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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001945 Latest Update: Mar. 28, 1977

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence presented the following facts are found: Petitioners each made application for a certificate of need under the provisions of Sections 381.493 through 381.497, Florida Statutes, 1975, which applications were submitted to the Bureau of Community Medical Facilities and accepted as complete by the bureau. Each application seeks a certificate of need for a third generation computerized axial tomography scanner (whole body unit) hereinafter referred to as a CAT scanner. There is presently in Jacksonville a head scanner installed at St. Vincent Hospital in November, 1975, and a whole body scanner at St. Luke's Hospital which has been in full operation since January, 1976. All three Petitioners are located in Jacksonville, Florida. The applications were processed by the appropriate Health Systems Agency. After due consideration the Health Systems Agency recommended that each of the three applications be granted. At the request of the Bureau of Community Medical Facilities, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, the State Hospital Advisory Council reviewed the applications and upheld the Health Systems Agency's determination that the three applications should be granted certificates of need. After consideration of the applications, the Health Systems Agency's recommendation the State Hospital Advisory Council's recommendation, Mr. Art Forehand, Administrator, Office of Community Medical Facilities, Respondent herein, notified each of the three Petitioners that their applications were not favorably considered. Mr. Forehand's notification set forth three reasons for the unfavorable consideration. Those were (1) lack of demonstrated need for the requested scanner, (2) failure of each application to demonstrate positive action toward containment of cost for services rendered to the public, and (3) lack of demonstrated unavailability, unaccessability, and inadequacy of like services within the Jacksonville area. At the time of his decision Mr. Forehand had no material or information available to him which was not available to the Health Systems Agency or the State Hospital Advisory Council at the time of their decision. At the time the three applications were denied Mr. Forehand felt that there did exist a need for one additional scanner in the Jacksonville area but he did not feel that he should bear the burden of deciding which one of the three applications should be granted and therefore all three were denied. Except for those matters set forth in Mr. Forehand's denial and noted above, none of the parties to this proceeding disputed that the criteria for determining need found in Section 101-1.03(c), F.A.C., were met. A study of computerized axial tomography with suggested criteria for review of certificate of need applications was conducted by the staff of the Health Systems Agency of Northeast Florida relative to the Duval County area. This study was published in April of 1976 and its findings appear to have been accepted by the Health Systems Agency. As one of its suggested criteria for determining need it found that a hospital or applicant should have a potential case load of at least 1,000 CAT scans per year. The study went on to project a potential case load for the three Petitioners herein. That projection for Baptist Memorial Hospital shows a a potential case load of 2,512 scans per year. The study noted that Baptist Memorial projected 1,300 scans for the first year during start up operations and 2,080 scans during the second and third years of their forecast. The study found that Riverside Hospital has a potential case load of 1,196 scans per year compared to their own projections of 1,432 scans per year. The study finally found that the University Hospital has a potential case load of 1,558 scans per year compared to their projection of 2,904. Testimony on behalf of the Respondent shows that in the opinion of Respondent full use of a CAT scanner is 10 scans per day on a 20-day work month working five days a week. As shown by unrebutted testimony the existing scanner at St. Luke's Hospital in Jacksonville is presently averaging 10 scans per day, five-days a week. Further, according to the evidence presented by Respondent, the existing scanner at St. Vincent is being utilized to at least 85 percent of its capacity. Respondent took the position at the hearing that when existing scanners are being used to 85 percent or more of their capacity a need exists for more equipment. Thus, it appears that using the criteria of utilization adhered to by Respondent, the existing CAT scanners in Jacksonville are being utilized to the extent that there is a need for additional scanners. University Hospital has 310 licensed beds and is the community hospital in Duval County with the responsibility of serving the indigent on an emergency and short term basis. It is the trauma center of the city and has the most active emergency room. It is also the major teaching hospital in Duval County. Respondent agrees that it has the greatest need of any hospital in Duval County for a CAT scanner. The University Hospital has approximately 300 visits per month to its emergency room. In the four months prior to the date of final hearing the hospital did 586 skull x-rays due to trauma. In the case of acute trauma patients frequently may not be moved from one hospital to another for the purpose of a CAT scan nor, in some cases, should other dangerous invasive techniques be used for diagnosis. Baptist Hospital has 567 licensed beds and is a major oncology center or cancer center and does a large amount of surgical cancer work in additional to radiation therapy. With the possible exception of University Hospital, Baptist Hospital is the largest pediatric hospital in the area. According to the testimony of the administrator of the hospital it would take 14 to 18 months after receipt of a certificate of need to have a CAT scanner in service. Riverside Hospital has 183 licensed beds. The hospital has been a specialty hospital since its establishment in 1908 and serves the Riverside Clinic. The hospital has approximately 200 specialized physicians, all board certified, on-staff. Riverside is a unique hospital because of its degree of specialty and its relationship to Riverside Clinic. Riverside Hospital does 100 percent of the Riverside Clinic's radiology work. Riverside Hospital has been known as an established diagnostic center. Witnesses for Riverside Hospital testified that if they were not able to have a CAT scanner their reputation and ability to provide first class service would be seriously diminished. CAT scanners represent a significant development in diagnostic medicine. They reduce the need for many dangerous, painful and costly injections of dye, air and radioactive isotopes required by some of the more traditional diagnostic procedures. The three most common tests displaced by CAT scanners are pneumoencephalography, angiography and radioactive isotope scanning. The first two of the foregoing are particularly expensive procedures and require hospitalization. At present, patients at the three Petitioner hospitals have to be transported to another facility in order to use a scanner. The transfer of an inpatient to another hospital for a scan may effectively consume the better part of a patient's day and may require an extra day of hospitalization. The cost of transportation, increased hospital stay and ancillary matters increase the actual cost to the Patient. Patients suffering from severe trauma or otherwise in a critical state, may not be transported out of a hospital to a scanner. All three of the Petitioners have an active neurological and neurosurgical staff and qualified radiologists. The unrebutted testimony indicates that, although CAT scanners are a new development whose potential has not yet been fully explored and whose development may not yet be final, they nevertheless have become an essential diagnostic tool of regular use.

USC (1) 42 CFR 100.106
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Port St. Lucie, Florida May 16, 2000 Number: 00-002067 Latest Update: Oct. 06, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-000338 Latest Update: Dec. 19, 1983

The Issue The ultimate issue to be resolved in this proceeding is whether the SSDB's proposal to construct a freestanding ambulatory surgery center in Volusia County, Florida, should be approved or denied. SSDB and the Department contend that the proposal meets statutory criteria and comports with the Department's rules. SSDB and the Department contend that there is a need for the facility and that SSDB is fully competent to construct and operate the facility. OBMH and HHMC contend that there is no need for the proposed facility, that the facility is not likely to be an economically viable venture, that the facility would injure existing businesses, and that the application should be denied because SSDB did not file a letter of intent with the local health council in a timely manner.

Findings Of Fact SSDB is a corporation that is a wholly owned subsidiary of Surgical Inc. Eighty percent of the stock of Surgical Services, Inc., is owned by American Medical International, Inc., a large, multinational health care corporation which owns and operates hospitals and other health care services. American Medical International is the third largest health care provider in the United States. The remaining 20 percent of Surgical Services, Inc., stock is owned by Randall L. Phillips, the company's president. SSDB is proposing to construct and operate a freestanding ambulatory surgery center in Daytona Beach, Volusia County, Florida. The service area for the proposed facility would be Volusia County. This facility would house four operating rooms and would be designed to handle all types of surgical procedures that can be performed on an outpatient basis. SSDB has entered into a contract to purchase land that provides a suitable site for the facility. It is located at the intersection of Clyde Morris Boulevard and Mason Avenue in Daytona Beach. The contract price for the property is $270,000. In addition to the cost of land acquisition, the preopening costs of the project would total $2,080,000. That amount would cover legal and accounting fees, architectural and engineering fees, a site survey, consulting fees, construction costs, movable equipment costs, and other engineering expenses. The preopening cost estimates are less than the $2,500,000 estimated in the original Certificate of Need application. The reduction is attributable to cost efficiencies primarily in selection and purchase of equipment. The costs estimated by SSDB are adequate to cover all preopening expenses and to provide an adequate facility. Financial support for the facility will be provided by American Medical International. This will include an equity contribution, a loan, and all necessary working capital. American Medical International has committed to provide financing adequate to construct and operate the facility. American Medical International has the financial resources to fulfill this commitment. The facility proposed by SSDB would be 15,500 square feet in size. The design is adequate for the proposed use and satisfies applicable health care facility standards and state and federal laws. The equipment proposed for the facility is sufficient to allow the handling of anticipated types of procedures. The facility will be open to all physicians qualified to perform the types of surgery that can be tone within an ambulatory setting. The facility will accept Medicare patients. The facility will admit any patient scheduled by surgeons, and ability to pay will not be a criterion for admission. SSDB has developed a marketing program to attract physicians and patients to the facility. SSDB has proposed adequate staffing for its facility and will be able to fulfill its staff requirements. SSDB is fully competent, given its backing by American Medical International, to construct and operate the proposed facility. OBMH is a Florida nonprofit corporation. It operates a 205-bed hospital in Volusia County, Florida, and renders medical services to residents of Volusia County and surrounding areas. OBMH presently renders ambulatory surgical services on an outpatient basis in connection with its surgery department. MEMO is a special taxing district. It operates a 345-bed hospital in Volusia County, Florida, and services residents of Volusia County and surrounding areas. HEM has a same-day surgery program and renders ambulatory surgical services through this procam on an outpatient basis. Ambulatory surgical services can be performed either in a hospital- based setting such as operated by OBMH and HHMC, or in a freestanding facility such as proposed by SSDB. HHMC presently has 12 general-purpose operating rooms. The HHMC same-day surgery program utilizes these rooms, but has a separate admitting area and waiting room that is utilized for inpatient surgery cases. OBMH has four general-purpose operating rooms. Outpatient or ambulatory surgeries are regularly performed in these rooms. There are presently 41 general-purpose operating rooms in Volusia County's eight hospitals. Outpatient or ambulatory surgical procedures are performed in these rooms. The Florida Health Care Plan is a health maintenance organization located in Volusia County. It has three operating rooms here inpatient or ambulatory surgery procedures are performed for members of the organization. The Neuman Dye Institute is a freestanding ambulatory surgical center licensed by the Department. It is located in DeLand, Volusia County, Florida. It has two operating rooms which are used for treatment of eye disorders. Approximately 15 percent of the surgeries performed in hospitals in Volusia County during the year August 1, 1982, through July 31, 1983, were done on an outpatient basis. The total number of surgical procedures performed in Volusia County has increased only slightly during the past three years. The number of impatient procedures has decreased, while the number of outpatient procedures has increased rather dramatically. This increase reflects a national trend which increasingly favors ambulatory or outpatient surgeries. It is likely that the number of outpatient cases as a percentage of total surgeries will continue to increase in Volusia County. The 15 percent figure for outpatient surgeries relates only to those procedures conducted in a hospital setting. It does not include procedures performed at the health maintenance organization, the Neuman Eye Institute, or in physicians offices. One major source of patients for ambulatory surgery programs is elective plastic surgery procedures. Two of the plastic surgeons who practice in Volusia County have their own operating rooms where ambulatory surgical procedures can be conducted. These physicians are not likely to use a separate, freestanding facility. The remaining plastic surgeons in Volusia County have utilized the same-day surgery facility at HHMC and have expressed satisfaction with that program. Existing facilities in Volusia County are adequate to accommodate the anticipated growth and the number of outpatient or ambulatory surgeries that will be performed during the next three years in Volusia County. Hospital surgical facilities in Volusia County are significantly underutilized at present. Existing facilities have the capacity to accommodate a more dramatic increase in total surgical procedures and in outpatient surgical procedures than is anticipated over the next three years. Given the existence of the hospital facilities, the Neuman Eye Institute, the health maintenance organization, and operating rooms located in physicians' offices, adequate facilities exist to accommodate the increased demand for outpatient surgeries that is anticipated in Volusia County. SSDB is proposing to offer its services to the public during the first year of operation for an average charge of $490 per procedure. The cost would increase to $540 for the second year. The average per-case cost for outpatient surgeries at HHMC is $393. The average per-case cost at OBMH is $439. Given the fact that one case can Involve multiple procedures, it is evident that existing facilities in Volusia County are charging less for ambulatory surgical services than SSDB proposes to charge. While some increases in present charges are likely, given general trends, it is not likely that HHMC or OBMH will charge as much for outpatient surgical procedures as SSDB proposes to charge. It has been asserted that HHMC's charges for outpatient surgeries are inadequate to cover HHMC's costs and that the charges are being kept low artificially. The evidence is to the contrary. HHMC's charges for outpatient surgeries are adequate to meet the facility's expenses. The facility proposed by SSDB does not present any cost savings to patients. Services at the proposed facility would be more expensive than the same services at existing facilities in Volusia County. Freestanding surgical centers have generally presented some advantages to physicians no consumers. In many places, outpatient surgeries are difficult to schedule in a hospital setting because they are susceptible of being bumped by surgeries that are considered more urgent. Furthermore, in many locations, physicians have had difficulty scheduling their outpatient surgeries in blocks of cases so that they can perform them more efficiently. Those problems have not occurred in Volusia County. Physicians who regularly perform outpatient surgeries in hospitals in Volusia County have been able to schedule their cases in blocks and have experienced no difficulties with bumping. SSDB has projected that its proposed facility would experience an acceptable loss during its first year of operation, but that it would show a net profit during its second and third years of operation. These estimates are based upon projections that 2,160 procedures would be performed at the facility at an average rate per procedure of $490 during the first year and 2,640 procedures at an average rate of $540 during the second year. These projections are unrealistic. The projections contemplate that approximately one-third of all outpatient surgeries in Volusia County would be performed at the proposed facility. The projections also contemplate a very dramatic increase in the number of outpatient surgeries and that more than 60 percent of the increased outpatient procedures would be done at the proposed facility. While it is likely that the number of outpatient surgeries performed in Volusia County and elsewhere will continue to increase as a percentage of total surgeries and that eventually as much as 30 percent of all surgeries performed in Volusia County will be done on an outpatient basis, the increase is not-likely to occur in a single year. Even if It did, it is unlikely that local physicians and consumers cold so dramatically reject present facilities as SSDB projects. Indeed, there is no evidence from which it could be concluded that there is any dissatisfaction on the part of physicians or consumers in Volusia County with present facilities. The evidence is to the contrary. A second reason why the projections are inaccurate is that in making the projections SSDB ignored the existence of the Neuman Eye Institute, the health maintenance organization, and operating rooms that have been established in physicians' offices. A third reason is that SSDB proposes to provide services at a higher cost than at existing facilities. A fourth reason is that SSDB has underestimated the proportion of Medicaid and Medicare cases that are likely to be performed at the facility at a cost that is less than the average cost per procedure proposed by SSDB. It is unlikely that SSDB could operate at a profit during its first three years of operation. At the time that SSDB filed its letter of intent and application with the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, there was no local health council in existence Volusia County, Florida. SSDB did not file a copy of its letter of intent or application with the local health council and would have had no place to file it if it attempted to do so.

Recommendation That a final order be entered by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services denying the Application for Certificate of Need filed by Surgical Services of Daytona Beach, Inc. RECOMMENDED this 31st day of October, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida G. STEVEN PFEIFFER Assistant Director Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of October, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Fred Baggett, Esq. Michael J. Cherniga, Esq. Post Office Drawer 1838 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Jay Adams, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Richard B. Orfinger, Esq. 619 North Grandview Avenue Daytona Beach, Florida 32018 Harold C Hubka, Esq. Post Office Box 5488 Daytona Beach, Florida 32018 Mr. David Pingree, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002757 Latest Update: May 10, 1983

Findings Of Fact MCH was constructed circa 1973 as an acute care hospital and before 1980 had 126 medical-surgical beds authorized including eight intensive care beds. MCH is a for-profit hospital owned by Hospital Corporation of America. It is financially able to fund the proposed addition. In 1980 it received a certificate of need (CON) to add 64 medical-surgical beds for a total bed capacity of 190 medical-surgical beds. These beds came on line in January 1982. MCH here proposes to add a 54-bed unit for oncology patients; to add six operating rooms to use primarily for eye, ear, nose and throat surgical procedures on an outpatient basis; and a new eight-bed surgical intensive care unit located on the first floor adjacent to the existing surgery department. Currently, the hospital has two oncologists on staff who use a 16-bed unit dedicated to the treatment of cancer. Space exists for the additional operating room so the net result is an application for an additional 62 beds. The application also included expansion of general stores and maintenance and the addition of a parking structure, which were granted, leaving only the issue of need for the 62 additional beds requested at a cost of $7 million. When constructed MCH had an eight-bed ICU primarily for coronary care patients located on the second floor of the hospital in the opposite wing from the surgery department on the first floor. It has added a four-bed ICU on the fourth floor by converting two semiprivate medical-surgical rooms. The ratio of ICU beds to total beds in 1973 was 8:126 which is nearly identical to the current ratio of 12:190. The evidence was unrebutted that the ICU at MCH is usually full, that on occasion patients have to wait in the emergency room until a less ill patient can be moved from a bed in ICU, and that the more ICU beds are available the more they will be used. This use was attributed to the doctors desiring their patients to be in an ICU and to testimony that current surgical procedures are more sophisticated than formerly and a greater need exists today for a surgery patient to go to an ICU than existed 15 years ago. In its application for a CON (Exhibit 18) MCH's estimated charge for a medical-surgical bed is $100-150 per day and its estimated charge for ICU beds and SICU beds is $350 per day. The primary service area for MCH is Marion County. Petitioner submitted evidence that nearly 20 percent of the cancer patients diagnosed in Marion County in 1981 came from the surrounding counties of Citrus, Lake, Sumter, and Levy. Accordingly, MCH contends that its primary service area for oncology patients should include these counties. Evidence was also submitted that MCH has been certified by medical associations as an approved cancer treatment hospital; that oncology service is a service generally provided in regional hospitals which provide Level III medical treatment; and, therefore, MCH should be considered on a different scale than Level II services. No evidence was presented that any health systems plan ever considered MCH as a regional cancer hospital or established any bed need for cancer patients at MCH. The evidence was also unrebutted that cancer patients at MCH are primarily treated by chemotherapy; that the drugs used in the treatment are extremely toxic, some have a short life span after being mixed and must be used almost immediately; that having a mini-pharmacy in the cancer ward is highly desirable; that special training of nurses is required to safely administer these drugs to patients; that patients develop nausea, ulcers in the mouth and throat, and present special feeding problems, and because of these special feeding problems it is advantageous to have some facilities in the cancer ward to prepare food at odd hours for patients; that cancer is a "personal" disease, patients desire more privacy, and should have private rooms; that an area away from the patient's room where the patient can visit with his or her family and the family can consult with the doctor in some privacy is desirable; that some newer drugs require hospitalization of the patient for treatment with these drugs, but the hospital stay is shorter and the drugs may be used over longer periods of time; and that the patient needs the security that comes from developing a feeling of trust by the patient of the nurses and doctors who are administering to his needs. MCH has no radiation treatment facilities in the hospital. However, the hospital staff has access to a Linear Accelerator which is located in a private physician's office on MCH's campus. Several witnesses testified to the need for additional beds for cancer patients at MCH; that patients have had to wait several days for a vacant bed; some oncology patients have had to be placed in other wards at MCH; and that special treatment and special training for nurses are required for oncology patients. Marion Regional Medical Center (MRMC) is a nonprofit hospital owned by the Marion County Hospital District, a public body established by statutes with taxing powers in Marion County. MRMC is currently expanding its facilities by 80 beds to the authorized 314-bed hospital pursuant to a CON approved in 1981. The $23 million for that project was financed by revenue bonds issued by Marion County Hospital District. Preliminary bids indicate the original project will be under the estimated cost resulting in a $2-3 million savings. If the additional beds here requested are approved and the construction associated therewith can be accomplished concurrently with the present construction, a saving of nearly $1 million can be obtained. MRMC is the only full service hospital in Marion County and provides medical, surgical, obstetrical, pediatric, psychiatric, intensive care, coronary care, and neurological/neurosurgical services. It has the third most active Emergency Room in the state and receives approximately 45 percent of its admissions through this service. MRMC's proposed project calls for the construction of a sixth floor on the hospital, construction of 66 inpatient beds, and the conversion of a 20-bed pediatric unit for use as a labor and delivery suite, a net gain of 46 beds. As initially proposed, this would provide for eight additional pediatric beds, four pediatric intensive care beds, and 34 medical-surgical beds to be used as a pulmonary medicine unit. Before the hearing the request for additional pediatric beds was withdrawn, leaving a request for 34 additional hospital beds and four pediatric intensive care beds, a total of 38 medical-surgical beds, at a cost of $2.8 million. It was stipulated that both MCH and MRMC provide an acceptable quality of care and operate efficiently. The application satisfied the criteria in Section 381.494(6)(c) with the possible exception of need, and need is the only issue in dispute in these proceedings. Both applicants submitted evidence that they accept all patients regardless of their ability to pay; however, MCH is a private for-profit hospital whose bad debt and charity care amounts to two percent of its gross revenues. MRMC's patient load is four percent indigent and bad debts, and charity care amounts to 12 percent of its gross revenues. Exhibit 18 shows MCH patient utilization to be 61 percent Medicare and one percent Medicaid, and MRMC patient utilization to be 51 percent Medicare and five percent Medicaid, in 1981. There is currently "applicable district plan" or "annual implementation" as provided for in Section 381.494(6)(c)1, Florida Statutes (1982). The implementation of this statute has been stayed by rule challenges. The North Central Florida Health Planning Council, Inc. (NCFHPC), was the Health Systems Agency (HSA) for what was formerly known as Health Service Region II which included only Marion County as a district sub-area. Prior to the July 1, 1982, amendment of Florida's CON law, the HSA reviewed applications and made recommendations with written findings of fact to DHRS. The 1982 CON law eliminated HSA, accordingly the NCFHPC no longer exists. The former HSA recommended approval of the applications of both MCH and MRMC; however, the staff of the HSA recommended disapproval of both applications. For the determination of need in these proceedings, a planning horizon of five years is acceptable and was used by all parties. Thus, the need for the requested CON is assessed for the year 1988. At this time the population of Marion County is forecast to be 165,880. The percentage of persons 65 and older in Marion County is increasing in proportion to the remainder of Marion County's population, and this increase will continue through 1988. This "aging" of the population is occurring throughout the United States as people live longer and demographics change with differing birth rates at differing periods. No evidence was submitted that the percentage of people over 65 is greater in Marion County than in other parts of Florida. MCH has 190 authorized medical-surgical beds and MRMC has 244 authorized medical-surgical beds, for a total of 434 such beds authorized in Marion County in two hospitals across the street from each other in Ocala, Florida. With the 1982 amendment to the CON statute the HSA in Marion County ceased to exist and has been replaced by a local health council. Rule challenges have stayed the promulgation of a comprehensive state health plan and the only Health Systems Plan in being for Marion County is the revised 1983 Health Systems Plan (HSP). This plan was approved by the HSA for Marion County in June of 1982 and contains goals, objectives and standards for planning for the health services required in Marion County. Standard 1-1 provides the need for medical-surgical beds within each Level II planning area (Marion County) should be based on the actual 1980 medical-surgical bed need per 1,000 population in this area. Standard 2-1 provides no additional beds should be added to a community's total bed supply until the occupancy rate of medical- surgical beds in the community exceeds 85 percent if more than 200 such beds are available in the community. The generally accepted standard for occupancy rate above which more beds may be needed is 80 percent. However, where beds are concentrated in one area, which is the case in Marion County where 434 medical- surgical beds are authorized, 85 percent occupancy leaves a reasonable surplus of beds to cover most emergencies or unusual situations that would cause the bed availability to be exceeded. The need for medical-surgical beds per 1,000 population (use rate) in Marion County in 1980 was 2.41. The HSP has a goal of 3.5 beds per 1,000 population and an objective of 4.0 beds per 1,000 population by 1987 in Region II. Applying the 1980 use rate to the 1988 forecast population of Marion County results in a need for 400 medical-surgical beds. The Health Systems Plan update for Marion County defines medical- surgical beds as all hospital beds which are not reserved solely for the use of pediatric, obstetrics, or psychiatric patients. At the time the revised Health Systems Plan for Marion County was promulgated, the two hospitals, MRMC and MCH, had been authorized an additional 80 and 65 beds, respectively, and these beds were being placed in service. By prescribing a use rate for 1980 as the standard to be used in considering applications for additional medical-surgical beds in 1983 and for a year or two thereafter, it would be reasonable to conclude the HSA expected the use rate for the years 1981 and 1982 to be influenced by the addition of the recently authorized 144 beds and to not accurately reflect a reliable use rate for planning purposes. MRMC and MCH presented expert witnesses who, by using different modalities, containing different assumptions, arrived at a need for additional beds in Marion County in 1988 ranging from 97 to 200. Most of these modalities used an occupancy rate of 3.5 beds per 1,000 population and 80 percent utilization of beds. All assume increasing usage of medical-surgical beds by the increasing and aging population. In their application MRMC and MCH planned to finance these projects with rate increases of 11 percent per year (to keep even with inflation) and a continuing increase in the number of patients handled at these higher rates. While inflation may again be up to 11 percent or higher, it is generally accepted today that the current inflation rate is five percent or less. More than 50 percent of both MRMC and MCH patients are presently covered by Medicare, which pays 80 percent of the charges generated by these patients. To assume that this situation will not only continue in the face of current federal deficits, but grow to cover the increased use of these facilities predicted in the assumptions used to show increased bed need for 1988, is not necessarily a valid assumption. Evidence was presented that the number of doctors in Marion County has doubled in the last five years. The ratio of doctors to the population of Marion County for 1977-78 and 1982-83 was not presented nor was the percent increase in the number of doctors in the United States over the past five years. Without some basis for comparison, the fact that the number of doctors in a particular community doubled over a five-year period has no relevancy.

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000163 Latest Update: Jul. 08, 1987

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto Respondent was licensed as a physician in the State of Florida having been issued license number ME0040318. Respondent completed a residency in internal medicine and later was a nephrology fellow at Mayo Clinic. He was recruited to Florida in 1952 by Humana. In 1984 he became associated with a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) in an administrative position but took over treating patients when the owner became ill. This HMO was affiliated with IMC who assimilated it when the HMO had financial difficulties. At all times relevant hereto Respondent was a salaried employee of IMC and served as Assistant Medical DIRECTOR in charge of the South Pasadena Clinic. On October 17, 1985, Alexander Stroganow, an 84 year old Russian immigrant and former cossack, who spoke and understood only what English he wanted to, suffered a fall and was taken to the emergency Room at a nearby hospital. He was examined and released without being admitted for inpatient treatment. Later that evening his landlady thought Stroganow needed medical attention and again called the Emergency Medical Service. When the ambulance with EMS personnel arrived they examined Stroganow, and concluded Stroganow was no worse than earlier when he was transported to the emergency Room, and refused to again take Stroganow to the emergency Room. The landlady then called the HRS hotline to report abuse of the elderly. The following morning, October 18, 1985, an HRS case worker was dispatched to check on Stroganow. Upon arrival, she was admitted by the landlady and found an 84 year old man who was incontinent, incoherent, and apparently paralyzed from the waist down, with whom she could not engage in conversation to determine his condition. She called for a Cares Unit team to come and evaluate Stroganow. An HRS Cares Unit is a two person team consisting of a social worker and nurse whose primary function is to screen clients for admission to nursing homes and adult congregate living facilities (ACLF). The nurse on the team carries no medical equipment such as stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, or thermometer, but makes her evaluation on visual examination. Upon arrival of the Cares Unit, and, after examining Stroganow, both members of the team agreed he needed to be placed where he could be attended. A review of his personal effects produced by his landlady revealed his income to be above that for which he could qualify for medicaid placement in a nursing home; that he was a member of IMC's Gold-Plus HMO; his social security card; and several medications, some of which had been prescribed by Dr. Dayton, Respondent, a physician employed by IMC at the South Pasadena Clinic. The Cares team ruled out ACLF placement because Stroganow was not ambulatory, but felt he needed to be placed in a hospital or nursing home and not left alone with the weekend approaching. To accomplish this, they proceeded to the South Pasadena HMO clinic of IMC to lay the problem on Dr. Dayton, who was in charge of the South Pasadena Clinic, and, they thought, was Stroganow's doctor. Stroganow had been a client of the South Pasadena HMO for some time and was well known at the clinic as well as by EMS personnel. There were always two, and occasionally three, doctors on duty at South Pasadena Clinic between 8:00 and 5:00 daily and, unless the patient requested a specific doctor he was treated by the first available doctor. Stroganow had not specifically requested to be treated by Respondent. When the Cares unit met with Respondent they advised him that Stroganow had been taken to Metropolitan General Hospital Emergency Room the previous evening but did not advise Respondent that the EMS squad had refused to return Stroganow to the emergency Room when they were recalled for Stroganow the same evening. Respondent telephoned the Metropolitan General Emergency Room and had the emergency Room medical report on Stroganow read to him. With the information provided by the Cares unit and the hospital report, Respondent concluded that Stroganow needed emergency medical treatment and the quickest way to obtain such treatment would be to call the EMS and have Stroganow taken to an emergency Room for evaluation. When the Cares unit arrived, Respondent was treating patients at the clinic. A clinic, or doctors office, is not a desirable or practical place to have an incontinent, incoherent, and non-ambulatory patient brought to wait with other patients until a doctor is free to see him. Nor is the clinic equipped to perform certain procedures that may be required for emergency evaluation of an ill patient. At a hospital emergency Room such equipment is available. EMS squads usually arrive within minutes of a call being placed to 911 for emergency medical treatment and it was necessary that someone be with Stroganow when the EMS squad arrived. Accordingly, Respondent suggested that the Cares team return to Stroganow and call 911 to transport Stroganow to an emergency Room for an evaluation. Upon leaving the South Pasadena clinic the Cares team returned to Stroganow. Enroute they stopped to call a supervisor at HRS to report that the HMO had not solved their problem with Stroganow. The supervisor then called the Administrator at IMC Tampa Office to tell them that one of their Gold-Plus HMO patients had an emergency situation which was not being property handled. Respondent left the South Pasadena Clinic around noon and went to IMC's Tampa Office where he was available for the balance of the afternoon. There he spoke with Dr. Sanchez, the INC Regional Medical Director, but Stroganow was not deemed to be a continuing problem. By 2:00 p.m. when no ambulance had arrived the Cares Unit called 911 for EMS to take Stroganow to an emergency Room. Upon arrival shortly thereafter the EMS squad again refused to transport Stroganow. The Cares team communicated this to their supervisor who contacted IMC Regional Office to so advise. At this time Dr. Sanchez authorized the transportation of Stroganow to Lake Seminole Hospital for admission. Although neither Respondent nor Sanchez had privileges at Lake Seminole Hospital, IMC had contracted with Lake Seminole Hospital to have IMC patients admitted by a staff doctor at Lake Seminole Hospital. Subsequent to his meeting with the Cares team Respondent received no further information regarding Stroganow until well after Stroganow was admitted to Lake Seminole Hospital. No entry was made on Stroganow's medical record at IMC of the meeting between Respondent and the Cares Unit. Respondent was a salaried employee whose compensation was not affected by whether or not he admitted an IMC Gold-Plus patient to a hospital.

Florida Laws (1) 458.331
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jan. 25, 1996 Number: 96-000514CON Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2004

The Issue Whether CON 8241, Palm Beach Regional's application to convert its 200 bed acute care hospital to a 60 bed long-term care hospital should be granted or denied?

Findings Of Fact The Parties The applicant in this case is The Hospital Corporation of Lake Worth d/b/a Palm Beach Regional Hospital. A subsidiary of Columbia Hospital Corporation, ("Columbia,") Palm Beach Regional is a licensed general acute care hospital with 200 beds located in Palm Beach County, AHCA District 9. Palm Beach Regional's license is issued pursuant to Chapter 395, Florida Statutes, the chapter of the Florida Statutes entitled, "Hospital Licensing and Regulation." The agency is "designated as the single state agency to issue ... or deny certificates of need ... in accordance with the district plans, the statewide health plan, and present and future federal and state statutes." Section 408.034(1), F. S. Integrated is a licensed 120-bed skilled nursing facility, also known as a long-term care facility, located in Palm Beach County, AHCA District 9. Its license is issued pursuant to Chapter 400, Florida Statutes, the statute entitled "Nursing Homes and Related Health Care Facilities." Columbia Hospital Corporation The parent company of petitioner, Columbia has a stock market capitalization of between $15 and $20 billion and enjoys a profitability of over $1 billion per year. It owns approximately 340 hospitals, well over 100 ambulatory surgical centers, and an extensive number of home health agencies. As to be expected of a Fortune 500 company, Columbia generates substantial annual revenues. In 1994, for example, the annual revenues generated by Columbia exceeded $17 billion. Columbia also lays claim to being the largest hospital system in the state. It has five divisions with approximately 60 hospitals in its "Florida Group," the organizational title for its Florida operations. The net revenues of the Columbia Florida Group is approximately $4.5 billion. One of five divisions of Columbia's Florida Group, the South Florida Division is a $1.2 billion operation. The division encompasses Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties and consists of 15 hospitals, six surgery centers, and one dozen home health agencies. The South Florida Division, of course, includes Palm Beach Regional. Background to the Application Palm Beach Regional was purchased by Columbia shortly after Columbia had purchased JFK Hospital, a 300-bed tertiary hospital approximately three miles from Palm Beach Regional. In August of 1995, as a business decision, Columbia consolidated the operations of the two facilities. The consolidation resulted in a patient census drop at Palm Beach Regional. Shortly thereafter, with the permission of the agency, Palm Beach Regional ceased operations at its emergency room. The result of the consolidation and limitation of the services offered was that it cost only about $100,000 a month to keep Palm Beach Regional running with its small census. Even with the small census, and the relatively low monthly operational expense, the operational expense was more than $1 million per year. In June of 1996, Palm Beach Regional and the agency entered a stipulation which authorized the hospital to suspend the acute care operations in contemplation of this proceeding. Palm Beach Regional's hospital-based skilled nursing unit has since been transferred. Palm Beach Regional is now closed and empty. The reason Palm Beach Regional had been kept operating at all after the consolidation with JFK was to preserve the opportunity to convert the license as proposed in the application. The Application Certified for accuracy on September 18, 1995, under the signature of its authorized representative, Robert L. Newman, CEO of Columbia/HCA, South Florida Division, the application was submitted to the agency bearing a date of September 20, 1995. The application describes what it seeks in the section titled "Project Summary" as follows: Hospital Corporation of Lake Worth (Palm Beach Regional) proposes in this Certificate of Need Application to convert 60 acute care hospital beds to 60 long-term acute care hospital beds and to delicense 128 existing acute care beds. (At a later date the existing 12 skilled nursing beds will be located to another Columbia/HCA hospital in District IX.) Palm Beach Regional Exhibit No. 1, AHCA Form 1455A, Oct 92, AHCA 4600-0005 Aug 93. The transfer of the 12 skilled nursing beds has already occurred and therefore is not at issue in this proceeding. Nor is the delicensure of the 128 beds really at the heart of the agency's denial and Integrated's opposition. In contrast, what is contested is the conversion of the 60 acute care hospital beds to 60 long- term acute care hospital beds. Such a conversion would make Palm Beach Regional a long-term acute care hospital. Long-term Acute Care Hospitals Referring to a hospital as both "long-term" and "acute," is confusing. The two terms have divergent meanings both in terms of average length of stay and the traits of the illness suffered by the acute and the long-term patient. In the context of hospitals, "long-term" refers to a patient with an average length of stay of greater than 25 days. By comparison, the acute patient's stay is typically much less than 25 days, with the average length of stay being between 5 and 6 days. As is the patient in need of acute care, the typical long-term hospital patient is very ill. The difference in the type of illness suffered by the acute care patient as opposed to the long-term patient, however, lies in other characteristics. Unlike the acute care patient, the long-term patient is not in the urgent, emergent or desperately critical state of patients in the acute care setting. The two terms, "long-term" and "acute" have been used together with reference to the type of hospital to which Palm Beach Regional proposes to convert because of the history of the long- term care hospital’s development. Originally in Florida, long-term hospitals were licensed as acute care hospitals and were referred to, therefore, as "long-term acute," hence the combination of terms with disparate meanings. In the context of a study conducted by the Hospital Cost Containment Board, however, the agency examined the issue of whether long-term hospitals should be subject to CON review as long-term hospitals apart from other acute hospitals. As a result, long-term hospitals came to be reviewed in their own separate category under certificate of need review, subject to the same licensure requirements as a specialty acute care hospital. Because they had been licensed earlier as acute care hospitals, the term "acute" was carried over into the new category. At present, there is a recommendation to refer to long-term acute care hospitals simply as "long-term hospitals" to clear up any confusion caused by the terminology. This recommendation will be followed for the most part in the remainder of this order when reference is made to acute and long-term facilities and acute and long-term care. Long-term Care Hospital-based long-term care is a distinction established in federal Medicare regulations that describes a hospital with patients having an average length of stay of greater than 25 days. The distinction allows an exclusion from the Medicare prospective payment system so that reimbursement is received by the long-term hospital on the basis of cost. The distinction is of great import financially because of the distinction between "cost-based" Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement systems and another payment system used by Medicaid and Medicare: the prospective payment system. Before the prospective payment system was instituted, hospitals generally were well utilized, in fact, “filled to the brim.” The high utilization was due to the "cost-based" reimbursement system which contained a financial incentive for the hospital to keep patients in the hospital. Under the cost-based system, the more a hospital spent, the more reimbursement it would receive from Medicare and Medicaid. The prospective payment system was instituted to save taxpayers the high cost of the cost-based reimbursement system. Under the prospective payment system, the hospital receives a flat fee for Medicare and Medicaid patients depending on the diagnostic category, or diagnostic-related group, ("DRG,") into which falls the illness treated. The flat fee is figured on the basis of average length of stay for that diagnostic category. Under this system, unlike the cost-reimbursed system, the hospital receives the same reimbursement for Medicare and Medicaid patients who stay for less than the average length of stay assigned to the patient's DRG as for those who stay longer. With regard to a patient who stays in the hospital longer than the average length of stay for the patient's DRG, the hospital, in many cases, not only profits less the longer the patient stays but begins to lose money at some point in the stay. If the average length of stay for an appendicitis patient is four days, for example, then the hospital profits more in the case of an appendicitis patient who stays only two days because it has incurred only two days of costs instead of the expected four days of costs. In the case of another appendicitis patient, who stays longer than the average length of stay, the hospital makes less money and reaches the point eventually in some cases where the hospital actually loses money for treating the patient if the patient stays long enough. Medicare provides additional payments for both "day-outliers" and "cost-outliers," but not enough to prevent financial pressure on hospitals to discharge acute patients as soon as possible. The prospective payment system has succeeded in forcing hospitals to operate more efficiently; the average utilization of hospitals has declined dramatically. Today, about half of the hospital beds in Florida on any given day go unused. The system does not have the same effect on long-term hospitals; they are exempt from the prospective payment system. Instead, long-term care hospitals are reimbursed under a cost-based system. A long-term hospital well located geographically is particularly attractive to a large hospital system, such as Columbia. Not only will it likely be a financial success in its own right but it will assist Columbia’s sister acute care hospitals in relieving them of patients too sick to be discharged to a subacute setting yet finished with the acute episode which required the acute care hospital’s service in the first place. Development of Long-term Care Hospitals in Florida The first long-term care hospital was instituted in Florida in the 1980's. Fairly soon thereafter there were three long-term care hospitals in Florida, but then there was a lull in the attempt to establish long-term care hospitals. With the advent of the prospective payment system, however, there eventually came the closing of a number of small hospitals in Florida because of their inability to continue to operate in sound financial condition. At the same time, four or five applications for the conversion of small hospitals to long- term care hospitals were filed with the agency. In the early part of the present decade the agency conducted a study of long-term hospital care. The study took place within a larger study by the Hospital Cost Containment Board. Ultimately, it was recommended that long-term care hospitals be regulated separately from acute care hospitals and that they be subject to separate certificate of need review. The recommendation was made for a number of reasons. First, long-term hospitals were viewed by the agency as very different from acute care hospitals because of the patients' average lengths of stay. Second, long-term care hospitals were found to be expensive for the type of care given in them which was of great concern to the state since cost control is an objective of the certificate of need program. Third, long-term hospitals were found to experience high mortality rates. As the result of the study and recommendation, the agency made the creation or conversion of hospitals into long-term hospitals subject to certificate of need review. Admission Criteria In the study, the agency also found that there are no clear admission criteria for long-term hospitals. To date, neither the Health Care Finance Administration (“HCFA”), nor the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospital Organizations ("JCAHO,") or any of its sub-organizations have developed any criteria to define a long-term care hospital. It is not clear, therefore, exactly what type of patients are suitable for care in a long-term hospital. Sub-acute Care The parties are in agreement that sub-acute care is a level of care that is below acute care. Palm Beach Regional claims, however, that the care provided by long-term care hospitals is not subacute but rather falls into a category of care between acute and sub-acute. An understanding of this claim requires some discussion. Unlike other classes of hospitals which are exempt from the prospective payment system, like cancer, children's or psychiatric hospitals, patients in long-term care hospitals do not have a specific type of illness nor are they limited to serving a specific age group. Generally, however, they are patients who have had an acute episode, whose program of care has been identified and who need a longer term of care to recover or to be rehabilitated because of an acute illness or surgical procedure. And, although they are not limited to a specific age group, the experience of long-term care hospitals is that a major part of their patient population is elderly, virtually all of whom are covered by Medicare. In these respects, long-term care hospital patients are not much different from patients in other "subacute" settings: comprehensive rehabilitation hospitals, acute care hospital skilled nursing units, skilled nursing facilities in free-standing nursing homes, and, even, in some cases, home health care, assisted living and outpatient services for the elderly. If there is a difference between the long-term hospital patient and patients in other subacute settings, it is that the long-term hospital patient has more at-risk types of physical problems, is more likely to be medically unstable or is, in fact, medically unstable. But this difference is not strictly observed because of the financial pressure on hospitals to discharge patients from the acute setting into a subacute setting. Medically unstable patients, therefore, are found in subacute settings such as skilled nursing facilities whether hospital-based or in free- standing nursing homes. In contrast to what has become commonplace practice, Dr. Kathleen Griffin, an expert in health care planning with a specialty in long-term acute care and subacute care, testified that it would not be appropriate for a medically unstable patient to be transferred to a skilled nursing bed. In her opinion it would be best for a medically unstable patient about to be discharged from acute care to be admitted instead to a long-term care hospital. Despite the reality that there are no admission criteria for long-term care hospitals, Dr. Griffin maintains that if a hospital discharge planner believes through information gathered from the medical and nursing staffs that the patient "is highly acute and at risk, and there is a long-term care acute hospital available, then that would be the placement of choice." (Tr. 523.) If a long-term care hospital is not available, however, the alternative is to keep the at-risk, medically unstable patient in the acute care hospital rather than discharge the patient into a nursing facility. Dr. Griffin's opinion is shared by the physician practicing in long-term hospitals. Representative of such a physician is Dr. Wendell Williams, presently the Medical Director of a long-term care hospital, Specialty Hospital of Jacksonville. Dr. Williams sees a distinction between long-term acute care and subacute care. Long-term hospital care is acute care without the need for "highly technical diagnostic capabilities," and "high surgical capabilities," but still care in the "medically complex case that requires frequent physician direction [and] high skill level of caregivers." (Petitioner's Ex. No. 16, pg. 13.) In Dr. Williams view, long-term hospital care occupies a level of care between acute and subacute care. The views of Dr. Griffin and Dr. Williams find support in analyses of nursing hours per patient. In a typical nursing home, the number of hours per patient is about 4.5 hours per day, while in a long-term care hospital, the number is around 6.5 hours per patient day. At Specialty Hospital of Jacksonville, the nursing hours per patient day for non-ventilator patients is 6.75 hours, and for ventilator patients is 10 hours. In contrast, Integrated, a nursing home, provided nursing hours per patient day in its "med-surg unit" at 4.34 hours in March of 1996, 4.60 hours in April and 4.52 hours in May although at times Integrated's nursing hours per patient day have reached as high as 6 hours. The opinions of Dr. Griffin and Dr. Williams have not yet been generally accepted. Following the agency's study in the earlier part of the 1990's, the federal government, under the auspices of HCFA, launched a major study that addresses what AHCA viewed as the "whole gamut of what is marketed as subacute care," (Tr. 272). The study included long-term care hospitals, as well as those settings which the parties all agree are clearly in the category of "subacute": hospital-based skilled nursing facilities, free-standing nursing homes, comprehensive rehab hospitals and home health care. The report was issued in November of 1995. It confirmed that there was a great deal of overlap among the settings studied including between the long-term care hospital and other settings unquestionably subacute. Moreover, it confirmed that many of the services are "primarily driven by reimbursement," (Tr. 275), and not by which provides the best or most cost-effective health care for the very ill, elderly patient no longer in need of acute care. In other words, the financial pressure on hospitals to discharge patients from the acute care setting was what accounted for the tremendous growth of subacute services and the move toward more long-term care hospitals rather than what is actually best for the patient or the health care system. The study concluded that there is insufficient data to determine the cost effectiveness of subacute care as defined in the study. As for overlap in the various settings, the extent of overlap was not precisely determined. But just as long-term care hospitals provide ventilator treatment, skilled nursing units specialize in ventilator patients. Nursing home subacute units specialize in wound care, infectious disease programs and IV antibiotic therapy programs, as well, just as would Palm Beach Regional if approved. The HCFA study also confirmed that the cost of care and mortality rates at long-term care hospitals are high, $2,000 per day and 40 percent, respectively. The average cost per discharge at a long-term care facility was between $150,000 and $250,000. Despite the long-term hospital's recognition by the federal government, the presence in Florida for more than eight years, and separate CON regulation for the last several years, it remain unsettled which patients should be treated and cared for in long-term hospitals. While for some, such as Dr. Griffin and Dr. Williams, the question is one which discharge planners, after consultation with nursing and medical staff, ably make, it is not generally accepted that it is clear which patients should be cared for in long-term care hospitals. It is not generally accepted as evidenced by the wont of admission criteria for long-term hospitals. Furthermore, it is not clear whether long-term hospitals represent the best means or the most cost-effective way of treating patients ready for discharge from an acute care setting. Specialty Hospital of Jacksonville: the Model The Palm Beach Regional proposal to convert to a long- term care hospital is modeled after another Columbia long-term care hospital, Specialty Hospital of Jacksonville, the hospital of which Dr. Williams is the medical director. Opened in 1992, Specialty offers four major program areas: ventilator and other respiratory complications, infectious diseases, wound management and complex medical and rehabilitative services. The typical ventilator patient is quite ill; often with other attendant system breakdown such as cardiac or renal failure. The goal is to free the patient from ventilator dependence. If the patient is judged to be a lifetime custodial ventilator patient, the patient would not be appropriate for Specialty. A variety of infections are treated in the infectious disease program. Often the primary antibiotic treatment has failed and there may be other conditions attendant. The typical wound care patient admitted to Specialty has severe wounds that may derive from circulatory problems. Often admission is from a hospital or nursing home. The patient may be diabetic, paraplegic or quadriplegic. The patient may have experienced a surgical intervention which has not healed. Or the patient may have a distressed digestive system which inhibits the body's ability to absorb the proper nutrients to support the healing process. The typical complex medical and rehab patient includes the spinal cord injured patient and the multiple system failure patient. The patients at Specialty are under the management of an attending physician but typically four or five different specialties are involved in each patient's care. Specialty Hospital has experienced approximately five percent Medicaid and one percent charity care. A representative patient at Specialty Hospital has an average length of stay of 23 days. The representative patient in the infectious diseases program would experience an average length of 18, 20 days in the pulmonary program, 29 days in the ventilator program, 36 days in the wound program, 18 days in the physical medicine and rehabilitation program and 26 days in the medicine program. These lengths of stay resemble acute or Medicare certified skilled nursing bed lengths of stay more than the historical 90 day lengths of stay experienced in Florida at long- term care hospitals. A representative patient at Specialty Hospital will experience an average daily charge of $1,122 and an average charge per case of $25,810, the highest averages incurred by the ventilator program at $1,848 per day and $52,781 per case. From a medical standpoint, all of the patients treated at Specialty Hospital could be treated in an acute care hospital. There is one difference between Specialty's patient profile and the one expected at Palm Beach Regional. The approach proposed by the applicant will include patients with greater levels of instability. Whereas Specialty has taken the approach that patients at the intensive care level should be in a general acute care hospital, Palm Beach Regional expects to treat patients in need of services from an intensive care unit. Palm Beach Regional, therefore, has planned for an intensive care unit at the facility should its CON application be approved. Integrated's Existing Programs Sixty of Integrated 120 beds are dedicated to meet the needs of patients requiring subacute care. Although they may differ slightly in intensity of application because of slightly lower acuity levels of the patients, the programs offered in this sixty-bed skilled nursing unit encompass the four programs proposed for Palm Beach Regional's long-term care hospital: ventilator and respiratory complications; infectious disease; wound management; and complex medical and rehabilitation service program. Integrated uses its own method to measure the acuity of its patients. Within this method, two of the levels require active treatment of co-morbidities, multiple diseases which complicate the primary diagnoses. By whatever means acuity is measured, it is reasonable to expect that the average level of acuity would be somewhat higher among patients treated at a Palm Beach Regional long-term care facility. (Although without criteria to measure acuity for admission or to know for sure what patients are actually being treated at long-term hospitals, this is not certain.) Nonetheless, considering both diagnosis and treatment, Integrated's patients at Integrated's two highest levels of acuity, even if not at quite as high an acuity level on average, would be similar to the patients Palm Beach Regional might serve if its application were granted. Patients at a Palm Beach Regional's long-term care facility who would exceed the highest level of acuity of those patients at Integrated are patients appropriate for treatment in an acute care hospital. Ventilator Care at Integrated Ventilator patients are treated in skilled nursing facilities both in hospitals and in free-standing nursing homes like Integrated. Some skilled nursing units even specialize in ventilator care. There is clearly overlap between ventilator services in skilled nursing facilities and long-term care hospitals. The precise extent of the overlap is not clear. While the overlap may not be 100%, it is certainly significant. Twenty of Integrated's 60 subacute beds are capable of assisting ventilator patients. Within this 20 bed unit, Integrated provides oxygen, air, and wall suctioning just like in a hospital setting. Additionally, Integrated can provide respiratory services outside of its specific unit by using portable suction machines and oxygen concentrators. The ventilator patients treated at Integrated are similar to the ventilator patient treated in intensive care units in hospitals. Some of Integrated ventilator patients are in need of acute care. All are hemodynamically stable but some are medically unstable. Nonetheless, there are patients who would be too unstable to allow them to be suitable for admission into Integrated's respiratory unit. Patients who would need to remain in acute care in the hospital would be patients who, for example, were bleeding or having trouble with a post-surgical trach placement. The medical director at Integrated is a pulmonologist. Integrated has a 24-hour respiratory staff. The ventilator program at Integrated meets the description in the application of the proposed ventilator program at Palm Beach Regional. Comparison of the respiratory services offered at Integrated to the services proposed to be offered in Palm Beach Regional's ventilator program reveals significant overlap between the two. Integrated primarily uses a Bear 3 Ventilator. Other equipment used by Integrated includes pulse oximeters and pneumatic blood pressure cuffs to provide hemodynamic monitoring. The respiratory unit is able to obtain an assessment of the patient's arterial blood gases within two hours through an arrangement with a courier service and nearby JFK Hospital. On average the blood work results are received within an hour of the blood being drawn from the patient. An interdisciplinary team of therapists, including respiratory therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists, work together on the plan of care and recovery of the ventilator patient including weaning the patient from the ventilator. Of those ventilator patients determined to be weanable, 75% are actually weaned from the machines. Ninety-two percent of the tracheotomy patients achieve decannulation. The average length of stay in the respiratory unit for Integrated's ventilator patients is 37 days, an average length of stay that meets that which defines the long-term care hospital patient, that is, in excess of 25 days. Infectious Disease Treatment at Integrated Just as long-term care hospitals, nursing homes offer infectious disease programs employing IV anti-biotic therapies. Integrated provides its patients with multiple antibiotic therapies. Among the IV anti-biotic therapies used at Integrated are cepo, fortaz and vancomycin. Integrated treats patients with pulmonary edema, pleural affusion, pulmonary embolus and pulmonary infarcts and patients with bi-lobar and multi-lobar pneumonia. Patients are treated with intravenous cortico steroids, intravenous bronchodilators, intraveous diuretics and intramuscular antimedics. Wound Care at Integrated Nursing homes offer wound management programs. There is significant overlap between patients treated for wounds at nursing homes and at long-term care hospitals. Limitations in care of the wound patient are similar as well. Just as a patient in need of surgical intervention for wound care, for example, would be discharged to an acute care hospital from a nursing home so would that patient be discharged to an acute care hospital from Specialty Hospital of Jacksonville, the model hospital for Palm Beach Regional's long-term care facility. Integrated offers wound and skin management treatment of the type described by Palm Beach Regional's proposal. Many of Integrated's patients recieve wound care upon admission. For instance, respiratory patients who have tracheotomies receive care for their wounds throughout the day. Integrated treats all levels of decubitous ulcers, including the most severe, Stage III and IV ulcers, as required by law in order to qualify for Medicare Certification. Complex Medical and Rehabilitative Care Integrated offers radiology and other imaging services on campus: mobile chest x-rays, normal x-rays, and video flouroscopy as well as an in-house staff of rehabilitation professionals: physical and registered occupational therapists and registered speech therapists. The rehabilitation programs proposed by Palm Beach Regional and those programs of other long-term care hospitals overlap significantly with those programs already offered at Integrated. The difference between the complex medical and rehabilitative care offered at Integrated and that proposed for Palm Beach Regional lies in the expected acuity of the patients. One would reasonably expect the patients to be slightly higher in acuity at Palm Beach Regional if approved than as are presently at Integrated. Nonetheless, the patients at Integrated are similar to those Palm Beach Regional would care for, in that Integrated treats patients with co-morbidities, including combinations of congestive heart failure, post-open heart surgery, arteriosclerotic heart disease and renal failure. Integrated's Services in General On an average month, Integrated offered 7.28 hours per day of nursing and respiratory, physical and occupational therapy care per day to the patients within its subacute unit. Forty percent of Integrated's subacute nursing hours are provided by registered nurses, 20% by licensed practical nurses, and the remaining 40% by certified nurse aides. A sample of Integrated's admissions noted numerous patients admitted with cardiopulmonary vent and ventilator needs. Integrated also maintains a large number of orthopedic patients in need of complex rehabilitation. Integrated treats patients with congestive heart failures, patients recovering from recent open- heart surgery, patients requiring specialized wound care, patients with post-operative cranial head injuries, and patients requiring tube feedings, IVS, ventilator and tracheostomy care. Integrated offers the equipment that is listed in the application as equipment to be purchased by Palm Beach Regional if approved. Integrated accepts patients who are medically unstable. These include patients admitted to Integrated's cardiopulmonary unit, patients with recent tracheostomies, patients on ventilators, patients with hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis who have co- morbidities. Palm Beach Regional's application lists diagnoses of patients to be treated through long-term care which it claims are not appropriate for skilled nursing facilities. The application alludes to various types of comprehensive therapies, care and resources available for these patients. Yet, despite the application's claim that care of these patients is not appropriate for the skilled nursing facility, present at Integrated for the benefit of patients with the same diagnoses are very nearly all, if not all, of these therapies, care and resources. These include: IV antibiotic therapy, IV drips, plasma pheresis, management of severe decubitus ulcers, tracheotomy care with hourly suction, treatment with chest tubes and PCA pumps, cardiac monitoring, dialysis and an on-site pharmacy. Moreover, Integrated's roster of consulting physicians credentialed at the facility included the range of specialists listed in Palm Beach Regional's application. Integrated's roster of physician ranges from family practitioners to practitioners specializing in internal medicine, dermatology, neurology, and infectious disease control, to orthopedic specialists, physiatrists and psychiatrists, nearly the "full gamut" of specialties in medicine. Adverse Impact There will be adverse impact on Integrated if Palm Beach Regional's proposal is approved. The impact occurs as the result of a combination of significant overlap of services offered by Integrated and proposed for Palm Beach Regional and the likely loss of admissions to Integrated's subacute unit generated by patients discharged from JFK Hospital. JFK Hospital and Palm Beach Regional are each approximately 2 miles from Integrated. Approximately 85% of Integrated's subacute admissions come from JFK. A good estimate of how many patients JFK refers to Integrated's subacute unit on an annual basis is 460. It is reasonable to assume that many of these patients would be referred to Palm Beach Regional by its sister Columbia Hospital, JFK, if the application were approved. If only two-thirds of these patients were lost to Palm Beach Regional, using a conservative figure for contribution margin of $100 per patient day, the loss to Integrated would be about $1 million in contribution margin per year. Furthermore, if the application is approved, Integrated will also have to either raise salaries to keep qualified staff for ancillary staff or risk losing them because Palm Beach Regional proposes to offer ancillary staff salaries higher than those paid by Integrated. Certificate of Need Criteria The criteria to be used in evaluating the application are found in statutes, and in rules of the agency which implement these statutes. Section 408.035(1)Health Plans Neither the District 9 Treasure Coast Health Plan nor the State Health Plan contain any mention of long-term acute care beds. Both plans were written before there were any CON requirements for this type of bed. (b) Availability, Quality of Care, Efficiency,Appropriateness, Accessibility, Extent of Utilization and Adequacy of Like and Existing Services There is no agency rule regarding need determination for long-term acute care beds. Neither is long-term hospital care defined by agency rule as a referral service, one dependent upon other hospitals to refer patients. The service area for a referral hospital is larger than just one district. Patients are referred from districts 9 and 11 to the long-term care hospitals in District 10. This is certainly not surprising for patients in district 9 since there is no long- term hospital in the district and referrals are the common way for long-term hospitals to gain patients. Patients are referred from Districts 3, 5, 6 and 8 to the long-term care facility in Tampa. With the exception of the long-term care hospital in District 11 where the largest proportion of patients came from within the District 11, all of the long-term hospitals in the state, "had referrals from all over the place." (Tr. 288.) Palm Beach Regional itself proposes to serve patients from Districts 7 and 10. The reality is that long-term care hospitals are primarily referral hospitals. Nonetheless, since there is no agency rule defining long-term care hospitals as referral hospitals and since there is no agency rule defining the service area of a long-term care hospital, District 9 may be the appropriate service area for the health planning purposes of Palm Beach Regional's application. In order for the district to be the appropriate service area, however, the application must demonstrate that there is a need for a certain number of beds based on the data collected from District 9. Since there is no need methodology applicable to long- term care acute beds, Palm Beach Regional developed three different methodologies for the agency's consideration. The agency found the "components," (Tr. 910,) of the methodologies to be reasonable. Indeed, the agency never offered any other need methodology which it claimed was superior to those offered by the agency. Instead the agency criticizes the methodologies for failing to take into consideration the availability of like and existing services and alternative to the proposed services. Patients who will be served in the proposed facility are currently being served in either the short-term acute hospitals or skilled nursing facilities in nursing homes such as Integrated, both of which are less costly alternatives to this proposal. Palm Beach Regional anticipates referrals from other Columbia Hospitals in the districts; however, six of the eight Columbia Hospitals have skilled nursing units which propose to treat the same patients and conditions the applicant proposes to treat. Furthermore, at the time of hearing, five Columbia hospitals in the districts had 56 approved skilled nursing beds not then operational. Included among the 56 were the 12 skilled nursing unit beds transferred from Palm Beach Regional. Palm Beach Regional's presents arguments in favor of improved quality of care to the patient in need of care following stabilization of an acute episode. There is, however, no data to support a conclusion that outcomes are better in long-term care hospitals. As for the applicant’s ability and record to provide quality of care, there is little doubt. The testimony of Dr. Ron Luke as to the high quality of care to be provided by Palm Beach Regional was not challenged. The patients proposed to be served by the applicant are currently being served in hospitals, subacute units at nursing homes or hospitals, or in rehabilitation facilities. Some may even be in home health with high technology equipment. Transferring these patients to a long-term care facility has significant financial implications costly to the health care system. The 60 beds proposed in the application will, in all likelihood, be adequately utilized. In the case of long-term care hospitals, demand follows the supply because of the strong financial incentive to fill the beds. There is nothing to indicate, however, that acute care beds are not an alternative to long-term hospital beds. There are plenty of empty beds in acute care hospitals to be filled by patients who would be treated by the applicant. That these patients proposed to be treated by Palm Beach Regional might receive treatment, if the application is denied, in hospital-based skilled beds or, perhaps inappropriately at times, in nursing home skilled nursing units is not due to lack of alternatives. Rather, it is the product of financial pressure on the acute care hospitals to discharge patients from the acute setting. Effective utilization of at least 85 percent of cost- based services such as long-term services is an important consideration because fixed costs can be spread over more patient days, thereby decreasing the costs per patient day. The average utilization rate in Florida for long-term care beds is 66 percent. The most recent occupancy rate for Specialty Hospital is only 41 percent. The record of long-term care hospitals would indicate that the utilization projections by Palm Beach Regional are unreasonable. But, there was nothing established that indicated the three methodologies used by Dr. Luke were unreasonable in any way. Given that Palm Beach Regional will be able to draw patients from its sister Columbia acute care hospitals, all of whom will be anxious to provide patients to this long-term hospital, and given that long-term hospital care is a kind of care for which demand follows the supply, it is likely that utilization at Palm Beach Regional, if approved, will be strong. Despite the record of other long-term care hospitals, Palm Beach Regional’s utilization projections are reasonable. Need for Research and Educational Facilities There are no plans to provide research or education at this facility. Availability of Manpower, Management Personnel and Funds for Capital and Operating Expenditures The State Agency Action Report shows that the agency believes that there will be adequate levels of staffing available. The adequacy of the staffing levels was confirmed by the administrator of Specialty Hospital of Jacksonville. Palm Beach Regional will be able to adequately staff the hospital at the salary levels proposed in the application. Long-term acute care hospitals treat the very old. Since almost all of these people have Medicare coverage, economic access is not a problem for the individuals the applicant proposes to serve. The applicant has a 1% indigent commitment and a 5% projected Medicaid utilization. Geographic access is also served well by this facility. The facility is located where the population base of the elderly population is in District 9. Financial Feasibility The immediate financial feasibility of Palm Beach Regional is evident from its ability to open and operate for the first two years with a positive cash flow with a financing letter in the amount of $407,000 from Columbia. Palm Beach Regional, in its pro formas and the analysis underlying its pro formas concluded that it would be under the prospective payment system for six months before it could transer to a facility exempt from the prospective payment system. This conclusion is reasonable. Palm Beach Regional has two months to get the necessary certification changed prior to the end of its fiscal year. Palm Beach Regional will be able to institute the necessary six month evaluation, within CON constraints, when it chooses. Furthermore, Palm Beach Regional could change the end of its fiscal year so that the six-month time period could be accommodated. Finally, short-term financial feasibility was demonstrated by the pro forma which properly shows reimbursement levels for patients who were treated in the first six months, and who were discharged after the first six months. Under Medicare regulations, the hospital would be reimbursed on a cost basis for these patients. Palm Beach Regional projected an occupancy level of 85% in the first year of operation and 87% in the second year of operation. Neither Specialty Hospital of Jacksonville, the model for Palm Beach Regional, nor the other long-term care hospitals in Florida have occupancy levels that high. Comparison, however, is not valid. The long-term care hospitals that converted from acute care facilities converted their entire complement of beds which resulted in overbedding. In contrast, Palm Beach Regional seeks to convert only 60 of its 200 beds. The situation of Specialty is very different. It is a converted 105 bed facility which was in bankruptcy when it first started, limiting its ability to attract patients. Within its district, Specialty competes with Vencor of North Florida, a 60 bed facility. Not only does Palm Beach Regional not have any in-district competition, but it will benefit greatly from being a member of the Columbia system. Palm Beach Regional's application demonstrates financial feasibility, both immediate and long-term. Special Needs and Circumstances of HMOs Whether the facility provides an additional level in the continuum of care available to HMO patients is uncertain. It is not generally accepted that the level of care Palm Beach Regional argues it will provide, that is, a level between acute care and subacute care, even exists let alone whether such a level of care is necessary, cost-effective or the best means of treating patients. Needs and Circumstances of Entities Providing Substantial Portion of Services to Individuals Residing Outside the District There are no facilities in the district which provide a substantial portion of its service to individuals residing outside the district. Probable Impact on Costs of Providing Health Services Total property costs for Palm Beach Regional amount to $3.572 million per year, or approximately $250,000 per month. This includes depreciation, interest, insurance and all other property costs. Because Palm Beach Regional would enjoy cost- reimbursement from Medicare instead of being paid on the basis of the prospective payment system, Medicare would pay as much as $190 per patient day for simple property costs and not for patient care, if Palm Beach Regional's utilization projections prove true. Were Palm Beach Regional's utilization projections to turn out to be incorrect and Palm Beach Regional's occupancies were more in the range of other long-term care facilities, (50% the first year and 60% the second), the cost would be "into the $3-400 a day cost range for the cost of [the] ... property allocated per patient day, which would be picked up in their entirety or close to their entirety [by Medicare.]" (Tr. 782.) Either way, the high property costs of Palm Beach Regional would result, should the application be approved, in shifting a huge financial burden to Medicare. The result would be to "wind up costing the Federal government, the Medicare program, multiples of what it now cost[s] ... to treat those same patients in acute care hospitals." (Tr. 792). The Applicant's Past and Proposed Provision of Services to Medicaid and the Medically Indigent Palm Beach Regional projected a 5% Medicaid utilization but its commitment is to indigent care only and that being a mere 1%. The commitment to indigent care (as opposed to the projection for Medicaid care) is meager. Furthermore, Palm Beach Regional has little established pattern accepting patients in these payor classes. Given the savings to Columbia acute care hospitals which would feed patients to Palm Beach Regional, and ultimately, the profit to be enjoyed by the applicant, a commitment of 1% is lacking. That recognized, it must be said that the modesty of the commitment is consistent with the advantage Medicare's cost- reimbursement system provides long-term care hospitals. It is not to be expected that there will be many Medicaid or indigent patients utilizing long-term care hospitals. "The vast majority of the population utilizing the facility will be the elderly, virtually all of whom are covered by Medicare." (Palm Beach Regional's Proposed Recommended Order, p. 23, Tr. 339.) Still, a greater commitment, more along the lines of the commitment provided by St. Petersburg Health Care Management, Inc., with which Palm Beach Regional has drawn comparison, (See Findings of Fact, 123- 128, below,) would lend this criterion to favor the application rather than disfavor it. The Applicant's Past and Proposed Provision of Services Which Promotes a Continuum of Care There is no long-term hospital available in District 9. But whether that means Palm Beach Regional is adding a level to the continuum of care available for patients in the district is uncertain. There is no data to support the conclusion that long- term care hospitals provide a level of care between that of acute and subacute. Despite the earnestness with which Dr. Griffin and Dr. Williams hold their opinions to the contrary, their opinions are simply not yet accepted widely enough at this point to support such a conclusion. That Less Costly, More Efficient, or More Appropriate Alternatives to Such Inpatient Services are not Available Long-term care hospitals have existed for years by Act of Congress. "[W]hile there has been an active discussion of alternatives, so far they have not come up with one which has been moved into rule or legislation." (Tr. 421). Certainly keeping long-term care hospital patients covered by Medicare in acute care hospitals would be a less costly alternative. Whether caring for these patients in one facility or another is more cost-efficient, however, is unknown. At bottom, there is no determinative data on the issue of cost-efficiency. As for more appropriate alternatives, there is a group of long-term care hospital patients for whom it is less appropriate to be in a free-standing skilled nursing unit. But, the size of this group is uncertain. Certainly, from the point of view of care to the patient, it is at least equally appropriate for all long- term care patients to remain in acute care hospitals rather than be discharged to long-term care. Alternatives to New Construction As the result of renovations, the facility requires little capital to convert it to a 60 bed long-term care hospital. The capital outlay of $500,000 is an indication of how little actual construction is necessary to complete the project. Problems in Obtaining the Proposed Inpatient Care in the Absence of the Proposed New Service With the exception of inappropriately premature discharges of patients from the acute care hospital's acute care setting, there are beds available for appropriate care in the absence of approval of the application. There is an abundance of beds in acute care hospitals available to patients who might otherwise be discharged to the long-term care hospital. As for the patient for whom discharge from the acute care setting is appropriate who might be admitted to a long-term care hospital, there are available for inpatient care skilled nursing beds in one type of facility or another. Administrative Due Process Palm Beach Regional contends that it has been treated differently by the agency, without reasonable explanation, from St. Petersburg Health Care Management, Inc., a successful applicant for the conversion of a general acute care hospital to a long-term care hospital in another district. Initially approved by the agency, the "St. Petersburg" application, CON 8213, was not subjected to the scrutiny of a formal administrative hearing at the Division of Administrative Hearings. Nonetheless, in support of its claim of unfair treatment, portions of the St. Petersburg application and omissions response for Certificate of Need number 8213 were introduced into evidence by petitioner as well as the State Agency Action Report. There are similarities between the two applications. For example, both proposed conversion of underutilized facilities to long-term acute care beds, as well as reduction of the hospitals' complements of 200 acute care beds to 60 long-term care beds. But there are differences as well. The St. Petersburg commitment to indigent and Medicaid care is 500% of the commitment by Palm Beach Regional. St. Petersburg's commitment is a combined 5%: 2% to indigent and 3% to Medicaid. In contrast, Palm Beach Regional's commitment is 1%, to indigent care only. Palm Beach Regional stated in its application that "[p]atients classified as Medicaid payers are projected to equal 5.0% of total patient days in 1999, 2000, and 2001." Petitioner's Ex. No. 1, p. 79. As reasonable as this projection may be, it is just that: a projection, nothing more and a projection is a far cry from a commitment. There is another difference between the two applications. While the facilities from which Palm Beach Regional's application received letters of support were limited to Columbia's affiliated facilities, St. Petersburg received letters of support from three disproportionate share providers as well as numerous unaffiliated hospitals and nursing homes in the Pinellas and Pasco County areas. The difference is critical to an understanding of the likelihood that the facility will, in fact, meet its commitment to the historically underserved. As Ms. Elizabeth Dudek, Chief of the Certificate of Need and Budget Review Office at the Agency for Health Care Administration testified, "You have, in the case of having the support of all the disproportionate share providers ... more of an assurance that the historically underserved, the Medicaid and the indigent patients, will be served and get access to the service." (Tr. 902). Such an assurance is omitted unfortunately from Palm Regional’s application.

Recommendation ACCORDINGLY, it is recommended that the application of Palm Beach Regional to establish a long-term acute care hospital by delicensing 128 beds and converting 60 acute care beds to 60 long- term acute care beds be denied.DONE AND ORDERED this 24th day of March, 1997, in Tallahassee, Florida. DAVID MALONEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 COPIES FURNISHED: Eric Tilton, Esquire Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of March, 1997. Gustafson, Tilton & Henning, P.A. 204 South Monroe Street, Suite 200 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Lesley Mendelson, Senior Attorney Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Fort Knox, Building III Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Thomas F. Panza, Esquire Seann M. Frazier, Esquire Panza, Maurer, Maynard & Neel, P.A. 3600 North Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 Sam Power, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Fort Knox, Building III Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Jerome W. Hoffman, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Fort Knox, Building III Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403

Florida Laws (7) 120.57408.034408.035408.036408.038408.0397.28 Florida Administrative Code (1) 59C-1.002
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