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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001210 Latest Update: Sep. 01, 1983

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to this hearing, Respondent was a public school teacher licensed by the State of Florida to teach English language at the secondary school level, and her teaching certificate was current and in full effect. The Respondent, Queen Bruton, is employed by the Duval County School Board and holds tenure under the Duval County Teacher Tenure Act. On November 22, 1982, Respondent was sent a Notice of Proposed Dismissal by the School Board indicating the Board's intention to dismiss her as a teacher upon a charge of professional incompetency. The grounds for such conclusion include an indication that Respondent received unsatisfactory evaluations of her performance for the 1980-81 and 1981-82 school years. The Duval County Teacher Tenure Act (TTA), Chapter 21197, Laws of Florida (1941), as amended, permits the discharge of a teacher for, inter alia, professional incompetency as a teacher if certain conditions are met and procedures followed. All teachers in the Duval County public schools are evaluated whenever necessary, but at least once a year. Under the rating system in effect during the 1980-81 and 1981-82 school years, an unsatisfactory rating is awarded when an evaluation contains eight or more deduction points. Ratings are: (1) satisfactory, (2) needs improvement, and (3) unsatisfactory. On the rating form in use during the time in issue here, an unsatisfactory rating results in two deduction points in Items 1 through 27, and one deduction point in Items 28 through 36. An evaluation of "needs improvement" does not result in any deduction points. The School Board of Duval County has not, in any formal way, defined professional incompetence. The evaluation process is but one tool in the management of teacher employment. An unsatisfactory evaluation is not, therefore, conclusive of professional incompetence, but is one factor in that judgmental decision. The procedure used by the School Board in evaluating teacher performance was not adopted in conformity with the Administrative Procedure Act. At the time of adoption, the School Board was operating under teacher working conditions that had been implemented after extensive bargaining between the School Board and the teachers' union. These working conditions contained extensive provisions involving "teacher evaluation." When a contract was finally agreed upon between the School Board and the teachers' union, it contained provisions concerning teacher evaluation identical to those which were in effect under the working conditions previous to the implementation of the contract. These provisions, therefore, do not constitute rules "as defined in Section 120.52, Florida Statutes," but instead constitute guidelines for the evaluation of teacher performance arrived at not by decision of the School Board under conditions which require public hearing but jointly by agreement of the parties to the negotiations of the teacher contract between the School Board and the union, a collective bargaining agreement. Warren K. Kennedy was in Respondent's sophomore English class at Forrest Senior High School in Jacksonville during the 1980-81 school year. At one point during the school year, Kennedy saw a series of approximately 22 sexually explicit words or phrases written on the blackboard in Respondent's room. Kennedy copied these words and notified the principal, who went to Respondent's classroom and saw them himself. These words were placed on the board by someone other than Respondent, with her permission, and consisted of a part of an exercise in outlining. As such, Respondent claims the words themselves mean nothing, but words of that nature, including "orgasms, sexual intercourse, French tickler, blow job, condoms, dildo, masturbation, orgy," and the like serve no legitimate purpose in, and are not a legitimate part of, a sophomore English class. Respondent's classroom that year was chaotic. Students did little work, but instead talked openly and freely. Respondent sat quietly at her desk doing paperwork unless the noise got so great as to disturb other classes. Students felt free to walk out of class with impunity. Cursing was prevalent in class, and discipline was nonexistent. Defacing of school property occurred on at least one occasion with Respondent taking no corrective action. As a result, several students and the parents of other students requested their transfer from Respondent's class to another. Respondent was also unreliable in submitting grades and reports in a timely fashion. Observations of Respondent in the classroom environment by several different individuals revealed she did not insist her students come to class equipped with the proper supplies for effective writing or textbook activity. She rarely utilized visual aids pertinent to the matter being discussed. Classroom discussion with students did not generally involve a broad sampling of the class, but was focused on only a few class members. Her questions to the students were often vague and confusing to the students. Respondent's principal during that school year, Ronel J. Poppel, at whose request the above observations were made, himself observed Respondent in the classroom on several occasions. As a result of the input from those requested observations and of his own observations, he prepared an evaluation form on Respondent on March 15, 1981, which bore an overall rating of unsatisfactory and reflected that her performance was declining. This report, which reflected 7 of 36 items as unsatisfactory (12 total deduction points), had 20 other items rated as "needs improvement" and contained such written-in suggestions as "needs classroom management techniques, needs better standards of behavior, needs to have long-range planning from the beginning of the year, needs to show more enthusiasm for teaching--needs more variety in methods of teaching," and "should use better judgment in selection of topics." As a result of this evaluation, the observations of her principal and others, and the several counseling periods during which Respondent's deficiencies were pointed out to her along with suggestions for improvement, Respondent was put on notice of her failing performance and afforded the opportunity to take advantage of teacher education counseling (TEC) and, while she did enroll in at least one improvement course, failed to take full advantage of the available opportunities. Poppel's evaluation of Respondent as an incompetent teacher is based on: His personal observation; Evaluation by other professionals; Parent complaint follow-up; Her demonstrated lack of effective planning; Her lack of enforcement of school policies; Her lack of or inability to motivate students; Observed and reported chaotic classroom deportment; Her failure to keep proper records; and Her failure to leave lesson plans for substitutes. Notwithstanding the above, Respondent was well versed in the subject matter she was to teach and had the subjective background to be an excellent teacher. Her shortcomings, as described above, however, far outweighed the positive aspects of her credentials. Respondent was transferred for the 1981-82 school year to Fletcher High School in Jacksonville where she was placed under the supervision of Dr. Ragans, Principal, to teach English. Dr. Ragans spoke to Mr. Poppel, her former principal, about Respondent's weak areas so that he could develop plans to help her in those areas. In an effort to prepare Respondent for the coming year and to ensure she was fully aware of school policies and standards, Dr. Ragans held an extensive conference with Respondent to discuss her previous year's unsatisfactory rating and to make plans to remedy or remediate those areas. On August 25, 1981, he wrote a letter to Respondent in which he reiterated the items discussed previously. Review of this letter reveals there could be little doubt of what Dr. Ragans expected. Nonetheless, when he personally observed her in her classroom less than a month later, he found many of the same weaknesses previously identified, such as a noisy classroom environment, talking by students without being called on, Respondent appearing preoccupied with desk work, and inadequate lesson plans. In the observation report, he made numerous suggestions for improvement and offered Respondent the opportunity to a conference which she did not request. Prior to that observation, however, on September 8, 1981, Dr. Ragans and Respondent met with Dr. Jeff Weathers, TEC consultant for the School Board, in a full discussion of her professional shortcomings, at which meeting a suggestion was made that Respondent enroll in certain university-level courses in classroom management and motivation. Respondent was somewhat reluctant to take these courses because she felt they might interfere with her planning and her preparation for classes. Nonetheless, she did attend one class. Dr. Ragans had advised her he would arrange for substitute teachers for her so that she could take available classes. She was also invited to meet with master teachers in the school to seek assistance and to observe them, and she did in fact do so. In addition, a program was set up for her lesson plans to be reviewed by experts at the School Board. Respondent denies she ever submitted these plans, but according to Judith B. Silas, a resource teacher at School Board headquarters who reviewed Respondent's plans in December, 1981, her plans were confusing and lacking a consistent format: the dates on the plans reflect they were from an earlier series of years; objective numbers did not refer to the 1981 Curriculum Guide and did not cross-reference; and some included material had no relationship to plans or lessons. Ms. Silas's comments, forwarded to the school in February, 1982, were discussed with Respondent. A follow-up letter dated September 25, 1981, outlining the substance of the joint meeting with Dr. Weathers, was forwarded to Respondent. Shortly thereafter, on October 29, 1981, Dr. Ragans prepared a preliminary evaluation on Respondent rated overall as unsatisfactory in which 13 items were rated that way and 12 more rated as "needs to improve." On November 25, 1981, Respondent was provided with a lesson presentation checklist drawn by Dr. Weathers for her to use along with a notice of several night courses available to Respondent and a notice of a proposed observation of another teacher by Dr. Weathers and Respondent on December 14, 1981. After this observation, Dr. Weathers and Respondent discussed the positive aspects of that teacher's operation that Respondent could and should emulate. A new classroom observation of Respondent was set for January, 1982. In the interim, in January, 1982, Dr. Ragans received at least one parent request for a student to be transferred from Respondent's class because the classroom environment was noisy, unruly, and not conducive to learning. As a result of this letter and other parent contacts of a similar nature, Dr. Ragans had several informal discussions with Respondent during this period. On February 23, 1982, Respondent requested a conference with Dr. Ragans on her upcoming evaluation which was, she understood, to be unsatisfactory from a letter to her on February 5, 1982, from Dr. Ragans. This rating, conducted on February 2, 1982, but not signed by Dr. Ragans until March 3, 1982, was unsatisfactory, containing 14 items so marked and 13 marked "needs to improve." At the conference, held the same day as requested, Dr. Ragans advised Respondent he still felt she had marked deficiencies previously indicated regarding classroom control, authority, respect, lesson plans coordination, classroom planning, her failure to provide purposeful learning experiences, no student motivation, and her apparent inability to be understood by her students. Also cited to her were the continuing parent complaints and those of other teachers that their classrooms, used by her (she was a traveling teacher with no room of her own), had been damaged by her students. Much of this had previously been outlined in Dr. Ragans' February 2, 1982, letter indicating his intent to rate Respondent as unsatisfactory. Both Dr. Weathers and another school district supervisor, Dr. Henderson, observed Respondent in the classroom situation in late January or early February, 1982. Both individuals identified the same deficiencies as previously noted by so many others, and both made recommendations for improvement which were passed on, intact, to Respondent. In early March, 1982, Dr. Ragans advised Respondent in writing of his intent to evaluate her on March 15, 1982, to see if she had made any improvement. He did this because of Respondent's feeling that the previous evaluation had not given her enough time to work out improvements. This latest evaluation was also overall unsatisfactory. Two days later, on March 17, 1982, Respondent indicated in writing that she did not accept this evaluation. On April 30, 1982, Dr. Ragans again visited Respondent's classroom so that, if she had markedly improved, he could try to extend her contract or change her evaluation before the end of the school year. However, he could observe no appreciable change. Shortly after this visit, on May 3, he discussed with Respondent complaints he had received from several parents about warnings she had sent out on some students which inconsistently showed both satisfactory performance and danger of failing on the same form. She explained this as all students, including straight "A" students, who had not taken the MLST (test) were in danger of failing. Dr. Ragans felt this excuse was feeble and unjustified and demonstrated poor judgment on her part. All this was confirmed in a letter on May 17. A complaint from a parent of one of Respondent's students, received on June 11, 1982, initiated an audit of the grades given by Respondent during the school year. Results of this audit revealed at least 68 errors involving 46 students, including three students who received passing grades when they, in fact, had failed and should have been in summer school. A total of 13 student grades had to be changed, requiring a letter of notification and apology from the principal. Respondent did not deny the inconsistencies shown in the audit, but defended them on the basis of, in many cases, their being the result of her exercising her discretion and prerogative to award a grade different from that supported by recorded achievement if, in her opinion, other factors so dictated. In any case, the number of inconsistencies requiring a grade change was substantially higher than is normal. During the 1981-82 school year, Respondent had not been assigned a classroom of her own, but instead met and taught her classes in the rooms assigned to other teachers. This situation, while not unique to Respondent and one which several other teachers had as well, is nonetheless a definite handicap to any teacher. In an effort to alleviate the impact of this situation, all Respondent's rooms were scheduled as geographically close together as possible, and she was assigned only one subject to teach. Therefore, though she may have had several class periods which progressed at different speeds, the planning and preparation was similar and much less an arduous task than if she had different subjects to prepare for. In any case, there is little relationship between this and discipline and control in the classroom. Dr. Mary Henderson, Director of Language Arts/Reading for the Duval County School Board, observed Respondent in the classroom during both the 1980- 81 and 1981-82 school years at two different schools. Recognizing that Respondent has definite strengths in her knowledge of the subject matter to be taught and her recognition of and communication to the students of the relationship of their lessons to the test requirements, Dr. Henderson still felt Respondent was not a competent teacher. On both occasions, she found Respondent's lesson plans to be inadequate, her techniques in classroom management were deficient, she failed to make effective use of the students' time, and she failed to effectively motivate her students to participate in the classroom activities. Throughout all this period, according to both supervisors and others who observed her, Respondent always maintained a pleasant, calm, positive, and cooperative approach to all with whom she came into contact. At no time did she show hostility or resentment. Also, there was never a question as to her knowledge of the subject matter. Respondent possesses a bachelor's degree in English and a master's degree in administration and supervision. She has sufficient credit hours to qualify for a major in Spanish. She has also taken several in-service courses in such subjects as linguistics, methods of curriculum and instruction, British literature, and school administration. She is certified to teach English, Spanish, and typing. She has been a teacher in several Florida school systems for 29 years, of which the last 21 years were in various Jacksonville area schools. She is tenured. She was selected for summer school employment in 1980, while at Forrest High School, even though tenure does not ensure selection to teach summer school. During the 1980-81 school year, Respondent was caring for the aunt who raised her and who was suffering from terminal cancer. This required frequent travel back and forth to another part of the state, and in addition to being a physical burden, constituted a severe strain on her mental state. During that year, she started out teaching only twelfth grade classes, but as a result of a reduction in class sizes during the school year, she was given some additional tenth grade classes for which she had not prepared. Respondent feels her classroom discipline was not so unusual as to be remarkable. She feels she maintained classroom discipline as well as required and contested the allegations that she rarely referred students to the administration for additional discipline. She made all reasonable effort to improve her performance by enrolling in some of the courses recommended by Drs. Weathers and Ragans, but had to wait until the second semester because she did not get the information on the first semester courses until after they had started. The classes she took urged the use of listening and negotiating skills rather than the authoritative method in dealing with students. She tried to implement what she learned in her classrooms and feels she succeeded regardless of what the testimony shows. In addition, she took a course dealing with self- concept and self-confidence and applied for admission to Jacksonville University's master of arts program in an effort to upgrade her skills. Respondent admits that at the beginning of the 1981-82 school year, she was not using formal lesson plans. She had been asked by the administration for plans on a weekly basis and had jotted down ideas on paper. To formulate these ideas, she used prior years lesson plans, but did not turn any of these in. This does not track with Ms. Silas's testimony that the Respondent's plans she reviewed appeared to be from prior years. I find that prior years' plans were used by Respondent extensively and how these plans were transmitted to Ms. Silas for review is immaterial. Respondent, based on the above, while possessing the necessary technical qualifications to perform as a teacher, while possessing the appropriate knowledge of her subject matter, and while possessing the desire to impart that knowledge to her students, is nonetheless incompetent to conduct a class, maintain proper discipline, and generate adequate student motivation to accomplish these desired ends.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent be removed from classroom teaching duties and be assigned some other function within the school system until such time, unless sooner released for other good cause, as she can retire with maximum benefits. RECOMMENDED this 1st day of September, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of September, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Gary E. Eckstine, Esquire Chief Administrative Hearings Section City of Jacksonville 1300 City Hall Jacksonville, Florida 32202 William F. Kachergus, Esquire Maness & Kachergus 502 Florida Theatre Building Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Mr. Herb A. Sang Superintendent Duval County Public Schools 1701 Prudential Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32207

Florida Laws (1) 120.52
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Kissimmee, Florida May 07, 2014 Number: 14-002071PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-005059 Latest Update: Mar. 08, 1988

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner, Ricky Lynn Sapp (Sapp), was nonrenewed for his annual teaching contract for constitutionally permissible reasons.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner was first employed by the Escambia County School Board for the 1984-85 school year in the compensatory education program at Bellview Middle School and later that school year he took the place of an eighth grade math teacher who was out on maternity leave. Sapp holds a Florida Teaching Certificate in elementary education and is not certified to teach in middle school. He has a bachelors degree. Sapp was asked by the School Board to take the courses necessary to become certified in middle school math, but did not do so because he was working at another job at the time. Petitioner was hired on annual contract by the principal of Bellview Middle School to teach seventh grade math during the 1985-86 school year and to teach sixth grade for the 1986-87 school year. For the most part, Sapp received excellent performance evaluations from the Bellview principal. In September, 1986, a mother of a Bellview Middle School student complained to the principal regarding what she believed to be unacceptable contact between Sapp and her son. The principal told Sapp to stay away from the student, but the parent's complaints continued. The student had been in Sapp's seventh grade math class the prior school year. On November 7, 1986, Sapp was arrested for lewd and lascivious assault on that student. As a result of these charges the Superintendent of the Escambia County School District recommended to the School Board that Sapp be suspended without pay. The School Board voted to disapprove the Superintendent's recommendation. Instead, Sapp was reassigned to administrative duties at the Hall Center. In the fall of 1986, Sapp was also notified by the Department of Education, Professional Practices Services (PPS), that an investigation of the allegations involved in the criminal charge had been instituted. On April 1, 1987, Sapp received the standard memo from the School Board, signed by the Bellview principal, indicating that his annual contract was going to expire at the end of the 1986-87 school year. The memo also indicated that the school district would move as rapidly as possible on the reappointment of the annual contract teachers recommended to the Superintendent for reappointment for the 1987-88 school year, but "personnel assignments resulting from the closing of the Beggs Center and the redistricting of all middle school boundaries greatly obscures the timeline for such reappointments." During the summer of 1987, Sapp talked to Dr. Roger Mott, the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel Services of the school district, and others in his office regarding appointment to an annual contract for the 1987-88 school year. Sapp claims he was told by Mott that he would not be rehired until after his criminal trial. Mott denies telling this to Sapp. Because Sapp's testimony was very confused and contradictory regarding these alleged statements by Mott, Sapp's version is given little weight. Instead, it is found that Mott did not tell Sapp that he would be rehired after the criminal trial. During the discussions between Sapp and Mott in the summer of 1987, Mott did tell Sapp that he was free to interview with any principals in the district for open annual contract positions, however those principals who inquired would be told that there was a Professional Practices Services investigation. Sapp expressed interest only in employment at Bellview. During 1987 the middle schools of Escambia County were redistricted. As a result of redistricting, Bellview Middle School anticipated losing approximately 300 students and 10 teaching positions for the 1987-88 school year. After the jury found him not guilty on August 12, 1987, Sapp again inquired regarding employment. According to Charles McCurley, principal of Bellview Middle School, there were no positions available at Bellview. By letter dated August 21, 1987, Sapp was advised that the Professional Practices Services was investigating two complaints. The first related to the charge of lewd and lascivious assault on a child. The second complaint was that Sapp had received his teaching certificate by fraudulent means because he failed to disclose two criminal convictions on his applications. Mott became aware of the PPS investigation and he discovered that Sapp had apparently falsified the applications for his teaching certificate and the applications for employment with the Escambia County School District. Mott then informed Sapp that the chances of reemployment were not good and that he could not be considered for employment until the PPS investigation was complete. Mott also testified that Sapp was not reemployed because of the information that formed the basis of the second PPS investigation. While this is not the place to determine whether or not Sapp falsified these applications, it is necessary to determine what facts the Respondent acted on in not renewing Sapp's annual contract. Sapp's applications to both the school district and the state showed that he answered "no" when asked if he had ever been convicted of a felony or first degree misdemeanor or other criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation. Sapp has, in fact, been convicted of at least two such violations which were not disclosed. Sapp approached Robert Husbands, Executive Director of the Escambia Education Association, for assistance in getting employment. Husbands talked to Mott. Mott informed him that Sapp could not be rehired until the PPS investigation was resolved. Husbands found that there were seven teaching positions in the whole county which were vacant at the beginning of the 1987-88 school year. Two of those positions were located some distance from Pensacola. Only one of those positions was known to have been filled by an annual contract teacher. There were 37 annual contract teachers in the school district who were not renewed for the 1987-88 school year. Eight others who were not renewed at the beginning of the school year were rehired during the year. Because of redistricting, Bellview had only one opening for an annual contract teacher after it placed its continuing contract teachers. That one opening was for reading and was filled by a reading teacher with a masters degree. Sapp was not qualified for that position. After the 1987-88 school year had begun, Bellview experienced increased enrollment and a resulting increase in teaching positions. Those positions were filled by teachers who were teaching in their field of certification and who were at least as qualified as Sapp. It was very important that Bellview have teachers working in their area of certification because the school was to be audited for accreditation in the 1987-88 school year. Sapp's former position at Bellview was filled by a continuing contract teacher who had previously taught seventh grade and who was certified to teach in both middle and elementary school. The teacher who took over Sapp's class in the 1986-87 school year was not rehired. During the first week of the 1987-88 school year, Sapp sought employment at Bellview and the principal correctly told him there were no jobs. Later, in October, 1987, a position opened up at Bellview and a continuing contract teacher with a masters degree in reading and 18 years of experience was transferred in at her request. Sapp believes he was not renewed as retaliation for the School Board's rejection of the Superintendent's recommendation for suspension on January 27, 1987. This allegation is based only on Sapp's personal feeling and no evidence was presented to substantiate his belief. Sapp also believes he was not renewed because of the arrest itself. Again, no evidence was presented to substantiate his belief. By letter of September 18, 1987, the School District, through counsel, advised Sapp's attorney that Sapp would not be considered for reemployment until the PPS investigation was concluded and the District was advised of the results. The PPS has not filed any complaint against Sapp based on either of its investigations.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner, Ricky Lynn Sapp, be DENIED relief from the nonrenewal of his annual contract and that his request for relief be DISMISSED. DONE and ENTERED this 8th day of March, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of March, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-5059 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Specific Rulings on Proposed Finding's of Fact Submitted by Petitioner, Ricky Lynn Sapp Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1(1); 2(10); 3(12); 4(14); 5(2); 6(2); 8(3); 9(3); 11(4); 12(5); 13(8); 15(6); 16(7); 18(23); 20(20); 21(24); 22(26); 23(26); and 25(27). Proposed findings of fact 7, 17, 28 and 29 are subordinate to the facts actually found in this Recommended Order. Proposed finding of fact 10 is rejected as irrelevant. Propose findings of fact 14, 19, 24, 26, 27, and 30 are rejected as being unsupported by the competent, substantial evidence. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent, School Board of Escambia County Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1(9); 2(1 and 10); 3(11); 4(25); 5(25); 6(13); 7(14 and 16); 8(15 and 22); 9(18); 10(22 and 23); 11(6); 12(19); 13(29); 14(30 and 31); 15(32); 16(33); 18(19); 19(27); 20(28); 21(33); 22(34); and 23(35). Proposed finding of fact 17 is rejected as being unnecessary. Proposed finding of fact 24 is subordinate to the facts actually found in this Recommended Order. COPIES FURNISHED: G. James Roark, III, Esquire 17 West Cervantes Street Pensacola, Florida 32501 Philip J. Padovano, Esquire Post Office Box 873 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Mike Holloway Superintendent of School Board Escambia County 215 West Garden Street Post Office Box 1470 Pensacola, Florida 32597-1470 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Sep. 27, 2000 Number: 00-004018PL Latest Update: Mar. 14, 2001

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the offenses set forth in Administrative Complaint and, if so, what penalties should be imposed?

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Education Certificate No. 460644, covering the areas of Educational Leadership and Social Science. The license is valid through June 30, 2001. At all times material to this proceeding, Respondent was employed as a substitute teacher at Marathon High School in the Monroe County School District. On or about November 26, 1996, Respondent submitted an application for renewal of a Professional Florida Educator's Certificate to Petitioner's Bureau of Teacher Certification. On the application, Respondent checked "no" in response to the following question: Have you ever been convicted of a crime, found guilty, or entered a plea of nolo contendre or had adjudication withheld in a criminal proceeding; or are there any criminal charges now pending against you. Failure to answer this question accurately could cause denial of certification. By indictment of the grand jury convened in Pickens County, South Carolina, on June 22, 1995, Respondent was charged with "Assault and Battery of a High and Aggravated Nature" and with the offense of "Disturbing Schools." Respondent pled guilty to the charge of Disturbing Schools and the lesser charge of "Simple Assault and Battery" on March 18, 1996. He received a sentence of a $200 fine and a suspended 90 days jail sentence. On or about October 6, 2000, Petitioner submitted its First Request for Admissions to Respondent. Respondent failed to answer, admit, or deny the truth of the matters asserted in the request; namely, that Respondent submitted the application for renewal of a Professional Florida Educator's Certificate in the manner and form described in paragraph 3, above, and that he pled guilty to the criminal charges described in paragraph 4, above. Pursuant to Rule 1.370(b), Fla. R. Civ. P., the truth of the matters asserted in the request is conclusively established.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered revoking Respondent's teaching certificate for a period of three years. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of December, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of December, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: William B. Graham, Esquire Graham, Moody & Sox, P.A. 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 600 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Costa Lempesis 1334 Bryjo Place Charleston, South Carolina 29407 Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education 224-E Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Michael H. Olenick, General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, Suite 1701 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Jerry W. Whitmore, Chief Bureau of Educator Standards Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 614 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Nov. 01, 1995 Number: 95-005320 Latest Update: Oct. 15, 2004

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made: The Department is a state agency. Petitioner is a male who is now, and was at all times material to the instant case, unmarried. He is a teacher by profession. Since moving to Florida in the summer of 1992, however, he has been unable to obtain a full-time teaching position. Petitioner received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the State University of New York at New Paltz in December of 1984 and a Master of Arts degree (in "teaching/special education") from Manhattanville College in May of 1989. Prior to moving to Florida in the summer of 1992, Petitioner was employed as: a music instructor at the Kingston Conservatory of Music in Kingston, New York (from May of 1984 to September of 1985); a business instructor at the Westchester Business Institute in White Plains, New York (from September of 1985 to June of 1986); a substitute teacher in Pelham, Eastchester, Tuckahoe and Bronxville, New York (from September of 1986 to June of 1988); a music and vocational education teacher of 11 to 15 year old special education students at a public school in New York City (from September of 1989 to March of 1990); a classroom teacher of fourth grade special education students at a public school in the Bronx, New York (from March of 1990 to June of 1990); a classroom teacher of first through third grade special education students at a public school in Yonkers, New York (from September of 1990 to June of 1991); and an integration specialist involved in the provision of educational services to special education students attending public school in and around Jacksonville, Vermont (from February of 1992 to June of 1992). On October 15, 1992, the Department's Bureau of Teacher Certification issued Petitioner a Statement of Eligibility, which provided, in pertinent part, as follows: when: THIS IS YOUR STATEMENT OF ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY FOR SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITIES (GR, K-12), PER REQUEST OF 10-9-92, VALID UNTIL OCTOBER 15, 1994. The State of Florida issues two types of certi- ficates for full time teaching; a nonrenewable Temporary Certificate valid for two years and a Professional Certificate valid for five years. The attached Form CF-106a, FLORIDA TEACHER CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS, outlines the criteria for the issuance of these certificates. The Temporary Certificate is issued to allow time to complete requirements for the Professional Certificate. Your application for teacher certification has been received and evaluated. Based upon current requirements, you will be eligible for a two- year nonrenewable Temporary Certificate valid for two consecutive school fiscal years covering SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITIES (GRADES K-12) You obtain employment with a Florida public, state supported, or nonpublic school which has an approved Florida Professional Orientation Program and your employer requests issuance of the certificate. Your employer submits a finger print card which has been processed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. . . Please note that if you are not employed and the issuance of your certificate is not requested by October 14, 1994, your Statement of Eligibility will expire. . . . At all times material to the instant case, there was, on a statewide basis in Florida, as determined by the Department, a "critical" shortage of teachers qualified to teach students with specific learning disabilities (SLD). (There were, however, certain school districts, including the Broward, Palm Beach, Collier and Monroe County school districts, that, because of the relatively high salaries they offered or their attractive geographic location, or for other related reasons, did not have a "critical" shortage of qualified SLD teachers.) The Department's Bureau of Teacher Certification suggested to Petitioner that he take advantage of the services offered by OTRR in his efforts to obtain a teaching position in Florida. OTRR assists teachers seeking employment in Florida by, among other things, providing them with an "information packet" containing: general information concerning Florida's public school system, its students and teachers; a map showing the school districts in the state; the names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons to contact regarding employment opportunities in each school district; other useful telephone numbers; salary information, by district; information concerning Florida's teacher certification process; and information about the Great Florida Teach-In, an annual event (held in late June/early July 1/ ) organized by OTRR at which recruiters from school districts around the state have the opportunity to meet and interview with teachers interested in obtaining teaching positions in their districts. 2/ In addition to this "information packet," OTRR also sends to interested teachers two forms which the teachers are instructed to fill out, sign and return to OTRR: an application to register to participate in the next Great Florida Teach-In; and a Teacher Applicant Referral form. On the Great Florida Teach-In registration application form, applicants are asked to provide the following information: the date of the application; their name, address and telephone number; the date they will be able to commence work; the position(s) sought; whether they hold a valid Florida teaching certificate- if so, in what subject area(s), and, if not, whether they have applied for certification and the subject area(s) in which they expect to receive certification; whether they have taken and passed the Florida Teacher Certification Examination and, if so, which part(s); whether they hold a teaching certificate from another state and, if so, in what subject area(s); whether they have ever had a teaching certificate or license revoked, suspended, or placed on probation and, if so, on what ground(s); whether they have ever been the subject of any disciplinary action and, if so, the nature and date of such action and why it was taken; whether they have ever been dismissed, asked to resign or not had a contract renewed and, if so, the reason(s) therefor; the total number of days they have been absent from school or work in the last three years and the reason(s) for these absences; and all colleges/universities from which they have received degrees, when they attended these institutions, when they graduated, the kind of degrees they received, the subjects they studied (major and minor), and whether their grade point average was higher than 2.5. On the Teacher Applicant Referral form, applicants are asked to provide the following information: the date of the application; their name, address, telephone number and social security number; the date they will be able to commence work; the position(s) sought; whether they hold a valid Florida teaching certificate- if so, in what subject area(s), and, if not, whether they have applied for certification and the subject area(s) in which they expect to receive certification; whether they hold a teaching certificate from another state and, if so, in what subject area(s); whether they are a U.S. citizen and, if not, whether they have a resident alien work permit; and the institutions from which they have received degrees, the kind of degrees they have received, and their major course of study at these institutions. On neither the Great Florida Teach-In registration application form nor the Teacher Applicant Referral form are applicants asked to provide information regarding their sex or marital status. (It may be possible, however, to ascertain an applicant's sex from the name of the applicant appearing on the form.) Following the suggestion of the Department's Bureau of Teacher Certification, Petitioner contacted OTRR. He thereafter received from OTRR an "information packet," as well as a registration application form for the 1993 Great Florida Teach-In (scheduled to be held June 27 through July 1, 1993) and a Teacher Applicant Referral form. Petitioner filled out and signed the Teacher Applicant Referral form on or about November 10, 1992, and returned the completed and signed form to OTRR. On the form, Petitioner indicated, among other things, that he was interested in "Special Education Teacher Type Positions- SLD" and that he was "Florida certified [in] Specific Learning Disabilities." In view of Petitioner's first and middle names (Steve Joseph), both of which he included on the form, it should have been obvious to anyone reviewing the form that it was submitted by a male. Petitioner, however, provided no information on the form suggesting that he was a single male. Petitioner kept a copy of the original completed and signed Teacher Applicant Referral form he submitted to OTRR. On or about October 2, 1993, he signed the copy and sent it to OTRR. At all times material to the instant case, it was the routine practice of OTRR to take the following action in connection with completed and signed Teacher Applicant Referral forms it received: Information on the forms was inputted and stored in OTRR's computer system. The forms (and copies thereof made by OTRR) were then filed in alphabetical order and by subject area. They remained on file for approximately a year, after which they were purged. When a school district contacted OTRR seeking help in its efforts to fill a particular teaching position, 3/ OTRR would pull the forms of all those applicants who, based upon the subject area of the position sought to be filled and any other criteria specified by the school district, appeared (from the information contained on their forms) to meet the needs of the school district. Copies of these forms, along with a computer printout containing the names, addresses, telephone numbers, certification status and citizenship of these applicants, were sent to the school district. On occasion, information concerning these applicants was provided to the school district over the telephone. At no time did OTRR fail to refer an applicant to a school district because the applicant was a male or was single. 4/ OTRR did not deviate from its routine practice in its handling and treatment of either the original Teacher Applicant Referral form that Petitioner submitted on or about November 10, 1992, or the re-signed copy of the original he submitted on or about October 2, 1993. (Petitioner, however, has not been contacted by any school district purporting to have received his name from OTRR.) 5/ Petitioner also filled out and signed the registration application form for the 1993 Great Florida Teach-In and sent it to OTRR, 6/ but he did not do so in a timely manner. (The application was dated June 27, 1993, the date the 1993 Great Florida Teach-In began.) Petitioner did not attend the 1993 Great Florida Teach-In, nor did he attend the event in any subsequent year. Petitioner has applied for teaching positions at public schools in Broward County (where he has resided since he moved to Florida in the summer of 1992), Dade County, Palm Beach County, Collier County, Monroe County and one other Florida county (located in the northern part of the state). He also has applied for teaching positions at at least one Florida private school, Lighthouse Point Academy, which is located in Broward County. Notwithstanding these efforts on his part, Petitioner has not received any offers of full-time, permanent employment and he remains unemployed. 7/ Petitioner has not taken any part of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination. The Statement of Eligibility that the Department's Bureau of Teacher Certification issued Petitioner on October 15, 1992, expired on October 15, 1994. The Department did not in any way discriminate against Petitioner on the basis of his sex or marital status.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a final order dismissing Petitioner's amended unlawful employment practice complaint on the ground that the evidence is insufficient to establish that the Department committed the unlawful employment practice alleged therein. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 14th day of August, 1996. Officer Hearings 1550 STUART M. LERNER, Hearing Division of Administrative The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399- (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Hearings Division of Administrative this 14th day of August, 1996.

Florida Laws (9) 120.57120.6820.15509.092760.01760.02760.10760.1190.406 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60Y-5.001
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida May 10, 2007 Number: 07-002125 Latest Update: Jan. 29, 2008

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner is entitled to damages and back salary for the period of April 22, 2004, through May 31, 2006, pursuant to Subsection 1012.33(3)(g), Florida Statutes (2007), as well as interest and attorney's fees.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Charles V. Keene, has been employed by Respondent, the School Board of Escambia County, as a full-time Florida-certified public school teacher since April 22, 2004, under a series of annual contracts. Prior to his employment with Respondent, Petitioner was a full-time public school teacher in Alabama for 20 years and received satisfactory performance evaluations throughout the 20 years. At the time he was hired by Respondent, commencing April 22, 2004, Petitioner received credit for salary schedule placement for the one year he had previously taught in Florida, and for the two years he had taught in Georgia. He requested, but did not receive, credit for the 20 years of instructional service in the state of Alabama that he utilized to obtain his retirement in Alabama. Respondent operates under a collective bargaining agreement known as the "Master Contract." The Master Contract includes, among other things, a salary schedule that is the result of negotiations with the Escambia Educational Association ("EEA"), the collective bargaining agent that represents teachers. The negotiated salary schedule is then recommended by the Superintendent of Escambia County Schools pursuant to Subsection 1012.27(2), Florida Statutes, to Respondent for approval and adoption. The salary schedule adopted by Respondent governs the compensation payable to instructional personnel. The salary schedule includes "steps" with corresponding "salary." Placement on the salary schedule step depends, in part upon prior teaching experience. Generally, more prior teaching experience credited for placement on the schedule results in a higher level of compensation. At the time of Petitioner's hire on April 22, 2004, the Master Contract in place was the contract for the period of 1999-2002, extended by agreement of Respondent and the EEA until July 21, 2004. According to the Master Contract in effect on Petitioner's date of hire, limitations were placed on the amount of prior teaching experience that could be used for determining placement on the salary schedule. For example, credit for prior teaching, military, governmental, or employment service, not including Florida public school teaching experience, was limited to a maximum of fifteen years. The Master Contract also contained a specific provision for placement of retired educators. The contract provided as follows: II.5(C) Placement for Retired Educators Educators who retired from Escambia District Schools and who return to full time employment in Escambia District Schools shall be placed on Step 5 of Appendix A- Instructional Salary Schedule. Educators who retired from any other school district shall be placed on Step 0 of Appendix A-Instructional Salary Schedule. The effect of this provision was that Petitioner received no credit for the 20 years of Alabama teaching when placed on the salary schedule. Employees' rights for placement on the salary schedule are determined by the date of hire. With credit being given for prior teaching experience in Florida and Georgia, but without credit for 20 years of teaching experience in Alabama, Petitioner was placed on the salary schedule in accordance with the provisions of the Master Contract in effect at the time of his hire. Petitioner received annual instruction contracts under the authority of Section 231.36(2), Florida Statutes (later renumbered Section 1012.33(3), Florida Statutes). Petitioner's annual instructional contracts set forth the contract salary on an annual basis payable through twelve monthly installments. The contract specified the number of days to be worked and the daily rate of compensation. Respondent's standard form contract provides that "[t]his annual contract shall be deemed amended to comply with all laws, all lawful rules of the State Board of Education, all lawful rules and actions of the School Board and all terms of an applicable ratified collective-bargaining agreement." Respondent, as a matter of practice, provides newly hired teachers with information on how they are placed on the salary schedule. Additionally, Respondent's website has information available with a link to the Master Contract language which demonstrates how instructors are placed on the salary schedule. Human Resources staff members are instructed that the Master Plan governs placement of newly hired instructors on the salary schedule, and they advise the newly hired instructors of placement on the salary schedule. At the time of his hire, Petitioner was told he would not be credited on the salary schedule for his Alabama teaching experience which led to his retirement in that state after 20 years. Petitioner acknowledged that he received a copy of the Master Contract in August of 2004, when the school year started. Petitioner knew, at the time of hire, that his rate of pay was based on his placement on the salary schedule. Petitioner had agreed at that time to perform the services required by his contract based upon the compensation set forth in the contract. Petitioner inquired about receiving credit for his 20 years of teaching experience in Alabama at the time he was hired by Respondent. At that time, Petitioner was told by Judy Fung, an employee with Respondent's human resources office, that Petitioner would not be granted credit for his 20 years of teaching experience in Alabama. Petitioner provided Respondent, shortly after he was hired, all the necessary paperwork to document his 20 years of satisfactory service as a teacher in Alabama. Petitioner performed the agreed-upon instructional services and was paid the agreed-upon contractual amount. Petitioner's annual instructional contract specifies the salary paid through twelve monthly installments with a daily rate of compensation identified. The amount of compensation can be further broken down into an hourly rate based upon 7.5 hours per day, and provides for annual leave and sick leave. As is customary, if the employee takes leave and has no accrued leave balance, his pay will be reduced to compensate for the hours of leave without pay taken. Respondent maintains ledgers with all the compensation information for its employees, including Petitioner. The statutory provision governing credit for prior teaching experience at issue in this hearing is former Subsection 231.36(3)(g), renumbered through amended versions to Subsection 1012.33(3)(g), Florida Statutes. Although the statute has been amended several times since 2001, the language that applies to all instructional employees (which includes public school classroom teachers pursuant to Subsection 1012.01(2)(a), Florida Statutes) hired after June 30, 2001, remains the same: "[F]or purposes of pay, a school board must recognize and accept each year of full-time public school teaching service earned in the state of Florida or outside the state." The original version of the statute effective July 1, 2001, included language that this statutory provision "is not intended to interfere with the operation of a collective bargaining agreement except to the extent it requires the agreement to treat years of teaching experience outside the district the same as years of teaching experience within the district." § 231.35(3)(g), Fla. Stat. (2001). The statute was amended effective January 7, 2003, removing the reference to collective bargaining and clarifying that the statutory provision applied only to public school teachers. § 1012.33(3)(g), Fla. Stat. (2003). The Master Contract was amended effective July 22, 2004, to include language referencing Subsection 1012.33(3)(g), Florida Statutes. The changes to the Master Contract, however, applied only to those instructors hired after July 22, 2004. Petitioner, and certain other teachers hired after June 30, 2001, but before July 22, 2004, have requested their placement on the salary schedule be revised to include credit for previous years of teaching experience. Those requesting a revised placement on the salary schedule based upon uncredited experience include teachers who had previously retired utilizing that credit and some who had not retired. Respondent, uncertain as to the proper application of the statute, has addressed claims for placement on the salary schedule and/or past compensation on a case-by-case basis. In February 2006, Petitioner became aware that Respondent's position concerning his requested credit for 20 years of teaching experience in Alabama may have been incorrect. Petitioner made a request for retroactive credit and for back salary for his 20 years of teaching experience in Alabama in June 2006, and again provided Respondent with documentation of his Alabama satisfactory teaching experience. Petitioner's request for credit and back salary was refused. The only reason given to him at the time was that he failed to make his request within two years of his hire date. At the direction of its General Counsel and after approval by the School Board, Respondent's placement on the salary schedule was amended effective June 1, 2006, to allow credit for his 20 years of teaching experience in Alabama. Respondent's human resources department does not know why the retroactive credit and salary increase were allowed for Petitioner, nor why the date of June 1, 2006, was chosen, especially when the collective bargaining agreement, according to Respondent, does not allow such credit. Petitioner seeks from Respondent 20 years of service credit and back salary for his satisfactory Alabama teaching experience for the period of April 22, 2004, through May 31, 2006, in the amount of $39,209.50. Petitioner also seeks reimbursement of reasonable attorney's fees, costs, and interest, both pre- and post- judgment.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Escambia County School Board enter a final order denying Petitioner's claim for back salary in the amount of $39,209.50, as well as pre- and post-judgment interest on this amount, and attorney's fees and costs. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of December, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of December, 2007. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph L. Hammons, Esquire Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker, P.A. 17 West Cervantes Street Pensacola, Florida 32501-3125 Michael J. Stebbins, Esquire Michael J. Stebbins, P.L. 504 North Baylen Street Pensacola, Florida 32501 Dr. Eric J. Smith Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Jim Paul, Superintendent Escambia County School Board 215 West Garden Street Pensacola, Florida 32502-5782

Florida Laws (5) 1012.011012.271012.33120.57121.091
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001953 Latest Update: Jun. 27, 1977

The Issue Whether or not the Petitioner, Joseph E. Sedlak, is entitled to the restoration of any rights and privileges previously enjoyed, which have been removed as the result of the Respondent, University of North Florida's, notice of non-renewal of the Petitioner's contract beyond June 15, 1977, and whether or not the Petitioner is entitled to renewal of his contract with the Respondent beyond June 15, 1977.

Findings Of Fact This cause came on for consideration based upon the com-plaint filed by the Petitioner, Joseph E. Sedlak, dated July 9, 1976, as amended March 29, 1977. The answer to the amended complaint was filed by the Respondent, University of North Florida, April 15, 1977. The Complainant/Petitioner is a duly appointed employee and faculty member of the University of North Florida, who initial employment commenced on December 16, 1974. On June 2, 1976, Dr. Robert M. Siudzinskl, Chairman of the Department of Special Education, College of Education, University of North Florida, conducted an annual evaluation of Use Petitioner, Dr. Joseph E. Sedlak, a member of the faculty of the Department of Special Education. During the course of the annual evaluation process, Dr. Siudzinski told Dr. Sedlak that he had made the decision to recommend that Dr. Sedlak's contract as an employee with the University of North Florida not be renewed after June of 1977. This statement was made to Dr. Sedlak following a discussion between Dr. Siudzinski and Dr. Sedlak concerning the annual performance evaluation of Dr. Sedlak, as accurately summarized in Petitioner's Exhibit #54, admitted into evidence. Dr. Siudzinski then read from the Academic Personnel Policies and Procedures of the University of North Florida, Chapter XI-25 and 26, which states: "... the recommendation not to renew a non- tenured faculty member will originate with the Chairman of the department and be concurred in by the Dean of the College and Vice President and Dean of Faculties." After this Dr. Sedlak was informed by Dr. Siudzinski that Dr. Siudzinski had conferred with the President, Vice President and Dean of Faculties, and the Dean of the College of Education at the University of North Florida and they had concurred with his decision and had authorized Siudzinski to recommend non-renewal. (The excerpts of the University of North Florida Academic Personnel Policies and Procedures, Chapter XI are found as Petitioner's Exhibit #60, admitted into evidence.) It is unclear whether Dr. Siudzinski did in fact confer with the President and gain his concurrence with the decision and authority to recommend non-renewal; however, there were some conferences between Siudzinski and Vice President and Dean of Faculties and the Dean of the College of Education. These individuals concurred with the decision and authorized Siudzinski to recommend the non-renewal of Dr. Sedlak's contract of employment with the University of North Florida. At that time the Vice President and Dean of Faculties was Dr. Roy L. Lassitor and the Dean of the College of Education was Dr. Andrew Robinson. Dr. Siudzinski, in the course of the conference with Dr. Sedlak on June 2, 1976 stated his reasons for recommending non-renewal. Those reasons were: Failure to cooperate with the Department Chairman. Failure to respond to the assistance quarter in amanner that benefited the Department. Unprofessional behavior during the assis tance quarter. Failure to contribute to the Department functioning commensurate with his rank (Reference was made to Dr. Sedlak's work on the 'Discrepancy Model.')" Finally, Dr. Siudzinski read from the University of North Florida Academic Personnel Policies and procedures, Chapter XI-26 and 27 which states: "prior to the transmission of the notice of non- reappointment, the University Officer initiating such action shall confer informally with the faculty member and explain the reasons for non-reappointment. The faculty member may request a written statement of reasons for non- reappointment within ten days after receiving the written notice. The request shall be in writing and the reasons shall be provided within ten days after the submission of the request. The notice of non-reappointment shall state in it the expiration date of the current contract and the effective date of termination and it shall indicate that the faculty member may appeal to the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities if he feels that the action is based on constitutionally impermissible grounds or to the President for review of the non-renewal decision when constitutional issues are not involved." Between June 2, 1976 and June 10, 1976, Dr. Roy Lassiter met with Dr. Sedlak and discussed, among other things, Dr. Sedlak's qualifications to remain on the faculty at the University of North Florida. Somewhere in this time period there was a discussion between Dr. Andrew Robinson and Dr. Sedlak, in which Dr. Robinson indicated that he concurred with the reasons which Dr. Siudzinski had given for the recommended non-renewal of Dr. Sedlak's contract, based upon Siudzinski's documentation and Siudzinski's reasons. On June 10, 1976, Dr. Thomas G. Carpenter, President of the University of North Florida, wrote to Dr. Sedlak recounting the conference of June 2, 1976, between Dr. Siudzinski and Dr. Sedlak, that informally notified Dr. Sedlak of the fact that his contract would not be renewed after June 15, 1976. The letter of Dr. Carpenter also indicated that formal notification of the action of non- renewal was being mailed June 10, 1976. Dr. Carpenter's letter further indicated that a new contract would be given to Dr. Sedlak effective June 16, 1976, for a contract year of 1976-77. (This letter had been prepared for Dr. Carpenter's signature by Dr. Lassiter, who is the delegated authority in matters of non-renewal of a non-tenured faculty member, in accordance with University of North Florida Academic Personnel Policies and Procedures, Chapter XI-25.) As Dr. Carpenter promised, formal notification of non-renewal of Dr. Sedlak's contract of employment was mailed from Dr. Robert M. Siudzinski, Chairman of the Department of Special Education, June 10, 1976. A copy of this letter of non-renewal is Petitioner's Exhibit #51, admitted into evidence. This letter served as official notification from the President of the University of North Florida, through his designee, Dr. Robert Siudzinski that Dr. Sedlak would not be appointed to the faculty of the Department of Special Education after June of 1977. The Siudzinski letter established that the current contract for the 1976-77 academic year would officially terminate on June 15, 1977. The letter stated that Dr. Sedlak could request a statement of reasons for the non- renewal within ten days of the date of receipt of the letter. The letter also attached the rules of the Board of Regents regarding the filing of grievances regarding non-renewal of contract. The letter went on to state that any grievance which Dr. Sedlak wished to file must be filed with the University President within 20 days after receipt of the letter, in accordance with quoted provisions. These provisions are drawn from the Chapter 6C-5.08(4)(c)5., Florida Administrative Code, which states: "any faculty member who deems himself aggrieved because of the recommendation that his contract of employment not be renewed and alleges (1) that the recommendation is based on constitutional impermissible reasons or (2) that it violates his property rights or (3) that it is not in compliance with written standards, criteria, or procedures prescribed by the Board of Regents or University regulations made within twenty days after receipt of the notice of non-renewal initiate his grievance by filing with the President, a complaint conforming to the requirements of paragraph (a) of Subsection (3) of this rule." Dr. Sedlak wrote a letter of June 14, 1976, to Dr. Siudzinski requesting a statement of reasons for non-renewal. This letter was responded to on June 22, 1976, in a letter by Dr. Siudzinski which stated four reasons for non-renewal of the contract. Those reasons being: "1. Failure to cooperate with the Department Chairman. Failure to respond to the assistance quarter in a manner that benefited the Department. Unprofessional behavior. Failure to contribute to the Department programs commensurate with rank and expectations at the time of initial appointment." Subsequent to the receipt of a statement of reasons, Dr. Sedlak filed his original letter of complaint of July 9, 1976. In accordance with Chapter 6C-5.08(4)(c)6., Florida Admin-istrative Code, Dr. Carpenter requested of Dr. Minor H. Chamblin, Acting Chairperson of the Faculty Grievance Committee of the University of North Florida, that an investigation be made of the complaint filed by Professor Sedlak in his July 9, 1976 letter. A copy of the report of that investigation may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit #59, admitted into evidence. The investigation did not lead to the resolution of the complaint of Dr. Sedlak, as indicated by the ongoing proceedings. The underlying facts involved in the dispute over the non-renewal of Dr. Sedlak's contract, began with the initial interview for employment which was conducted by Dr. Siudzinski. It was Dr. Siudzinski's contention in his testimony given in the course of the hearing, that Dr. Sedlak was told in the employment interview, that the University of North Florida program in Special Education was designed to have students obtain competencies in their field, meaning that the program at the University of North Florida was a competency based program. Moreover, Dr. Siudzinski contended that he told Dr. Sedlak that behavior modification was a strong part of the University of North Florida program and that he felt that Dr. Sedlak was weak in the behavior modification area and needed to improve. Dr. Siudzinski testified that he told Dr. Sedlak these things, notwithstanding the fact that Dr. Sedlak was hired to teach coruses other than behavior modification courses. Dr. Siudzinski indicated in his testimony that Dr. Sedlak was encouraged to sit in on Dr. Siudzinski's behavior modification course as an aid to Sedlak's achieving competency in the area. In opposition to this statement, Dr. Sedlak's testimony in the hearing indicated that he assumed his duties as a teacher at the University of North Florida, following initial interviews, but these interviews did not include a discussion of the necessity that he, Dr. Sedlak, have a competency in behavior modification. He said, as indicated by his vita filed with the University of North Florida at the time of his employment, Dr. Sedlak had never taken courses in behavior modification, and according to Dr. Sedlak those courses were not required as a prerequisite to his employment at the University of North Florida. Dr. Sedlak stated that at the initial interview there was no discussion of the philosophy of the Department of special Education at the University of North Florida, nor did Dr. Siudzinski tell him that he was expected to get a competency in behavior modification. Finally, in the discussion of the question of the necessity for competency in behavior modification at the employment stage, several other members of the faculty of the Department of Special Education, University of North Florida, offered testimony. One of those witnesses was Clement Van Nagel who testified that he had been hired to teach behavior modification and the policy that behavior modification competency was necessary had been discussed at faculty meetings which Dr'. Sedlak attended. Another faculty member in the Department of Special Education, Thomas Serwatka, testified in the hearing and stated although he was not told that he would be required to teach behavior modification, he was told by Dr. Siudzinski that. The Department of Special Education was competency based and that it was behavioral in its orientation and Siudziriski wanted to know if Serwatka had a background in behavior modification. Another faculty member in the Department of Special Education who testified was Mary D' Zamko. Mrs. D' Zamko testified that when she was hired she was expected to have a competency in behavior modification and that to her knowledge other faculty members were held to the same standard of competency. She also indicated that this expectation was made clear in the staff meetings in which Dr. Sedlak was in attendance. Finally, Robert Gonzales, a member of the faculty of the Department of Special Education, testified that when he was hired that there was an expectation that he have a competency in behavior modification. From the testimony offered in the course of the hearing it is established that Dr. Siudzinski apprised Dr. Sedlak of the expectation that Dr. Sedlak have a competency in behavior modification to be a member of the faculty at the University of North Florida and it is further established that this requirement was enunciated at intervals during the course of faculty meetings at the University of North Florida which Dr. Sedlak attended. Petitioner's Exhibit #9, is a composite exhibit which was admitted during the course of the hearing. This exhibit contains a letter of December 9, 1974, from Dr. Siudzinski setting out the period of appointment of Dr. Sedlak as Associate Professor of Education effective December 16, 1974, for a period to run through June 30, 1975. This letter sets out the major duties which Professor Sedlak was expected to perform. Professor Sedlak accepted the contract and appropriate administrative officials approved the hiring. From the time of the initial employment up to and including the date of the annual evaluation, which was held on June 3, 1975, nothing of any significance occurred. The annual evaluation of Dr. Sedlak's performance was conducted by Dr. Siudzinski on June 3, 1975. Prior to that date Dr. Sedlak was recommended for appointment for the summer quarter of 1975 effective June 23, 1975, as shown by Petitioner's Exhibit #14, admitted into evidence. Dr. Sedlak was approved for that quarter. In the evaluation session of June 3, 1975, mention was made of a problem which Dr. Siudzinski felt that Dr. Sedlak had in understanding, a so called "Discrepancy Evaluation Model." Dr. Siudzinski felt that from his observation of Dr. Sedlak's performance in instructing on this model, that Dr. Sedlak did not have a satisfactory understanding of it. Petitioner's Exhibit #15, admitted into evidence is a memorandum of June 5, 1975 dealing with the problem of Sedlak's understanding and his contribution to the underlying project. The fo1low up of the June 3, 1975 evaluation conference is found in a memorandum of June 5, 1975, which is Petitioner's Exhibit #15, admitted into evidence. In addition a memorandum was filed to the folder of Dr. Sedlak, dated June 27, 1975, from Dr. Siudzinski. A copy of this memorandum is Petitioner's Exhibit #17, admitted into evidence and the exhibit shows that Dr. Sedlak was recommended for reappointment for the year 1975- 1976. A copy of the offer of reappointment is found in Petitioner's Exhibit #19, admitted into evidence. This is an August 1, 1975, letter from Dr. Siudzinski indicating that the period of employment is from September 15, 1975 through June 15, 1976. Dr. Sedlak accepted this employment. Other action taken on the Petitioner's employment in 1975 would include a recommendation from Dr. Roy L. Lassiter, Jr., Vice President and Dean of Faculties, that Dr. Sedlak be given credit toward tenure at the University of North Florida for service at other institutions of higher education. This letter is in the form of a recommendation and a copy of the letter is Petitioner's Exhibit #21, admitted into evidence. The next notable event occurred in October or November of 1975, when an unidentified number of students objected to Dr. Siudzinski that Dr. Sedlak had assigned tests in his courses and not given those tests; to be followed by a period in which a group of tests were given to the students at one sitting. It is not clear that these complaints were made known to Dr. Sedlak and no official indication of these complaints was placed in the departmental file kept on Dr. Sedlak. In January, 1976, under a grant program, members of the faculty of the Department of Special Education, University of North Florida conducted a series of workshops on the subject of the aged. One of these workshops was conducted in St. Augustine, Florida on January 24, 1976. A part of the program was presented by Dr. Sedlak and Dr. Siudzinski observed part of the presentation. According to Dr. Sedlak, in a debriefing session Dr. Siudzinski indicated that he felt that certain of the information was irrelevant and counter to the behavioristic philosophy of the Department, to which Dr. Sedlak stated he protested and indicated that he had taught what was in the prescribed textbook. Dr. Sedlak testified that the subject then turned to Dr. Siudzinski's question of him, whether Sedlak had told anybody else about an incident which he had seen between a student and Siudzinski. Sedlak testified that the incident spoken of referred to Siudzinski being seen by Sedlak embracing and kissing a student, whom Sedlak knew. Sedlak claimed that he told Siudzinski that this incident was none of Sedlak's business and that he had said nothing. The subject, per Sedlak's testimony, then turned to whether Sedlak would be at the University of North Florida next year and Siudzinski supposedly said he really didn't know if Sedlak would fit in. The "incident" spoken of was supposed to have occurred a couple of weeks before this conversation. Siudzinski's version of the workshop debriefing was that he criticized Sedlak for being at variance with the purpose of the workshop, in that Sedlak was labeling matters and not dealing in the observable and measurable. Moreover, Siudzinski testified that some of the things that Dr. Sedlak was dealing in were contrary to what was being said by others participating in the workshop. Siudzinski claims he then brought up a complaint by a student which had been relayed through a secretary in the office of the Department of Special Education. Sedlak, by Siudzinski's statement, was kidding the student by saying that he had seen Siudzinski parked in front of her house. This was the total account of the January 24, 1976 debriefing, from Siudzinski's point of view. Dr. Siudzinski denies any incident in which he embraced a student or kissed a student. The subject was brought up again on January 27, 1976, after Siudzinski had attended one of Dr. Sedlak's classes for an hour and a half and spoke with him about the teaching. During the course of that conversation, Sedlak accused Siudzinski of "being on his back" and a heated argument ensued. Sedlak claims Siudzinski admitted being on his back about the so called "incident" with the "student" and Siudzinski claims that Sedlak told him that he would smear his, Siudzinski's name and family, so that he could not hold his head up in the community. Siudzinski said that he responded to this statement by asking Sedlak to resign. Another subject which was brought up on January 27, 1976, during the course of the discussion of the class, was Siudzinski's inquiry as to why Sedlak was teaching the I.T.P.A. tests, which Siudzinski thought was Inappropriate, by Sedlak's testimony. Dr. Siudzinski did not testify on whether he commented on teaching the I.T.P.A. or not. He simply said that he found some good things and some bad things in Dr. Sedlak's teaching. After the discussion of January 27, 1976, Dr. Siudzinski called Dr. Lassitor the next morning and told Dr. Lassiter of his concern about the accusations which Dr. Sedlak had placed against him on the subject of the student incident. Dr. Siudzinski observed another of Dr. Sedlak's classes on January 28, 1976. About this time period, Dr. Siudzinski prepared a first draft of a document entitled Discrepancy Evaluation Model Competencies which he intended to evaluate Dr. Sedlak on. Petitioner's Exhibit #24 is this document. In addition, Dr. Siudzinski submitted as a part of a memorandum of February 2, 1976, certain competencies in the behavior modification area which he expected to evaluate Dr. Sedlak on. The copies of this memorandum and the evaluation on behavior modification are found as Petitioner's Exhibit #25, admitted into evidence. These items found as Petitioner's Exhibits #24 and #25 were provided for Sedlak. These discussions mentioned above, between Dr. Sedlak and Dr. Siudzinski, were continued on February 5, 1976. On February 6, 1976, a meeting was held between Dean White, the then Dean of the College of Education, University of North Florida; Dr. Andrew Robinson; Dr. Siudzinski and Dr. Sedlak with the idea of trying to reconcile the differences between Dr. Siudzinski and Dr. Sedlak. The meeting also had as a topic of discussion, the propriety of requiring Dr. Sedlak to demonstrate his competency in behavior modification and the subject of the discrepancy evaluation model. There is a memorandum of February 9, 1976, indicating that there was a conversation between Professor Sedlak and Siudzinski. This memorandum is Petitioner's Exhibit #27, admitted into evidence. Dr. Sedlak does not recall this conversation and Dr. Siudzinski offered no testimony about it. A meeting was held February 10, 1976, between Dean White, Dr. Robinson, Dr. Sedlak and Dr. Siudzinski in which Dean White and Dr. Robinson suggested that If Dr. Sedlak had a complaint to make about Siudzinski's morals or behavior, he should state them. Sedlak's reply was that he had noting to say at that time. Dr. Robinson recalls that other subjects in the conversation were the question of Dr. Sedlak's competency in behavior modification and the possibility of offering an assistance quarter to improve Dr. Sedlak's knowledge of behavior modification. Siudzinski was to go back and think about what to do on the subject of the assistance quarter. In this same time frame there were several conversations between Dr. Siudzinski and Dr. Lassiter concerning Dr. Sedlak's performance and Dr. Lassiter had indicated that he thought that perhaps an assistance quarter was a proper aid, even though the matter concerned Dr. Sedlak's qualifications as opposed to his teaching skills. This subject of an assistance quarter was also discussed between Dr. Lassiter and Dr. Robinson at about this time. A meeting was held on February 13, 1976, between Dr. Siudzinski and Dr. Sedlak. A memorandum which summarized the results of that meeting is Petitioner's Exhibit #29, admitted into evidence and made a part of the record herein. This particular meeting was an evaluation session in which Dr. Siudzinski discussed one of the courses which Dr. Sedlak was teaching, to wit, EEC 604. He also mentioned the S.E.P.A. program audit which Sedlak was to participate in. Discussion was entered into about remedying the deficiency in behavior modification, which Dr. Siudzinski felt that Dr. Sedlak had. Suggestions offered were; taking a class and peer evaluation. The Discrepancy Model of Evaluation was also discussed and Dr. Siudzinski removed Dr. Sedlak from that project. The removal occurred because Dr. Siudzinski had talked to Professor D'Zamko and come to the conclusion, based on that conversation and his own observations, that Sedlak did not understand the project sufficiently and was not providing equitable participation with D'Zamko. Dr. Sedlak had not boon privy to the conversation between D'Zamko and Siudzinski. Dr. Sedlak complied with the request pertaining to EEC 604 and apparently complied with the request pertaining to the S.E.P.A. program audit. On February 27, 1976, a memorandum which is Petitioner's Exhibit #32, was sent from Dr. Siudzinski to Dr. Sedlak requesting an appointment between the two. Dr. Sedlak did not respond to the memorandum and a memorandum of March 8, 1976 was sent as a follow up requesting a meeting. This memorandum, Petitioner's Exhibit #33, admitted Into evidence, specifically sets out the topic of the meeting. One of the topics of the meeting, which was conducted on March 10, 1978, concerned the efforts which Dr. Sedlak had taken to cover one of his class sessions, EEC 604. The form that was filled out to have a sub-stitute teacher showed the wrong date. The form additionally indicated that Dr. Van Nagel would conduct the entire class, which was not possible since Dr. Van Nagel had a scheduling conflict for the first two hours of the four hour session, which was to be the length of time of Dr. Sedlak's class on that occasion. Dr. Sedlak had requested Dr. Cathy Hartman, another member of the faculty, to cover the first part of the class, and this was not reflected on the form. Dr. Hartman was unable to cover the class and this knowledge was only made known at 5:00 P.M. the day before the class session. The first part of the class to be covered was one in which a test was given to the students. Dr. Siudzinski took over that portion of the class and found the test instrument was not fair to those persons who did not have miniature calculators and the substance of the test was not acceptable in his view. A summary of the evaluation session of March 10, 1976, is Petitioner's Exhibit #34, admitted into evidence and made a part of the record herein. Dr. Siudzinski requested that he be provided with the test instruments involved in the EEC 604 course. One of the test instruments was the one given by Dr. Siudzinski and is Petitioner'S Exhibit #35, admitted into evidence. Of the remaining test instruments, one or more were never provided to Dr. Siudzinski. Dr. Sedlak's explanation was that some of the tests had been destroyed and some of the tests were found subsequent to the time that he was removed from the Department of Special Education. Another subject in the evaluation session of March 10, 1976 was the discussion of behavior modification. No resolution was reached on the subject of the possibility of Dr. Sedlak taking a course in behavior modification and Dr. Siudzinski agreed to look into this further. The memorandum covering the evaluation session indicates that an agreement was reached on a meeting to be held with Dr. Andrew Robinson on March 12, 1976, to discuss the assistance quarter, which was to begin March 26, 1976. Dr. Sedlak claims that no such discussion was entered into concerning the subject of assistance quarter or a meeting with Dr. Robinson. Dr. Siudzinski remembers that the subject of setting up an assistance quarter had been discussed in an evaluation session, although he does not mention which session. In fact, after a memorandum of notice, a meeting was held with the then Dean Designate Andrew Robinson on March 18, 1976. At the meeting Dean Robinson had a copy of the memorandum summary of the meeting of March 10, 1976 between Dr. Sedlak and Dr. Siudzinski which is Petitioner's Exhibit #34, admitted into evidence. Dr. Robinson indicated that he felt that the problem with the class coverage was serious. Dr. Sedlak responded that he thought this was trivial. Nonetheless, Dr. Robinson instructed Dr. Sedlak that these matters would begin to pile up. The subject of the assistance quarter was brought up, and Dr. Robinson indicated that if Dr. Sedlak refused to participate in the assistance quarter and resigned, he wanted to know what Dr. Siudzinski would provide in the way of an employment reference. Dr. Siudzinski indicated that he would not volunteer any derogatory information about Dr. Sedlak to a prospective employer. The subject of an assistance quarter was concluded by Dr. Robinson telling Dr. Sedlak that he would expect the assistance quarter to he a part of the spring quarter duties of Dr. Sedlak. Dr. Sedlak, in his testimony in the hearing, denied that any conversation on the assistance quarter was entered into. Dr. Siudzinski again asked for the test instruments which were involved in EEC 604 and Dr. Sedlak refused to give these instruments to Dr. Siudzinski but indicated that he would give them to Dr. Robinson. As stated before, some of these test instruments were never provided to Dr. Siudzinski, nor were they provided to Dr. Robinson. Dr. Robinson also asked Dr. Sedlak at the meeting were there reasons other than professional ones why Dr. Siudzinski would be putting Dr. Sedlak through an assistance quarter. Dr. Sedlak responded that he would not deal with that at that time. After the meeting between Siudzinski, Robinson, and Sedlak, Sedlak came to Robinson's office and stated that the reason Siudzinski was after him was because one day Sedlak had caught Siudzinski and a student in a compromising situation. Robinson responded to this statement by saying that if Sedlak would make formal charges against Siudzinski he would Investigate and discipline Siudzinski if it were true; however, if It was untrue, Dr. Sedlak would be disciplined. Dr. Sedlak said he would need time to think about such a complaint. He never did offer to make a formal complaint. Between the winter and spring quarters of 1976, Dr. Sedlak entered the hospital for a kidney disorder. He had signed out for a car from the University on the day he entered the hospital. The car was signed out from the University to go to Lake City, Florida to teach a workshop for the aged. When he became ill he went to the hospital and parked the car, leaving the car with the keys in the ignition. He then called Dr. Siudzinski and told him he could not attend the workshop the next day because he was in the hospital, after which he hung up. He did not indicate to Dr. Siudzinski which hospital he was in. Through the efforts of the administration and in particular Dr. Siudzinski, it was determined that Dr. Sedlak was in Memorial Hospital, Jacksonville. Dr. Sedlak did not indicate his whereabouts until the next day, at which time he called Dr. Siudzinski and indi-cated that the car was in the Memorial Hospital parking lot. Dr. Robinson was concerned about the health issue and offered to allow Dr. Sedlak to assume some other duties other than teaching in the spring quarter of 1976. Dr. Sedlak declined his offer and returned to his teaching duties. Dr. Robinson made clear that this return to teaching would cause Dr. Sedlak to be treated as any other teacher even though he was going to be on an assistance quarter. As a part of this discussion, Dr. Robinson required Dr. Sedlak to produce a letter saying he was capable of performing his teaching duties Dr. Sedlak responded by correspondence of March 29, 1976, which is Petitioner's Exhibit #39, admitted into evidence. Dr. Siudzinski followed this letter by a letter of March 30, 1970 to Dr. Sedlak which is Petitioner's Exhibit #40, admitted into evidence and indicates that in the spring quarter, Dr. Sedlak would perform duties as an Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education, as well as the additional responsibilities that had been discussed, meaning the assistance quarter. Again Dr. Sedlak denies that the assistance quarter was to be performed. On April 1, 1976, Dr. Siudzinski discussed a meeting of March 29, 1976, between he and Sedlak and reiterates his request for the exams, the five examinations which were used In the winter quarter course EEC 604. Petitioner's Exhibit #42, admitted into evidence, is a composite exhibit containing two examinations of the winter quarter of 1976 and three sets of answers. These items were found in June or July, 1976, but as stated were never given Dr. Siudzinski. Another evaluation session was held between Dr. Siudzinski and Dr. Sedlak on April 22, 1976. A summary of this evaluation session is found in Petitioner's Exhibit #43, admitted into evidence and made a part of the record herein. Some of the subjects covered in the evaluation session included a discussion of the attendance of a workshop on behavior modification, and another request that the examinations for the EEC 604 course be provided. He was also requested to provide the instruments and techniques involved in that course and other courses being taught by Dr. Sedlak. These were provided. An inquiry was made about the progress that Dr. Sedlak had made in mastering Discrepancy Model Competencies contained in the list of January 30, 1976. Other matters covered were the progress which Dr. Sedlak had made on the mastering of behavior modification competencies set up in the memorandum of February 2, 1976. It was also discussed that Dr. Sedlak was not answering his phone in the office. Finally, Dr. Siudzinski indicated that he might be visiting Dr. Sedlak's classes in the future and requested his list of competencies that were to be covered. Dr. Sedlak stated that he would not provide the exams in the EEC 604 class without speaking to the union. He made a similar reply on the request for instruments and techniques in other courses and a similar reply about progress which he had made in mastering the Discrepancy Model Competencies. Additionally, he said he refused to be tested on the Discrepancy Model Competencies, since he was an Associate Professor. He made the same response to the inquiry on progress on behavior modification competencies. He also stated that many of the behavior modification competencies were incorporated in his classes. (Sedlak also taught several sessions on behavior modification for the Duval County School Board outside his normal duties.) The complaint about answering the phone was responded to by Dr. Sedlak in which he said that when he was busy with someone in the office or working on something important, it was not necessary to answer the phone. He agreed to produce the list of competencies to be covered in his upcoming classes. The summary of the evaluation goes on to request in writting copies of the exams in the EEC 604 course for the winter quarter 1976. It also requests in writting, copies of the instruments and descriptions of techniques in evaluating courses being taught by Dr. Sedlak. It requests in writting an answer on progress made in mastering the Discrepancy Model Competencies of January 30, 1976 and the progress made in mastering behavior modification competencies attached to the memo of February 2, 1976. In connection with the discussion of instruments and techniques in evaluating students in the courses being taught by Dr. Sedlak, Petitioner's Composite Exhibit #44, admitted into evidence, is copies of classes assigned to be taught by Dr. Sedlak for the period of his stay with the Department of Special Education. On April 27, 1976, Dr. Sedlak responded to the memorandum on the meeting on April 22, 1976. In this memorandum he suggested that the tests were not kept and that he does not traditionally keep tests and asked why the matter of the tests of the EEC 604, winter quarter kept coming up. He stated that he provided evaluation instruments for EEC 500 as enclosed and stated that the other evaluation instruments were not kept for other courses. His response to the Discrepancy Model of Evaluation was that he had been removed from responsibilities in the area and made no further response. Finally, in response to the question on behavior modification competencies, he simply stated that he had given workshops in behavior modification for Duval County Schools. On May 28, 1976, a memorandum was sent to Dr. Sedlak from Dr. Siudzinski requesting a meeting for the annual evaluation to be held June 2, 1976. During the spring quarter of 1976, Dr. Roy L. Lassitor met with members of the facultv of the Department of Special Education other than Dr. Siudzinski and Dr. Sedlak and requested them to answer several questions. Me asked them if Dr. Siudzinski was involved with any female students to their knowledge, to which they responded no. He asked them if the faculty was aware of any incident between Dr. Siudzinski and some student and they responded yes, but only as a rumor. He asked them if they had confidence in Dr. Siudzinski as chairperson and they responded that they did. The persons contacted were Dr. Van Nagel, Dr. Serwatka, Mrs. D'Zamko and Dr. Gonzales. In that quarter, Dr. Robinson met several times with Dr. Siudzinski to try to clear up the progress that had been made by Dr. Sedlak on the assistance quarter. He also met with Dr. Sedlak and reminded him that he expected Sedlak to perform the assistance quarter laid out by Siudzinski. Respondent's Exhibit #2, admitted into evidence, is a list of Dr. Robinson's suggestions for the assistance quarter. In other meetings with Siudzinski, Siudzinski stated that very few things that Dr. Sedlak had been requested to do had been done, and that he thought that Sedlak should be terminated. Some of the complaints that Siudzinski related to Dr. Robinson were, intimidation of secretaries, graduate students and assistants and disparaging remarks about Siudzinski. Dr. Robinson told Siudzinski to but these matters in writting and after reviewing the case, Dr. Robinson concurred with Siudzinski that Dr. Sedlak's contract should not be renewed. There was a meeting between Dr. Sedlak and Dr. Lassiter which has been previously referred to in the body of facts, specificallv the meeting between June 2, 1976 and June 10, 1976. In that meeting Dr. Lassiter offered Dr. Sedlak the opportunity to make charges against Dr. Siudzinski for his alleged improper conduct. Lassiter stated that he would remove the Chairman if it was a true claim and proceed to terminate Dr. Sedlak for cause if the charges of improper conduct with a student wore false. Sedlak did not bring a charge. An examination of the evidential facts indicates that the recommendation of the non-renewal of the Petitioner's contract, (1) was not based upon a constitutionally impermissible reason, (2) was not violative of any of the Petitioner's property rights and (3) complied with written standards, criteria, and procedures prescribed by the Board of Regents and university regulations. The briefs filed by the parties have been examined and the elements of those briefs which are deemed to be meritorious have been incorporated into the findings of fact of the undersigned.

Recommendation It Is recommended that the Respondent, University of North Florida, not renew the Petitioner's contract of employment with the University of North Florida beyond June 15, 1977 and that the Petitioner be found unentitled to restoration of rights and privileges previously enjoyed before the recommendation of non-renewal of his employment contract with the University of North Florida. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of June, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of June COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. Anthony Demelas American Federal of Teachers 160 College Street Burlington, Vermont Delbridge L. Gibbs, Esquire Post Office Box 447 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Dr. Joseph Sedlak 5336 Windemere Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32211 Kenneth A. Megill Florida Education Association/United 208 West Pensacola Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jul. 12, 2004 Number: 04-002390PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida Nov. 17, 2016 Number: 16-006775PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001140 Latest Update: Nov. 03, 1981

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Teacher's Certificate No. 422775 (graduate, rank 3), which expires on June 30, 1984. She is certified to teach biology and health education at the secondary (grades 7-12) school level. She is now employed by the Duval County School Board as a teacher at Douglas Anderson Middle School. (Testimony of Cobb; Prehearing Stipulation; P-4.) In January, 1974, Respondent pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor crime: the obtaining of public assistance by fraud in violation of Section 409.325, Florida Statutes. On January 28, 1974, the County Court of Duval County adjudged her guilty and placed her on probation. (P-1.) On November 23, 1976, the State Attorney of Duval County filed a criminal Information charging Respondent with petit larceny. Essentially, he alleged that, on November 21, 1976, she took merchandise belonging to Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc., without paying for it. On November 30, 1976, she entered a plea of nolo contendere to the petit larceny charge; she was adjudged guilty by the County Court of Duval County and sentenced to pay a $50 fine and court costs. (P-2.) In July, 1978, Respondent applied for a Florida teaching certificate. Section V of the application asked: "Have you ever been arrested or involved in a criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation"? By marking the appropriate space, she answered "No". (P-3.) She executed the application before a notary public on July 14, 1978; she expressly certified that: I understand that Florida Statutes provide for revocation of a teacher's certificate if evidence and proof is established that the certificate has been obtained by fraudulent means. (Section 231.28 F.S.) I further certify that all information pertaining to this application is true and correct. Pursuant to her application, and in reliance upon the representation that she had never been arrested or involved in a crime, the Florida Department of Education issued her the teacher's certificate which she now holds. (Testimony of Lee; P-4.) At the time she completed her application, Respondent was aware of her criminal record and knew that she had been involved in at least one criminal offense--the 1976 offense of petit larceny. At hearing, she could not explain why she denied any past involvement in a criminal offense: Q.: [Counsel for Commissioner] : So, you knew [when you applied for a teacher's certificate] that you had been involved in a criminal history or had had an involvement with the law? A.: [Respondent]: In '76, yes. Q.: Okay, why didn't you put, "yes"? A.: I just didn't. Q.: But you . . . you knew you had been involved in a criminal offense. A.: In '76, yes. : So then why didn't you put, "yes"? A.: I just didn't. (Tr. 126.) It must be concluded that Respondent knowingly falsely represented to the Department of Education that she had no prior involvement in any criminal offense; that she misrepresented her criminal record in order to obtain a Florida teacher's certificate. (Testimony of Cobb; P-1, P-2, P-3.) Whether an applicant has ever been arrested or involved in a criminal offense is a material factor in the Department's evaluation of an application. An application may be denied if the applicant has committed acts which would justify suspension or revocation of a teaching certificate; it is likely-- although not certain--that, if the Department was aware of Respondent's past criminal record, her application would have been denied. (Testimony of Lee.) When Respondent submitted an application for employment with the Duval County School Board on July 24, 1978, she falsely answered "No" to the question: "Have you ever been arrested for any other offense other than minor traffic violations"? (Tr. 49.) She knew her answer was false 2/ . Had her criminal record been revealed, she would not have been recommended for employment. (Testimony of Epting, Cobb.) From October 7, 1978, to November 11, 1978, Respondent obtained unemployment compensation even though she was employed by the City of Jacksonville. She obtained the unemployment compensation by falsely indicating she was not employed. Consequently, a criminal Information was filed on April 29, 1980, by the State Attorney of Duval County charging her with unemployment compensation fraud. On June 4, 1980, she pleaded guilty to the charge; however, the Circuit Court of Duval County withheld adjudication, placed her on probation for one year, sentenced her to three weekends in county jail, and directed that she make complete restitution of the funds wrongfully collected. (P-6.) Respondent acknowledges that she knew her action was wrong, that she knew she was not entitled to the unemployment compensation funds. She explains that she was in financial need and behind on her house payment; she feels her actions were justified, under the circumstances, because Jacksonville (her employer) had promised that she would continue to be employed. Instead--after she had incurred long-term financial commitments--Jacksonville terminated her employment. She has now made full restitution for the wrongfully taken funds. (Testimony of Cobb.) Respondent has been an effective and satisfactory teacher during the 1980-1981 school year. Her ratings have been the highest possible; she has shown initiative and established rapport with her students. Her principal recently promoted her to chairman of the science/health department and recommended that she be reemployed for the 1981-1982 school term. (Testimony of Poppell; R-1.) Teachers in Duval County are held to a high standard of character and conduct. A teacher's involvement in crime would tend to violate those standards; parents would be unwilling to entrust the education of their children to such an individual. (Testimony of Poppell.) The Commissioner's proposed findings of fact have been considered. Those proposed findings which are not incorporated above are rejected as irrelevant to the issue presented or unsupported by the preponderance of evidence.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Education Practices Commission enter a final order permanently revoking Respondent's Teacher's Certificate, No. 422775. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 3rd day of November, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of November, 1981

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