Stop-Work Order had been imposed.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department issue a final order upholding the Stop-Work Order and Third Amended Order of Penalty Assessment, and assess a penalty in the amount of $42,251.43. It is further RECOMMENDED that the Department fine Respondent an additional $1,000 per day for the two days Respondent did not comply with the Stop-Work Order, resulting in a total penalty of $44,251.43. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of December, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of December, 2013. COPIES FURNISHED: Trevor S. Suter, Esquire Department of Financial Services 200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Kristian Eiler Dunn, Esquire Dickens and Dunn, P.L. 517 East College Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Julie Jones, CP, FRP, Agency Clerk Division of Legal Services Department of Financial Services 200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0390
The Issue The issue in the case is whether supplemental payments made to the Petitioner by Brevard Community College constitute creditable compensation for purposes of determining retirement benefits under the Florida Retirement System.
Findings Of Fact From 1970 until his retirement in June 1998, Brevard Community College employed Stephen J. Megregian at an executive level. The State of Florida, Division of Retirement, manages and oversees operation of the Florida Retirement System (FRS) in which Brevard Community College (BCC) participates. In June 1990, the college adopted an Employee Benefit Plan for BCC Executive Employees. The provisions of the plan covered Mr. Megregian, an executive employee. In fact, Mr. Megregian drafted the plan, which was adopted by the college's Board of Trustees. The executive benefit plan included a severance pay benefit for plan participants. The severance benefit was calculated according to a formula using the employee's daily base pay as multiplied by the sum of "benefit days." Benefit days were earned according to employment longevity. A "severance day" calculation determined the amount of severance pay a departing employee would receive. Apparently, at some point in 1994, participants in the FRS learned that the Division of Retirement would exclude some types of compensation, including severance pay, from the "creditable compensation" used to determine retirement benefits. In June 1995, the college amended the plan to provide a severance pay "opt-out" provision to plan participants. The provision entitled plan participants who were within five years of eligibility for FRS retirement benefits to "opt-out" of the severance package and instead immediately begin to receive supplemental payments. Mr. Megregian drafted the "opt-out" provision, which was adopted by the college board. The decision to "opt-out" was irrevocable. A plan participant could not change his or her mind and take the severance package once the "opt-out" decision was made. The supplemental payments were calculated based upon the "severance days" that the employee would have otherwise earned during the year. The payments were made along with the employee's salary payment. The "opt-out" plan did not require a participant to retire after the fifth year of receiving the supplemental payment. The Petitioner asserts that the creation of the "opt- out" provision was in accordance with information provided by the Division of Retirement. There is no evidence that the Division of Retirement provided any information suggesting that the "opt-out" provision would result in an increase in creditable compensation for purposes of determining FRS benefits, or that the "opt-out" provision was an acceptable method of avoiding the severance pay exclusion. There is no evidence that, prior to March of 1998, the college specifically sought any direction or advice from the Division of Retirement as to the supplemental payments made to employees under the "opt-out" provision. The evidence as to why the college did not simply increase base salaries for employees to whom supplemental payments were being made is unclear. There was testimony that the plan was designed to avoid unidentified tax consequences. There was also testimony that the supplemental plan was designed to avoid increasing some employees base salaries beyond the percentage increases awarded to other employees. There was apparently some concern as to the impact the supplemental payments would have on other college employees who were not receiving the additional funds. There is no evidence that the Petitioner performed any additional duties on the college's behalf in exchange for the supplemental payments. The Petitioner was eligible to participate in the "opt- out" plan beginning in the college's 1995-1996 fiscal year, and he elected to do so. As a result of his election, supplemental payments were made in amounts as follows: Fiscal Year 1995-1996, $7,938.46. Fiscal Year 1996-1997, $8,147.13. Fiscal Year 1997-1998, $8,395.40. On March 21, 1998, Brevard Community College requested clarification from the Division of Retirement as to how the supplemental payments would affect a plan participant's benefit. On April 30, 1998, the Division of Retirement notified the college that the supplemental payments would not be included within the calculation of creditable compensation. The Petitioner retired from his employment at Brevard Community College on June 30, 1998. The Petitioner is presently entitled to retirement benefits under the FRS. The Division calculates FRS retirement benefits based on "creditable compensation" paid to an employee during the five years in which an employee's compensation is highest. Some or all of the three years during which the Petitioner received supplemental payments are included in the calculation of his creditable compensation. The evidence fails to establish that the supplemental payments made to the Petitioner should be included within the creditable compensation upon which FRS benefits are calculated. Under the statutes and rules governing FRS benefit determinations, the supplemental payments made to the Petitioner are "bonuses" and are excluded from the "creditable compensation" calculation.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the State of Florida, Division of Retirement, enter a final order finding that supplemental payments made to Stephen J. Megregian are bonus payments and are excluded from calculation of creditable compensation for FRS benefit purposes. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of December, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of December, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: David A. Pearson, Esquire Dean, Mead, Egerton, Bloodworth, Capouano & Bozarth, P.A. Post Office Box 2346 Orlando, Florida 32802-2346 Robert B. Button, Esquire Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center Building C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560 A. J. McMullian, III, Director Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center Building C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560 Paul A. Rowell, General Counsel Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950
The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether Respondent failed to abide by the coverage requirements of the Workers' Compensation Law, Chapter 440, Florida Statutes (2002), by not obtaining workers' compensation insurance for her employees; and whether Petitioner properly assessed a penalty against Respondent pursuant to Section 440.107, Florida Statutes (2002).
Findings Of Fact Based upon observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying; documentary materials received in evidence; stipulations by the parties; evidentiary rulings made pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes (2003); and the record evidence submitted, the following relevant and material finding of facts are made: The Department is the state agency responsible for enforcing the requirement of the Workers' Compensation Law that employers secure the payment of workers' compensation for their employees. § 440.107, Fla. Stat. (2002).1 On August 8, 2003, Respondent was a sole proprietor in the construction industry by framing single-family homes. On that day, Respondent was the sub-contractor under contract with Marco Raffaele, general contractor, providing workers on a single-family home(s) located on Navigation Drive in the Panther Trace subdivision, Riverview, Florida. It is the responsibility of the Respondent/employer to secure and maintain workers' compensation coverage for each employee. During the early morning hours of August 8, 2003, Donald Lott, the Department's workers' compensation compliance investigator, was in the Panther Trace subdivision checking on site workers for potential violations of the workers' compensation statute. While driving down Navigation Drive in the Panther Trace subdivision, Mr. Lott approached two houses under construction. There he checked the construction workers on site and found them in compliance with the workers' compensation statute. Mr. Lott recognized several of the six men working on the third house under construction next door and went over to investigate workers' compensation coverage for the workers.2 At the third house Mr. Lott interviewed Darren McCarty, Henry Keithler, and Mike Sabin, all of whom acknowledged that they worked for Respondent, d/b/a Riopelle Construction. Mr. Lott ascertained through Southeast Leasing Company (Southeast Leasing) that three of the six workers, Messrs. Keithler, Sabin, and McCarthy were listed on Southeast Leasing Company's payroll through a valid employee lease agreement with Respondent as of August 8, 2003. The completed employee lease agreement provided for Southeast Leasing Company to provide workers' compensation coverage for only those employees whose names, dates of birth, and social security numbers are contained in the contractual agreement by which Southeast Leasing leased those named employees to the employing entity, Respondent, d/b/a Riopelle Construction. Mr. Lott talked with the other three workers on site, Ramos Artistes, Ryan Willis, and Robert Stinchcomb. Each worker acknowledged working for (as an employee) Respondent on August 8, 2003, in the Panther Trace subdivision. In reply to his faxed inquiry to Southeast Leasing regarding the workers' compensation coverage status for Messrs. Artistes, Willis, and Stinchcomb, Southeast Leasing confirmed to Mr. Lott that on August 8, 2003, Southeast Leasing did not have a completed employee leasing contractual agreement with Respondent for Messrs. Artistes, Willis or Stinchcomb. Southeast Leasing did not provide workers' compensation coverage for Messrs. Artistes, Willis or Stinchcomb on August 8, 2003.3 Southeast Leasing is an "employee" leasing company and is the "employer" of "leased employees." As such, Southeast Leasing is responsible for providing workers' compensation coverage for its "leased employees" only. Southeast Leasing, through its account representative, Dianne Dunphy, input employment applications into their system on the day such application(s) are received from employers seeking to lease employees. Southeast Leasing did not have employment applications in their system nor did they have a completed contractual employment leasing agreement and, therefore, did not have workers' compensation coverage for Messrs. Artistes and Willis at or before 12:08 p.m. on August 8, 2003. After obtaining his supervisor's authorization, Mr. Lott served a Stop Work and Penalty Assessment Order against Respondent on August 8, 2003, at 12:08 p.m., requiring the cessation of all business activities and assessing a penalty of $100, required by Subsection 440.107(5), Florida Statutes, and a penalty of $1,000, as required by Subsection 440.107(7), Florida Statutes, the minimum penalty under the statute. On August 12, 2003, the Department served a Corrected Stop Work and Penalty Assessment Order containing one change, corrected federal identification number for Respondent's business, Riopelle Construction. Mr. Stinchcomb, the third worker on the construction job site when Mr. Lott made his initial inquiry, was cutting wood. On August 8, 2003, at or before 12:00 p.m., Mr. Stinchcomb was not on the Southeast Leasing payroll as a leased employee covered for workers' compensation; he did not have individual workers' compensation coverage; and he did not have a workers' compensation exemption. On that day and at that time, Mr. Stinchcomb worked as an employee of Riopelle Construction and was paid hourly by Riopelle Construction payroll check(s). Respondent's contention that Mr. Stinchcomb, when he was working on the construction job site between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on August 8, 2003, was an independent contractor fails for the lack of substantial and competent evidence in support thereof. On August 8, 2003, the Department, through Mr. Lott, served an administrative request for business records on Respondent. Respondent failed and refused to respond to the business record request. An Order requiring Respondent to respond to Petitioner's discovery demands was entered on December 1, 2003, and Respondent failed to comply with the order. On December 8, 2003, Respondent responded that "every effort would be made to provide the requested documents by the end of the day" to Petitioner. Respondent provided no reliable evidence and Mr. Stinchcomb was not called to testify in support of Respondent's contention that Mr. Stinchcomb was an independent contractor as he worked on the site on August 8, 2003. Respondent's evidence, both testamentary and documentary, offered to prove that Mr. Stinchcomb was an independent contractor on the date in question failed to satisfy the elements required in Subsection 440.02(15)(d)1, Florida Statutes. Subsection 440.02(15)(c), Florida Statutes, in pertinent part provides that: "[f]or purposes of this chapter, an independent contractor is an employee unless he or she meets all of the conditions set forth in subparagraph(d)(1)." Subsection 440.02(15)(d)(1) provides that an "employee" does not include an independent contractor if: The independent contractor maintains a separate business with his or her own work facility, truck, equipment, materials, or similar accommodations; The independent contractor holds or has applied for a federal employer identification number, unless the independent contractor is a sole proprietor who is not required to obtain a federal employer identification number under state or federal requirements; The independent contractor performs or agrees to perform specific services or work for specific amounts of money and controls the means of performing the services or work; The independent contractor incurs the principal expenses related to the service or work that he or she performs or agrees to perform; The independent contractor is responsible for the satisfactory completion of work or services that he or she performs or agrees to perform and is or could be held liable for a failure to complete the work or services; The independent contractor receives compensation for work or services performed for a commission or on a per-job or competitive-bid basis and not on any other basis; The independent contractor may realize a profit or suffer a loss in connection with performing work or services; The independent contractor has continuing or recurring business liabilities or obligations; and The success or failure of the independent contractor's business depends on the relationship of business receipts to expenditures. The testimony of Respondent and the testimony of her husband, Edward Riopelle, was riddled with inconsistencies, contradictions, and incorrect dates and was so confusing as to render such testimony unreliable. Based upon this finding, Respondent failed to present evidence sufficient to satisfy the requirement of Subsection 440.02(15)(d)1, Florida Statutes, and failed to demonstrate that on August 8, 2003, Mr. Stinchcomb was an independent contractor. Petitioner proved by a preponderance of the evidence that on August 8, 2003, Mr. Stinchcomb, while working on the single-family construction site on Navigation Drive in the Panther Trace subdivision was an employee of Respondent and was not an independent contractor. Petitioner proved by a preponderance of the evidence that Mr. Stinchcomb did not have workers' compensation coverage on August 8, 2003. On August 8, 2003, Mr. Willis was a laborer on the single-family construction site on Navigation Drive in the Panther Trace subdivision as an employee of Respondent, who paid him $7.00 per hour. Mr. Willis was not listed on the employee list maintained by Southeast Leasing, recording those employees leased to Respondent. Mr. Willis did not have independent workers' compensation coverage on August 8, 2003. Mr. Willis had neither workers' compensation coverage nor a workers' compensation exemption on August 8, 2003. Petitioner proved by a preponderance of the evidence that Mr. Willis did not have workers' compensation coverage on August 8, 2003. On August 8, 2003, Mr. Artises was a laborer on the single-family construction site on Navigation Drive in the Panther Trace subdivision and was an employee of Respondent. Mr. Artises had been in the employment of Respondent for approximately one week before the stop work order. Mr. Artises did not have independent workers' compensation coverage on August 8, 2003. Mr. Artises did not have a workers' compensation coverage exemption on August 8, 2003. Petitioner proved by a preponderance of the evidence that Mr. Aristes did not have workers' compensation coverage on August 8, 2003.
Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleading and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers' Compensation, affirming and adopting the Corrected Stop Work and Penalty Assessment Order dated August 12, 2003. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of March, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S FRED L. BUCKINE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of March, 2004.
The Issue The dispute in this case arises out of Respondent's attempt to collect alleged salary overpayments from Petitioner, a former state employee who allegedly continued to be paid wages after resigning her position with Respondent.
Findings Of Fact Having determined, for the reasons set forth below, that the Department lacks subject matter jurisdiction to adjudicate the instant claim for "money had and received" against its former employee, the undersigned declines to make findings of fact, as such would be a nullity.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department enter a final order dismissing this administrative proceeding for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of November, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of November, 2005.
The Issue The amount of attorneys' fees and costs to be awarded to Jerry Ann Winters (Petitioner) based on the Order of the Second District Court of Appeals dated November 8, 2002, and pursuant to Subsection 120.595(5), Florida Statutes (2003).
Findings Of Fact The Petitioner retained attorneys Mark F. Kelly and Robert F. McKee to represent her in an administrative proceeding challenging the proposed termination of her employment by USF and in the appeals that followed the issuance of the Final Orders by USF. Petitioner's Exhibit 1 is an invoice dated December 18, 2002, submitted to the Petitioner by her legal counsel. The invoice contains charges billed to the Petitioner for the period between January 17, 2001, and November 22, 2002. The invoice indicates a total of 339.75 hours expended on her behalf. The invoice contains duplicated entries for November 14, 2002. Discounting the duplication reduces the total hours expended to 339.50. The practice of the Petitioner's counsel is to bill in quarter-hour increments and to round up. According to the invoice, the Petitioner was billed at a rate of $275 per hour. Mark F. Kelly graduated from Vanderbilt Law School in 1976. Since then he has practiced labor and employment law in Florida before state and federal agencies and has a substantial appellate practice. He was previously awarded fees in the range of $250 approximately four years ago. Robert F. McKee graduated from Stetson University College of Law in 1979. He received a Master of Laws degree in Labor and Employment Law from Georgetown University Law Center in 1981. Since then he has practiced labor and employment law in Tampa, Florida. He was previously awarded fees in the range of $250 approximately four years ago. At the hearing, the Petitioner presented the testimony of Steven Greg Wenzel. Mr. Wenzel has practiced law in Florida for more than 30 years and is board-certified in Labor and Employment Law. He has extensive trial experience. He has previously provided expert testimony related to the reasonableness of attorneys' fees in approximately 12 cases. Mr. Wenzel is familiar with the fees charged by attorneys representing employees in employment-related cases in central Florida. Mr. Wenzel's testimony related to the experience, reputation, and ability of Petitioner's attorneys. It also indicated that they have substantial experience in the area of labor and employment law and are well-regarded by their peers. No credible evidence to the contrary was presented during the hearing. Mr. Wenzel's testimony adequately addressed the applicable factors set forth in Rule 4-1.5(b)1 of the Florida Bar's Rules of Professional Conduct to be considered in determining the reasonableness of fees. Mr. Wenzel opined that based on their knowledge and experience, the type and complexity of the case, and the aggressive nature of the litigation; a reasonable hourly rate was $290 ranging to $310. Mr. Wenzel's testimony in this regard is credited. The invoiced rate of $275 per hour is reasonable. Mr. Wenzel also opined that the quarter-hour billing practice was reasonable and, in fact, conservative related to other practices with which he was aware. Mr. Wenzel's testimony in this regard is credited. At the same time that the Petitioner was challenging the proposed employment termination, a civil case involving the Petitioner, a number of the basketball players, and USF was proceeding. In that case, different legal counsel represented the Petitioner. Review of Petitioner's Exhibit 1 indicates that the invoice includes charges related to persons and activities involved in the civil case. Neither Mr. Kelly nor Mr. McKee had any official involvement in the civil case. Mr. Kelly participated apparently unofficially in mediation efforts to resolve the pending disputes. The invoice contains daily total charges for billed activity. On some days, activity was recorded for both the administrative case and the civil case. Charges related to the civil case are not reimbursable in this proceeding. Because the invoice precludes an accurate separation of time spent on the administrative case from the civil case, all billings for dates upon which charges were incurred related to the civil case have been excluded from consideration in this Order. The charges related to conversations with John Goldsmith, who represented the Petitioner in the civil case, are excluded. These charges occurred on March 14, 2001; April 2, 2001; April 6, 2001; September 21, 2001; October 19, 2001; and May 13, 2002, and total 8.25 hours. The charges related to conversations with Jonathon Alpert, who represented the basketball players in the civil case, are excluded. The charges occurred on April 10, 2001, and April 11, 2001, and total 6.75 hours. The charge related to a conversation with Tom Gonzalez, who represented USF in the civil case, is excluded. This charge occurred on April 23, 2002, for .50 hours. The charges related to conversations with Mary Lau, who was a mediator assigned to the civil case, are excluded. These charges occurred on April 24, 2002, and May 8, 2002, and totaled 1.25 hours. The invoice includes a charge for May 15, 2002, related to a telephone conference with "Judge Scriven" regarding settlement. Judge Scriven is otherwise unidentified. The charge, for .25 hours, is excluded. The invoice includes a charge for Mr. McKee's attendance at mediation on May 16, 2002, related to the civil case, for 2.5 hours. This charge is excluded. The sum of the excluded time set forth above is 19.50 hours. Deduction of the 19.50 hours from the properly invoiced total of 339.50 results in a total of 320 hours. Based on Mr. Wenzel's testimony that the invoiced hours were reasonable given the nature and complexity of this case, it is found that the reduced level of 320 hours set forth in the invoice and directly applicable to the administrative case is a reasonable expenditure of time. The invoice also sets forth costs that were billed to the Petitioner. The invoice includes numerous routine office expenses (postage, copying, telephone, and facsimile costs) that are not properly recoverable costs in this proceeding. Other billed costs are set forth without sufficient information to determine the relationship of the cost to the administrative proceeding. A filing fee with the District Court of Appeal was billed on January 15, 2001, preceding the administrative hearing in this case. Further the billed charges include witness fees for several witnesses, only one of which testified in the administrative hearing. The invoice also includes service fees for subpoenas that appear to have been charged subsequent to the completion of the administrative hearing. Based on review of the invoice, properly recoverable costs of $307 are found. This sum includes the following items: witness fee and mileage for Paul Griffin ($7) dated April 5, 2001; service fee for subpoena for Paul Griffin ($50) dated April 11, 2001; and filing fee-clerk, District Court of Appeal ($250) dated October 5, 2001. Petitioner's Exhibit 2 is a "Retainer and Fee Agreement" executed by the Petitioner and her counsel which provides as follows: Partial contingency fee. Client will pay for services rendered at the reduced rate of $110 per hour. To compensate attorney for this reduced rate and the risk involved in undertaking a case on these terms, in addition to the $110 hourly rate, attorney will be entitled to 25% of any settlement money or judgment. In the event attorney's fees are awarded to the client by any court or tribunal and collected, attorney will be entitled to such fee (less any amount paid by client, which will be reimbursed pro rata) or the partial contingency fee, whichever is greater. Attorney requires a retainer deposit from client in the amount of $2,500, to be replenished from time-to-time as required to cover outstanding fees and costs. The Retainer and Fee Agreement is dated December 2, 2002, and the Order of the District Court of Appeal for the Second District, which granted the Petitioner's Motion for fees and costs, is dated November 8, 2002. It is unclear whether a written agreement between the Petitioner and legal counsel existed prior to the December 2, 2002, agreement.
The Issue Whether City of Belleair Beach Treasurer Robert K. Hebden was an independent contractor or an employee of the city.
Findings Of Fact The Petitioner City of Belleair Beach (City) is a participating local agency of the Florida Retirement System (FRS) and is subject to the laws applicable to the FRS. The City began participating in the FRS through the adoption of City Ordinance 99 in 1973. The Respondent Division of Retirement (Division) is the state agency charged by statute with the administration of the FRS. On a date unspecified, the Division's Management Review Section audited the City as required by statute. Based on the audit, the Division concluded that Mr. Hebden was not an independent contractor, but was a part time employee of the City. The Division communicated this information to the City by letter of May 27, 1992. The Division's Enrollment Section, responsible for enrolling employees in the FRS, conducted an analysis of the materials obtained by the Management Review Section, and concurred in the initial employment status determination. By letter of October 11, 1993, the Director of the State Division of Retirement notified the City that the Division had determined Mr. Hebden to be have been an employee in a regularly established position for purposes of the FRS from July 1979 through February 1991, and that FRS contributions were due for that period. On October 15, 1993, Mr. Hebden signed an FRS application for service retirement. The application was filed with the FRS. Mr. Hebden completed the application on the suggestion of the Enrollment Section Administrator. Mr. Hebden considers himself to have worked for the City as an independent contractor and would not have filed an FRS application without the request by the enrollment administrator. In concluding that Mr. Hebden was an employee, the Division reviewed all materials furnished by the City. Such materials included copies of contracts, billing statements and IRS forms. At all times, the Division has been amenable to reviewing any additional documents submitted by the City. Beginning in 1972, and continuing to February of 1991, Robert K. Hebden provided various services to the City. Beginning in July 1979, Mr. Hebden served as the City Treasurer. The position of Belleair Beach City Treasurer is established by city ordinance. The position description for the City Treasurer sets forth duties as follows: The treasurer works on a daily basis primarily under the mayor's supervision but is ultimately accountable to the city council. Compiles operating and capital expense estimates for annual budget. Forecasts problem areas of income and expense and proposes possible solutions. Maintains general accounting system and appropriate operating cash balances. Submits to council a monthly detailed statement of revenue and disbursements in contrast with annual budget. Prepares for submission to council a detailed financial statement as of the end of each fiscal year. Invests surplus General Government Funds in conjunction with the Mayor or Deputy Mayor and recommends investment of Sewer Trust Funds in conjunction with the approved Trustee. Provides for payment of bonds and interest and maintains files for cancelled coupons and bonds. Maintains capital assets inventory including acquisition and disposition. Between July 1, 1979 and February 12, 1991, Mr. Hebden was the Belleair Beach City Treasurer. He performed the duties of the position description and such additional duties as were assigned at the discretion of the Mayor and Council. In February 1983, Mr. Hebden and the City entered into a written contract regarding his service as Treasurer. The initial contract was retroactive to October 1, 1982. Prior to this point, Mr. Hebden acted as City Treasurer under an oral agreement with the City officials. The February 2, 1983 contract identifies Mr. Hebden as "the Contractor." The contract is for the one year period of October 1, 1982 to September 30, 1983 and provides as follows: The Contractor will be allowed twelve (12) days of paid sick leave and at times mutually agreeable fifteen (15) days of vacation without adjustment to the monthly fee. Absence in excess of this amount will be adjusted on a prorata basis. The work week will be 8:30 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. daily, Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays recognized by the City. In addition, attendance will be required at Council meetings, work sessions and committee meetings, as may be determined by the Mayor. Services will be reimbursed on a monthly basis at the rate of SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ($700.00) per month, plus an allowance of SEVENTY DOLLARS ($70.00) for expenses upon receipt of a statement. This agreement may be extended beyond the original term of One (1) year upon such terms and conditions as the parties shall mutually agree between them. Beginning with the subsequent agreement dated July 14, 1983, all contracts identify Mr. Hebden as "the City Treasurer" rather than "the Contractor." The July 14, 1983 contract provides as follows: That Robert K. Hebden shall serve the City of Belleair Beach as the City Treasurer, appointed by the City Council. The services of the City Treasurer shall be performed between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. daily, Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays recognized by the City. In addition, attendance will be required at Council meetings, work sessions and committee meetings, as may be determined by the Mayor. The duties of the City Treasurer shall include but not be limited to: -compilation of current and capital expense estimates for the annual budget -maintenance of a general accounting system -submission to the city council of a monthly detailed statement of revenue and disbursements in contrast with the annual budget -preparation for submission to council of a detailed financial statement as to the end of each fiscal year A RETAINER fee shall be paid by the City of Belleair Beach to the City Treasurer for the above service which shall be EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS AND NO/100 ($830.00) per month. THIS AGREEMENT shall be reviewed annually by the Personnel Committee of the City Council, the Mayor and the City Treasurer. THIS AGREEMENT shall expire on September 30 of each year unless renewed by Council prior to that time. THIS AGREEMENT shall be cancelled by either party upon a thirty (30) day notice of intent to do so. The September 10, 1984 contract for the one year period to September 30, 1985 is identical to the agreement of July 14, 1983 except that the retainer fee was increased to $900.00 monthly. The July 15, 1985 contract for the one year period to September 30, 1986 is similar to the agreement of September 10, 1984. The retainer fee was increased to $1100.00 monthly and paid leave was again included. The agreement provides as follows: ....In addition, the City Treasurer shall receive three work-weeks vacation annually (allowing for a base figure of 3 work-weeks for the current fiscal year) and twelve work-days sick leave annually (allowing for twelve work-days for the current fiscal year). THIS AGREEMENT shall be reviewed annually by the Personnel Committee of the City Council, the Mayor and the City Treasurer. THIS AGREEMENT shall commence October 1, 1985, and shall expire on September 30 of each year unless renewed by Council prior to that time. THIS AGREEMENT shall be cancelled by either party upon a thirty (30) day notice of intent to do so. The September 23, 1986 contract for the one year period to September 30, 1987 is substantially similar to the preceding contract, however, an amendment was made to the paid leave provisions. The agreement provides as follows: That Robert K. Hebden shall serve the City of Belleair Beach as the City Treasurer, appointed by the City Council. The services of the City Treasurer shall be performed between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. daily, Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays recognized by the City. In addition, attendance will be required at Council meetings, work sessions and committee meetings, as may be determined by the Council or Mayor. The duties of the City Treasurer shall include but not be limited to: compilation of current and capital expense estimates for the annual budget maintenance of a general accounting system submission to the city council of a monthly detailed statement of revenue and disbursements in contrast with the annual budget preparation for submission to council of a detailed financial statement as to the end of each fiscal year A RETAINER fee shall be paid by the City of Belleair Beach to the City Treasurer for the above service which shall be ELEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS AND NO/100 ($1100.00) per month. In addition, the City Treasurer shall receive three work-weeks vacation annually and twelve work-days sick leave annually. Annual leave, which will only be applied against working days, and shall be taken in not less than four (4) hour increments, may accrue to a maximum of fifteen (15) days. Annual leave in excess of fifteen (15) days will be forfeited on the following anniversary date after the year in which earned. The August 3, 1987 contract for the one year period of October 1, 1987 to September 30, 1988 is substantially similar to the preceding contract except that the work hours were amended to 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and monthly payment was increased to $1300.00. The September 12, 1988 contract for the one year period of October 1, 1988 to September 30, 1989 is substantially similar to the preceding contract except that monthly payment was increased to $1350.00. In 1989, some Council members questioned Mr. Hebden's performance and considered termination of his contract. The September 25, 1989 contract for the one year period of October 1, 1989 to September 30, 1990 is substantially similar to the preceding contract except that the agreement provides "for a six months performance evaluation." Apparently, the concerned Council members were satisfied with the review and the contract was again renewed. The September 10, 1990 contract reflected Mr. Hebden's intention to leave his position. The contract provides as follows: That Robert K. Hebden shall serve the City of Belleair Beach as the City Treasurer, appointed by the City Council. The services of the City Treasurer shall be performed between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. daily, Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays recognized by the City. In addition, attendance will be required at Council meetings, work sessions and committee meetings, as may be determined by the Council or Mayor. The duties of the City Treasurer shall include but not be limited to: compilation of current and capital expense estimates for the annual budget maintenance of a general accounting system submission to the city council of a monthly detailed statement of revenue and disbursements in contrast with the annual budget preparation for submission to council of a detailed financial statement as to the end of each fiscal year * A RETAINER fee shall be paid by the City of Belleair Beach to the City Treasurer for the above service which shall be [[THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS AND NO/100 ($1350.00)]] <<FOURTEEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS AND NO/100 ($1450.00)>> per month. In addition, the City Treasurer shall receive [[three work-weeks vacation annually and twelve]] <<three>> work-days sick leave [[annually. Annual leave, which will only be applied against working days, and shall be taken in not less than four (4) hour increments, may accrue to a maximum of fifteen (15) days. Annual leave in excess of fifteen (15) days will be forfeited on the following anniversary date after the year in which earned.]] <<Annual leave earned through September 30, 1990 and not taken will be paid on completion of this contract.>> [[THIS AGREEMENT shall provide for a six months performance evaluation.]] [[THIS AGREEMENT shall be reviewed annually by the personnel committee of the City Council, the Mayor and the City Treasurer.]] THIS AGREEMENT shall commence October 1, 1985, and shall expire on <<December 31, 1990>> [[September 30 of each year unless renewed by Council prior to that time.]] THIS AGREEMENT shall be cancelled by either party upon a thirty (30) day notice of intent to do so. * Note: In the above quotation, language which has been added is within the <<>>; deleted language is within the [[]]. All the contracts identified herein were between the City and Mr. Hebden personally. Mr. Hebden signed the contracts. Except as otherwise stated herein, the terms of the contracts were negotiated between Mr. Hebden and the City. Mr. Hebden performed all the responsibilities of the contract personally. For a brief period, he was assisted by a man identified as "Mr. Denman," a person employed by the City. He hired no assistants. Mr. Hebden performed his responsibilities according to practices and procedures he created. He was not provided instructions by the City on how to perform his tasks. The City provided no training to Mr. Hebden. Prior to terminating his tenure as City Treasurer, Mr. Hebden trained his successor in the practices and procedures Mr. Hebden had developed. At all times during Mr. Hebden's employment with the City, he worked the hours specified by the contracts in his office at City Hall. Mr. Hebden testified that he could not recall how his office hours had been determined. The space was provided by the City. The responsibilities of Mr. Hebden's position required utilization of city records, and it was therefore appropriate for such tasks to be performed in an office at City Hall. All furnishings for the office and materials used in performing his tasks were provided by the City. During the period between July 1979 and February 1991, Mr. Hebden submitted to the City statements for payment. Generally, the statements were submitted on a monthly basis. Mr. Hebden had no risk of profit or loss based on any actions of the City. He had no personal investment in the City. Mr. Hebden was paid according to the terms of the contract. He did not receive additional remuneration for his appearance at or participation in Council meetings, work sessions or committee meetings as directed by the Council or Mayor. In the first written contract, Mr. Hebden received a payment for "expenses" in addition to the monthly remuneration. Additionally, Mr. Hebden was reimbursed for personal expenses related to City business use of his car and his boat. Although only one formal performance evaluation was completed during his service, the contracts provide for annual review, except for the final contract which terminated Mr. Hebden's service to the City. Upon said termination, Mr. Hebden was paid for the accrued annual leave. Under the terms of the contract, Mr. Hebden's services could be terminated without penalty upon thirty days notice by either party. Mr. Hebden did not advertise his services to the general public, because he was not interested in taking on additional work, however, for a time, he provided accounting consulting services to the Indian Rocks Fire Control District and was compensated for his work. He also provided volunteer services to the Church of the Isles. During the period relevant to this proceeding Mr. Hebden held no business or occupational licenses. For the years 1979 through 1982, the City reported Mr. Hebden's compensation to the Internal Revenue Service Form by using IRS Form 1099-NEC, the form used to report "Nonemployee Compensation." For the years 1983 through 1991, the City reported Mr. Hebden's compensation to the Internal Revenue Service Form by using IRS Form 1099-MISC, the form used to report "Miscellaneous Compensation." The City did not provide health or life insurance coverage to Mr. Hebden. The City did not pay federal social security or withholding taxes for Mr. Hebden. The City did not provide or pay workers compensation benefits or unemployment benefits for Mr. Hebden. The City did not pay retirement contributions to the FRS for Mr. Hebden.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of Management Services, Division of Retirement, enter a Final Order determining that as City Treasurer of the City of Belleair Beach from July 1979 through February 1991, Robert K. Hebden was an employee of the City, and as such was a compulsory member of the Florida Retirement System for which contributions from the City are due. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 21st day of March, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of March, 1994. APPENDIX TO CASE NO. 93-6518 The following constitute rulings on proposed findings of facts submitted by the parties. Petitioner The Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 3. Rejected, contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Mr. Hebden submitted invoices for payment as early as July, 1979. 11. Rejected, not supported by greater weight of the evidence. Because Mr. Hebden developed his own procedures for performing the duties of the City Treasurer, and trained his successor in performing the tasks of City Treasurer, it is not possible to conclude that Mr. Hebden's services were "not essential to the success or continuation of the City's operation." Rejected, irrelevant. Rejected, contrary to greater weight of evidence. Mr. Hebden testified on direct examination that he could not recall who chose the work hours set forth by contract. All contracts specify the hours to be worked. As to leave time, the first contract provided that such leave could be used only "at times mutually agreeable...." Subsequent contracts required annual leave to be used in four hour increments. Rejected, contrary to greater weight of evidence. Mr. Hebden testified that some auto and boat expenses had been reimbursed. First contract and invoices for payment through September 30, 1982 include payment of sums for "expenses." Rejected, contrary to greater weight of evidence. The contracts specify standard hours of employment and require attendance at meetings as directed by the Mayor and Council. The Respondent's assertion that Mr. Hebden "could make a profit or suffer a loss" is unsupported by credible evidence. Respondent The Respondent's proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 5. Rejected, as to employment status of Mr. Hebden's predecessor or successor as City Treasurer, irrelevant. 28, 30. Rejected, as to employment status of Mr. Hebden's successor as City Treasurer, irrelevant. COPIES FURNISHED: A. J. McMullian, III, Director Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center, Bldg. C 2639 N. Monroe St. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560 William H. Lindner, Secretary Knight Building, Suite 307 Koger Executive Center 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 Paul A. Rowell, General Counsel Knight Building, Suite 312 Koger Executive Center 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950 Thomas J Trask, Esquire Frazer, Hubbard, Brandt & Trask 595 Main Street Dunedin, Florida 34698 Jodi B. Jennings, Esquire Division of Retirement Cedars Executive Center, Building C 2639 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560
The Issue The issue is whether The Department of Financial Services properly imposed a Stop Work Order and Amended Order of Penalty Assessment pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 440, Florida Statutes.
Findings Of Fact The Division is charged with the regulation of workers' compensation insurance in the State of Florida. Respondent AFS, LLC. (AFS), is a corporation located in Jacksonville, Florida, and is involved in the construction industry, primarily framing houses. Braman Avery is the owner and manager of AFS. Lee Arsenault is a general contractor whose business is located in Jacksonville, Florida. Mr. Arsenault contracted with AFS to perform framing services at a construction site located at 1944 Copperstone Drive in Orange Park, Florida. At all times material to this proceeding, AFS maintained workers' compensation coverage for its employees through a licensed employee leasing company. AFS contracted with Greenleads Carpentry, Inc. (Greenleads) to perform work at the job site in question. Prior to subcontracting with Greenleads, Mr. Avery requested from Greenleads, among other things, a certificate of insurance showing that Greenleads had general liability coverage and workers' compensation insurance. Greenleads provided a certificate of insurance to Mr. Avery showing that Greenleads had workers' compensation coverage. The certificate of insurance contains a policy number, dollar limits, and effective and expiration dates of June 1, 2004 through June 1, 2005. Debra Cochran is office manager of Labor Finders, an employee leasing company. According to Ms. Cochran, Labor Finders' corporate office issued the certificate of insurance to Greenleads. At the time of issuance, the certificate of insurance was valid. Greenleads did not follow through on its obligations to Labor Finders in that Green Leads did not "run its workers through" Labor Finders. Consequently, Greenleads' workers were not covered by workers' compensation as indicated on the certificate of insurance. Labor Finders did not issue any document showing cancellation or voiding of the certificate of insurance previously issued. Mr. Avery relied upon the face of the certificate of insurance believing AFS to be in total compliance with statutory requirements regarding workers' compensation for subcontractors. That is, he believed that the Greenleads' workers were covered for workers' compensation as indicated on the face of the certificate of insurance. Mr. Avery was not informed by Labor Finders or Greenleads that Greenleads did not, after all, have workers' compensation coverage in place on the workers performing work under the contract between AFS and Greenleads on the worksite in question. Bobby Walton is president of Insure America and has been in the insurance business for 35 years. His company provides general liability insurance to AFS. According to Mr. Walton, Mr. Avery's reliance on Greenleads' presentation to him of a purportedly valid certificate of insurance is the industry standard. Further, Mr. Walton is of the opinion that there was no obligation on behalf of Mr. Avery to confirm coverage beyond receipt of the certificate of insurance provided by the subcontractor. That is, there is no duty on behalf of the contractor to confirm coverage beyond receipt of the certificate of insurance. Allen DiMaria is an investigator employed by the Division. His duties include investigating businesses to ensure that the employers in the state are in compliance with the requirements of the workers' compensation law and related rules. On January 5, 2005, Mr. DiMaria visited the job site in question and observed 13 workers engaged in construction activities. This visit was a random site check. Mr. DiMaria interviewed the owner of Greenleads and checked the Division's database. Mr. DiMaria determined that Greenleads did not have workers' compensation coverage. After conferring with his supervisor, Mr. DiMaria issued a stop-work order to Greenleads, along with a request for business records for the purpose of calculating a penalty for Greenleads. In response to the business records request, Greenleads submitted its check ledger along with an employee cash payment ledger, both of which were utilized in calculating a penalty for Greenleads. On January 11, 2005, Mr. DiMaria issued an Amended Order of Penalty Assessment to Greenleads for $45,623.34. Attached to the Amended Order of Penalty Assessment issued to Greenleads is a penalty worksheet with a list of names under the heading, "Employee Name", listing the names of the employees and amounts paid to each employee. During the investigation of Greenleads, Mr. DiMaria determined that Greenleads was performing subcontracting work for Respondent. This led to the Division's investigation of AFS. Mr. DiMaria spoke to Mr. Avery and determined that AFS paid remuneration to Greenleads for work performed at the worksite. He checked the Division's data base system and found no workers' compensation coverage for AFS. He determined that AFS had secured workers' compensation coverage through Southeast Personnel Services, Inc. (SPLI), also a licensed employee leasing company. However, the policy with SPLI did not cover the employees of Greenleads performing work at the job site. Mr. DiMaria requested business records from Mr. Avery. Mr. Avery fully complied with this request. He examined AFS' check registry and certificates of insurance from AFS. Other than the situation involving Greenleads on this worksite, Mr. DiMaria found AFS to be in complete compliance. On January 10, 2005, after consulting with his supervisor, Robert Lambert, Mr. DiMaria issued a Stop Work Order to AFS. A Stop Work Order issued by the Division requires the recipient to cease operations on a job site because the recipient is believed to be not in compliance with the workers' compensation law. The Stop Work Order issued by Mr. DiMaria was site specific to the work site in question. Based upon the records provided by Mr. Avery, Mr. DiMaria calculated a fine. Penalties are calculated by determining the premium amount the employer would have paid based on his or her Florida payroll and multiplying by a factor of 1.5. Mr. DiMaria's calculation of the fine imposed on AFS was based solely on the Greenleads' employees not having workers' compensation coverage. On February 16, 2005, Mr. DiMaria issued an Amended Order of Penalty in the amount of $45,643.87, the identical amount imposed upon Greenleads. A penalty worksheet was attached to the Amended Order of Penalty Assessment. The penalty worksheet is identical to the penalty worksheet attached to Greenleads' penalty assessment, with the exception of the business name at the top of the worksheet and the Division's case number. Greenleads partially paid the penalty by entering into a penalty payment agreement with the Division. Greenleads then received an Order of Conditional Release. Similarly, AFS entered into a penalty payment agreement with the Division and received an Order of Conditional Release on February 16, 2005. Moreover, AFS terminated its contract with Greenleads. Lee Arsenault is the general contractor involved in the work site in question. AFS was the sole framing contractor on this project, which Mr. Arsenault described as a "pretty significant project." He has hired AFS to perform framing services over the years. However, because the Stop Work Order was issued to AFS, Mr. Arsenault had to hire another company to complete the framing work on the project. Mr. Avery estimates economic losses to AFS as a result of losing this job to be approximately $150,000, in addition to the fine. Mr. Arsenault, Ms. Cochran, as well as the Division's investigator, Mr. DiMaria, all agree with Mr. Walton's opinion, that it is customary practice in the construction industry for a contractor who is subcontracting work to rely on the face of an insurance certificate provided by a subcontractor. Robert Lambert is a workers' compensation district supervisor for the Division. When asked under what authority the Division may impose a penalty on both Greenleads and AFS for the same infraction, he replied that it was based on the Division's policy and its interpretation of Sections 440.02, 440.10, and 440.107, Florida Statutes.
Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Division of Workers' Compensation rescind the Amended Order of Penalty Assessment issued February 16, 2005, and the Stop Work Order issued to Petitioner on January 10, 2005. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of August, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BARBARA J. STAROS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of August, 2005. Endnote 1/ While this Recommended Order does not rely upon the case cited by Respondent in its Notice of Supplemental Authority, Respondent was entitled to file it. COPIES FURNISHED: Colin M. Roopnarine, Esquire Douglas D. Dolin, Esquire Department of Financial Services Division of Workers' Compensation East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Mark K. Eckels, ESquire Boyd & Jenerette, P.A. North Hogan Street, Suite 400 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Honorable Tom Gallagher Chief Financial Officer Department of Financial Services The Capitol, Plaza Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Carlos G. Muniz, General Counsel Department of Financial Services The Capitol, Plaza Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300