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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jan. 12, 2010 Number: 10-000134BID Latest Update: May 07, 2010

The Issue The issues in this bid protest are, first, whether, as Petitioner alleges, Intervenor's failure to attach copies of "occupational licenses" to its proposal was a deviation from the requirements of the Request for Proposal; second, whether any such deviation was material; and third, whether Respondent's preliminary decision to award Intervenor the contract at issue was clearly erroneous, arbitrary or capricious, or contrary to competition.

Findings Of Fact On September 18, 2009, Respondent Department of Transportation ("Department") issued Request for Proposal No. RFP-DOT-09/10-4007FS (the "RFP"). Through the RFP, which is entitled, "Treasure Coast Road Ranger Service Patrol," the Department solicited written proposals from qualified providers who would be willing and able to perform towing and emergency roadside services on Interstate 95 in Martin County, St. Lucie County, and Indian River County. The Department intended to award a three-year contract to the "responsive and responsible Proposer whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the Department." The Department anticipated that the contract would have a term beginning on December 1, 2009, and ending on November 31, 2012. The annual contract price was not to exceed $1.59 million. Proposals were due on October 13, 2009. Four firms timely submitted proposals in response to the RFP, including Petitioner Sunshine Towing @ Broward, Inc. ("Sunshine") and Intervenor Anchor Towing and Marine of Broward, Inc. ("Anchor"). An evaluation ensued, pursuant to a process described in the RFP, during which the Department rejected two of the four proposals for failing to meet minimum requirements relating to technical aspects of the project. As a result, Sunshine and Anchor emerged as the only competitors eligible for the award. Sunshine offered to perform the contractual services for an annual price of $1,531,548. This sum was less than the price that Anchor proposed by $46,980 per year. Despite Sunshine's lower cost, Anchor nevertheless edged Sunshine in the final score, receiving 92.86 points (out of 100) from the Department's evaluators, to Sunshine's 87.75. On November 30, 2009, the Department duly notified the public of its intent to award the contract to Anchor. Sunshine promptly initiated the instant protest, whereby Sunshine seeks to have Anchor's proposal disqualified as nonresponsive, in hopes that the Department will then award the contract to Sunshine as the highest-ranked (indeed the sole) responsive proposer. Sunshine alleges that Anchor's proposal failed to conform strictly to the specifications of the RFP, principally because Anchor did not attach copies of its "occupational licenses" to the proposal. Anchor insists that its proposal was responsive but argues, alternatively, that if its proposal deviated from the specifications, the deviation was merely a minor irregularity which the Department could waive. Anchor further contends that Sunshine's proposal contains material deviations for which it should be deemed nonresponsive. The Department takes the position that Anchor's failure to attach "occupational licenses" was a minor irregularity that could be (and was) waived.1 The RFP includes a "Special Conditions" section wherein the specifications at the heart of this dispute are located. Of particular interest is Special Condition No. 8, which specifies the qualifications a provider must have to be considered qualified to perform the services called for under the contract to be awarded. Special Condition No. 8 provides as follows: QUALIFICATIONS General The Department will determine whether the Proposer is qualified to perform the services being contracted based upon their proposal demonstrating satisfactory experience and capability in the work area. The Proposer shall identify necessary experienced personnel and facilities to support the activities associated with this proposal. Qualifications of Key Personnel Those individuals who will be directly involved in the project should have demonstrated experience in the areas delineated in the scope of work. Individuals whose qualifications are presented will be committed to the project for its duration unless otherwise excepted by the Department's Project Manager. Where State of Florida registration or certification is deemed appropriate, a copy of the registration or certificate should be included in the proposal package. Authorized To Do Business in the State of Florida In accordance with sections 607.1501, 608.501, and 620.169, Florida Statutes, foreign corporations, foreign limited liability companies, and foreign limited partnerships must be authorized to do business in the State of Florida. Such authorization should be obtained by the proposal due date and time, but in any case, must be obtained prior to the posting of the intended award of the contact. For authorization, [contact the Florida Department of State].[2] Licensed to Conduct Business in the State of Florida If the business being provided requires that individuals be licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, such licenses should be obtained by the proposal due date and time, but in any case, must be obtained prior to the posting of the intended award of the contract. For licensing, [contact the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation]. References and experience must entail a minimum of three (3) years of experience in the towing industry in Florida. NOTE: Copies of occupational licenses must also be attached to the back of Form 'F'. (Boldface in original.) Special Condition No. 19, which defines the term "responsive proposal," provides as follows: RESPONSIVENESS OF PROPOSALS Responsiveness of Proposals Proposals will not be considered if not received by the Department on or before the date and time specified as the due date for submission. All proposals must be typed or printed in ink. A responsive proposal is an offer to perform the scope of services called for in this Request for Proposal in accordance with all the requirements of this Request for Proposal and receiving fifty (50) points or more on the Technical Proposal.[3] Proposals found to be non-responsive shall not be considered. Proposals may be rejected if found to be irregular or not in conformance with the requirements and instructions herein contained. A proposal may be found to be irregular or non-responsive by reasons that include, but are not limited to, failure to utilize or complete prescribed forms, conditional proposals, incomplete proposals, indefinite or ambiguous proposals, and improper and/or undated signatures. (Emphasis and boldface in original.) In the "General Instructions to Respondents" section of the RFP there appears the following reservation of rights: 16. Minor Irregularities/Right to Reject. The Buyer reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, or separable portions thereof, and to waive any minor irregularity, technicality, or omission if the Buyer determines that doing so will serve the State's best interests. The Buyer may reject any response not submitted in the manner specified by the solicitation documents. Anchor did not attach copies of any "occupational licenses" to the back of Form 'F' in its proposal. Anchor contends that it did not need to attach such licenses because none exists. This position is based on two undisputed facts: (1) The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation ("DBPR") does not regulate the business of providing towing and emergency roadside assistance; therefore, neither Anchor nor Sunshine held (or could hold) a state-issued license to operate, and neither company fell under DBPR's regulatory jurisdiction. (2) The instrument formerly known as an "occupational license," which local governments had issued for decades, not for regulatory purposes but as a means of raising revenue, is presently called (at least formally) a "business tax receipt," after the Florida Legislature, in 2006, amended Chapter 205 of the Florida Statutes, changing the name of that law from the "Local Occupational License Tax Act" to the "Local Business Tax Act." See 2006 Fla. Laws ch. 152. Sunshine asserts that the terms "occupational license" and "business tax receipt" are synonymous and interchangeable, and that the RFP required each offeror to attach copies of its occupational licenses/business tax receipts to the proposal. Sunshine insists that Anchor's failure to do so constituted a material deviation from the specifications because, without such documentation, the Department could not be sure whether an offeror was authorized to do business in any given locality. Sunshine presses this argument a step further based on some additional undisputed facts. As it happened, at the time the proposals were opened, Anchor held a local business tax receipt from the City of Pembroke Pines, which is the municipality in which Anchor maintains its principal place of business. Anchor had not, however, paid local business taxes to Broward County when they became due, respectively, on July 1, 2008, and July 1, 2009. Anchor corrected this problem on December 14, 2009, which was about two weeks after the Department had posted notice of its intent to award Anchor the contract, paying Broward County a grand total of $248.45 in back taxes, collection costs, and late penalties. As of this writing, all of Anchor's local business tax obligations are paid in full. Sunshine contends, however, that during the period of time that Anchor's Broward County business taxes were delinquent, Anchor was not authorized to do business in Broward County and hence was not a "responsible" proposer eligible for award of the contract. In support of this proposition, Sunshine relies upon Section 20-15 of the Broward County, Florida, Code of Ordinances ("Broward Code"), which states: Pursuant to the authority granted by Chapter 205, Florida Statutes, no person shall engage in or manage any business, profession or occupation, as the same are contemplated by Chapter 205, Florida Statutes, unless such person first obtains a business tax receipt as required by this article, unless other exempt from this requirement . . . . On this latter point regarding Anchor's authority to operate in Broward County, Sunshine appears to be correct, at least in a narrow legal sense. It is abundantly clear, however, and the undersigned finds, that, as a matter of fact, Anchor was never in any danger of being shut down by the county. Indeed, even under the strict letter of the local law, Anchor was entitled to continue operating in Broward County unless and until the county took steps to compel the payment of the delinquent taxes. Broward Code Section 20-22, which deals with the enforcement of the business tax provisions, provides: Whenever any person who is subject to the payment of a business tax or privilege tax provided by this article shall fail to pay the same when due, the tax collector, within three (3) years from the due date of the tax, may issue a warrant directed to the Broward County Sheriff, commanding him/her to levy upon and sell any real or personal property of such person liable for said tax for the amount thereof and the cost of executing the warrant and to return such warrant to the tax collector and to pay him/her the money collected by virtue thereof within sixty (60) days from the date of the warrant. . . . The tax collector may file a copy of the warrant with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Broward County[, which shall be recorded in the public records and thereby] become a lien for seven (7) years from the due date of the tax. . . . Any person subject to, and who fails to pay, a business tax or privilege tax required by this article, shall, on petition of the tax collector, be enjoined by the Circuit Court from engaging in the business for which he/she has failed to pay said business tax, until such time as he/she shall pay the same with costs of such action. There is no evidence suggesting that the county ever sought to enjoin, or that a court ever issued an injunction prohibiting, Anchor from engaging in business, nor does it appear, based on the evidence, that a tax warrant ever was issued, filed, or executed to force Anchor to pay its back taxes. Given the relatively small amount of tax due, the likelihood of such enforcement actions being taken must reasonably be reckoned as slim to none. While paying taxes when due is certainly the obligation of a good corporate citizen, it would not be reasonable, based on the facts established in this case, to infer that Anchor is a scofflaw for failing to timely pay a local tax amounting to about $80 per year. Anchor, in short, was a responsible proposer. Sunshine's other argument has more going for it. The RFP clearly and unambiguously mandated that "occupational licenses" be attached to a proposal. If, as Sunshine maintains, the terms "occupational license" and "business tax receipt" are clearly synonymous, then Anchor's proposal was noncompliant. For reasons that will be explained below, however, the undersigned has concluded, as a matter of law, that the term "occupational license" does not unambiguously denote a "business tax receipt"——at least not in the context of Special Condition No. 8. The specification, in other words, is ambiguous. No one protested the specification or otherwise sought clarification of the Department's intent. The evidence shows, and the undersigned finds, that the Department understood and intended the term "occupational license" to mean the instrument now known as a "business tax receipt." The Department simply used the outdated name, as many others probably still do, owing to that facet of human nature captured by the expression, "old habits die hard." The Department's interpretation of the ambiguous specification is not clearly erroneous and therefore should not be disturbed in this proceeding. Based on the Department's interpretation of Special Condition No. 8, the undersigned finds that Anchor's failure to attach copies of its occupational licenses was a deviation from the requirements of the RFP. That is not the end of the matter, however, for a deviation is not necessarily disqualifying unless it is found to be material. The letting authority may, in the exercise of discretion, choose to waive a minor irregularity if doing so will not compromise the integrity and fairness of the competition. There is no persuasive direct evidence in the record that the Department made a conscious decision to waive the irregularity in Anchor's proposal. Documents in the Department's procurement file show, however, that the Department knew that Anchor's proposal lacked copies of occupational licenses, and in any event this was a patent defect, inasmuch as nothing was attached to the back of Anchor's Form 'F'. It is therefore reasonable to infer that the Department elected to waive the irregularity, and the undersigned so finds. Necessarily implicit in the Department's action (waiving the deficiency) is an agency determination that that the irregularity was a minor one. The question of whether or not Anchor's noncompliance with Special Condition No. 8 was material is fairly debatable. Ultimately, however, the undersigned is unable to find, for reasons more fully developed below, that the Department's determination in this regard was clearly erroneous. Because the Department's determination was not clearly erroneous, the undersigned accepts that Anchor's failure to submit occupational licenses was a minor irregularity, which the Department could waive. The Department's decision to waive the minor irregularity is entitled to great deference and should be upheld unless it was arbitrary or capricious. The undersigned cannot say that waiving the deficiency in question was illogical, despotic, thoughtless, or otherwise an abuse of discretion; to the contrary, once it has been concluded that the irregularity is minor and immaterial, as the Department not incorrectly did here, waiver seems the reasonable and logical course of action. The upshot is that the proposed award to Anchor should be allowed to stand. The foregoing determination renders moot the disputed issues of fact arising from Anchor's allegation that Sunshine's proposal was nonresponsive. It is unnecessary, therefore, for the undersigned to make additional findings on that subject.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department enter a Final Order consistent with its preliminary decision to award Anchor the contract at issue. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of April, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of April, 2010.

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57205.194205.196607.1501
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 02, 1990 Number: 90-004138 Latest Update: Aug. 01, 1995

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Integra Corporation, had a dispute with the Florida Department of Revenue with respect to sales or use tax allegedly due in the amount of $605,305.70 on lease payments made on its rental of hotels from their owners. An assessment for taxes due was processed in the normal manner by the Department of Revenue. Integra Corporation filed a Protest of the assessment, and after the Department's Notice of Decision denied the Protest, Integra filed a timely Petition for Reconsideration. Ultimately the Department issued a Notice of Reconsideration which rejected the arguments of Integra Corporation. Integra Corporation agrees that the Notice of Reconsideration was transmitted on April 24, 1990, for it alleges that fact in paragraph 3 of its Petition. The Department's final rejection of the arguments made by Integra Corporation against the assessment of sales and use tax made in the Notice of Reconsideration dated April 24, 1990, prompted Integra Corporation to mail by certified mail, return receipt #P796 304 819, to the Division of Administrative Hearings on June 21, 1990, an original Petition challenging the Department's tax assessment. That petition was captioned Integra Corporation, Petitioner v. Department of Revenue, Respondent, and was filed by the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings on June 25, 1990. No copy of the original Petition was served on the Department of Revenue, or its counsel. The opening paragraph states that Integra Corporation "hereby petitions the Department of Revenue for administrative proceedings. . ." The Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings realized that the Petition should not have been addressed to or filed with the Division of Administrative Hearings, and on that same day forwarded the Petition to the appropriate agency, the Department of Revenue, which received the Petition on June 27, 1990.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the petition filed by Integra Corporation be dismissed as untimely. DONE and ENTERED this 10th day of September, 1990, at Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. DORSEY, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of September, 1990.

Florida Laws (6) 120.52120.56120.565120.57120.6872.011 Florida Administrative Code (2) 12-6.00312-6.0033
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Mar. 09, 1993 Number: 93-001365 Latest Update: Sep. 06, 1994

Findings Of Fact Stipulated Facts Respondent conducted an audit of Petitioner's business records for the period July 1, 1985, through June 30, 1990. Respondent determined a deficiency in sales tax of $174,823.96, including penalty and interest through August 22, 1990. Petitioner objected to the deficiency. Respondent reviewed the audit, and made audit changes that are the subject of this proceeding. The audit changes determined a deficiency in use tax of $76,035.60, including tax ($47,910.10), penalty ($11,977.68), and interest through March 12, 1991 ($16,147.60). Interest accrues daily in the amount of $15.75. A First Revised Notice Of Intent To Make Sales Tax Changes, for the reduced assessment of $76,035.60, was issued on March 21, 1991. A Notice Of Proposed Assessment was issued on July 2, 1991. The Notice Of Proposed Assessment became a Final Assessment on August 31, 1991. Respondent made a prima facie showing of the factual and legal basis for the use tax assessment. Section 120.575(2), Florida Statutes. 1/ The audit and assessment are procedurally correct. Tax, interest, and penalty are correctly computed. Formation Petitioner was incorporated in Florida, in January, 1983, by Mr. B. Theodore Troy, president and sole shareholder. Petitioner's principal place of business is 101 Wymore Road, Suite 224, Altamonte Springs, Florida. Petitioner conducted business as American Advertising Distributors of Central Florida. Mr. Troy and his wife operated the business until liquidating Petitioner's assets in 1992. Operation Petitioner sold direct mail advertising to Florida businesses. Petitioner operated pursuant to a franchise agreement with American Advertising Distributors, Inc., of Mesa, Arizona ("AAD"). AAD was Petitioner's franchisor until AAD filed for bankruptcy in 1990. Petitioner solicited orders from Florida businesses 2/ for advertising coupons designed and printed by AAD in Arizona. AAD mailed the advertising coupons to addressees in Florida who were potential customers for Florida businesses. Florida businesses placed orders with Petitioner on written contracts, or sales agreements, labeled "advertising orders." AAD was not a party to advertising orders. Advertising orders identified "AAD" as American Advertising Distributors of Central Florida, and were imprinted with the name and address of "AAD" in Central Florida. Advertising orders specified the total charges, color and stock of paper, number of addressees, and areas of distribution. Petitioner assisted businesses with rough layout for art work. The rough layout was forwarded to AAD. AAD prepared finished art work and sent copies back to Petitioner for approval by Florida businesses. AAD then printed, collated, and mailed advertising coupons to addressees in Florida, without charge to addressees. Florida businesses paid non-refundable deposits when placing advertising orders. The remaining balance was paid upon approval of final art work. AAD did not submit invoices to Florida businesses. AAD submitted invoices to Petitioner for the amount due from Petitioner. 3/ Petitioner paid AAD 10 days before advertising coupons were mailed. Some advertising coupons were produced by Laberge Printers, Inc., in Orlando, Florida ("Laberge"). Coupons from Laberge were designed, printed, and distributed in the same manner as coupons from AAD. Two types of advertising coupons were provided by AAD and Laberge. The majority of coupons were distributed in coop mailings, or "bonus express" envelopes, containing coupons for up to 20 businesses. Bonus express envelopes were mailed approximately eight times a year. Advertising coupons were also distributed in "solo" mailings. A solo mailing was an individualized, custom printed coupon, or flyer, mailed to individual addressees. The total charges stated in advertising orders included the cost of services provided by Petitioner, AAD, and Laberge. Services included typesetting, art work, printing, inserting envelopes, and mailing. Florida imposed a tax on services, from July 1, 1987, through December 31, 1987. Petitioner collected and remitted tax imposed on the cost of services included in the total charges stated on advertising orders. Except for the services tax, neither Petitioner, AAD, nor Laberge collected and remitted sales or use tax to Florida or to Arizona. Petitioner never utilized resale certificates for any tax other than the tax on services. Collectibility Petitioner was financially able to pay the use tax assessment during 1990 and 1991. No later than August 22, 1990, Mr. Troy knew of the sales tax deficiency of $174,823.96. By March 21, 1991, Mr. Troy knew of the reduced use tax assessment of $76,035.60. During 1990 and 1991, Petitioner made discretionary payments to Mr. Troy of $110,389. Petitioner reported federal taxable income of $58,279 in 1990 and 1991. 4/ In arriving at taxable income, Petitioner deducted payments to Mr. Troy of $59,430 for compensation to officers, management fees, and salary. 5/ From taxable income of $58,279, Petitioner paid approximately $50,959 to Mr. Troy in nondeductible shareholder loans. 6/ Discretionary payments of $110,389, 7/ made to Mr. Troy in 1990 and 1991, were more than adequate to pay the use tax assessment of $76,036.60. At the end of 1991, Petitioner reported fixed assets with a book value of $14,933, a customer list valued at $104,447.72, and retained earnings of $102,605. The book value of intangible assets was $82,943, comprised primarily of the franchise, valued at $35,000, and goodwill of $45,000. Termination Of Operations But Continued Existence AAD petitioned for bankruptcy in 1990. Petitioner subsequently determined that its franchise and goodwill were worthless. In 1992, Petitioner reported a loss of $99,726 for federal tax purposes. All of Petitioner's assets, including its customer lists, were sold or transferred for $1,330 to Florida Mail, Inc. ("Florida Mail"). Florida Mail is a Florida corporation wholly owned by Mr. Troy. Florida Mail sells direct mail advertising; and shares Petitioner's principal place of business. Since 1992, Petitioner has been a shell corporation with $579 in assets.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a Final Order upholding the assessment of tax and interest and waive all of the penalty included in the assessment. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 2nd day of June, 1994. DANIEL MANRY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of June, 1994.

Florida Laws (11) 11.02120.57212.02212.05212.0596212.06212.07212.08213.217.017.04 Florida Administrative Code (3) 12A-1.02412A-1.02712A-1.091
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Defuniak Springs, Florida Apr. 17, 2007 Number: 07-001710 Latest Update: Mar. 13, 2017

The Issue Does the taxpayer owe sales tax, penalty, and interest as assessed by the Department of Revenue.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Department of Revenue, is an agency of the State of Florida, lawfully created and organized pursuant to Section 20.21, Florida Statutes. By law, the Department is vested with the responsibility of regulating, controlling and administering the revenue laws of the State of Florida, including, specifically, the laws relating to the imposition and collection of the state's sales and use tax, pursuant to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes. Respondent, Worldwide Equipment Group, LLC, is a Florida limited liability company, whose principal address is Post Office Box 1050, Freeport, Florida 32439. Respondent sells and leases heavy equipment. In early 2006, Petitioner, Department of Revenue, conducted an audit of the books and records of Petitioner, pursuant to statutory notice. The period covered by the audit was March 1, 2002, through February 28, 2005. The audit was conducted by Department of Revenue auditor David Collins and addressed three issues. Issue A-01 addressed misclassified exempt sales, i.e. failure to collect appropriate sales and use tax or lack of documentation to prove tax exempt status of certain sales. Issue A-03 addressed discrepancies in sales for 2003 as reported for federal income tax returns and for state sales and use tax returns. Issue A-03 addressed interest owed due to a timing difference between actual transactions and the filing of state returns: basically a manipulation of the grace period for payment of sales and use taxes. Respondent was notified of the apparent discrepancies observed by the auditor. The original Notice of Intent To Make Audit Changes was issued February 17, 2006, and started at more than $75,000.00 in taxes, penalty, and interest due. Respondent then filed amended federal income tax returns, reflecting larger sales figures covering a portion of the audit period which reduced the discrepancy. The dispute was originally referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) on or about August 30, 2006. The original facts in dispute surrounded an addendum to the Notice of Proposed Assessment showing a balance due of $31,434.82. This was DOAH Case No. 06-3287. The request for a disputed-fact hearing was made by David R. Johnson CPA, who has a power of attorney on file with Petitioner Agency permitting him to represent Respondent. Throughout these proceedings, Worldwide has been served through Mr. Johnson by Petitioner and by DOAH. The parties filed a Joint Motion for Provisional Closing Order in DOAH Case No. 06-3287 on November 1, 2006. On November 2, 2006, DOAH Case No. 06-3287 was closed with leave to return if the parties' proposed settlement was not finalized. Mr. Johnson met once with counsel for Petitioner during the time the case was returned to the Agency. At some point, Respondent had produced certain accounting entries and supporting documents to the auditor. These were used to adjust the assessment levied by the Department. A Revised Notice Of Intent To Make Audit Changes dated March 13, 2007, was issued with a letter of the same date. The revised, and final Notice included an assessment of tax, penalty and interest totaling $15,065.24, as of the date of issue and information that the tax accrues interest at the rate of $3.10 per diem. On April 4, 2007, Petitioner filed before DOAH its Motion to Re-open Case and Notice for Trial. No timely response in opposition was filed by Respondent. By an Order to Re-open Case File, entered April 19, 2007, the case was re-opened as the instant DOAH Case No. 07-1710. Petitioner has established that the amount of $15,065.24 as tax, penalty, and interest was due as of March 13, 2007.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue sustain the March 13, 2007, assessment of the subject sales tax, penalties and interest to Petitioner. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of October, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of October, 2007. COPIES FURNISHED: Warren J. Bird, Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, Plaza Level 01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Bruce Hoffmann, General Counsel Department of Revenue The Carlton Building, Room 204 501 South Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 Lisa Echeverri, Executive Director Department of Revenue The Carlton Building, Room 104 501 South Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 David R. Johnson, CPA 1265 Highway 331 South Defuniak Springs, Florida 32435 Worldwide Equipment Group LLC Post Office Box 1050 Freeport, Florida 32439

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.5720.21212.06212.12212.18
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 22, 1991 Number: 91-002441 Latest Update: Jan. 09, 1992

The Issue Whether surcharge taxes and excise taxes, plus penalties and interest, attributable to the sale of alcoholic beverages should be assessed against the Respondent, Trans World Airlines, Inc., d/b/a Trans World Airlines? Whether the Respondent's Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco license/permit number 78-14 should be subjected to a civil penalty or should be suspended or revoked for failure to timely file surcharge and excise tax reports and surcharge and excise taxes to the Petitioner?

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is the State of Florida, Department of Business Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco. The Respondent is Trans World Airlines, Inc., d/b/a Trans World Airlines. The Respondent has be granted an alcoholic beverage license by the Petitioner. That license is identified as license number 78-14, series X (hereinafter referred to as the "License"). At all times relevant to this proceeding the Respondent held the License. From January 1, 1988, through January 15, 1991 (hereinafter referred to as the "Tax Period"), the Respondent operated as an air carrier in the State of Florida. During the Tax Period the Respondent sold alcoholic beverages to passengers on aircraft flights over the State of Florida. As a result of the sales of alcoholic beverages over Florida airspace, the Respondent has incurred surcharge and excise tax liability to the Petitioner for the Tax Period. The Respondent has not remitted any amount of its surcharge or excise tax liability to the Petitioner for the Tax Period. The Respondent has failed to file monthly surcharge or excise tax reports during the Tax Period. In February, 1991, the Petitioner performed an audit of the Respondent for the Tax Period. During the Petitioner's audit of the Respondent, the employee of the Respondent responsible for remitting alcoholic beverage reports and taxes to various states, including Florida, admitted to the Petitioner that the Respondent remitted its alcoholic beverage taxes to other states and did not understand why the Respondent did not remit its alcoholic beverage surcharge and excise taxes to Florida. The Petitioner, as a result of its audit of the Respondent, computed the Respondent's liability for surcharge and excise taxes for the Tax Period. The Petitioner used a standard airline industry apportionment formula to compute the Respondent's tax liability. The apportionment formula utilized by the Petitioner to compute the Respondent's tax liability to Florida for the Tax Period consisted of the following computation (hereinafter referred to as the "Apportionment Formula"): (a) a ratio is computed by dividing total revenue air miles (based upon revenue plane miles) flown by the Respondent by the total revenue miles flown by the Respondent in Florida; (b) the ratio is multiplied by the total gallons of alcohol sold by the Respondent to determine the estimated amount of alcohol sold in Florida; and (c) the estimated amount of alcohol sold in Florida is multiplied by the Florida tax rate(s) to determine the total alcohol tax payable. In applying the Apportionment Formula, the Petitioner used revenue plane miles in calculating the first ratio of the Apportionment Formula. Line 22, page 18, line 9, page 28, lines 13-20, page 37, Transcript of August 21, 1991. The Petitioner did not use revenue passenger miles as argued by the Respondent. Revenue plane miles looks at the total miles flown by an aircraft without regard to the number of passengers on a flight. Revenue passenger miles takes into account the number of passengers on each flight by including the number of miles a plane flies times the number of passengers on board that flight. Revenue passenger miles takes into account the difference in the size of each plane involved in a flight. Revenue passenger miles more accurately reflects the amount of alcohol which may be consumed. The information utilized by the Petitioner in applying the Apportionment Formula to the Respondent for the Tax Period was information provided by the Respondent. The Respondent provided the Petitioner with revenue plane miles and not revenue passenger miles. Therefore, the Petitioner reasonably relied upon and used the best information available to it to compute the Respondent's liability for surcharge and excise taxes. It is reasonable for the Petitioner to use revenue plane miles to compute surcharge and excise taxes attributable to the sale of alcohol in Florida absent a taxpayer providing revenue passenger miles. The Apportionment Formula utilized by the Petitioner is a fair method of computing the tax liability of the Respondent to the State of Florida for the Tax Period. Using the data provided by the Respondent was reasonable. If the Respondent had provided revenue passenger miles, the Petitioner should have used that information in applying the Apportionment Formula. Based upon an application of the Apportionment Formula and using the data provided by the Respondent to the Petitioner, the Respondent owes the following amounts for the Tax Period: Surcharge: Surcharge $ 9,580.38 Penalty 1,699.87 Interest 356.01 Total $11,636.26 Excise: Excise $40,285.49 Interest 7,279.60 Total $47,565.09 The total liability of the Respondent for the Tax Period is $59,201.34. After the Petitioner's audit of the Respondent, the Respondent provided the Petitioner with revenue passenger miles and revenue ton miles. Revenue ton miles have no substantive affect on the taxable event at issue in this proceeding; the sale of alcohol in Florida. It is not clear whether the revenue passenger miles provided by the Respondent can be used by the Petitioner in applying the Apportionment Formula. If so, that information should be used to calculate the Respondent's liability for taxes, penalties and interest in this case. If the information is not sufficient, the parties agreed that the record would remain open to give the Respondent an opportunity to provide any information needed to calculate the Respondent's liability. The Respondent presented evidence concerning the percentage of flights by the Respondent during which alcoholic beverages were served over Florida and the percentage of flights by the Respondent during which alcoholic beverages were not served over Florida. This evidence is rejected because it did not specifically apply to the Tax Period and is not otherwise credible to prove the facts the Respondent was attempting to prove. So called "complimentary" alcoholic beverages are provided by the Respondent to some passengers. These beverages, however, are received as part of the consideration a passenger receives for purchasing a ticket from the Respondent. Such beverages are, therefore, sold by the Respondent.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that a final order be issued requiring the Respondent, Trans World Airlines, Inc., d/b/a Trans World Airlines, to pay surcharge and excise taxes, plus penalties and interest thereon, based upon application of the Apportionment Formula in the amounts set out in finding of fact 19. The amount of surcharge and excise taxes, plus penalties and interest thereon, may be recalculated by the Petitioner based upon an application of the Apportionment Formula utilizing revenue passenger miles for the Tax Period if revenue passenger miles have been, or are subsequently, provided to the Petitioner by the Respondent. It is further recommended that the Respondent be assessed a civil penalty of $1,000.00 for its failure to remit surcharge taxes and a civil penalty of $1,000.00 for its failure to remit excise taxes. RECOMMENDED this 13th day of November, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of November, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 91-2441 The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. The Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 2. 2 3. 3 5. 4 6. 5-6 Hereby accepted. 7 10/ 8 7. 9-11 11. 12 12. 13 13. 14 16. 15 18. But see 15-17. 16 17. See 12 and 18. Conclusion of law. Not relevant. See 12. 21-22 Although true, the burden of proof in this case was on the Petitioner. 23 8-9. 24 Not relevant. 25-26 19. 27 20. The Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 1. 2 2-3. 3 5. 4 6. 5 12-13. 6 See 14-15. 7 See 21. 8-10 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Robin L. Suarez Assistant General Counsel Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Thomas P. Lombardi Director - Tax Administration 100 S. Bedford Road Mt. Kisco, New York 10549 Donald D. Conn, Esquire General Counsel Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1000 Richard W. Scully, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1000

Florida Laws (7) 120.57210.14210.16562.17563.05565.02565.12
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-003769 Latest Update: Dec. 08, 1988

Findings Of Fact Based upon the record evidence adduced as well as the factual stipulation filed by the parties, the following facts are found. The Petitioner, International Cruise Shops (ICS), is a subsidiary company of the Greyhound Corporation. ICS, as pertinent hereto, operates gift shops, bars, beauty salons and exercise rooms and like "passenger amenity" type facilities ("shops") on board cruise ships operating out of the Port of Miami. The particular cruise ships of concern in this case are owned by Norwegian Caribbean Lines (NCL). The parties have stipulated that the vessels owned by NCL, to which this proceeding relates, operate exclusively in foreign commerce and that none of their operating mileage involved herein is in intrastate commerce. Because of this, ICS maintains that the transactions or purchases which are the subject of this proceeding are exempt from taxation under Section 212.08(8), Florida Statutes. The parties have stipulated that the sales tax at issue was not collected by the vendors involved and was not paid on the Items in question. The parties have also stipulated that all of the items in question, purchased in port, were used or consumed on board the NCL vessels involved and that the vessels were operating at the time in foreign commerce. It is also stipulated that ICS recognized at the time of the purchases that they were exempt ones and provided the vendors involved with its export exemption registration number. ICS takes the position that it is exempt from sales and use tax as to these items because the items purchased are "parts of a vessel" within the meaning of the exemption statute set forth at Section 212.08(8), Florida Statutes. It is also stipulated that during the relevant audit period ICS did not furnish the vendors involved in these purchases with the "partial exemption affidavit" described in Section 212.08(8)(b), Florida Statutes, the "partial exemption" statute. The Department in turn argues that ICS is not entitled to the exemption because it is not an "owner, operator or agent of a vessel." ICS maintains, contrarily, that its status as owner, operator or agent of a vessel is not determinative of its entitlement to the exemption, but rather the nature of the goods involved and their use is what is determinative. Be that as it may, the Petitioner maintains that it qualifies as an operator or agent of the vessels involved anyway. The Department also contends that even if ICS is an owner, operator, or agent, it failed to sign the affidavit mentioned above, stating that "the item or items to be partially exempted are [parts of a vessel] and setting forth the extent of such partial exemption." (emphasis supplied) See Section 212.08(8)(b), Florida Statutes. The Department originally served the Petitioner a Notice of Intent (to make sales and use tax audit changes) and a Notice of Proposed Assessment of tax, penalty and interest for the audit period from January 1, 1980, through December 31, 1982. The Department also issued a Notice of Intent to make sales and use tax audit changes, as well as a Notice of Proposed Assessment of Tax Penalty and Interest for the supplemental audit period of January 1, 1983, through April 30, 1983. Additionally, it is stipulated that the documents attached to the stipulation, as exhibits C and D respectively, are true and correct copies of an original shop agreement and bar agreement made and entered into as of January 1, 1980, between NCL and ICS. The parties have stipulated that those two documents represent the contractual agreements between NCL and ICS during the relevant audit periods at issue in this proceeding, and fairly reflect the relationship of the parties, although they do not agree that the language in the agreements to the effect that "ICS shall not be considered the agent" of NCL means that ICS is not the agent of NCL for any purpose at all. Those two agreements, as well as the unrefuted evidence of record, reveal that the services of bar operator and concessionaire, gift shop operator, as well as beauty shops and sauna operator, duty-free shop operator, and operations involving the purchasing for and operating of a shipboard duty-free and non-duty free shop for passengers and crew, are regular facets of cruise ship operations. It is the peculiar purpose of cruise ships to transport passengers, but provide all sorts of amenities and shopping services for passengers and crew of the type mentioned above and elsewhere in these agreements. There is no question that the duties ICS personnel were performing aboard NCL ships are integral functions of the operation of a cruise ship, as that relates to the exempt status claimed herein by ICS. The parties have additionally stipulated that exhibit F, attached to the stipulation, in evidence, is a random list of some of the supplies purchased by ICS during the audit period in question, far which no sales tax were paid. This listing is stipulated to be a representative sampling of the kinds of items for which the Department assessed tax under Schedule B of the assessment at issue. Exhibit G is a true and correct copy of a petition for reassessment of sales and use tax by ICS dated December 21, 1983. On February 9, 1984, ICS representatives attended a conference with the Department's disposition section personnel in Tallahassee. A Notice of Decision was entered September 30, 1985, by the tax conferee of the Department in response to the December 21, 1983 petition by ICS and as a result of that February 9, 1984 informal conference with the Department. A Petition for Reconsideration was filed by ICS dated October 28, 1985, concerning that notice of decision. On November 20, 1985, ICS representatives attended another informal conference with the Department's disposition section of its Office of General Counsel in Tallahassee. A supplemental petition was then filed by ICS dated February 12, 1986. Thereafter, a Notice of Reconsideration dated July 28, 1986, was executed by the tax conferee, Mark A. Zych, in response to the November 20, 1985 petition and informal conference. Thereafter, ICS filed the petition initiating this proceeding on September 19, 1986. The parties have additionally stipulated to, and the evidence of record reveals, that the items involved in this case were purchased by ICS from vendors for use in its shops and bars in the regular course of operation and business aboard the cruise ships. Those items at issue were stipulated to be used or consumed by ICS on Board NCL'S vessels. The shop and bar employees of ICS were paid on NCL's payroll and ICS would then reimburse NCL. Additionally, NCL negotiated a labor contract which covered the shop and bar employees of ICS, as well as its own employees. While they were on duty on board ship, the ICS personnel wore name tags indicating that they were NCL crew members, bearing the NCL logo. ICS personnel also participated in all safety drills and lifeboat drills like any other crew members. Each had specific stations and passenger safety duties assigned them, including lifeboat stations, just as any NCL employee crew members. ICS personnels' living quarters were in the same location as NCL employees' living quarters and ICS personnel were subject to the same duties, obligations and restrictions as NCL employees while on board the NCL ships, including restricted access to passenger areas and restrictions on mingling with passengers. The shop agreement (exhibit C to the stipulation in evidence) reveals that ICS performance of its shop, bar and other operations on board the cruise vessels was subject to the control of NCL. Numerous references in the shop agreement establish that NCL had pervasive control over ICS employees' performance of their duties on board NCL's cruise ships, as set forth at length in Appendix A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference in these findings of fact. One particularly revealing provision of the agreement is worth quoting. Section 16 of the Agreement requires ICS to designate a specific employee to act as supervisor of ICS employees on board the ships. This supervisor must agree to take orders from the master and ship's officers: ... and such qualified NCL personnel as shall be designated by the masters at all times and shall be under the control and direction and report directly to whomever the masters designate on board the vessels. ICS' supervisory personnel are to give prompt obedience to the instructions and orders of the NCL designee in regard to the operation of the shop concession. (emphasis supplied) The bar agreement, in evidence as exhibit D to the stipulation, contains a virtually identical provision. That bar agreement, for purposes of this proceeding, is essentially equivalent to the shop agreement. Additionally, the policy and procedures manual, in evidence as exhibit to the Stipulation, depicts numerous provisions which establish that, for all practical purposes, except for the reimbursement of NCL by ICS for salary for its employees, that ICS employees were considered as a part of the regular crew of the NCL cruise ships and subject to the direction and control of the ships' officers the same as any other crew member. This extended even to direction and control concerning how displays in the shops were set up, and how the shops and bars, were operated. In summary, that policy and procedures manual further demonstrates the pervasive control of NCL over the ICS employees and operations aboard the cruise ships, even to the extent of regulating vacation of ICS employees when they were ashore between cruises, etc. The testimony of ICS witnesses at the hearing confirms the existence of NCL's authority over ICS and its employees and demonstrates clearly that NCL fully exercised that right of control in the normal day to day operations of its cruise vessels. Sonia Jensen, district manager for ICS, has worked for ICS continuously since 1975. She established that NCL personnel supervise, direct and control ICS employees as to safety procedures, lifeboat drills and lifeboat station assignments, and as to all rules and regulations applying to crew members and their behavior. ICS employees on the ships are considered crew members. The testimony of Linda Loddo, district manager for ICS since 1973, corroborated that of Ms. Jensen in establishing that the authority of the NCL ships' officers extends to ICS employees as crew members, whether they are actually aboard ship or on land. Additionally, Ms. Jensen established that, based upon her considerable experience working in the cruise ship industry, that the shops and bars operated by ICS aboard the NCL cruise ships are an integral functioning part of, and appropriate to the operation of, a cruise vessel and a cruise line, in the normal course of its business and operations. Thus, ICS contends that it fits within the Department's interpretation of the relevant exemption statute, Section 212.08(8), Florida Statutes, because ICS is clearly both an "agent" of NCL and an "operator" of cruise ships. Its operations aboard the cruise ships are an integral and necessary function and part of the cruise ships operations in providing for the comfort and recreation of the passengers. ICS contends however, that the exemption, and entitlement to it, is determined by the nature of the items purchased, as that relates to what are considered "parts of vessels" for purposes of the exemption provision and that the exemption is not directly applicable to a particular class of people. The Petitioner argues that the sentence containing the phrase "owner, operator or agent" merely creates a presumption with regard to which items will constitute "parts of a vessel," but that the scope of the exemption, is not limited to purchases by only those three classes of persons.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of fact, stipulations and unrefuted evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED that the State of Florida, Department of Revenue enter a final order withdrawing and abating the assessment of sales and use taxes, interest and penalties against International Cruise Shops, Inc., in the particulars, and for the reasons, found and discussed above. It is further, Recommended, that the penalty sought to be imposed against International Cruise Shops by the Respondent, concerning the "bar sales assessment," be abated for the reasons delineated above. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 8th day of December, 1988. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of December, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-3769 Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected, as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on this subject matter. Rejected, as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on this subject matter. Accepted, but subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on the subject matter. Rejected as constituting, in large part, a conclusion of law and not a proposed finding of fact and as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on this subject matter. Rejected as subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on this subject matter. Accepted. Accepted, but subordinate to the Hearing Officer's findings of fact on this subject matter. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Respondent's proposed findings of fact The Respondent incorporates by reference the factual stipulation as its proposed findings of fact. Those findings of fact stipulated to have been accepted, of course, by the Hearing Officer, although not necessarily for the material import Respondent asserts they should be accorded through it's proposed recommended order. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert W. Hanula, Esquire The Greyhound Tower, Station 1701 Phoenix, Arizona 85077 Linda G. Miklowitz, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Katie D. Tucker, Esquire Executive Director Department of Revenue 102 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 William D. Townsend, Esquire Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

Florida Laws (5) 120.57212.07212.08212.12215.26
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jul. 30, 1996 Number: 96-003554 Latest Update: Dec. 16, 1997

The Issue Whether Respondent’s consumer tax exemption certificate should be revoked.

Findings Of Fact Respondent, The Seminole Tribe of Florida (Tribe), is a federally chartered Indian tribe pursuant to Section 16 of "The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934," 48 Stat. 987 (1934), (current version at 25 U.S.C.A. Sections 476-477 (1996)). Petitioner, the Department of Revenue (Department) is the agency of the State of Florida which is authorized to administer the collection of taxes and the issuance of consumer certificates of exemption, pursuant to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes. The consumer certificate of exemption at issue in this proceeding, certificate number 16-199584-51C, was issued to the Tribe by the Department on May 13, 1987. This certificate reflects an expiration date of July 13, 1992, and indicates that the Tribe is exempt as "Federal." The Department has continuously treated the Tribe as an exempt organization since at least May of 1987 and possibly as early as 1960. The Tribe timely sought renewal of certificate number 16-199584-51C by filing a DR-5R, "Renewal Application for Consumer Certificate of Exemption." Prior to the time for renewal of the Tribe’s consumer certificate of exemption, its file was "flagged" for special review. Flagging is the standard procedure used by the Department when the Department becomes aware or receives information that a consumer certificate of exemption may have been issued in error. Although the Tribe’s consumer certificate of exemption expired in 1992, the Tribe has been allowed to continue to use the exemption from the expiration date up to the present time. It is the policy of the Department to honor any expired consumer certificate of exemption until the Department either grants an application for renewal or enters a final order denying the renewal. From May 7, 1992, to June 20, 1994, the Department sent five substantially identical form letters to the Tribe evidencing this policy of maintaining the status quo until a final determination is made. The letters contain the following statement: Please be advised the department does realize that the aforementioned organization is recognized as a political subdivision by the federal government. However, this office will require additional time to review pertinent documentation and assess the department’s technical opinion before responding to the organization’s request for renewal of its Consumer Certificate of Exemption. The Seminole Tribe of Florida is still authorized to make sales tax exempt purchases in the state of Florida. The organization’s Consumer Certificate of Exemption is still valid and shall remain in effect until the department has completed the review process. On August 24, 1993, Rick McClure, an Assistant General Counsel of the Department, advised Bonnie Garris, an accounting administrator for the Tribe, that the Department took the position that the Tribe was not entitled to an exemption certificate, but that the Tribe would be immune from taxation on certain transactions. Mr. McClure further advised Ms. Garris that the Department was in the process of drafting a rule and a certificate dealing with immunity. The Department has not promulgated a rule dealing with the subject of Indian tribes' immunity from sales and use taxation, and the Department has not developed immunity certificates. Certificate number 16-199584-51C was not renewed by the Department; instead, on June 28, 1996, the Department issued an administrative complaint seeking to revoke the certificate on the basis that the Tribe does not meet the statutory requirements for exemption contained in Section 212.08(6), Florida Statutes. The Tribe has its own government with a tribal constitution and by laws. All laws enacted by the tribal government must be approved by the federal government. The reservation lands of the Tribe are owned by the federal government. The Tribe has numerous contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements with the federal government. In particular, the Tribe enters into a large number of contracts in accordance with Public Law 93-638, codified in 25 U.S.C. Section 450 et seq., known as the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA) of 1975, as amended in 1988 and thereafter. These contracts are hereinafter referred to as "ISDEAA contracts" or "self-determination contracts." Through the self-determination contracts, the Tribe provides law enforcement, education, medical, dental, and other health related services which would otherwise be provided directly by the federal government. The Tribe submits budgets to the federal government for approval for the use of the federal funds for the self- determination contracts. These budgets do not account for state sales taxes.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered revoking the Seminole Tribe of Florida's consumer certificate of exemption. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of July, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of July, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Tracy Allen, Esquire Department of Revenue Post Office Box 6668 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668 Donald A. Orlovsky, Esquire Servico Centre South 1601 Belvedere Road, Suite 402 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 John Mellichamp, III, Esquire Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Linda Lettera, General Counsel Department of Revenue 204 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Larry Fuchs, Executive Director Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399

USC (3) 25 U.S.C 45025 U.S.C 450a26 U.S.C 7871 Florida Laws (4) 120.52120.57212.08212.084
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jan. 15, 1999 Number: 99-000246 Latest Update: Aug. 12, 1999

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioners are liable for the sales and use tax audit assessment and charter transit system surtax audit assessment, as reflected in Respondent's Notices of Reconsideration dated March 17, 1998.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: From 1988 through 1993, Petitioner, Dane W. Lucas (Lucas), operated the Annabelle Lee, a cruise boat, under the name of River Entertainment. On January 1, 1994, Lucas incorporated his business under the name of River Cruises, Inc. (the corporation), which is also a Petitioner in this cause. In 1996, Respondent, Department of Revenue (DOR), conducted an audit of the records of both Petitioners to determine whether all sales and use taxes and charter transit system surtaxes had been properly reported and paid. As a result of the audit, DOR issued two proposed assessments dated January 28, 1997, against Lucas individually and two assessments dated July 22, 1997, against the corporation. However, the latter two assessments reflect the combined liability of both Lucas individually as well as the corporation and cover the five-year audit period from March 1, 1990, through February 28, 1995. After a protest letter was filed by Petitioners, DOR issued two Notices of Reconsideration on March 17, 1998. As to Lucas individually, the Notice of Reconsideration reflects that as of March 11, 1998, he owed $44,083.56 for sales and use taxes, with interest to accrue from that date at the rate of $7.26 per day. It further asserted that he owed $3,290.35 in charter transit system surtaxes as of the same date, with interest to accrue at the rate of $.058 per day. As to the corporation, the Notice of Reconsideration reflects that as of March 11, 1998, it was liable for $17,906.53, with interest to accrue as of March 11, 1998, at the rate of $2.97 per day. Also, it asserts that as of March 11, 1998, the corporation was liable for $5,839.94 for charter transit system surtaxes, with interest to accrue at the rate of $0.25 per day. On April 24, 1998, Petitioners remitted a check in the amount of $9,626.92, which represented what they believed was the proper tax assessment. As to the remaining portion, they deny that any moneys are owed; alternatively, they have requested that the amounts be compromised on the basis that they have no ability to pay the amount claimed by DOR.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final order sustaining its original assessment against Petitioner. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of July, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of July, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Linda Lettera, General Counsel Department of Revenue 204 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 Eric J. Taylor, Esquire Department of Legal Affairs 28 West Central Boulevard, Suite 310 Orlando, Florida 32801 Dane W. Lucas 1511 Montana Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32207-8642 Larry Fuchs, Executive Director Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000871 Latest Update: Jan. 10, 1977

Findings Of Fact The parties agreed at the hearing that there were no issues of fact which remained to be determined. The parties stipulated that the relevant facts are as set out in paragraph 5 of the Petition for Administrative Hearing. The following findings are quoted directly from paragraph 5 of the Petition. Petitioner is a federally chartered savings and loan association. Petitioner initially employed the cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting for Federal Income Tax purposes. In a desire to more clearly reflect income, Petitioner applied for and received permission from the Internal Revenue Service allowing Petitioner to change its method of tax accounting from the cash to the accrual method, pursuant to Revenue Procedure 70-27. This change was to commence with the calendar year 1971. Consistent with this accounting method change, all net accrued income as of January 1, 1971, was recorded in its entirety in Petitioner's financial statements as of December 31, 1970. The total net adjustment required to convert to the accrual method was $758,911.00. Pursuant to an agreement entered into with the Internal Revenue Service, an annual adjustment of $75,891.00 was required. The annual adjustment spread the effect of the accounting change over a 10-year period, despite the fact that all the income was realized prior to January 1, 1971. On January 1, 1972, the Florida Income Tax Code became effective. Petitioner timely filed its 1970 and 1971 Florida Intangible Personal Property Tax Returns. Upon subsequent review of Petitioner's records, it became apparent that the intangible tax had been overpaid and a refund claim was submitted. The refund was issued to Petitioner by the State of Florida during the calendar year 1973 and reported in Petitioner's 1973 Federal Corporate Income Tax Return. On December 16, 1975, Respondent notified Petitioner that Petitioner was deficient in its payment of Florida Corporate Income Tax in the amount of $25,386.84. The total deficiency consisted of $3,267.00 for the year ended December 31, 1972; $19,202.00 for the year ended December 31, 1973; and $2,916.84 for the year ended December 31, 1974. Included in the alleged total deficiency of $25,386.84 is a tax in the amount of $14,696.70 for the year 1973. This tax is attributable to Petitioner's apportionment of a part of its 1973 income to sources outside of the State of Florida. Petitioner is no longer protesting this deficiency. On February 9, 1976, Petitioner filed its protest against Respondent's determination that a deficiency in tax existed. By letter dated March 9, 1976, Respondent denied Petitioner's protest filed on February 9, 1976.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57220.02220.11220.12
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001144 Latest Update: Sep. 17, 1975

Findings Of Fact Having listened to the testimony and considered the evidence presented in this cause, it is found as follows: Petitioner is a domestic corporation. Petitioner provided medicare services to patients in the 1969-70 fiscal year. An on-site audit by the medicare auditing team was concluded in December of 1971, and petitioner received $56,131.00 of medicare reimbursements in January of 1972, for the services provided in the 1969-70 fiscal year. The petitioner did not file an amended federal income tax return for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1979. The adjusted federal income reported on petitioner's federal income tax return for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1972, included the $56,131.00 of medicare reimbursements received by petitioner in January of 1972. On petitioner's Florida income tax return for its fiscal year ending September 30, 1972, petitioner did not include the $56,131.00 figure in its adjusted federal income. On March 31, 1975, the respondent notified petitioner of a proposed deficiency in the amount of $2,100.99 arising from the petitioner's omission of the medicare reimbursements from its adjusted federal income as shown on its Florida corporate income tax return for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1972. Further correspondence ensued between the petitioner and the Corporate Income Tax Bureau of the respondent and the petitioner filed the present petition requesting a hearing on the issue. The respondent requested the Division of Administrative Hearings to conduct the hearing.

Recommendation Based upon the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is my recommendation that there is no legal basis for affording the petitioner any relief from the proposed deficiency and that said deficiency in the amount of $2,100.00 be sustained. Respectfully submitted and entered this 17th day of September, 1975, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: E. Wilson Crump, II, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs Tax Division, Northwood Mall Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Homer E. Ward, N.H.A. Administrator/President University Park Convalescent Center 1818 E. Fletcher Avenue Tampa, Florida 33612

Florida Laws (4) 220.02220.12220.42220.43
# 10

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