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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Nov. 05, 1992 Number: 92-006654 Latest Update: Jul. 12, 1996

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made to supplement the parties' factual stipulations: Petitioner's Pre-Immigration Activities In Nicaragua Petitioner is a native of Nicaragua. He obtained his medical education at the National University of Nicaragua (hereinafter referred to as the "University"). He graduated from the University in 1961 with a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery degree. Petitioner later received a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from Nicaragua's Central American University. Thereafter, he completed law school in Nicaragua; however, because he was an outspoken critic of the Sandinista government, he did not receive his law degree. Petitioner practiced medicine in Nicaragua for more than 26 years before immigrating to the United States for political reasons 3/ on March 10, 1988. His reputation as a physician in Nicaragua was excellent. Moreover, he provided at his "White Cross" (also referred to herein as "Cruz Blanca") clinic in the city of Managua, which he established in 1972, free medical services to those who were unable to pay for such services. He also volunteered his time and services to various organizations such as the Nicaraguan Professional Boxing Association, of which he was at one time the President, and the Nicaraguan national baseball team. Petitioner's Application For Licensure As A Physician Approximately 19 months after immigrating to the United States, Petitioner submitted to the Board an application for licensure as a physician pursuant to Section 458.311(10), Florida Statutes. On the application form, under the heading "Medical Education," Petitioner indicated that he had studied at the University's Leon, Nicaragua campus from April 1, 1952, to January 30, 1953, and at the University's Managua, Nicaragua campus from April 1, 1958, to January 30, 1959. He provided no other information under this heading. Under the heading "Practice/Employment," Petitioner indicated that from January 1, 1962, to October 30, 1972, he had seen "[p]rivate [p]atien[t]s" at his "[o]wn [c]linic" in Managua and that from November 1, 1972, to February 20, 1988, he had been the "Director of Internal and Famil[y] Medicine" of the "White Cross of Nicaragua" in Managua. He provided no other information under this heading. On December 1, 1989, the Board sent Petitioner written notification that his application was incomplete for the following reasons, among others: The World Directory of Medical Schools indicates duration of studies six years with one year being a rotating internship and one year social service before you are awarded the Doctor of Medicine and Surgery and registration with the Ministry of Public Health you may engage in private practice. In the form of a sworn affidavit please explain or answer the following questions regarding your application: It appears your studies only lasted 18 mos. (4-52 to 1-30-53) and (4-1-58 to 1-10-59). It is not apparent you completed the required 1 yr social service. Application indicates you were in medical school from 4-1-58 to 1-1-59 and in residency at General Hospital from 1-1-59 to 12-1-59. Please explain the apparent discrepancy. . . . 7. Account for the following time: 2-2-88 to the present. . . . Petitioner responded by writing the Board a letter. The Board received the letter, as well as the attachments Petitioner sent along with it, on January 6, 1990. Petitioner's letter provided in part as follows: Following your letter of December 1, 1989, here are my answers to the questions made to me in order to complete my Application No. 88, within the framework of the law No. 458.311, "Licensure by examination." SEE ENCLOSED ATTACH[MENT] ONE (1).- Studies: 4-1-52 to 12-31-58. I enclose evidence on intense medical practice; when I graduated there was not Social Service for graduated medicine students, however, in addition to the rotatory practice I have 2 internship years. See enclosed Attach[ments] two (2) and three (3) Residency General Hospital from 1-1-59 to 12-31-59. See Enclosed attach[ments] (1) and (3). . . . 7. Since 2-2-88 I live in Miami without practicing my profession; presently I am doing some research and writing two recently finished books. From Miami I am also managing the medical institution "CRUZ BLANCA," of which I am the Director - see enclosed Certificate-; the latter, together with other data-evidence confirms my medical professional practice since I graduated. -See Enclosed attach[ments] (4) and (3). . . . I hope I have completed all the information requested; I will be waiting to hear from you for any other point th[at] may arise regarding my request. Thanks. Attachment (1) referred to in Petitioner's letter was a written statement by Petitioner in which he stated the following: The Medical Education in Nicaragua was of seven years and one year of practice in the General Hospital. The Medical School had two locations respectively in Leon and Managua. My Medical Education was from April 1, 1952, to Dec. 31, 1958 = seven years. MEDICAL EDUCATION Name of Medical School: Medical School of the National University of Nicaragua: LEON- Nicaragua From: April 1, 1952 To: January 30, 1953 April 1, 1953 To: January 30, 1954 April 1, 1954 To: January 30, 1955 April 1, 1955 To: January 30, 1956 April 1, 1956 To: January 30, 1957 April 1, 1957 To: January 30, 1958 Managua- Nicaragua From: April 1, 1958 To: December 31, 1958 There are two months of vacations : February and March, every year. Leon and Managua Nicaragua are the same University in different localities. My INTERNSHIP: General Hospital of Managua from 1-1-59 to 12-31-59. On January 10, 1990, the Board sent Petitioner written notification that his application was still incomplete. In this written notification, the Board requested, among other things, that Petitioner have his letter, "retyped in the form of a sworn affidavit." Petitioner complied with this request and resubmitted the letter, in affidavit form, to the Board, along with other materials. Among the other materials he sent to the Board was a certificate from the Secretary of the Board of Directors of Cruz Blanca, which provided as follows: The undersigned Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Cruz Blanca Institution of Medical Social Service, established according to the laws of the Republic of Nicaragua, issues these presents to certify that Dr. Leon Cesar Delgadillo was our founder in the year nineteen hundred seventy-two and that he has acted as our Medical Director and Executive President of the Board of Directors since then, being also in charge of the responsibility of Internal Medicine. Dr. Leon Cesar Delgadillo is a well-known and experienced doctor in the Republic of Nicaragua. He attended seven years of academic studies at the National University of Nicaragua and one year as intern at the General Hospital of Managua which was destroyed by a devastating earthquake in nineteen hundred and seventy-two. He then became an intern at the Social Security Hospital for one more year followed by another year of residency at the Psychiatric Hospital of Managua, Nicaragua. At that time the Medical Social Service did not exist, but Dr. Delgadillo who has a great human sensibility has practiced Social Medicine at Cruz Blanca. His License to practice both private and institutionally as well as his diploma are legally registered at the Ministry of Health. Dr. Delgadillo is also author of "La Dieta Feliz" (The Happy Diet) a best seller in Nicaragua and Central America and presently he has finished writing two books which will soon be published "VIDA Y SALUD CON FISIODINAMIA" (LIFE AND HEALTH WITH PHYSIODYNAMICA) and an educational novel of intense drama about AIDS titled "INFIERNO EN LA TIERRA" (HELL ON EARTH). Due to political reasons, he has lived in the United States since February 2, 1988, but from there he directs our Institution and has been busy there, in the USA, with the abovementioned books of which he is the author. His degree of Medicine was signed by the President of the Republic because that was the law and practice at that time. On February 19, 1990, the Board, having determined that Petitioner had "substantially complied with the requirements set forth in Section 458.311(10)(a), Florida Statutes," and that it was "likely that [Petitioner would] be able to fully comply with all the requirements," issued an order granting "conditional certification of the application of [Petitioner] pursuant to Section 458.311(10)(a), Florida Statutes," thereby authorizing Petitioner to enroll in the University of Miami's Comprehensive Medical Review Program, which was designed to prepare foreign medical school graduates to take the FLEX licensure examination. Petitioner subsequently enrolled in and successfully completed the program. In response to a letter from the Board indicating what he needed to do to "fully comply with all of the requirements of Section 458.311(10)(a), Florida Statutes," Petitioner sent the Board a letter, dated March 26, 1990, in which he stated, among other things, the "corre[c]t date [he] left [his] country [was] 3- 10-88." On July 10, 1990, Petitioner sent another letter to the Board. In his letter, he stated, among other things, the following: My date and port of entry into E.U. is Miami, Mar. 10-86 and the same day arrived [in] San Francisco. I am newspaper reporter. (see page 3 Immigration Statement). Petitioner enclosed page 3 of the "Immigration Statement" to which he referred in his letter. On this page of the "Immigration Statement," Petitioner had indicated that he was a "travelling correspondent of the news radio 'El Momemto de Radio Mundial de Nicaragua.'" On July 26, 1990, the Board sent Petitioner a letter advising him that he had to submit the following material in order to complete his application file: In the form of a sworn affidavit please account for your activities from the date [you] entered the United States until the present[. Y]ou[r] application and other supporting documents contain discrepancies regarding the exact date, port of entry and your activities in the United [S]tates. INS verification indicates date of entry of 3/10/86. Your letter of July 10, 1990 is not acceptable. In response to this letter, Petitioner submitted to the Board a sworn affidavit, dated August 2, 1990, in which he stated the following: Since I entered [t]he United States [o]n 03-10-88, I have been working as a foreign journalist for a Nicaraguan news agency. On this date I entered into the United States by the International Airport in Miami, Florida. This information is in the Declaration signed by me on March 28th of 1988 and filed in your office. Petitioner applied to take the December 1990 FLEX examination. He submitted the completed application and a $500.00 examination fee to the Board. In a letter, dated October 19, 1990, accompanying the fee, Petitioner reiterated that he was working as a foreign journalist for a news agency. On November 7, 1990, the Board sent Petitioner a letter which contained the following advisement: Pursuant to the Final Order dated February 19, 1990 the following material is required to complete your application file. This material must be received in this office no later than November 14, 1990. The Office of Naturalization and Immigration verifies your date of entry as March 10, 1986; but you give your date of entry as March 10, 1988. Please have INS submit to this office a verification of your exact date of entry into the United States. Information requested above must be received in this office on or before 11/14/90 or you will not be allowed to take the December 1990 FLEX EXAM. Petitioner timely furnished the Board with documentation from the Immigration and Naturalization Service verifying that he entered the United States on March 10, 1988. On November 21, 1990, the Board, through its Executive Director, sent Petitioner the following letter: This is to advise you that your application to take the Course developed by the University of Miami as directed in Chapter 89-374, Laws of Florida, is now complete. Based on your demonstration of full compliance with the requirements of Section 458.311(10)(a), F.S., as amended by 89-541, Laws of Florida, your application will be presented to the Board of Medicine for full certification for the Course at a meeting of the Board November 30,- December 2, 1990. You will not be required to be in attendance at this meeting. Should you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Petitioner took and failed the December 1990 FLEX examination. He contested his failing grade in a letter received by the Board on March 20, 1991. In his letter, he stated that he was a "Medical Doctor, Ps[y]chologist and Lawyer of Nicaragua" and he accused the Board of discriminating against him and infringing upon his civil rights. Petitioner's examination challenge was referred by the Board to the Division of Administrative Hearings, but was subsequently returned to the Board with the recommendation that the Board dismiss Petitioner's challenge. Petitioner's Application For Certification As A Physician Assistant On or about June 21, 1991, Petitioner filled out an Examination Application for Certification as a Physician Assistant (hereinafter referred to as the "Application"). He thereafter submitted the Application, along with a $400.00 application fee, to the Board. The Board received the Application and fee on June 24, 1991. On the first page of the Application, Petitioner indicated, among other things, that he had received his Doctor of Medicine and Surgery degree from the University on August 11, 1961. On the second page of the Application, Petitioner indicated that on July 1, 1990, his place of residence was Miami, Florida. He further indicated that he wished to be issued a temporary certificate. In response to the question on page 2 of the Application, "Did you attend a college or university," Petitioner answered "no." In response to the question on page 2 of the Application, "Did you receive a degree other than an M.D., to include undergraduate degree," Petitioner also answered "no." On pages 2 and 10 of the Application, Petitioner listed "all places of residence (where lived) during all periods of medical school" as follows: Leon, Leon Nicaragua from April 1, 1952 to January 30, 1958 Managua, Managua, Nicaragua from April 1, 1958 to Dec. 31, 1958 Miam[i], Florida from Feb. 24, 1990 to Nov. 20, 1990. February 24, 1990, to November 1990, was the period that Petitioner attended the University of Miami's Comprehensive Medical Review Program. Petitioner further indicated on pages 2 and 10 of the Application that had attended "medical school" at the Leon campus of the University from April 1, 1952, to January 30, 1958, at the Managua campus of the University from April 1, 1958, to December 31, 1958, and at the University of Miami School of Medicine from February 24, 1990, to November 20, 1990. On pages 2 and 3 of the application form, applicants were asked to provide information regarding their "Postgraduate Training" and "Practice Employment." They were instructed as follows: Account for all time from date of graduation from medical school to present. Do not leave out any time. Under "Postgraduate Training" applicants were requested to "[l]ist in chronological order from date of graduation to present date, all postgraduate training (Internship, Residency, Fellowship)." Petitioner indicated that he was in an internship program at the General Hospital of Managua from January 1, 1959, to December 31, 1959, a residency program at the Social Security Hospital of Managua from January 1, 1960, to December 31, 1960, and another residency program at the Mental Health Hospital in Managua from January 1, 1961, to December 31, 1961. Under "Practice Employment" applicants were requested to "[l]ist in chronological order from date of graduation to present date, all practice experience and/or employment." Petitioner indicated that from November 1, 1972, to February 20, 1988, he was the "Director of Familiar Medicine" at the "White Cross of Nicaragua" in Managua. He listed no other "practice experience and/or employment." On page 8 of the application form, applicants were asked to list their "clerkship(s)" and "all places of residence (where lived) during clerkship(s)." Petitioner indicated that he lived in Managua from January 1, 1959, to December 31, 1959, while in a University-supervised internship program at the General Hospital of Managua, that he lived in Managua from January 1, 1960, to December 31, 1960, while in a University-supervised residency program at the Social Security Hospital of Managua, that he lived in Managua from January 1, 1961 to December 31, 1961, while in a University-supervised residency program at the Mental Health Hospital, and that he lived in Managua from November 1, 1972, to December 20, 1988, while he was the "Director of Medicine Familiar" at the "White Cro[s]s of Nicaragua." On August 2, 1991, the Board's Physician Assistant Section (hereinafter referred to as the "Section") sent Petitioner a letter advising him that his Application was incomplete because he failed to submit the following: An accounting of your activities for the following period(s) of time: clerkships from 12/61 to 11/72, 2/88 to 12/88, 12/88 to 2/90, page 3 application practice employment 2/88 to present. page 2 application did you attend a college or university you marked NO explain. page 4 application question 8 you marked NO correct and resubmit. Petitioner responded to this letter by submitting to the Section an affidavit dated August 7, 1991, in which he stated the following: Page 2 application; I attend at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua, UNAN. [University].- Leon and Managua, Nicaragua April 1, 52 to December 31, 58. Also I attend 5 years Universidad Centro- Americana, UCA [Central American University] degree Psichologist. Clerkships: from 12/61 to 11/72 own private medicine. From 2/88, 12/88 to 2/90, 2/88 to present: In E.U.; don't work in medicine. Question 8, page 4 application question: since I live in E.U. from 2/88 to present don't work in Medicine for do not have license of M.D. On August 26, 1991, the Section sent Petitioner a letter advising him that his Application was still incomplete. The letter further provided as follows: In your affidavit of August 7, 1991 (copy attached) you indicated that you attended Universidad Centro-Americana, UCA for 5 years and obtained a degree in Psichologist. Please submit diploma and transcripts and translations of transcripts, notarized as stated above, dates of attendance and where the university is located. Please resubmit pages 8 and 9 (attached) listing only core clerkships while attending medical school at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua UNAN. Be specific with dates, location of hospital, institution or individual where clerkship was performed or supervised. List affiliate University/College. We need one additional acceptable source of documentation of Florida residency on July 1, 1990, notarized as stated above. It must verify residency covering the period of July 1, 1990. Please account for your activities for the following periods of time, listing in chronological order from date of graduation to present date, including all practice experience and/or employment or unemployment: From February 20, 1988 to present. Petitioner responded by letter dated August 29, 1991. In his letter, Petitioner argued that it was not necessary for him to provide any additional information regarding his psychology degree because such information was "impertinent or irrelevant." He further contended that he had "sufficiently explained" the "other points [in the Section's August 26, 1991] letter (2,3,4)." In addition, he invited the Section, if it wanted more detailed information about his past, to examine the materials in his physician licensure application file (hereinafter referred to as "File No. 88"). The Section followed Petitioner's suggestion and reviewed his File No. 88. Not having received any response to his August 29, 1991, letter, Petitioner, on September 23, 1991, sent the Section another letter complaining about the "harassment and intimidation" to which, according to him, he was being subjected by the Section. The Section, on October 15, 1991, wrote to Petitioner and advised him that he needed to do the following to complete his Application: In your affidavit of August 7, 1991 and in your "declaration" notarized on March 26, 1990, you stated that you had completed a Bachelors degree in Psychology; and stated that you attended Jesuit University in Nicaragua where you "finished the school of law." Please substantiate these statements with the appropriate documentation and dates of attendance. You have submitted a certificate issued December 15, 1989 from the Nicaraguan Board of Pharmacy indicating your registration in their books. Please send a notarized copy of the license and/or certificate required to prescribe drugs in Nicaragua. In your declaration of March 26, 1990, you state that you are enclosing several documents, none of which were enclosed. Among those documents was a "medical file of U.C. Davis (University of California, Davis) Medical Center of Sacremento of March 19, 1988." Please provide all reports of treatment and/or evaluation from the Medical Center of Sacremento to include diagnosis and prognosis. We need one additional source of information of Florida residency on July 1, 1990, notarized as stated above. It must verify residency covering the period of July 1, 1990. Please resubmit pages 8 and 9 (enclosed) listing only core clerkships and rotations while attending medical school at Universidad Autonoma de Nicaragua. Be specific with dates, location of hospital, institution or individual where the clerkships was performed or supervised. List affiliate University or College. You have failed to respond adequately to questions concerning your activities from the time of your graduation from medical school until the present time. On page 3 of the application form (enclosed) please complete the information under "practice experience" as instructed. List all practice experience and/or employment, including month, day and year of practice and/or employment. Do not leave out any period of time. Your application will not be considered complete until you have adequately explained your activities from graduation until the present. You have reported your date of entry into the United States as a Nicaraguan exile as: March 10, 1986; February 6, 1988; February 23, 1987; February 2, 1988 and March 10, 1988, in letters and affidavits prepared by you. Please explain these discrepancies. Also we have received two conflicting statements from the Immigration and Naturalization Service regarding your date of entry as an exile. It will be necessary for you to request an explanation from the Immigration and Naturalization Service to clarify their conflicting documents. Petitioner responded by letter dated October 23, 1991. In his letter, he stated the following: I see you have my file 88 of the Board of Medicine. I am attempting to reconcile your accustomed hostility and for this reason I send you letter Nov. 21/90 of "full compliance from Dorothy Faircloth, Executive Director, Florida Board of Medicine. Please, you think, think, think . . . and you don't contradict and the Board of Medicine and its Executive Director. For politeness I send you "personal documents" and I feel you are intimidateing to me or also You are inciteing to me at to lie. Documents: Letter Florida Board of Medicine 11/21/90 Original FPL's Bill Jul. Aug. -Ju Jul. -May. Jun., 90 Medical File of U.C. Davis . . . Sacramento . . . "PRIVATE" Two Verifications of Information from Migration . . . Below Signed for Richard B. Smith (on Yellow) District Director. - You don't have jurisdiction in this. (Abuse of authority). -Bachelors in Psychology and "finihes the school of law" degree is impertinent and irrelevant to Physician Assistant Section and all this in Nicaragua. -I have only certificate from the Nic. Board of Pharmacy. -Clerkship only General Hospital of Managua, Social Security Hospital, and Mental Health Hospital. After private medicine all time. You are harassing to me, intimidateing and abuseing of my civil rights and I will have to go at the Judge; You are having to me damage. 4/ On November 14, 1991, the Section sent Petitioner a letter advising him that his application was still incomplete and repeating the requests made in numbered paragraphs 1, 5, 6 and 7 of its October 15, 1991, letter to Petitioner. The letter, like the previous letters the Section had sent him, was unsigned. Petitioner responded by letter dated November 18, 1991, in which he stated the following: I have full my file by Physician Assistant and please, I don't want "nobody else" your anonymous letter, without signature and full of bureaucratic harassment. My rights I will debate it in the instance of Law that it concern. At the bottom of the letter, under Petitioner's signature, was a "Postscript," dated November 20, 1991, which read as follows: I send you fotocopy of Immigration and Naturalization service; "fast" you will have original from Immigration by mail. You don't have jurisdiction on matter of Immigration and your hostility is it "abuse of authority" and also is illegal. You infringe my civil rights. "We have to avoid the risorgimento of the Nazism and the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in all the sectors," this involve: Racialism, Prepotency, irrationality, intolerance, perversion, terrorism, intimidation . . . etc. and it is crime of hate (Law by crime of hate F.S. 1989) The Section next communicated with Petitioner by letter dated December 17, 1991. The letter advised Petitioner that he needed to do the following to complete his application: Translation of medical school diploma, prepared as instructed: The translation of the diploma is a copy and is not notarized as stated above; the translation does not indicate that it was done by a certified translator. Translations must be done by a certified translator and bear his seal or statement of certification. Please provide the translator with a copy of criteria for translation (enclosed). Translations or transcripts, prepared as instructed: The notary did not affix the seal to the translation of the transcripts. The translation is a copy and as such must be notarized as is stated above. On page 2 of the application under Medical Education your dates of attendance at the University of Nicaragua do not agree with your previous application, (exile file #88). PA Application: Med School: 4/1/52-1/30/58 Exile File #88: " " 4/1/52-1/30/53 and 4/1/58-1/30/59 Please clarify these discrepancies in affidavit form. Please resubmit pages 8 and 9 of the application to indicate your core clinical clerkships only. List specific date(s), type of rotation, and name and location of hospital, institution or individual where clerkship was performed or supervised. List affiliate University/College. An accounting of your activities for the following period(s) of time: 12/31/61 to 11/1/72. List all practice experience and/or employment, do not leave out any period of time. The Aids certificate submitted does not indicate AMA approved category I. Please submit proof of AMA Category I approved training, or request in affidavit form a 6 month extension in order to obtain AMA approved Category I course. Petitioner responded by affidavit dated December 31, 1991, to which he appended various documents, including a revised version of pages 8 and 9 of his Application as requested in numbered paragraph 4 of the Section's December 17, 1991, letter. In the affidavit, Petitioner stated the following: Translation of medical school diploma, prepared as instructed: notarized, the translation was done by a certified translator and it has or bear his seal and statement of certification. There are in Exile file No. 88 and my file for Certification as a Physician Assistant in each one, respective translation of the diploma "full criteria of law for translation." Translations was prepared by a Certified translator of Professional Traslating Services, Inc.- Suite 540, Courthouse Tower Building.- 44 West Flaguer Street.- Miami, Florida 33130 Phone: (305) 371-7887 I ask for please, send to me fotocopy of each one, file No. 88 and PA application, in order to delimitate responsibility. Translations of transcripts, prepared as instructed: The notary affixed the seal to the translation of the transcripts and it was notarized. Please, send to me fotocopy of each one, file No. 88 and PA application to delimitate responsibility. The discrepancies of dates under Medical Education of attendance at the University of Nicaragua was clarified on letter notarized January 19, 1990 in reply letter of December 1, 1989 by William R. Flynn, Senior Clerk, Department of Professional Regulation Board of Medicine, paragraph No. 1 file No. 88 (attached fotocopy) and affidavit of the 7th day of August, 1991 in reply your letter of the august 2, 1991 paragraph No. 1, that have your OK on the left margin (to see attached fotocopy). Confirmation Date: Med. School, April 1, 1952 to December 31, 1958.- Application Physician Assistant Section. These discrepancies are result of mistake in the transcription and dates and numbers at the remote time and distance and it was in opportune moment clarified. But it is more important to appoint that the application for certification as a Physician Assistant of the 21 day of June, 1991 page 2 and 10 they are with its correct dates and that your letter 12/17/91 paragraph 3 are free Objections I am incorporating as pages 3 and 4 in this affidavit the corresponding pages 8 and 9 of the application to indicate my core clinical clerkships; really this question was formulate with confused and ambiguous terms. My application is concrete and certain, page "8" application for certification as Physician Assistant. From 12/31/61 to 11/1/72 own private medicine; See affidavit of the 7th day of August, 1991, attached fotocopy. The AIDS certificate of Miami Dade Community Dade, Medical Center Campus for Allied Health Professions. Attached program; You will receive direct information of the Miami-Dade Community College Med. Center Campus. Petitioner, after receiving the Section's December 17, 1991, letter, also sent a letter to Vytas Urba, an assistant general counsel with the Department of Professional Regulation. In his letter, he accused the Section of acting with "madness and hatred" and claimed that he was the victim of a "conspiracy" to violate his civil rights that had resulted in damages of $99,999.99. By affidavit dated January 14, 1992, Petitioner requested that the Section give him a "6 month extension in order to obtain an AMA, AIDS certificate approved Category I course." Among the documents appended to the affidavit was a translation of his "Medical School Diploma." On January 28, 1992, the Section sent Petitioner a letter, which indicated that "the following [was] necessary to complete [his] application:" While you have stated on several occasions that you have not practiced medicine since arriving in the United States, you have not responded to questions regarding your activity or employment. It is not enough to merely state that you are not practicing medicine, you must account for your activities from 3/10/88 until the present. You have previously stated that you are a correspondent for Nicaraguan newspaper and radio station but have not substantiated this employment with any information. This will be the THIRD REQUEST for you to account for your activities from 3/10/88 until the present. Please complete the enclosed page 3 of the application as instructed. You must identify, by address and location the names of all employers, or state in affidavit form that you have not been employed in any way since 3/10/88. You have previously stated that in the period from 12/61 to 11/72 that you had a private practice in Managua. You have not identified what type of practice this was. What specialty, or field of medicine did you practice during this time. Your affidavit of 7 August 1991 states that you attended for 5 years the Universidad Centro-Americana, and that you received a degree of "Psichologist" from this school. Please provide the location of this school and the dates of your attendance. Your previous response that this information is "irrelevant" is not acceptable. You have voluntarily submitted this affidavit, which conflicts with other statements that you have made regarding your activities and you must verify the location of the school and dates of attendance. The translation of your diploma recently submitted is returned; this document is obviously a copy. Any copy must be notarized as is stated above. Your previous application does not contain a copy of this translation that is notarized as required. Please resubmit a translation of your diploma that is either an original document or properly notarized. The translation of your transcripts was also a copy that was not notarized however there was an acceptable copy in your previous application. With regard to HIV/AIDS training your request for a six month extension is accepted. The instructions provided with the application clearly state that this training must be AMA Category I approved training. This information should be requested of the provider prior to taking any HIV/AIDS course. You may enquire of Miami Dade Community College as to whether they are authorized to provide AMA Category I training. If they can provide you with verification of this course being AMA Category I approved, the training will be accepted upon receipt of this verification. Petitioner responded by affidavit dated February 10, 1992, in which he stated the following: There are in file No. 88 letter January 19, 90 . . . . notarized DOCUMENTS with my activities from 3/10/88 until the present, question 1 and the period from 12/61 to 11/72 my private practice in Managua, question 2 (attached); also affidavit 22th day of August, 1990 and notarized letter January 19, 1990 (attached fotocopy) over-marked on green. Next page I ratify and complement question number 1 and I state that in the period from 12/61 to 11/72 I practiced Familiar Medicine, question number 2. I attended for 5 years at the Universidad Centro-Americana, - from 1969 to 1972, this University in Managua, Nicaragua, C.A. (Re: question number 3). - Psichology School. I resubmit (THIRD TIME) my diploma notarized as required; please send me two previous documents submitted. I requested at the Florida Board of Medicine, Physician Assistant Section through Cecilia Abrahansem (Director) . . . to eliminate the unlawful monopoly with HIV/AIDS AMA Category I course. I am foreign journalist for "El Momento" Nicaraguan news agency, Radioperiodico El Momento, RADIO MUNDIAL, Managua, Nicaragua. This activity until the present. (From 1/30/88 to present) Among the documents appended to the affidavit was a revised version of page 3 of Petitioner's Application, which reflected, in addition to his previously disclosed employment with the "White Cross" as its "Director of Familiar Medicine" from November 11, 1972, to February 20, 1998, his employment as a "Foreign Journalist" with "El Momemto Nicaraguan news agency" from "1/30/88 To: the present." By letter dated June 4, 1992, Petitioner was directed to appear before the Physician Assistant Committee of the Board (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") at its June 12, 1992, meeting. Petitioner appeared before the Committee at its June 12, 1992, meeting as directed. Inasmuch as he has substantial difficulty understanding, and communicating effectively in, English, the Committee provided Petitioner with the services of an interpreter. Members of the Committee asked Petitioner various questions. The questions were asked in English and translated to Spanish, Petitioner's native language, by the interpreter. Petitioner responded in Spanish. The interpreter translated his responses to English for the benefit of the Committee. Asked when he had arrived in the United States, Petitioner responded, "March 10, 1988." He was then asked when he had last practiced medicine. His initial response was, "in Managua, Nicaragua." After the question was repeated, however, he answered, "before this time." In response to the question of whether he had had any exposure to the practice of medicine since his arrival in the United States, Petitioner stated, "never here in the States." Petitioner told the Committee, in response to their inquiry regarding the matter, that since his arrival in the United States he had been "a writer and a reporter." Petitioner responded in the affirmative when asked if his only exposure to medicine since he had been in the United States was the intensive review course he had taken at the University of Miami from February to November, 1990. Petitioner was asked whether he had gone to law school. After responding in the affirmative, he was asked when he had gone to law school. Petitioner answered that he was unable to give an "exact date," but it had been "about five years before he [had] left the country." He added that he had gone to law school at night. Asked whether he had received a law degree, Petitioner responded that he "couldn't" because it "wasn't possible . . . politically." At no time in responding to the Committee's questions or during any other phase of the application process did Petitioner knowingly provide false information or withhold pertinent information with the intent to mislead or deceive those evaluating his Application about his qualifications to be certified as a physician assistant. Any inaccuracies or omissions in the information he provided was the product of, not an intentional effort to defraud, but rather either inadvertence, carelessness, faulty or limited recall, misunderstanding, limited English language comprehension and communication skills, 5/ or a good faith belief that the information in question was not germane. After questioning Petitioner, the Committee voted to deny Petitioner's Application. On August 15, 1992, the Board issued a written order denying the Application on the following grounds: Your failure to submit a properly completed application. You have demonstrated a lack of good moral character based upon your testimony and inconsistent and evasive answers. The Board has also determined that based upon review of your application and documentation, and due to the extended length of time since you last worked in the field of medicine, and because of the length of time since any significant medical education or training has taken place, you have not established that you are currently able to practice as a physician assistant with reasonable skill and safety to the public. Petitioner's Other Activities Since His Arrival in the U.S. As he attempted to make clear during the application process, Petitioner has not engaged in the practice of medicine in the United States since his arrival in this country. He has studied medicine on his own, as well as performed medical- related research in connection with several books he has written, however. He has also done volunteer work for the Red Cross. Petitioner has continued to direct and administer from the United States the operations of the "White Cross" clinic. Recently, he has started to again visit the clinic on a fairly regular basis and treat patients. The first of these post-March 10, 1988, visits occurred sometime in 1992. Since 1988, Petitioner has not received any compensation for the work he has performed for the clinic. In addition to the foregoing activities, Petitioner has worked as a journalist since coming to the United States as he indicated on the revised version of page 3 of his Application. Petitioner has not lost the ability he demonstrated throughout his many years of practice in Nicaragua before immigrating to the United States to treat patients in a safe and effective manner. He is currently able to practice as a physician assistant with reasonable skill and safety to the public, notwithstanding that he may have had some difficulty in following the instructions he was given (in English) by the Section during the application process and providing the Section with the information he desired. 6/ Furthermore, Petitioner is of good moral character.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Board enter a final order certifying that Petitioner is eligible to take the examination for certification as a physician assistant pursuant to Section 458.347(7)(b), Florida Statutes, and granting him temporary certification pursuant to Section 458.347(7)(b)2., Florida Statutes, pending the results of the examination. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 3rd day of June, 1993. STUART M. LERNER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of June, 1993.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57458.311458.347
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000535 Latest Update: Aug. 12, 1982

The Issue Whether or not the Petitioner is eligible for licensure by endorsement.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the documentary evidence received, the statement of position offered by counsel for Respondent, State of Florida, Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Medical Examiners, and the entire record compiled herein, the following relevant facts are found: Petitioner, Ariel Hollero Garcia, M.D., filed an application for licensure by endorsement with the Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Medical Examiners (Respondent) on or about September 29, 1981. Petitioner's application for licensure by endorsement was denied by the Respondent based on its determination that Petitioner has not been certified by licensure examination of the National Board of Medical Examiners and that, while he was certified by the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc., as having completed its examination, it was not within the ten (10) years immediately preceding the filing of his (Petitioner's) application for licensure by endorsement. Petitioner was certified by the Federation of State Medical Examiners in June of 1971. Petitioner agrees with the above-recited facts; however, he feels that the ten (10) year requirement should be waived for him in these circumstances, inasmuch as his application was submitted for licensure by endorsement within only approximately three (3) months beyond the ten (10) year filing period during which an applicant can be certified (licensed) by endorsement.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner's application for licensure by endorsement be DENIED. 1/ JAMES E. BRADWELL, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of August, 1982.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57458.313
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Nov. 25, 2003 Number: 03-004433 Latest Update: Jul. 12, 2004

The Issue The issues in this case are: (1) whether Petitioner’s application pursuant to Section 458.315, Florida Statutes, for a temporary certificate to practice in an area of critical need should be granted or denied; and (2) whether Petitioner is entitled to withdraw his application prior to action by the Board of Medicine on the merits of the application.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a medical doctor, presently licensed to practice medicine in the State of New York. Petitioner signed a Florida Department of Health Board of Medicine Application for Temporary Certificate to Practice in an Area of Critical Need on June 19, 2003. Question number 13 on that application form asked, “Have you ever had any Medical/professional license revoked, suspended, placed on probation, received a citation, or other disciplinary action taken in any state territory or country?” Petitioner answered “yes” to question number 13. The Notice of Intent to Deny issued by the Florida Board of Medicine cited as the only reason for denial “[t]he applicant had action taken against the license by the New York and the Utah Medical Licensing Boards.” It has since been confirmed that the Utah Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing did not take any action against Petitioner’s medical license in Utah. The New York Department of Health, Monitoring Unit, Office of Professional Medical Conduct, did take action against Petitioner’s medical license in New York. The New York Department of Health described its action as follows: Dr. Jacoby currently holds a valid NYS medical license, and is permitted to practice in this State, however the sanctions imposed by the enclosed Order are still in effect, and have not yet been fully satisfied. The suspension was lifted in January 2003, however the three years probation remains ‘tolled’ at this time, to be imposed when Dr. Jacoby returns to the practice of medicine in this State. [Emphasis added.] The underlying reason for Petitioner’s discipline in New York is for failing to repay a student loan guaranteed by the federal government. Petitioner had secured a health education assistance loan guaranteed by the federal government for approximately $51,000.00 between 1982 and 1983. The loan came due nine months after Petitioner graduated from medical school in June or July of 1984. Petitioner did not make any payments toward the loan for approximately 18 years. In September of 2002, Petitioner finally settled his long past-due student loan debt. Petitioner requested to withdraw his Application for Temporary Certificate to Practice in an Area of Critical Need after the Credentials Committee voted to recommend denial of his application to the full Board of Medicine. Petitioner promptly made a similar written request addressed to the full Board of Medicine. The full Board of Medicine denied Petitioner’s request to withdraw his application. The Board of Medicine then considered the merits of Petitioner’s application and voted to deny the application. The Board’s action was memorialized in a Notice of Intent to Deny Licensure by Area of Critical Need, which reads as follows in pertinent part: This matter came before the Credentials Committee of the Florida Board of Medicine at a duly-noticed public meeting on September 13, 2003, in Tampa, Florida and the full Board on October 3-4, 2003, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The applicant appeared before the Credentials Committee on September 13, 2003, and presented testimony regarding the application file. The application file shows: The applicant had action taken against the license by the New York and the Utah Medical Licensing Boards. Additionally, the Board considered applicant’s Motion to Withdraw his application during the full Board meeting and voted to deny applicant’s motion. The applicant is guilty of violating Section 458.331(1)(b), Florida Statutes, for having a license acted upon by another jurisdiction. Based on the foregoing, the Board may refuse to certify an applicant for licensure, or restrict the practice of the licensee, or impose a penalty, pursuant to Sections 458.331(2) and 456.072(2), Florida Statutes. It is therefore ORDERED that the application for licensure by area of critical need by DENIED. If a final order is issued denying Petitioner’s license, the denial will be reported to the Federation of State Medical Boards, which is a depository of all disciplinary actions and license application denials by state boards in the United States. In recent years, it has been the consistent practice of the Florida Board of Medicine to deny applications for licenses to practice medicine if the applicant’s medical license is on probation in another state. Such practice is not required by either rule or statute. The Board of Medicine does not make any effort to advise applicants or prospective applicants of its consistent practice of denying applications from physicians who are on probation elsewhere. At the time he filed the subject application, as well as at the time of his appearance before the Credentials Committee, Petitioner was not aware of the Board of Medicine’s history of not granting applications submitted by physicians on probation elsewhere. Had Petitioner been aware of the Board’s history in that regard, he would not have filed an application.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be issued in this case granting Petitioner’s application for a temporary certificate to practice medicine in communities of Florida where there is a critical need for physicians. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of April, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S MICHAEL M. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of April, 2004.

Florida Laws (4) 456.072456.073458.315458.331
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000401 Latest Update: Jan. 28, 1988

The Issue By a three Count Administrative Complaint filed August 22, 1987, Petitioner sought to discipline Respondent's medical license. Counts II and III were voluntarily dismissed ore tenus at the commencement of formal hearing and they are therefore dismissed as a matter of law. The remaining Count I alleges violations of Section 458.327(1)(c), Florida Statutes, attempting to obtain or obtaining a license to practice by a knowing misrepresentation and of Section 458.331(1)(a), Florida Statutes, by attempting to obtain, obtaining or renewing a license to practice medicine by bribery, fraudulent misrepresentations or through an error of the Board of Medicine. BACKGROUND AND PROCEDURE Petitioner presented the oral testimony of Respondent as an adverse witness and introduced deposition testimony of 5 other witnesses. Petitioner had 5 exhibits (including depositions) admitted in evidence. Respondent testified on his own behalf and presented the oral testimony of 4 other witnesses, John C. McCloskey, Dr. John K. Robinson, Dr. William M. Straight, and Hilda Bengochea and the deposition testimony of 1 other witness. Respondent had 5 exhibits (including one deposition) admitted in evidence. The Joint Prehearing Stipulation was admitted as Hearing Officer Exhibit A. The transcript in this cause was duly filed and the parties timely filed their respective proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, the findings of fact of which have been ruled on in the Appendix to this Recommended Order, pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of medicine pursuant to Section 20.30, Florida Statutes, Chapter 455, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 458, Florida Statutes. Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, a licensed physician in the State of Florida, having been issued license number 0040981. Respondent's last known address is 555 Biltmore Way, Suite 201, Coral Gables, Florida 33134. On or about May 11, 1982, Respondent submitted an application to the Florida Board of Medical Examiners for licensure to practice medicine in the State of Florida. Based on the application, Respondent was granted licensure by endorsement and was issued Florida Medical License ME 0040981 from the Board of Medicine in September, 1982. On the above-mentioned application Respondent represented that he had attended Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriguez Urena (UNPHU) from January 1975 to January 1979 and that he had attended Universidad Centro de Estudios Technicos Medical School (CETEC) between January 1979 and December 1980. Respondent further failed to include his attendance at Instituto Technologico de Santo Domingo Medical School (INTEC) between approximately October 1979 and June 1980 (approximately 8 or 9 months). Respondent's actual attendance at UNPHU was from January 1975 to June 1979. From June 1979 to October 1979 Respondent was to all intents and purposes on summer vacation. He was in attendance at INTEC from October 1979 to June 1980 and at CETEC from June 1980 to December 1980. All of these medical schools are physically located in the Dominican Republic. In September, 1979 Respondent had applied for a transfer from UNPHU to INTEC. He was accepted in September, 1979 and began his course of study at INTEC in 0ctober, 1979. INTEC required that, in order for Respondent to graduate from that institution, he must repeat a number of courses that he had previously taken and passed at UNPHU. As a consequence, Respondent took approximately six courses (during two academic quarters) at INTEC, which courses he had previously taken and passed at UNPHU. Under the auspices of INTEC, after completing two quarters, Respondent was required for three months, until June, 1980, to do field medical work to assist those in the Dominican Republic countryside who needed medical assistance as a result of hurricanes Frederick and David. Respondent also did clinical rotations at one or two local hospitals in the city of Santo Domingo. He did well at INTEC and was not asked to leave that university. In June 1980, Respondent applied and was accepted at CETEC. CETEC's school of medicine first began its admission process in December 1979 but CETEC did not start its first classes until January, 1980. Respondent was admitted into the M.D. program in June 1980. Respondent never lived on any campus in the Dominican Republic but lived independently in town. He does not recall if he switched residences between institutions. CETEC gave Respondent credit ("convalidated") for the courses he had taken at both UNPHU and INTEC. Petitioner has pointed to no evidence that his convalidation was inappropriate under the circumstances. Respondent's motivation when he transferred to CETEC was that CETEC allowed him to participate in a rare opportunity--an externship program at the University of Miami School of Medicine at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida. Respondent changed his Santo Domingo residence to one in his hometown of Miami when he moved there. He completed his rotations in the United States under the auspices of CETEC. The evaluations from the University of Miami School of Medicine indicated that Respondent did extremely well during these rotations. Respondent graduated from CETEC and was granted a diploma in December, 1980. Subsequently, Respondent applied for, and was accepted and worked in a residency training program in Pensacola, Florida, for three years. The evaluations from his residency indicate that Respondent's performance was well above average and he was appointed as chief resident in his last year of this residency. The application for Florida licensure containing the inaccuracies stated in Finding of Fact 5, supra, was filed during Respondent's year of internship, when he was on call every other night. The application form requested him to list his medical education and to "be specific" and "account for each year". He did not have his records with him in his physical location in Pensacola at the time he discovered that the Florida Board only accepted applications once a year and he had little time in which to meet the time limit for his only possible application for 1982. The inaccuracies of Respondent amount to a wrong date for departure from UNPHU; a wrong date (18 months early) for beginning at CETEC, which date predates CETEC's first medical school class, and complete omission of his INTEC experience. In addition to the speed and stress of the application period and the absence of accurate backup records, Respondent explains the application's inaccuracies by pointing to his contemporaneous belief that he was being accurate and his incorrect perception at that time, based on prior experience, that the question was only seeking the name of the medical school from which he graduated and his date of graduation. He also never considered his INTEC attendance as part of his medical education since it was short term and largely repetitive of previous course work he had successfully completed. Apparently recognizing that the question was ambiguous or at least could be better worded, the Board has since revised its application form to specifically require listing of all schools, clerkships, etc. by date. Dr. John Robinson, M.D., Associate Dean for Student Affairs at the University of Miami Medical School for twenty-one years testified on Respondent's behalf. As part of his duties at the medical school, Dr. Robinson acts as the Registrar who keeps students records and certifies their education. It is common within Dr. Robinson's education, training, and experience that students and physicians alike frequently but unintentionally mistake the dates and places they attend medical school. Based on his personal good opinion of Respondent's past medical background and practice and Respondent's reputation for truth and veracity, it was Dr. Robinson's opinion that the application inaccuracies represented human error of Respondent and common error within Respondent' s experience. Respondent presented testimony of other prominent physicians and lay witnesses in the community who attested to his good character, reputation for truth and veracity, excellent patient care, and community service through his medical practice. Generally, Petitioner did not affirmatively demonstrate any improper motive or establish that Respondent had any intent to conceal or misrepresent his medical education on his application. Nor did Petitioner establish that Respondent had anything to gain by the inaccurate information on his application. The dates given by Respondent were correct to the extent that they indicate the date he began his medical education, the date he ended his medical education, and the medical school (CETEC) from which he graduated and which gave him credit for his work at the two previous schools (UNPHU and INTEC). Dorothy Faircloth, Medical Board Executive Director, confirmed that in 1982 the Board's process was to verify the education of an applicant only from the school which issued his medical degree. Specifically, it was not affirmatively demonstrated that Respondent would not have been licensed had he disclosed his attendance at INTEC and noted the correct dates of his interim medical education. At the time of Respondent's application, the Board had no rule or policy relating to the number of schools an applicant had attended and nothing in the transcripts and official documents of any of the three universities attended by Respondent reflect unfavorably on Respondent. The Board has licensed a number of medical physicians who graduated from CETEC but who previously attended one or more medical schools prior to attending CETEC. Respondent was a bona fide student in attendance at CETEC and graduated in good standing. Except for alleging misrepresentation and fraud in the application, Petitioner has not attacked the thoroughness, efficiency, or efficacy of Respondent's actual education, nor his ability to practice medicine safely. Respondent is presently in private practice with two other medical physicians in Coral Gables, Florida. He has staff privileges at six area hospitals, he has never been charged or accused of malpractice, and he has not, until this case, been investigated by the Board of Medicine or had any action taken against his license. He is also currently licensed in Georgia.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is, RECOMMENDED that the Board of Medicine enter a Final Order dismissing Count I against Respondent. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 28th day of January, 1988, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Divisionf Administrative Hearings this 28th day of January, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER DOAH Case No. 87-0401 The parties' proposed findings of fact (PFOF) are ruled on pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, as follows: Petitioner's PFOF A. 1. Covered in FOF 1. 2. Covered in FOF 2. 3. Covered in FOF 3. 4. Covered in FOF 4. 5-6. Covered in FOF 5. 7-8. Covered in FOF 11. B. 1-2. Covered in FOF 5. 3-4. Covered in FOF 19. 5. Covered in FOF 9. 6-8. Covered in FOF 10. 9. Rejected as not supported by the record, taken in context. SeeTR 35-36. 10-11. Accepted but unnecessary. Accepted but out of context and not dispositive of any issue at bar. Accepted but unnecessary and not dispositive of any issue at bar. Unnecessary. Unnecessary and not dispositive of any issue at bar. Rejected as stated because it is misleading as to the competent substantial record evidence as a whole and it is not an ultimate FOF. See FOF 19 and 22. Covered in FOF 4. Respondent's PFOF 1. Covered in Substance in FOF 2. 2-3. Covered in FOF 23. 4. Covered in FOF 3-4. 5-6. Covered in FOF 6. Covered in FOF 6-7. Covered in FOF 6-8. Covered in FOF 9. Subordinate, and also not clear from the record. The Respondent could just as easily mean that several different professors and not a single professor taught him at INTEC. 11-12. Covered in FOF 10. Covered in FOF 11. Covered in FOF 13. Covered in FOF 14. Covered in FOF 15. Covered in FOF 16. 18. Covered in FOF 17. 19. Covered in FOF 18. 22-23. Covered in FOF 19. 24. Covered in substance in FOF 19. 25-27. Cumulative. 28-29. Covered in FOF 19. 30. Covered in Substance in FOF 19. 31. Except as cumulative or subordinate, covered in FOF 19. 32. Covered as a conclusion of law. 33. Covered in FOF 19. 34. Unnecessary and not dispositive of the single count of the Administrative Complaint remaining at issue. 35. Rejected as argument of counsel. 36-39. Covered in FOF 20. 40. Covered in substance in FOF 20. 41-46. Except as subordinate, covered in FOF 21. 47-49. Unnecessary, but see FOF 21. 50-51. Except as subordinate, covered in FOF 21. 52. Unnecessary. 53-56. Covered in FOF 22. 57-58. Unnecessary and subordinate. 59 . Covered in FOF 22. 60. Covered in substance in FOF 19. 61-69. Unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: Dorothy Faircloth, Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Peter S. Fleitman, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Robert S. Turk, Esquire Suite 3400, One Biscayne Tower 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131 William O'Neil, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750

Florida Laws (3) 120.57458.327458.331
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-003438 Latest Update: Jan. 16, 1986

The Issue Whether Petitioner is qualified to be licensed as a medical doctor in Florida by endorsement.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Jeffrey Jad Gaier applied for licensure by endorsement in Florida by filing a written application in November of 1983 with the Board of Medical Examiners, which is within the Department of Professional Regulation. He made a personal appearance before the Foreign Graduate Committee of the Board of Medical Examiners in April 1984. After Petitioner's appearance before the Foreign Graduate Committee, the Foreign Graduate Committee made a favorable recommendation regarding Petitioner's application for licensure to the Board of Medical Examiners. However, the full Board of Medical Examiners voted to deny Petitioner's application for licensure. On May 21, 1984, the Board of Medical Examiners rendered an Order denying Petitioner's application for licensure as a physician by endorsement, stating as the grounds: Your application and supporting documentation does not provide sufficient information to demonstrate that you can practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety. See Section 458.331(3), F.S. More specifically, the clinical training you received while attending the American University of the Caribbean as disclosed within your documentation was determined to be insufficient insofar as the clinical training was not received at a hospital affiliated with a medical school approved by the Counsel [sic] on Medical Education of the American Medical Association. The denial of Petitioner's application for licensure by endorsement was taken before the Board of Medical Examiners for reconsideration on February 3, 1985. Counsel for Petitioner was present at the hearing. At that hearing, the discussion by the Board of Medical Examiners of the request for reconsideration clarified the basis for the denial of the medical license as being the overall inadequacy of the clinical training and not specifically because the clinical training was not obtained at teaching hospitals. Except for the purposes of clarifying the issue(s) herein the collegial actions of the board are irrelevant to the instant de novo proceedings. Petitioner received a B.S. degree from Clark University, Massachusetts and a Masters degree in science education from Florida Institute of Technology, August 1978. Petitioner was granted a medical degree by the American University of the Caribbean after being enrolled at that school for less than three years. During that time, Petitioner was on the campus of the American University in Montserrat, British West Indies for only eight months. There the class used prepared slides instead of gross tissue samples. Before that, Petitioner studied at the campus in Cincinnati, Ohio, where the class used rubber cadavers instead of human cadavers. All of the clinical training received by Petitioner as part of the requirements for the completion of the medical degree consisted of preceptorships at hospitals in south Florida which included Florida Medical Center, Plantation General Hospital, University Community Hospital, and Bennett Community Hospital. Dr. Neil Katz, Petitioner's principal expert medical witness, supervised Petitioner for six weeks in a preceptorship in Family Practice. Dr. Katz is a board-certified Family Physician and a fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice. He has been Chairman of the Emergency Room Department, a member of the Credentials and Qualifications Committee, and a member of the Intensive Care Unit Committee at University Hospital, Tamarac, Florida. He has taught both foreign medical students in a clinical setting and has briefly qualified as a preceptor for the University of Florida College of Medicine. Dr. Katz actually supervised Petitioner only for the six-week period at the very beginning of Petitioner's rotations. After that six-week period of time, he only "touched base" with Petitioner, seeing him on an informal basis in the cafeteria or at meetings. During the six weeks formal observation period, Petitioner accompanied Dr. Katz in his work in his office, during hospital rounds, at the emergency room, and for most other activities that Dr. Katz participated in, including committee meetings at the hospital. Petitioner took histories and did physicals on patients under direct supervision. Petitioner displayed enthusiasm and energy in his association with Dr. Katz and the rest of the program. Dr. Katz found Petitioner "barely acceptable" in three of the nine categories for which he was to evaluate Petitioner during the preceptorship. These categories were diagnostic acumen, therapeutics and management, and medical knowledge. In explaining that evaluation, Dr. Katz testified that although Petitioner was able to take a history and a physical examination, he was not able to make a diagnosis. In fact, Dr. Katz testified that Petitioner did not have truly acceptable knowledge at the time as to the various therapeutic modalities available to a physician. He encouraged Petitioner to do more reading. During his preceptorship with the University of Florida Medical School students in their first clinical semester, Dr. Katz also saw problems similar to those exhibited by Petitioner, specifically that the University of Florida students were not "super ready," so to speak, on diagnosing and doing differential diagnoses and therapeutics at that particular stage in medical school because they were still learning. I accept Dr. Katz' opinion that Petitioner had adequate exposure to the major diseases and injuries which are common to Family Medicine, sufficient for Petitioner to go into an internship, but in light of his lack of involvement with Respondent's other preceptorships in several different hospitals after the first six weeks, and in light of his specific testimony that in his professional opinion, American-trained students were far superior to the Caribbean-trained students at the same level in terms of general knowledge (TR-65-66), Dr. Katz' opinion that Petitioner did "quite good" at the end of the year and a half period is without adequate predicate and is not persuasive. Dr. Isidoro Dunn was the primary force in the arrangements for preceptorships. Dr. Dunn talked with each preceptor to work out areas which should be covered in their respective rotations. Each preceptor had a "fair amount of latitude" in deciding how to supervise the students. Petitioner was assigned by his school to do his clinical rotations in Florida. He did 14 weeks in internal medicine, 14 weeks in surgery, 10 weeks in pediatrics, 10 weeks in obstetrics/gynecology, 4 weeks in psychiatry, and 10 weeks in electives. This totals 62 weeks, not even close to two years which is the norm in medical schools in the United States. Petitioner was required to follow patients from admission to discharge in each specialty within each of these clinical rotations. Petitioner had didactic teaching on a daily basis, weekdays. Petitioner represents that he had specific didactic courses in hematology, EKG readings, pathology, orthopedics, cardiology, radiology, and gastrointestinal invasive procedures. In each subspecialty, he had a written examination after completion of the rotation, didactic teachings in each rotation, and was required to read medical journals. On Saturdays, Petitioner was required to participate in case conferences, make case presentations, and complete assigned reading from current medical journals. The case presentations necessitated review of patient records, laboratory tests, x-rays, and pathology slides. On "patient management reviews," the Petitioner was "exposed to" or "spent time in" the dialysis unit, pathology laboratory, intensive care unit, emergency room, gastrointestinal unit, blood lab, catherization department, radiology department, EKG unit, and cardiac surgery unit. Petitioner testified, and Dr. Katz confirmed, that there was an entity called the "Doctors' Club," which had a considerable amount of audiovisual equipment available for use 7 days a week, 24 hours each day. Practicing physicians used this media to obtain continuing medical education approved for credit by the American Medical Association. Petitioner represented that "on several days" he signed out equipment or reading material. There is no precise language in his testimony that he used the equipment or that he read the reading material, but drawing any other inference is straining the clear meaning of Petitioner's unrebutted testimony. Petitioner and the other students were required to use various materials from this service, but there is no evidence that Petitioner or other students were objectively checked by Dr. Dunn or their preceptors to verify that they had actually read or viewed the material assigned. Petitioner specifically testified that there was not necessarily any follow-up by the preceptors. Dr. Katz did talk with Petitioner about the reading assignments he gave. Petitioner was required to pass a competency examination for each rotation. Petitioner's clinical studies evaluation forms in his school records indicate no overall evaluation grades below "Good." Petitioner was required to attend and pass both a written and practical examination for a two-day Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course. This course is required even of board certified emergency room (ER) physicians. In Petitioner's opinion, this course was imperative for medical doctors who might work in an emergency room because they need to be very familiar with how to handle a patient presenting with a cardiac arrest, including the administration of drugs, "cardioversion" and "intubation." To the best of Petitioner's knowledge, Dr. Dunn was to report the students' progress to the dean of the American University of the Caribbean. However, the predicate for that testimony is hearsay, uncorroborated by any direct, credible evidence. As for the relationship with the university, Dr. Katz had no knowledge as to any arrangement between Dr. Dunn and the American University of the Caribbean or any counterpart-sponsoring organization in the United States. He did not know if there was any arrangement whatsoever. Dr. Katims was accepted as an expert physician witness, as an expert teaching fellow witness, and as an expert witness in medical applications and licensure. He testified that in the normal course of medical education in the United States, part of a student's medical education is clinical training, and that experience consists of bedside outpatient treatment and supervised training under the supervision of a faculty selected particularly for their knowledge, background, and interest in education and teaching. Dr. Katz testified unequivocally that a preceptorship is very different from a clinical rotation or a clerkship. A clerkship takes place in a teaching hospital, which is a very structured environment, wherein students make rounds in a very large hospital and are given instruction in an approved clinical structure. In contrast, a preceptorship gives students more knowledge about what private practice is like and it gives students a view of direct patient care, but does not replace a formal teaching setting in clinical medicine. As recognized above, in Dr. Katz' opinion, American-trained students were far superior to the Caribbean-trained students at the same level in terms of general knowledge. In Dr. Katims' opinion, Petitioner's clinical studies consisting of only four semesters were not sufficient for him to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety. Dr. Katims testified concerning the importance of clinical training in medical education, commenting that clinical training is the sine qua non of the practice of medicine. In the usual clinical rotation, medical students are assigned to a particular area of a hospital and perform under the full-time supervision of attending physicians. In teaching hospitals, faculties are selected for their ability, interest, and dedication to education, as well as to the practice of medicine. The attending staff at a teaching hospital include house physicians, interns, and residents. Dr. Katims himself has served as a preceptor and testified that a preceptorship is one method of obtaining a minor portion of clinical training, but is very unstructured and unsupervised. Dr. Katims testified that preceptorship training is an inferior method of training because the quality of training depends totally on the quality of the physician to whom the student is assigned and the program is unstructured. There was no testimony that any of the preceptors that supervised, or purportedly supervised, Petitioner were faculty members of any medical school, let alone the American University of the Caribbean. Upon the Requests for Admissions and the Joint Pre-Trial Stipulation of the parties, it is found that: the State of Florida Board of Medical Examiners has granted a medical license to a Dr. Flugsrud-Breckenridge and a Dr. Cobb, both having non-teaching clerkships. Three doctors, Adela Fernandez, Andrew Gonzalez, and Manuel E Garcia, did their clerkships principally at the International Hospital (Miami), a non-teaching/non-medical school-associated hospital, and obtained Florida medical licenses. At least 25 foreign graduates received Florida medical licenses within the years 1981-1984 and did their clerkships principally in non-teaching/non-medical school associated hospitals. No further information appears of record by which the undersigned may determine any other similarities or dissimilarities of these licensees to each other and/or to Petitioner. Nor does the record divulge what, if any, other facts may have been considered in these cases. Petitioner is licensed to practice medicine in Georgia and is a resident of Florida. Petitioner passed the first time his Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates' (ECFMG) examination was given in June, 1981. The examination is a prerequisite to acceptance in a medical residency program. The Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc.'s (FLEX) examination is recognized by all 50 states, including Florida. Petitioner took this examination after completing his rotations in Florida. Petitioner passed the June 1982 FLEX examination with an 84 percentile ranking. Fifty percent of this test is on patient management. This clinical competence examination was taken before Petitioner started his first year of residency. Petitioner had passed the FLEX examination, completed one year of residency, and obtained a medical license in another state, Georgia, by the time of the April 1984 application hearing. In Dr. Katims' opinion, Petitioner's successful passage of the FLEX examination in the 84 percentile does not show Petitioner to have had good clinical rotations, even though the FLEX test consisted of 50 percent on patient management. Dr. Katims did not feel that by the time Petitioner was in his fourth year of residency, this would be curative of deficiencies in the clinical semesters at a non-teaching hospital, but expressed the opinion that if Petitioner passes his internal medicine board examination and becomes board certified, his clinical deficiencies would be cured and Petitioner should then be granted a Florida medical license by endorsement. Dr. Katz opined that Petitioner presently possesses the medical knowledge, judgment and competency to act with reasonable skill and safety in the practice of medicine in Florida. Affidavits of Ira Spiler, M.D. and John R. Middleton, M.D. support similar opinions of these New Jersey medical physicians. Petitioner has completed three years (July 1, 1982 to June 30, 1985) of Internal Medicine residency at Raritan Bay Medical Center, Perth Amboy General Hospital, New Jersey. Petitioner is presently enrolled in a Nephrology Fellowship program, Medical College of Georgia, a teaching hospital located at, and affiliated with, the University of Georgia Medical School. Petitioner is currently eligible for board certification in internal medicine and will be certified in the event he passes the board examination taken September 10-11, 1985. Petitioner has submitted letters of Ira Spiler, M.D. and Salvatore Chiaramida, M.D., both of New Jersey attesting to Petitioner's good moral character, and no contrary evidence was turned up by the Board's investigation. The parties have stipulated that Rule 21M-22.18, Florida Administrative Code, is not applicable to Petitioner's situation.

Recommendation That the Florida Board of Medical Examiners enter a final order denying Petitioner a medical license by endorsement. DONE and ORDERED this 16th day of January, 1986, in Tallahassee Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of January, 1986.

Florida Laws (4) 458.301458.311458.313458.331
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Oct. 17, 2016 Number: 16-005997PL Latest Update: Apr. 27, 2017

The Issue The issue in this case is how the Board of Nursing (Board) should discipline the Respondent’s registered nurse license for: pleading guilty to two counts of larceny-grand theft of a controlled substance, which were third degree felonies under section 812.014(2)(c)13., Florida Statutes1/; pleading nolo contendere to possession or use of narcotic equipment, a first degree misdemeanor under section 893.147(1), Florida Statutes; pleading nolo contendere to larceny-petit theft, a second degree misdemeanor under section 812.014(3)(a), Florida Statutes; and failing to report the criminal violations to the Board within 30 days.

Findings Of Fact In April 2014, the Respondent became licensed to practice as a registered nurse in Florida. He holds license RN 9381249. He also has a certified nursing assistant license, which he has held since 2009. From November 2014 until January 2015, the Respondent was working as a registered nurse at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. While working there, he diverted controlled substances for his own use. Specifically, he was putting Percocet pills prescribed for, but not used by, patients in his pocket and taking them later himself for pain. The Respondent was found out, fired, arrested, and charged with criminal violations. In August 2015, the Respondent entered pleas of: guilty to two counts of larceny-grand theft of a controlled substance, third degree felonies in violation of section 812.014(2)(c)13.; nolo contendere to possession or use of narcotic equipment, a first degree misdemeanor in violation of section 893.147(1); and nolo contendere to larceny-petit theft, a second degree misdemeanor in violation of section 812.014(3)(a). The Respondent was sentenced to a 14 month-long drug court program (which included random drug sampling), probation, fees and costs, and was prohibited from practicing as a nurse while he was on probation. Adjudication was withheld. The Respondent did not report his pleas and convictions to the Board in writing. He testified that he thought the Board had sufficient notice because an unidentified representative of the Board was present at the plea hearing and asked the judge to have the Respondent repeat the pleas so they could be properly and clearly recorded for use in a license discipline proceeding, and because he telephoned the Board soon after the incident and was told to stop practicing nursing. The Respondent successfully completed the drug court program and probation, and fulfilled all other conditions of his pleas and sentences. The Respondent acknowledged that his diversion of controlled substances from his place of employment was wrong, a mistake, and showed poor judgement.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Nursing enter a final order: finding the Respondent guilty of violating sections 456.072(1)(x) and 464.018(1)(e); reprimanding him; fining him $500; requiring IPN evaluation and treatment, if necessary; and assessing the costs of investigation and prosecution. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of February, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of February, 2017.

Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.57120.68435.04456.072464.018812.014893.147
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-002969 Latest Update: Jan. 28, 1988

The Issue Whether the Petitioner has met the requirements for licensure as a medical doctor in the State of Florida set forth in Section 458.311(1)(f), Florida Statutes (1986 Supp.), as required by Section 458.313(1), Florida Statutes (1986 Supp.)?

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner applied for licensure by endorsement as a medical doctor in Florida in September of 1986. Following notification by the Respondent that additional materials were required to complete the Petitioner's application, the Petitioner timely submitted the materials. In March of 1987, the Petitioner appeared before the Foreign Medical Graduate Committee of the Respondent. On April 5, 1987, the Respondent entered an Order titled Notice of Intent to Deny the Application for Licensure by Endorsement of Hien B. Nguyen. The stated basis for the denial of the Petitioner's application was that the Petitioner had failed to demonstrate that he graduated from a medical school. The Petitioner began medical school in 1967 at the University of Saigon, Faculty of Medicine, in Saigon, Republic of Vietnam. The Petitioner Successfully completed the six years required course work in medicine at the University of Saigon, Faculty of Medicine, in 1974. Following the completion of the course work required to earn a medical degree at the University of Saigon, Faculty of Medicine, the Petitioner was drafted into the Republic of Vietnam's military. He attended training for approximately six months immediately following the completion of his medical degree course work. The Petitioner was required to complete a thesis before being eligible for a medical degree from the University of Saigon, Faculty of Medicine. Upon completion of military training, the Petitioner commenced and completed work on his thesis. The Petitioner's thesis consisted of a translation of "Central Nervous Disease in Children," of Nelson's Pediatric Textbook, from English into Vietnamese. The Petitioner presented his thesis on April 14, 1975. Thuc R. Bach, M.D. attended the presentation of his wife's thesis on April 14, 1975, and witnessed the Petitioner's thesis presentation. The Petitioner was awarded a Certificate from the University of Saigon, Faculty of Medicine, on April 14, 1975, which indicated that the Petitioner had completed work necessary to be awarded a medical degree. The Certificate was issued temporarily. After approximately five years the Petitioner was required to return the Certificate at which time he could be issued an official diploma. On approximately April 30, 1975, the government of the Republic of Vietnam fell to the army of North Vietnam. Following the fall of the Republic of Vietnam, the Petitioner was confined to a concentration camp where the Petitioner acted as camp doctor. Following the Petitioner's release from confinement in 1976, the Petitioner worked as a physician at Saint Paul Clinic in Saigon until 1979. From 1977 until 1980 the Petitioner also attended and taught at a medical training center in Saigon. In October, 1980, the Petitioner escaped from Vietnam. He resided in Galang, Indonesia until March, 1981, when he moved to the United States. The Petitioner has completed the following since his arrival in the United States: December, 1981: Sat for the Federation Licensing Examination and was subsequently certified by the Federation of State Medical Boards; January 24, 1983: Certified by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates; July, 1984 - June, 1985: Interned at the Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Illinois; July, 1985 - June, 1987: Residency program at Cook County Hospital, and February 19, 1986: Licensed as a physician by the State of Illinois (the license is currently active and unrestricted). The Petitioner was presented with a certificate from the Faculty- Council-in-Exile of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Saigon dated April 20, 1981. The certificate affirms that the Petitioner "Successfully completed the course of study leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine..." The certificate is signed by the Dean Emeritus of the University and Dao Huu Anh, M.D., Associate Dean of the University. Prior to the fall of the government of the Republic of Vietnam, graduates of the University of Saigon, Faculty of Medicine, were presented with a certificate authorizing them to practice as a physician without restriction upon completion of the required courses of study and a thesis. Graduates were not issued an Official Diploma until five years had passed since the issuance of their certificate. Although the Petitioner completed the required courses of study, presented his thesis and received a certificate authorizing him to practice as a physician, the Petitioner was not able to obtain an Official Diploma five years later because of the fall of the government of the Republic of Vietnam. In light of the fall of the government of the Republic of Vietnam, it is doubtful that the records of the University of Saigon, Faculty of Medicine are available or that the Petitioner could obtain an Official Diploma. The Petitioner is a graduate of the University of Saigon, Faculty of Medicine, a medical school.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be issued GRANTING the Petitioner's application for licensure by endorsement as a medical doctor in the State of Florida. DONE AND ORDERED this 25th day of January, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of January, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-2969 The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. The Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4 and 5. 5 6. 6 7-10. 7 11-12. 13. The Petitioner worked at the training center from 1977 through 1980. 15. The Petitioner went from Vietnam to Indonesia in October of 1980. He did not travel to the United States until March of 1981. 10-12 Cummulative, summary of the evidence and unnecessary. Dr. Nghia Van Tran's letter was not accepted into evidence. 13 16. The last sentence is cummulative, a summary of evidence and unnecessary. The footnote is irrelevant. The burden of proof in this proceeding was on the Petitioner. The Respondent is not required to verify the signature of Dr. Dao. 14 10 and 17. 15 17-18. 16-18 Cummulative, summary of the evidence and unnecessary. The Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact 1 1 and 3. 2-5 The Respondent's remaining proposed findings of fact are essentially summaries of the Respondent's inter- pretation of the evidence and argument concerning the evidence. The Respondent's interpretation of the evidence is rejected. The following is a brief discussion of why the Respondent's arguments have been rejected. The first two sentences are true and support the finding of fact that the Petitioner began medical school in 1967, completed his course work in 1974 and presented his thesis in April of 1975. See findings of fact 4-5 and 9. The third and fourth sentences are true but the Respondent has overlooked the fact that the Petitioner presented other evidence which supports his position. Therefore, even if the fifth sentence were correct, there is other evidence which supports findings of fact 4-5 and 9. The sixth sentence is irrelevant. Although the Board may have raised a question, the correct answer to that question is a matter of proof. The seventh sentence is true but irrelevant. The eighth sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. There was no testimony sufficient to support any finding of fact concerning Dr. Dao's signature on any document. Although the ninth sentence is correct, the weight of the evidence does not support the alleged fact set out in the tenth sentence. The eleventh sentence was taken into account in the weight given to Dr. Dao's statement. Although the twelfth sentence is correct the thirteenth and fourteenth sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. While it is true that the Petitioner's testimony with regard to when he completed his course work at the University of Saigon was not totally consistent, the weight of the evidence supports a conclusion that the Petitioner finished his course work in June of 1974. The Petitioner's explanation concerning the inconsistency in his testimony was credible. The first and second sentences are true. The third sentence is true but overlooks the fact that it corroborates non-hearsay evidence. The fourth sentence is law. The fifth sentence is true. The sixth and seventh sentences are true. The eight sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. The ninth and tenth sentences are true but they do not support the ultimate conclusion the Respondent suggests. It is possible that the Certificate in question could have been based upon other credible evidence. The first sentence is true. The second sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. The Petitioner testified that he completed his course work in 1974. The third sentence is true. The fourth and fifth sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Carolyn S. Raepple, Esquire Cheryl G. Stuart, Esquire Hopping, Boyd, Green & Sams 420 First Florida Bank Building Post Office Box 6526 Tallahassee, Florida 32314 M. Catherine Lannon, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Administrative Law Section Department of Legal Affairs Room 1601, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Ms. Dorothy Faircloth Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Tom Gallagher, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 William O'Neil Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750

Florida Laws (3) 120.57458.311458.313
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Dec. 21, 1993 Number: 93-007146 Latest Update: Jul. 12, 1996

Findings Of Fact The application of Petitioner, John David Young, M.D., for licensure by endorsement initially was filed on March 13, 1991. The initial application was not completed within one year and, under F.A.C. Rule 61F6-22.016, was not acted upon by the Board of Medicine. The Petitioner reapplied on September 1, 1992, and his application was denied by Respondent's Order rendered on November 4, 1993. The basis of denial stated in the November 4, 1993, Order is: You failed to show a medical education as that term is used in Chapter 458 in Sections 458.313(1)(a) and 458.311(1)(f) and have failed to show medical practice as required by Section 458.313(1)(c). Additionally, you have misrepresented your education. Sections 458.313(1)(a) and (7); 458.311(1)(c) and (d); 458.331(1)(a) and (gg), F.S. Medical Education Dr. Young received his Doctorate of Medicine Degree from Grace University School of Medicine, St. Kitts, Nevis, West Indies, June 4, 1986. Grace University is registered with the World Health Organization. Dr. Young began his medical education on May 5, 1981, at the Universidad de Mundial, Dominican Republic, where he completed one year as reflected by the transcripts found at Joint Exhibit 1, page 195. Dr. Young transferred to CETEC, Dominican Republic, because of his concerns that Universidad de Mundial would close within a few years. The transfer to CETEC occurred in late December, 1981. CETEC allowed Dr. Young to take pathology and physiology at the University of Southern California on the condition that CETEC would administer exams on those subjects before they would give him credit. The University of Southern California did not give credit for the courses, which was not a concern to Dr. Young because he was seeking credit from CETEC upon taking the CETEC examination. CETEC attempted to establish a liaison with Orange State University School of Medicine in Southern California whereby students could take courses at Orange State and receive credit by CETEC. Dr. Young completed his basic science course work at Orange State as reflected by the transcript at Joint Exhibit 1, page 193, for which CETEC gave him credit. Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., was temporary dean at Orange State University and submitted a letter to the Board of Medicine confirming Dr. Young's attendance from May through August, 1982, and that Dr. Young took the CETEC final examinations on all the subjects taught at Orange State for which they gave credit. Dr. Young began his clinical rotations upon completion of his basic sciences as follows: Basic Medicine at Pine Ridge Indian Health Hospital, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, from August 31, 1982 to September 30, 1982; surgery at Oral Roberts University School of Medicine from October 4, 1982 to December 22, 1982; surgery at Fitkin Hospital, Swaziliand, South Africa, in 1983; basic medicine at Pine Ridge Indian Hospital, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, from April 18, 1983 to May 29, 1983. While at Pine Ridge Indian Hospital the second time, Dr. Young was asked to leave by the acting hospital administrator, on the allegation that he was attending CETEC, which was not an approved school, which in fact it was. In shock at being asked to leave based on those allegations, Dr. Young travelled to Kansas City to stay with relatives to study for the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) examination required for all foreign medical graduates. The Petitioner took and passed the ECFMG examination on July 27, 1983. Upon completion of the examination, Dr. Young continued his clinical rotations as follows: Psychiatry at Bay Front Medical Center, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida; medicine at University of Natal, Republic of South Africa, from September 26, 1983 to January 1, 1984; obstetrics/gynecology at Addington Hospital, University of Natal, Republic of South Africa, from January 3, 1984 to March 4, 1984; pediatrics from March 12 to May 13, 1984 at Addington Hospital; University of Natal; and surgery from May 13, 1984 to July 16, 1984 at Addington Hospital, University of Natal. In late May or early June, 1984, while Dr. Young was in the surgery rotation, he learned, upon calling home and speaking to his mother, that CETEC closed as of March 4, 1984. Dr. Young was shocked at learning of the closing, but decided to complete the surgery rotation, since he was working with a well known professor, and to return to the U.S. after that to try to find another medical school. Dr. Young registered at the University of Health Science in Antigua in September, 1984. The University of Health Science required Dr. Young to take their exams for credit of his basic sciences course work, which he took in December, 1984. Because the transcripts from CETEC were not available, Dr. Young produced to the University of Health Sciences cancelled checks showing payment for his tuition, which was accepted. The University of Health Sciences, therefore, required Dr. Young to pass their examinations for the basic science courses in lieu of the CETEC transcript. Dr. Young found the exams to be suspicious in that they seemed to be random photocopies of medical text book pages. Accordingly, Dr. Young went to the U.S. Embassy at Antigua to discuss the medical school and was advised to change schools because of problems they were having with the school. Dr. Young learned later that 30 former students filed suit in federal court against the school for the irregularities. Upon completion of the examinations, Dr. Young continued his rotations. He did a rotation in cardiology at Bay Pines Veterans Hospital, St. Petersburg, Florida from December 18, 1984 to January 31, 1985. He did a rotation in internal medicine at Metropolitan General Hospital, Pinellas Park, Florida from February 1, 1985 to April 30, 1985. He did a rotation in pediatrics with Dr. DeGall at All Childrens Office in St. Petersburg, Florida from May 1 to July 29, 1985. Dr. Young then enrolled in Grace University Medical School, St. Kitts, Nevis, West Indies, in December, 1985. Grace University gave Dr. Young credit for course work done for previous medical schools approved by the World Health Organization, but told him that he would be required to take validation exams for that course work and would probably need to take some additional clerkships. This was explained to the Board of Medicine by the Vice President and CEO of Grace University, J.P. McNaughton-Louden, M.D., by letter dated February 20, 1991, found at Joint Exhibit 1, page 103. In that letter, Dr. Louden also confirms that CETEC was approved by the World Health Organization, that CETEC closed while Dr. Young was taking rotations in South Africa, that students at University of Health Sciences in Antigua were advised by the U.S. Consul authorities to transfer because of problems, that Dr. Young would be given credit for studies done at medical schools approved by the World Health Organizations co-validated by examinations at Grace University, and that Dr. Young's clerkships had been accepted and that he graduated on June 4, 1986. The transcripts of Grace University found at Joint Exhibit 1, page 104, shows that Dr. Young was admitted in March, 1984, even though his actual enrollment was December, 1985, because the school dated the admission retroactively to the date that CETEC closed. Dr. Young listed what he considered to be his accurate date of enrollment on his application for licensure as December 21, 1985. Dr. Young did the following additional rotations for Grace University: pediatrics with Dr. DeGall in St. Petersburg, from December 29, 1985 to February 26, 1985; and general medicine and emergency medicine at a refugee camp under the auspices of the United States and Christian Missionary Life from March 3 to April 30, 1985. FLEX Exam Dr. Young took and passed the Federation of State Medical Boards' Licensing Examination (known as "FLEX") on the first attempt in December, 1988. Residency 21 Dr. Young completed one year of residency in internal medicine at Marshall University on January 31, 1989. Maurice A. Mufson, M.D., Dr. Young's professor and Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine, submitted an evaluation of the residency to the Board of Medicine recommending him as qualified and competent. After completion of the one year residency in internal medicine, Dr. Young realized that in order to fulfill his desire to practice missionary medicine, he would need a broader education. Accordingly, he changed his residency to family practice. Marshall University gave Dr. Young seven months credit from his one year of internal medicine residency towards his family practice residency which was completed in June, 1991. Robert B. Walker, M.D., Dr. Young's professor and Chairman of the Department of Family and Community Health, submitted to the Board of Medicine and evaluation of Dr. Young's family practice residency recommending him as qualified and competent. The AMA physician profile on Dr. Young, submitted to the Board of Medicine by the AMA, shows that Dr. Young completed the family practice residency and one year of internal medicine residency. However, the AMA profile mistakenly shows Dr. Young's internal medicine residency as from 2/87 to 1/88, instead of the accurate dates of 2/88 to 1/89. Dr. Young brought this error to the attention of the AMA which did not correct it. Letters recommending Dr. Young for licensure were sent to the Board of Medicine by: Stephen Petrany, M.D., Dr. Young's former Director of the Family Medicine Residency at Marshall University; and Jack Ditty, M.D., a Board certified dermatologist in Kentucky who was adjunct professor at University of Kentucky and Marshall University (who writes that Dr. Young is of high moral character and has knowledge and experience which would be necessary to practice medicine in Florida.) Post-Residency After completion of his residency in 1991, Dr. Young became licensed to practice medicine in West Virginia. Since his licensure, there have been no complaints or probable cause determinations made against his license, and no malpractice claims have been filed against him. Since completion of his residency, he has served as Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of West Virginia and as Adjunct Professor of Medicine at Marshall University School of Medicine. He also has worked as a ship's doctor for a cruise line, worked as Assistant Professor of Medicine at University of West Virginia, moonlighted as an emergency room doctor in Beckley, West Virginia, lectured extensively in the Republic of South Africa on sexually transmitted diseases, and has worked as an emergency room doctor for the U.S. Military in Arizona. ECFMG Certification The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) verifies the medical education of each person to whom it awards a certificate following passage of its examination. The ECFMG's investigation of Dr. Young's medical education took several years, because of allegations involving a Mr. Pedro de Mesones falsifying information from some medical schools in the Dominican Republic, including CETEC, on behalf of some applicants to various state medical boards. Dr. Young never met nor spoke with Pedro de Mesones nor was he involved with him in any way. The ECFMG advised Dr. Young of this investigation by letter dated June 7, 1984, found at Joint Exhibit 1, page 167. Further complicating the ECFMG investigation of Dr. Young's medical education was the closing of CETEC. The Dominican Republic government established an agency known as CONES to assist in getting transcripts of students who attended CETEC. Dr. Young wrote to CONES in an attempt to obtain his CETEC transcript from CONES. Even though Dr. Young was unable to obtain transcripts of CETEC from CONES, ECFMG verified all of Dr. Young's medical education, clinical rotations, and residency. The ECFMG investigation of Dr. Young's medical education concluded with no irregularities in his credentials having been found. The ECFMG issued its certificate to Dr. Young on October 13, 1987; it is valid indefinitely. Specialty Board Certification Dr. Young is certified as a diplomate of the American Board of Family Practice for the period of 1992 - 1999. The certificate from the American Board of Family Practice indicates: that Dr. Young met the requirements to be certified as a Diplomate of the Board; that he has completed a 3-year residency; and that the American Board verified Dr. Young's medical education and found it to be authentic. Board of Medicine Investigation As part of the routine investigation of Dr. Young's application for licensure filed with the Board of Medicine, the Board staff wrote to CONES requesting confirmation of the CETEC education and received a response dated March 6, 1992, by letter found at Joint Exhibit 1, page 87, stating that Dr. Young was not found on their lists and that they could not process the Board's request until they had Dr. Young's student registration number. However, an earlier certification by CONES dated May 12, 1987, found at Joint Exhibit 1, pages 9 and 10, shows that CONES did have Dr. Young's student identification number and had a file on him. Paul L. Allyn, M.D. also confirmed to the Board of Medicine by letter dated June 30, 1993, found at Joint Exhibit 1, page 88, that Dr. Young did attend CETEC. The transcript of the Credentials Committee Meeting at Joint Exhibit 2 shows that the committee focused on the March 6, 1992, letter rather than the May 12, 1987, letter. The Board staff contacted the University of Health Sciences to confirm Dr. Young's attendance and received a letter from its President dated October 21, 1991, found at Joint Exhibit 1, page 99. That letter states that Dr. Young did not receive credit for his previous medical education, that he attended the institution from September 19, 1984 to July 11, 1985, that he did not leave the institution in good standing, and that he was dismissed because he was unable to provide the school with official transcripts from the previous medical school he attended. Dr. Young had not seen that letter until a few months before hearing while reviewing the Board's file on him in preparation for the hearing. Dr. Young takes issue with the statements in the letter because the school did give him credit for the rotations he completed while enrolled at Universidad de Mundial and because he never had been told that he left the institution in poor standing. Dr. Young left the University upon advice of the U.S. Consulate in Antigua. The transcript of the Credentials Committee Meeting at Joint Exhibit 2 shows that the committee focused on this letter rather than Dr. Young's affidavits submitted with his application which contradict the letter. The Board obtained and reviewed the ECFMG file on Dr. Young in considering his application. In the ECFMG file at Joint Exhibit 1, page 230, is a letter to the ECFMG from John Casken, Quality Assurance Coordinator, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, dated May 15, 1985, relating to Dr. Young's second clinical rotation at Pine Ridge Indian Health Hospital in 1983. In the letter, Mr. Casken states: that a closer look at Dr. Young's credentials after he presented himself for the second time showed that he had basically no medical education; that Dr. Young was asked to leave; and that, had they known in 1982 when he appeared for his first rotation what they knew in 1983, they would not have taken on Dr. Young as a m edical student. Dr. Young first saw that letter a few months before the hearing while preparing for trial. Dr. Young disagrees with that letter in that the schools he was attending, Universidad de Mundial, and after that, CETEC, were both approved by the World Health Organization. Further, a letter written on April 18, 1985, by Leonard L. Finger, Hospital Administrative Officer, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, to the ECFMG, found at Joint Exhibit 1, page 231 , verifies Dr. Young's rotation without adverse comment. Further, the ECFMG found no problem with Dr. Young's education or with the rotations at Pine Ridge. The transcript of the Credentials Committee Meeting at Joint Exhibit 2 shows that the committee focused on Dr. Caskin's letter rather than Mr. Finger's letter and the fact that all of Dr. Young's medical schools were approved by the World Health Organization. Board of Medicine Practice and Policy The Board of Medicine has licensed individuals who have attended CETEC. The Board of Medicine and its staff rely upon the ECFMG certifications of applicants as verification of their education. The certification by the American Board of Family Practice complies with the requirement of Rule 61F6-22.004(2) and 61F6-22.018(3)(d). The ECFMG certificate complies with the requirements of Section 458.311(1)(f), (2), and (3), Florida Statutes; There is nothing in the rules of the Board or Chapter 458, and no Board policy or practice, which prohibits an applicant from going to more than one university or medical school, from going to more than one medical school and failing out of one, or from going to a school that later goes out of business.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Agency for Health Care Administration, Board of Medicine, enter a final order granting the Petitioner's application for licensure by endorsement. RECOMMENDED this 30th day of September, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of September, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 93-7146 To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Fla. Stat. (1993), the following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1. Accepted and incorporated. 2.-4. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. 5.-15. Accepted and incorporated. 16. The pediatrics rotation at Addington Hospital, University of Natal was from March 12 to May 13, 1984, and the surgery rotation was from May 13, 1984 to July 16, 1984. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. 17.-30. Accepted and incorporated. 31.-37. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. 38. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1.-4. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. First sentence, rejected as being contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Second sentence, accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. 7.-8. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. 9.-10. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. However, the lack of a credible Orange State transcript to support the Petitioner's testimony is more a reflection on Orange State's credibility than on the Petitioner's. Orange State was in existence for a short period of time, never was recognized by the State of California, and has been defunct for about ten years. It is understandable why the Petitioner has had difficulty getting a credible response from Orange State. The irregularities in the response from Orange State do not impugn the Petitioner's truthfulness in attempting to describe his unorthodox and circuitous medical education in his application for licensure. Last sentence, rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. However, it is even more understandable why the Petitioner has had difficulty getting a credible response from CETEC. As with Orange State, CETEC was closed about ten years ago. In the case of CETEC, which was in the Dominican Republic, the closing was under allegations of misconduct and fraud. Records were unavailable for a period of time while the government of the Dominican Republic investigated. Later, records were destroyed. As with Orange State, the irregularities in the response from CETEC do not impugn the Petitioner's truthfulness in attempting to describe his unorthodox and circuitous medical education in his application for licensure. Rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence that the Respondent did not leave UHSA in good standing. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. 14.-16. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. Second sentence, rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. First sentence, accepted and incorporated. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. Third and fourth sentences, rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. First two sentences, accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. 20.-21. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. The city in South Africa was Durban, not Durham. CETEC was the affiliate until it closed in March, 1994. The rest is accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. First sentence, accepted. The rest is rejected as being contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. 24.-25. Accepted and incorporated. 25. Accepted but unnecessary. (No such finding was made.) COPIES FURNISHED: Paul Watson Lambert, Esquire 2851 Remington Green Circle Suite C Tallahassee, Florida 32308-3749 Gregory A. Chaires Assistant Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs Administrative Law Section PL-01, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Dr. Marm Harris Executive Director Board of Medicine Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Harold D. Lewis, Esquire General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration The Atrium, Suite 301 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Florida Laws (4) 458.311458.313458.314458.331
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-003199 Latest Update: May 08, 1990

Findings Of Fact In February, 1984 Petitioner applied to Respondent for licensure by examination under Section 458.311(2), F.S., but after review of said application at a meeting held on June 10, 1984, Respondent issued an Order dated July 21, 1984 denying said application. Petitioner received a degree which is designated Doctor of Medicine on May 2, 1983 from the Universidad Techologica de Santiago, (UTESA), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. He has been in residency at Orlando Regional Medical Center since June 28, 1983. Various required clerkships were performed by Petitioner between August 2, 1982 and February 28, 1983 in hematology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, dermatology and ENT/0phth., and were performed completely, or partially at osteopathic hospitals, or under the supervision of osteopathic physicians. An additional one month elective clerkship was also performed in April 1983 at Southeastern College of Osteopathy. Petitioner passed the exam given by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) on March 15, 1983, but has not been certified due to the need for additional institutional verification. Respondent informed Petitioner of the decision of ECFMG to withhold verification of certification and also informed Petitioner of its duty to approve or deny an application for licensure within ninety (90) days, unless waived by the applicant. Petitioner declined to consent to a waiver and requested Respondent to act on his application without verification of an ECFMG certificate.

Florida Laws (5) 120.5722.01458.305458.311459.003
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jul. 22, 2008 Number: 08-003615PL Latest Update: Jul. 01, 2024
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